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国产MJ3210小型木工跑车带锯机锯解正交试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用正交试验设计法,对国产MJ3210小型木工跑车带锯机的锯解质量进行研究。通过实测马尾松锯材尺寸偏差、表面粗糙度等参数,得到其最佳的进料速度、锯解厚度和锯卡高度的组合方案。结果表明,该设备具有结构简单、出材率高、锯解精度高、质量好、成本低和生产效率高等优点。  相似文献   
Resistance to Leveillula taurica in the genus Capsicum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One hundred and sixty-two Capsicum genotypes were evaluated for powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica) resistance, following inoculations with a suspension of 5 × 104 conidia mL−1 on 10-leaved to 12-leaved plants. Genotypes were graded into five resistance classes, based on the areas under the disease progress curves calculated from disease incidence (percentage infected leaves per plant) and severity (total number of colonies per plant). Results revealed a continuum from resistance to susceptibility, with the majority (70%) of C. annuum materials being classified as moderately to highly susceptible to L. taurica. Conversely, C. baccatum, C. chinense and C. frutescens were most often resistant, indicating that resistance to L. taurica among Capsicum species is found mainly outside the C. annuum taxon. Nevertheless, some resistant C. annuum material was identified that may be useful for resistance breeding. Eight genotypes were identified as immune to the pathogen: H-V-12 and 4638 (previously reported), and CNPH 36, 38, 50, 52, 279 and 288. Only H-V-12 and 4638 are C. annuum, while all others belong to the C. baccatum taxon. Latent period of disease on a set of commercial sweet pepper genotypes varied, indicating diverse levels of polygenic resistance. The latent period progressively reduced with plant maturity, from 14·3 days in plants at the mid-vegetative stage to 8·6 days in plants at the fruiting stage. Young plants of all commercial genotypes tested at the early vegetative stage were immune, irrespective of the reaction of the genotype at later stages, demonstrating widespread juvenile resistance to L. taurica in the Capsicum germplasm. Inoculation of plants of different botanical taxa with a local isolate indicated a wide host range. Some hosts, including tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), artichoke (Cynara scolymus) and poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima), produced large amounts of secondary inoculum. Other hosts included okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), eggplant (Solanum melongena), cucumber (Cucumis sativus), Solanum gilo, Chenopodium ambrosioides and Nicandra physaloides.  相似文献   
Received April 24, 1997; received in final form June 29, 1997. Symptoms resembling tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) infections were documented among ornamental and vegetable crops in commercial greenhouses and open fields in Israel. Plants exhibiting these symptoms were collected from January 1992 to December 1996. Among cultivated plants analyzed for TSWV by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 19 species representing five families were found to be infected; natural infection was also recorded in six plant species of weeds. Virus identity was characterized by host range, serology and electron microscopy. Serological reaction with the isolates, found in Israel, using antisera from different sources as well as the sequence analysis of the nucleocapsid gene, demonstrated that the Israeli isolates of TSWV are a member of tospovirus serogroup I, type I (BR-01 strain). No virus transmission was found in seeds collected from virus-infected vegetable and ornamental crops. A non-radioactive molecular probe derived from the cloned nucleocapsid isolate enables specific detection of the virus in crude sap from infected plants. The detection of TSWV in Israel constitutes a severe potential threat to the ornamental and vegetable industry.  相似文献   
相似离度的沙尘暴预报业务系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择1988年以来ECMWF资料齐全的沙尘暴个例,将其按区域分为全区、西部、中部、中西部以及中东部5类,再按强弱分别分为强和一般2类,建立不同的样本库。根据多年预报经验建立消空指标,对实时资料进行消空,在消空的基础上,用相似离度分析方法对ECMWF的3个场(500hPa高度场、850hPa温度场和海平面气压场)的历史资料库和实时资料进行比较,制作不同时次的沙尘暴预报。并利用VB和Fortran语言编程,建立沙尘暴预报业务系统,用人机交互的方式完成预报的制作,实现预报结果在Micaps系统下的自动显示。  相似文献   
为探究LED水下集鱼灯光色、功率、放置深度和海水叶绿素质量浓度对光场分布的影响,基于蒙特卡罗模拟方法建立了水下光束传输数值计算模型,通过控制变量法计算了不同条件下的水下光场分布,并提出以0.1~10.0 lx等值线所包围的面积与计算截面面积比值为相对有效光照范围(relative effective illumination range, REIR)。以REIR为评价指标,对不同条件下的光场分布进行了分析。结果显示:(1)相同功率条件下,REIR依次为绿光>白光>蓝光,以功率420W、叶绿素质量浓度0.1mg/m3为例,3种光色的REIR比值为1.58∶1.31∶1;(2)相同光色条件下,当叶绿素质量浓度为0.1mg/m3时,集鱼灯功率由420W增至1200W,蓝、绿、白3种集鱼灯的REIR分别由31.68%、50.27%、41.78%增至38.59%、56.91%、50.15%,功率增加近3倍,但REIR增幅有限;(3)随着集鱼灯放置深度增加,REIR先增加后稳定;以叶绿素质量浓度1.0mg/m3、功率为4...  相似文献   
黄花刺茄原产北美,2005年首次在新疆乌鲁木齐县萨尔达坂乡和昌吉市三工镇发现。采用样方法,对不同生境中黄花刺茄分布相对集中的14个样地所有物种的多度、频度和重要值进行观测和分析,进一步明确黄花刺茄在新疆的分布区及其群落特征,并揭示其最适生境。结果表明:黄花刺茄分布于新疆乌鲁木齐市(县)、昌吉市、石河子市、吐鲁番市和托克逊县,分布在海拔-12~1 325 m处。生境类型包括荒漠草原、荒漠和绿洲。在3种生境中,黄花刺茄的相对多度均处于首位,且在绿洲中达到最大值,是入侵区域最为重要的物种;在相对盖度上均为第一,且绿洲(54.27%)>荒漠草原(35.07%)>荒漠(26.40%)。基于重要值数据的分析表明,黄花刺茄在3种生境中的综合适应力均最大,且以绿洲中尤为突出,表明黄花刺茄在新疆荒漠草原和荒漠生境中尚处于局部危害阶段,但在绿洲中已处于蔓延期。  相似文献   
A severe strain of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) originating from an infected tomato plant (Gastouni-Olympia, Greece) was isolated in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi nc), after three serial local lesion passages in Chenopodium quinoa and designated CMV-G. CMV-G induces yellow mosaic (YM) symptoms in tobacco. When CMV-G was passed mechanically through C. quinoa, phenotypic variants inducing YM or green mild mosaic (MM) in tobacco were isolated. Aphid transmission, from different hosts, appears to be an effective approach for separating MM variants of CMV-G from YM variants. In particular, aphid transmission from zucchini proved to be very efficient in selecting for MM variants. In contrast, aphids transmitted only YM variants from tomato plants. Molecular characterization of CMV-G and its progeny resulted in their classification in the CMV subgroup IB, free of satellite RNA, being the first discovery of the subgroup IB in Greece. In the Solanaceae family (tobacco, tomato, pepper) YM variants induced more severe symptoms than the MM variants. YM and MM phenotype was stable in tobacco for all seven passages tried using the obtained YM and MM variants. Cross-protection experiments showed that an isolated MM variant was able to protect tobacco plants against a challenge infection by a YM variant.  相似文献   
链格孢菌的产毒培养条件及其毒素的致病范围   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
从世界性恶性杂草紫茎泽兰自然发生的叶斑病病斑上分离得到6个链格孢菌菌株,对它们的产毒情况进行了研究。筛选出产毒能力强的501菌株,确定了有利于该菌株产毒的温度为25℃、pH值为4.13、培养时间为5-7天、黑暗及静置等培养条件。选择74种植物,以离体叶片针刺法对粗毒素的致病范围进行了测试,表明粗毒素具有一定范围的选择作用特性,从中筛选出草莓、苦苣菜、鸭跖草、火柴头、刺槐、水花生等敏感植物作为毒素的生测材料。  相似文献   
甘蓝枯萎病菌寄主范围研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正>甘蓝枯萎病于2001年最先在北京延庆发现~([1]),目前已扩散到山西、河北、甘肃及陕西等北方甘蓝生产基地,重病区发病率高达80%以上,对甘蓝生产造成了严重的威胁。国内外对甘蓝枯萎病寄主范围的研究仅限于十字花科作物~([2-4]),对该病原菌是否侵入其他类蔬菜及1、2号生理小种侵染十字花科寄主的差异尚未见报道。本文采用人工接种的方法,综合分析甘蓝枯萎病菌对主要大田蔬菜作物的侵染寄生能力,为制定合理的轮作防病  相似文献   
目的 探讨嗜果刀孢菌对新疆其他主要树种的潜在危害,提高该病害的诊断和检测效率。 方法 本文将嗜果刀孢菌通过离体叶片接种至6科19种植物的健康叶片上,初步测定其致病性和寄主范围;参考tef1序列设计了嗜果刀孢菌的特异性引物;通过常规PCR和实时荧光PCR对76株嗜果刀孢菌和22株其它真菌进行特异性和灵敏度检测,并优化实时荧光PCR的反应体系;另外,应用所设计的特异性引物对田间自然发病样本和人工接种7、10、13、16、19、21、24、48 h后的野杏叶片样品进行常规PCR检测。 结果 15种植物叶片在接种嗜果刀孢菌5 d后出现明显病斑,不同寄主的病斑大小存在极显著性差异(P<0.01),其中新疆小叶白蜡的病斑面积最大,达28.99 mm2,而紫叶矮樱、黄果山楂、新疆杨、鞑靼桑等4种植物叶片未发病。本研究设计的特异性引物W0404-14-F/W0404-14-R扩增出的特异性条带为113 bp,对照及其它真菌无扩增条带。常规PCR检测的灵敏度为5.99 × 10−1 ng·μL−1。在野杏叶片接种10 h后通过常规PCR可在叶片内检测到嗜果刀孢菌。 结论 嗜果刀孢菌可为害15种其他树种,具有潜在危害性;PCR快速检测方法检测嗜果刀孢菌速度快、特异性强,本研究首次探索了嗜果刀孢菌潜在寄主范围及PCR快速检测方法,为由嗜果刀孢菌引起的穿孔病的诊断及检测提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
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