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马春元 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(17):5286-5287
表见合伙是合伙法中的一个重要问题,我国的《合伙企业法》对此未予规定。基于此,笔者追溯了表见合伙制度的历史发展,剖析了表见合伙的构成要件,并通过分析表见合伙人责任,呼吁尽快建立相应的法律制度。  相似文献   
信息对接水平是决定农超对接中各主体生产经营结果、供应链效率和风险规避能力的重要因素。高水平的信息对接将通过主体间稳定的对接关系缓解信息不对称现象、降低交易成本、帮助实现农产品的质量安全可追溯性、综合治理与整体优化农超对接。研究发现,由于农超信息对接存在结构性差异,当前中国农超信息对接处于低水平状态,构建了农超信息对接的绩效评价体系,运用层次分析法和熵值法进行实证分析,结合调研数据,评出人员与技术是影响农超信息对接绩效最关键的影响因素,广州市东升农场有限公司所在供应链是相对最高效的农超信息对接供应链。  相似文献   
With the analytical tool, Frankfurt Harvested Wood Products Model, FPM, the carbon stocks and carbon stock changes of Harvested Wood Products, HWP, either in USE or in LANDFILLS L-F, have been evaluated, each separately, from the readily available statistical data base of the FAO, FAOSTAT, on the wood commodities: “Sawnwood and Wood-based Panels, SWP” and the paper commodities, “Paper and Paperboard, PAP”. The focus was on the newly founded Asia-Pacific Partnership countries for Clean Development and Climate (in short AP6), including Canada, which wants to join the AP6, in relation to the countries of the European Union EU-25. It could be shown that the stocks and stock changes of the HWP in USE follow a simple algorithm of the annual consumption or production and their mean annual growth, for the categories SWP and PAP, provided the mean residence times of the HWP in USE can be estimated. With the information on the fraction of residues entering the landfills and their estimated residence times an equivalent simple expression has been derived for stocks and stock changes of the HWP in LANDFILLS L-F. Their values have been calculated to be approximately 0.5 to 0.7 times smaller than those of the HWP in USE. Still, all stock changes of the HWP in L-F were positive and thus accumulating carbon. However, when methane outgasing within the HWP in L-F had been considered, the calculated Greenhouse Gas Balance was zero or negative under the estimated parameters thus to at least partly compensate the positive storage of carbon in HWP in USE. The percentage of CO2 removed by the HWP in USE in comparison to the annual greenhouse gas emissions varied from 0.3 to 1.7%, with a mean value of 0.8% for the AP6 countries including Canada, in contrast to 1.0% of the EU-25 countries. Despite of the relative small magnitude in relation to the total emission of all GHG this contribution should not be neglected in the GHG Budget of a country.  相似文献   
Public-private partnerships have been implemented throughout the world since the 1970s with mixed results. This is mainly due to the lack of long run commitments from governments and other parties involved, lack of scientific understanding regarding clear short-term and long-term potential biophysical and socio-economic, policy and legal consequences, and lack of trust between the partners. We present a Regional Irrigation Business Partnership (RIBP) model, which is capable of efficiently utilising research output and government policies for sustainable public-private irrigation planning and investment. Unlike other public-private partnership models, the RIBP is based on robust assessment of biophysical, hydrologic, socio-economic, political and legal aspects of water management. The RIBP model provides a crucial link between research and infrastructure investments while minimising short-term and long-term risks. The business investment framework involves iterative feedback from research and policy for identifying markets, defining products and establishing a legislatively and institutionally acceptable route to market as part of the feasibility assessment process. The RIBP model is based on the principle that sharing risks, rewards, and responsibilities coupled with sufficient investment incentives will motivate actors in water management to invest in irrigation infrastructure that saves water and generates better outcomes for the environment. We describe application of the RIBP model in the Coleambally Irrigation Area in New South Wales, Australia.  相似文献   
福建建设中国特色的社会林业研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
:家庭经营和股份合作制是福建社会林业经营的主要形式。家庭经营是社会林业本质的最直观和典型的实现形式 ,股份合作制也是福建社会林业的重要形式 ,它分为合伙式和要素组合式 2种模式。笔者对家庭经营和股份合作经营模式进行了论述 ,并对其利弊、适用范围和发展方向进行评价与分析  相似文献   
Despite the numerous benefits of urban green cover, urban land development has led to its destruction and degradation, including in Malaysia. In this study, time series Landsat satellite imagery were used to monitor green cover changes in Kuala Lumpur (KL), the largest and capital city of Malaysia. An advanced satellite image processing technique that considers the mixed-pixel problem was employed to determine the fraction of green cover in each Landsat pixel. Results show that the total green coverage in Kuala Lumpur decreased by 3% over the first study period, from 6564 ha in 2001–5,891 ha in 2013. However, it increased by 4% in the second, from 6215 ha in 2014–7,310 ha in 2016, and now green cover is 30% of the total land area of KL. These periods were selected to observe the changes in green cover before and after implementation of the “Greening KL” program, which was aimed to plant 100,000 trees in KL by year 2020. Most of the increase in green cover was contributed by trees planted along streets and in recreational parks. Other findings include a loss of ∼9% of green cover in two public parks compared to their total gazetted area, and a loss of green area in other forested parts of KL. Focus group discussions and structured interviews with public, private and non-governmental organizations indicate that green-cover losses can be partly attributed to weak regulations and their poor enforcement. Opportunities to protect and increase green cover in KL are also explored in this study. Such approaches are urgently needed before most of the green areas disappear from the landscape of KL, exacerbating the existing environmental problems in the city.  相似文献   
文中概述全球森林治理碎片化和国际森林安排的现状, 阐述国际森林安排在协调全球森林机制中的重要作用, 总结国际森林安排现有的协调方式以及取得的成果和存在的主要缺陷, 介绍联合国水机制在全球水治理领域的成功经验, 针对国际森林安排中的相关机构建设提出建议。  相似文献   
对公私伙伴关系在宁夏土地退化综合治理中的作用及现状进行了实地调研,通过案例分析,探寻公私伙伴关系模式,充分发挥公共部门和私营部门的优长之处,形成新的融合力,以拓展防治土地退化的融资渠道,探索建立国家、集体和私营公司开展土地退化综合治理的成功模式。  相似文献   
There is an evidence base in human and small animal veterinary health care contexts which understands how practitioners engage in partnership working with patients and owners to support adherence to treatment/care plans. However, as yet, it is believed there is no similar evidence base for how practitioners in equine health care contexts work with equine owners. It is argued that this is essential for understanding complex equine practitioner-owner interaction involving the prevention and management of laminitis. The aim of this study was to explore farrier-client interaction where risk management for an equine recovering from laminitis was being undertaken. A case report method involved a microlevel analysis of a farrier-client consultation. The consultation was video-recorded and analyzed using a conversation analysis approach to identify the linguistic and paralinguistic features of the interaction. These were compared with conversation analyses in other health care contexts to identify the actions being accomplished within the consultation. The analysis identified a number of joint actions, including managing epistemic stance (or knowledge rights) and deploying the animal’s presence to navigate problem sequences which supported progression of the consultation through a three-stage model involving “team-”, “option-”, and “decision-” talk, known to be associated with partnership working in human health care contexts. The study highlights the importance of developing an empirical evidence base in equine practice for how practitioners engage with owners based on a microlevel analysis of real-world interactions. It is argued this evidence base is necessary in supporting effective practitioner training in partnership working with clients to promote their adherence to treatment/care plans.  相似文献   
政府加强对在华境外非政府组织的管理,首先应完善其注册制度。目前,除了外国商会和境外基金会在华分支机构有专门的管理条例外,大多数在华境外非政府组织缺乏合适的注册制度安排。双重管理体制、不完善的注册法律法规、注册带来的政治顾虑、注册信息获取困难等是在华境外非政府组织注册面临的主要难题。结合当前在华境外非政府组织注册的实际情况,文中提出探索直接登记制度、完善注册管理法律体系、建立项目登记与报备制度、加强在华境外非政府信息管理等建议。  相似文献   
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