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嚓霉胺和异菌眼对番茄灰霉病的室内毒力和田间防效   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用菌丝生长速率法测定了40%嘧霉胺可湿性粉剂和50%异菌脲可湿性粉剂对番茄灰霉病菌的室内毒力,并对其抗番茄灰霉病作用进行了连续2 a的田间药效评价。结果表明:嘧霉胺和异菌脲对番茄灰霉病菌的EC50值分别为5.43和8.73 mg/L;当分别以1 170和1 125 g/hm2浓度处理番茄植株时,40%嘧霉胺可湿性粉剂和50%异菌脲可湿性粉剂对番茄灰霉病的防治效果均可达到74%以上,明显高于对照药剂75%百菌清可湿性粉剂1 800 g/hm2的防效。  相似文献   
介绍了应用配有FTD/NPD/检测器的气相色谱仪测定水果和蔬菜中嘧霉胺、氟硅唑、抑霉唑残留量的方法。样品用乙酸乙酯提取,经过硅胶柱净化,旋蒸定容后上机。以GC-FTD(NPD)测定,外标法定量。嘧霉胺、氟硅唑、抑霉唑分别在一定范围内,质量浓度与峰高(峰面积)呈良好的线性关系。方法准确,重现性、精密度好,杂质干扰少。方法检出限嘧霉胺0.005mg/kg,氟硅唑0.01mg/kg,抑霉唑0.01mg/kg。  相似文献   
嘧霉胺农药在草莓中的残留及消解动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为嘧霉胺农药在草莓上的安全使用提供参考,以红颜草莓为试验材料,采用气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS/MS)检测草莓1次喷施40%嘧霉胺600倍液1~15d后的残留量及残留消解动态。结果表明:红颜草莓在喷施嘧霉胺第1天的残留量最高,达4.816mg/kg,几乎无消解;第3天为3.828mg/kg,消解率为20.5%;第7天为1.116mg/kg,消解率为76.8%,第15天仅0.521mg/kg,消解率达89.2%。嘧霉胺的降解过程符合一级动力学方程C=5.269 2e-0.166t,相关系数r2=0.940 2,半衰期为4.17d。在嘧霉胺添加量为0.01~0.10 mg/kg时,草莓中嘧霉胺的添加回收率为85.2%~105.7%,相对标准偏差为3.95%~4.84%。根据我国食品农药最大残留限量标准(GB 2763—2014),推荐40%嘧霉胺悬浮剂在草莓上使用的安全间隔期为4d。  相似文献   
为了研究以含药(施佳乐)培养基筛选和诱导生防木霉菌株T-21产生耐药性生防蛋白因子———几丁质酶的效果。利用含药(施佳乐)培养基筛选诱导生防木霉菌株T-21产生几丁质酶,通过DEAE 32纤维素柱层析法进行分离纯化,用SDS-PAGE测定其分子量,并分析温度和pH值对酶活力的影响以及耐药酶对灰霉菌的抑制作用。生防木霉菌株T-21对化学农药施佳乐具有一定的抗性,浓度达1 000μg/ml时生长及产孢情况良好。通过分离纯化的几丁质酶,其分子量为45 kD,其最适反应温度为50℃,最适pH值为5.0,对灰霉菌有明显抑制作用。生防木霉菌株T-21产生的几丁质酶,可与化学杀菌剂混合使用,以增强田间的防治效果、减少化学农药的用量,进而减少化学农药对农作物的污染及残留。  相似文献   
从山西晋南、晋中、晋东南、晋北4个不同地区蔬菜上采集分离到169株灰霉病原菌菌株[Botrytis cinerea Pers],采用菌丝生长速率法测定了其对嘧霉胺的抗药性。结果表明:敏感菌株的平均EC50值为0.2454mg·L-1,抗性菌株的平均EC50值为219.1650mg·L-1,最低抑制浓度1mg·L-1。以此作为蔬菜灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺的相对敏感基线,所测晋南、晋中、晋东南、晋北4个地区相比,晋南和晋中地区已产生较高水平的抗药性,其抗性频率分别为89.5%和60.0%;而晋北和晋东南地区则主要以敏感菌株为主,分别占58.9%和75.0%。因此,根据各个地区的测定结果可以得出,在晋南和晋中地区已经形成嘧霉胺的抗性群体;而在晋北和晋东南地区,抗性水平还比较低。  相似文献   
In this century, agroecosystems are subjected to multiple global change stressors acting in concert such as alterations in rainfall regimes and pesticide use. Alterations in rainfall regimes, characterised by more extreme intra-annual rainfall regimes, have been forecasted for the Mediterranean region. At the same time, the use of pesticides continues to rise. Here, we report the responses of soil microbial community to a model pesticide, i.e., fungicide pyrimethanil (PYR) under altered rainfall regimes (i.e., drought and heavy rainfall) two and eight weeks after PYR application. We measured the functional responses as enzyme activities, potential nitrification and BIOLOG carbon substrate utilisation. We also characterised the soil bacterial communities using polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR–DGGE) method. After two weeks, enzyme activities were mainly responsive to PYR and kinetic parameters, calculated from BIOLOG carbon substrate utilisation, indicated interaction effects from PYR and rain treatments. Bacterial band richness increased with PYR treatment under normal rain and drought regimes, but bacterial band richness was higher at 1X than 5X PYR under heavy rainfall. Bacterial community structure was also different with the PYR and rainfall treatments. By week eight, PYR treated soils remained functionally different from untreated soils. Bacterial band richness was consistent across PYR treatment regardless of rain regime. However, the bacterial community structure remained significantly different among the PYR treatments under different rain regimes. We conclude that rainfall extremes can alter the effect of PYR on the soil microbial community structure without altering PYR effects on soil functions (measured as enzyme activities, potential nitrification and BIOLOG carbon substrate utilisation).  相似文献   
比较了黄瓜灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea)抗感嘧霉胺菌株的胞外酶活性差异。以敏感菌株DT9、中抗菌株SZ5和高抗菌株SZ15为材料,在嘧霉胺药剂处理下测定了胞外酶羧甲基纤维素酶、β-葡萄糖苷酶和果胶酶的活性。结果表明,药剂处理后敏感菌株的胞外酶活性均升高,抗性菌株的胞外酶活性均降低。由此可见,黄瓜灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺产生抗性后,抗性菌株胞外酶活性发生了变化。  相似文献   
为明确汉中市蔬菜灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺的抗性分布情况,本研究从汉中11个县区采集到149个蔬菜灰霉菌株,并对其进行了敏感性测定。结果表明,汉中蔬菜灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺的平均抗性频率为85.23%,其中,汉台区、南郑区、城固县、洋县、西乡县和勉县等平川6个县区的敏感菌株数为15株,抗性菌株数为110株,平川6个县区抗性菌株的抗性频率都在85%以上;宁强县、略阳县、镇巴县、留坝县和佛坪县等5个山区县的敏感菌株数为7株,抗性菌株数为17株,山区5个县抗性菌株的抗性频率都在50%以上。表明汉中市蔬菜灰霉病菌对嘧霉胺已经产生了抗药性,亟需进一步筛选新的杀菌剂来防治蔬菜灰霉病菌。  相似文献   
In most northeast Argentinean citrus packing houses, postharvest fungicide treatments are based on the use of thiabendazole and imazalil. However, these fungicides have been used in a manner highly conducive to the selection and proliferation of resistant biotypes of Penicillium digitatum, the main fruit decay fungus in the area. Recently, a new fungicide, pyrimethanil (PYR), was introduced to control molds. Aims of this study were to determine the baseline sensitivities for PYR against isolates of P. digitatum considering its use in the region is not yet widespread and to evaluate the control of the fungus in vivo. One hundred and nine (109) P. digitatum isolates were collected from diseased fruit within citrus groves (43 isolates) and packing houses (66 isolates). EC50 was determined for each isolate by measuring colony diameters on different agar dilutions of the fungicide. The mean EC50 value of the green mold isolates collected from the groves was 0.14 ± 0.03 mg L−1 while the mean EC50 of those collected from packing houses was 0.13 ± 0.05 mg L−1. No resistant isolates were found in the field where the fungicide is not used, while one isolate originated from a packing house showed an EC50 of 3.40 mg L−1, 26-fold higher than the mean level. This isolate was collected from lemons stored in cool rooms of a packing house where PYR had not been used. Fruit decay by sensitive isolates was reduced approximately 80% by PYR applied at 500–600 mg L−1 by immersion for 60 s at room temperature to inoculated oranges and mandarins. In contrast, the resistant isolate was not controlled by PYR applied at 1000 mg L−1. Thus, the introduction of PYR applied into packing houses should be done carefully and control strategies should be implemented in order to minimize the development of resistant isolates.  相似文献   
30%嘧酶胺悬浮剂的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用湿式超微粉碎加工工艺,对30%嘧酶胺悬浮剂中润湿分散剂、增稠剂、防冻剂、消泡剂及制剂pH值等进行了筛选试验,确定了优惠配方.结果表明,选用嘧酶胺30%、NNO 2%、拉开粉1.5%、农乳33#4%、农乳500#2%、吐温80 2%、凹凸棒土2%作为分散剂,以0.15%黄原胶作为增稠剂,以8%的乙醇作为防冻剂,以硅酮类作为消泡剂所制得的制剂经低温和热稳定性试验,外观无明显分层,水中分散性良好,各项指标均符合悬浮剂的相关标准.  相似文献   
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