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调查磷矿周围环境和畜禽组织砷含量,为掌握磷矿区周围畜禽产品安全提供依据。采用原子吸收光谱法进行测定。结果表明,环境中砷含量从高到低依次为水体、白菜、土壤、大米、玉米、牧草,而辣椒和萝卜未检出砷;鸡内脏及肌肉砷含量从高到低依次为肾脏、肺脏、心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肌肉;鸭内脏及肌肉砷含量从高到低依次为肾脏、肝脏、肺脏、肌肉、脾脏、心脏;猪内脏及肌肉砷含量从高到低依次为肠、肾脏、肝脏、脾脏,而心脏、肺脏和肌肉未检出。说明磷矿周围饲养的畜禽存在砷污染现象。  相似文献   
文章分析总结了当前数字矿山中物联网的矿山安全现状,提出一种固定感知与移动感知相结合,孤立感知与联合感知相结合的矿山安全系统方案,简要分析了该方案的科学性和可行性。  相似文献   
Observable differences in particle size, smoothness and compaction between cap site (slope 2·8 per cent) and batter site (slope 20·7 per cent) surfaces on the waste rock dump at Ranger Uranium Mine were quantified in terms of revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) parameter values. Cap site surface material had a Km (erodibility corrected for sediment density) of 0·030 and batter site surface material had a Km of 0·0056. Using these Km values (derived from particle size distributions), slope length and steepness (LS) factors of 0·36 for the cap site and 3·66 for the batter site, and a cover (C) factor of 0·45 for the cap site and 0·16 for the batter site, the RUSLE predicts an erosion rate from the cap site that is 1·9 times greater than erosion from the much steeper batter site. The RUSLE indicates that the finer particle size and blocky soil structure of the cap site (D50 = 0·91 mm) compared with the looser granular structure of the batter site (D50 = 1·74 mm) strongly influence erosion. The predictions are similar to observed soil losses from erosion plots on these sites under rainfall simulation events, for which the measured erosion rate from the cap site was approximately twice that from the batter site. For the RUSLE to predict the observed erosion rates, the support practice (P) factor for the cap site would have to be approximately 30 per cent greater than the P factor for the batter site. The higher cap site P factor probably results from smoothing and compaction caused by vehicle movement across the surface. Compaction is considered to have greatly reduced infiltration capacity, thus increasing the erodibility of the cap site. Vehicles probably also crushed the surface material at the cap site, creating the observed finer particle size distribution and further increasing the erodibility. Compaction, through its effects on erodibility (Km) and surface roughness (P), is concluded to be the major cause of higher erosion from the cap site, even though the slope steepness is 10 times less. Parameterisation of the RUSLE quantifies the differences between sites and explains the unexpected erosion rates observed. The results highlight the need for careful management of rehabilitated sites to avoid increases in erosion which may arise from compaction by machinery.  相似文献   
The metal content was determined in soil and vegetation around the eastern zone of the disused sulphur and copper mines at Avoca (southeast Ireland). A 250 m × 250 m grid survey was conducted covering a total area of 4 km2. The mining belt was in the centre of the investigated site and was sampled separately. Iron, Zn, Cu and Cd concentrations in soil and plant material were determined, in addition to soil organic matter content and soil pH. Soil samples taken from the spoil showed elevated Cu and Cd concentrations, and low soil pH and organic matter content. At least 50 per cent of the agricultural sites examined around the East Avoca Mine showed elevated soil Cu and Cd concentrations, whereas Zn and Fe soil concentrations were within the range for unpolluted soils. None of the vegetation analysed had elevated Zn, Cd, Fe or Cu concentrations. Overall there was no indication of serious metal contamination in either soils or vegetation surrounding the mine in spite of extensive dust deposition during open-pit mining activity 15–30 years ago. However, a plume of elevated Cu in the soil was identified, which originated from a large spoil heap and had been spread for some 2·0 km by the prevailing wind.  相似文献   
为研究采煤活动影响下农田塌陷水域有机氯农药(OCPs)的污染特征及潜在生态风险,使用GC-MS对淮南潘一矿的杨庄农田塌陷区水体和底泥中的OCPs特征污染物六六六(HCHs)及滴滴涕(DDTs)进行质量浓度测定,利用ArcGIS进行OCPs分布特征及来源研究,并选择共识沉积物质量基准法(CB-SQGs)对潜在生态风险进行分析。结果表明:杨庄沉陷区溶解态ΣOCPs质量浓度范围为72.06~218.89 ng·L~(-1),均值为167.32 ng·L~(-1);悬浮态和沉积态ΣOCPs范围为199.35~405.04 ng·g~(-1)dw和24.34~1 247.32ng·g~(-1)dw,均值为277.07 ng·g~(-1)dw和238.78 ng·g~(-1)dw;悬浮态和沉积态OCPs质量浓度自上游向下游方向随水流呈削减趋势;杨庄塌陷水体中HCHs主要来自于林丹,DDTs主要来自于农业三氯杀螨醇;溶解态OCPs低于国家Ⅲ类水质标准限额,处于低生态风险水平;悬浮态和沉积态OCPs处于中高生态风险水平,其中沉积态OCPs毒性发生率略低于悬浮态OCPs毒性发生率。  相似文献   
The geomorphic stability of the cover (cap) over the pit of Nabarlek Uranium Mine in Arnhem Land, Northern Australia, is important because radon gas and other long-lived radio-nuclides arising from mill tailings must be contained for long periods. The primary agents of denudation in the region's seasonally wet tropical environment of low relief are rainwash, overland flow, rilling and gullying. Other agents of erosion are of less concern, although biogenic agents of erosion (e.g. termites and windthrow) may enhance fluvial activity. A combination of modelling, using the Universal Soil Loss Equation, and analogue estimates of denudation and thresholds of rilling and gullying from areas with similar geology, topography and climate are used to estimate the stability of the Nabarlek cover. Denudation rates are conservatively estimated at less than 100mm ky−1. It is suggested that with some minor design modifications the cover will retain its integrity for several thousand years.  相似文献   
王慧  刘方 《农业环境保护》2011,(6):1051-1057
通过对贵阳市花溪区麦坪乡废弃煤矿区酸性排水进行样品收集与分析,探讨煤矿酸性排水的污染特征及对作物种苗生长的影响。研究结果表明,在煤矿附近50~350m距离内溪沟水pH变化达2.35~6.3,污染物主要以SO24-、Fe、Mn为主;矸石堆洼地蓄积水完全抑制两种植物的萌发;距井口50m溪沟水和距井口30m农田水处理油菜都表现为种子发芽后发霉死亡;距井口100m处溪沟水和距井口30m农田水处理油菜和水稻的种子发芽率、幼苗鲜重和干重、发芽指数和简化活力指数与对照(蒸馏水处理)之间均存在极显著差异(P〈0.01)。煤矿酸性排水胁迫下,水稻各项指标变幅低于油菜,说明物种耐性强度为水稻〉油菜。  相似文献   
以煤矿区井采为研究对象,建立了以自然环境条件、采矿条件、煤矿赋存条件3项为约束层,地形坡度、土地利用规划、煤层厚度等11个影响因子构成指标层的土地复垦成本评价指标体系,采用德尔菲法、层次分析法及YAAHP(V 6.0)软件确定了各项指标因子的权重。通过权重比较得出约束层的影响程度:煤矿赋存条件> 采矿条件> 自然环境条件,煤矿赋存条件中影响程度依次是:煤层厚度> 煤层倾角> 深厚比;采矿条件中各因子影响程度依次为:顶板管理方法> 采煤工艺> 采动程度;在自然环境条件下,土地利用规划> 有效土层厚度> 年降水量=土壤质地> 地形坡度。该评价指标体系的完善,为煤矿井采复垦成本修正系数的确定奠定基础。  相似文献   
Copper (Cu) mine tailings, because of their high content of heavy metals, are usually hostile to plant colonization. A pot experiment was conducted to determine the tolerance of four forage grasses to heavy metals in Cu mine tailings and to examine the variation in the microbial functional diversity of soils from the tailing sites in southern China. All the four grass species survived on Cu mine tailings and Cu mine tailing-soil mixture. However, on pure mine tailings, the growth was minimal, whereas the growth was maximum for the control without mine tailings. The tolerance of grasses to heavy metals followed the sequence: Paspalum notatum 〉 Festuea arundinaeea 〉 Lolium perenne 〉 Cynodon daetylon. The planting of forage grasses enhanced the soil microbial biomass. The Biolog data indicated that the soil microbial metabolic profile values (average well color development, community richness, and Shannon index) of the four forage grasses also followed the sequence: P. notatum 〉 F. arundinaeea 〉 L. perenne 〉 C. daetylon. Thus, P. notatum, under the experimental conditions of this study, may be considered as the preferred plant species for revegetation of Cu mine tailing areas.  相似文献   
以霍林河露天煤矿排土场的植被恢复实践为例,在实地考察与观测的基础上,对过去排土场复垦工程中的种植模式、植物种类选用和生长表现等方面的成就与不足进行总结分析,并结合国内外的复垦成果,提出一套场地整理、表土覆盖、排土场稳定和边坡护理、植物种类选择、种植模式,以及种植与管护等适合霍林河露天煤矿排土场的植被恢复与重建技术,可供草原地区露天煤矿的植被恢复与重建参考。  相似文献   
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