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从驾驶员心理学和生理学角度探讨了汽车夜间会车时眩目的机理.由于传统的前照灯配光设计停留在二维的层面上,设计周期长,且配光效果差,很难达到防眩目的要求.本文通过Reflector CAD软件反求出了符合ECE法规配光要求的自由曲面前照灯反射镜的三维模型,该模型可以直接用于数控程序的编制,减小了前照灯的设计成本和设计周期,利用TracePro软件对模型进行近光配光的仿真实验,通过光线追踪的方法避免了实际配光实验时调整反射镜配光所需的反复制造过程,同时又保证了前照灯防眩目的效果。  相似文献   
为了在中华鲟洄游生态学研究上有新突破,实验首次比较研究了中华鲟3种硬组织(耳石、背骨板和胸鳍条)的微结构和微化学特征.结果 发现,耳石结构松散,存在多个耳砂(微晶球霰石球晶)颗粒,且每个颗粒均具有独立的核心;背骨板存在分层现象;胸鳍条结构较为致密,且均一.胸鳍条、耳石中生境元素Co/Ca、Sr/Ca和Ba/Ca比特征变...  相似文献   
用60Coγ射线辐照干种子诱变培育西瓜染色体易位系,并用其进行选配少籽杂交子1代研究,对克服三倍体无籽西瓜种子发芽率低、成苗率低、制种成本高、育苗技术较复杂的缺陷具有重要的意义;易位系杂交子1代西瓜保持了二倍体杂交1代的优良特性,减少了单瓜籽粒数,提高了果实可溶性固形物含量,从而提高了西瓜品质和商品价值。详细介绍了诱变选育西瓜易位系的步骤和技术、易位系的特征特性和优良的西瓜染色体易位杂交1代组合,并针对选育的科丰黑美人、红牡丹等易位系杂交1代分析阐述了染色体易位系杂交一代的优点和应用前景。  相似文献   
在不同辐照剂量、不同辐照氛围下用60Co-γ射线辐照蚕丝纤维,通过电子自旋共振波谱(ESR)检测蚕丝纤维产生的自由基浓度,分析不同辐照条件对蚕丝纤维性能的影响。结果表明:在0~250 kGy剂量范围内,随辐照剂量的增加,60Co-γ射线辐照蚕丝产生的自由基浓度增加,但辐照剂量过大会使蚕丝纤维发生裂解而影响其性能,故辐照剂量应不超过50 kGy;与同剂量空气下辐照蚕丝纤维产生的自由基相比,在真空下辐照蚕丝纤维产生的自由基浓度增加,且主要为氨基己酸自由基,但随着辐照剂量的增加,真空和空气下辐照蚕丝纤维产生的自由基浓度差异变小。  相似文献   
Adsorbed phosphate in soils can be chemically extracted; however, this process is both time‐consuming and not cost‐effective if large numbers of samples have to be analysed. Indirect assessment of adsorbed phosphate by pedotransfer functions (PTFs) can help optimize fertilizer strategies. This study aimed to evaluate the spatial variability of adsorbed phosphate (Pads), iron oxides and magnetic susceptibility (MS) in oxisols and to calibrate PTFs to predict Pads. A total of 308 soil samples were collected from Hapludox and Eutrudox soils formed from sandstone in Brazil. The contents of clay (196–607 g/kg), iron oxides (40–165 g/kg), MS (1.2–29 × 10?6 m3/kg) and Pads (327–842 mg/kg) were in the range of typical values for these highly weathered soils. This study showed that the attributes studied were spatially dependent. Geomorphic surfaces enabled understanding of spatial variability and helped to develop a more efficient sampling scheme to calibrate PTFs. Moreover, the adsorbed phosphate in these oxisols could be predicted by a PTF using iron oxides and MS as predictors. The MS attribute enabled the most accurate prediction (concordance coefficient = 0.95, root‐mean‐square error = 46 mg/kg and relative improvement in root‐mean‐square error = ?4.12) of spatial variability through PTF compared to other predictors.  相似文献   
The timing of seed germination may determine the success of a weed species in an agroecosystem, and its expression is modulated by environmental conditions, but also by seed physiology and anatomy. The aims of this study were to investigate the roles of light, pericarp, dry storage and cold stratification on seed dormancy and germination in feral radish, a troublesome agricultural weed in temperate zones of the Americas that reduces crop yields. To this end, we used isolated intact pods and extracted seeds to test germination over time under contrasting temperature, light and storage conditions. Here, we showed that fresh seeds were non‐dormant, but that light and the presence of the pericarp reduced germination, especially under low temperatures. The pericarp reduced the final water content absorbed by seeds inside pods and decreased absorption/dehydration rates. The pericarp showed several small lignified cell layers in the endocarp, and x‐ray images displayed the lack of space between the partially embedded seed and the endocarp. Dry storage and cold stratification were ineffective in breaking the dormancy imposed by the pericarp. The apparent requirement for darkness and the mechanical restriction of the pericarp may have the potential to induce dormancy, spreading the timing of seed germination over a more extended period and hindering the control of feral radish.  相似文献   
印度产紫菜Pyropia chauhanii优良品系的选育与特性分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为培育出藻体薄且适合在我国南方高水温海区栽培的紫菜新品种,利用~(60)Co-γ射线辐照和高温胁迫处理印度产紫菜Pyropia chauhanii野生型品系(PC-WT)的叶状体,分离出优良品系PC-M,随后通过研究2个品系在耐高温性、生长、主要光合色素含量、单孢子和壳孢子放散量等方面的差异后发现,在18和23°C温度组中,2个品系的壳孢子存活率、分裂率和假根发生率均无显著性差异,但在27和29°C温度组中,PC-M品系的壳孢子存活率比PC-WT品系分别提高了250.7%和305.4%,分裂率分别提高了42.4%和67.1%,假根发生率分别提高了86.6%和175.3%;将在23°C下培养30 d的叶状体分别置于18、23、27和29°C下培养10 d,在18、23和27°C组中,PC-M品系的叶状体绝对生长率分别是PC-WT品系的5.1、5.3和7.5倍,特定生长率分别是PC-WT品系的1.3、1.3和1.8倍;在27°C下培养15 d或在29°C下培养10 d,PC-WT品系的叶状体均放散了大量的单孢子,藻体流失严重,仅剩下基部,而PC-M品系的叶状体均没有放散单孢子、藻体形态完整、光泽好、生长速率快,培养至30 d后才发生轻微的卷曲。与PC-WT品系相比,常温组(23°C)的PC-M品系的3种主要光合色素(chl.a、藻红蛋白和藻蓝蛋白)含量以及壳孢子放散量分别提高了39.4%、209.8%、94.8%和36.7%,但藻体的平均厚度反而减少了31.6%。上述结果证实,与PC-WT品系相比,PC-M品系具有藻体薄、色素含量高、生长快、耐高温、壳孢子放散量大、单孢子不放散等优点,有望被培育成适宜栽培的新品种。  相似文献   
家禽是在自然环境下进化而来,转为室内圈养,必然得不到充足的阳光,因而造成严重缺光,其中最缺的光谱波段是太阳投射到地面的紫外线。针对上述问题,本研究首先设计研制了养殖专用紫外光源,以专门弥补阳光中所含对家禽机体最有生物作用的中长波紫外线,进而对部分圈养家禽进行了紫外辐照试验研究。  相似文献   
单板源堆码辐照工艺研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
本研究结果表明:在货物静态堆码辐照过程中,采用单板源进行4 工位辐照能有效降低立面剂量场的不均匀度,提高辐照质量,射线利用率达2227 % 。  相似文献   
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