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Current practices in many nurseries involve the germination of tropical rainforest seedlings in shaded conditions and transferral, at a later date, to environments with greater light intensities. Determination of the ability of these seedlings to acclimate to increased light intensities will allow seedling stock to be processed with maximum efficiency within the nursery. The acclimation abilities of three species, Agyrodendron actinophyllum, Cardwellia sublimis, and Flindersia brayleyana, commonly found in north Queensland's rainforests were investigated in this study. These particular species are highly valued for their cabinet timber qualities and are being reared in nurseries for use in reforestation trials and programs in north Queensland. Seedlings were initially raised in greenhouse conditions under two layers of shade cloth (16% of full sunlight) and then transferred into full sunlight at three different ages (3 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks). Upon transfer, organ ratios and the direction of dry matter distribution was determined for each species and age group. Approximately 3 months after the seedlings were transferred, the acclimation ability of each species and age group was then determined. Dry matter distribution was found to change with age, irrespective of light environment. Individuals within a species with larger root systems and thicker or more dense leaves had a greater acclimation ability than those with smaller root systems and thinner or less dense leaves. Furthermore, individuals within a species whose dry matter distribution upon transfer was directed towards developing a large root system, and a small photosynthetic area and mass, had a greater acclimation ability than those whose dry matter distribution was directed away from such morphologies. Awareness of these relationships allows a better understanding of seedling response to gap formation in natural forests, and also allows plant nursery operators to make a more informed decision about when to move seedlings to environments with a higher light intensity.  相似文献   
以从美国威斯康星大学引进的叶用芥菜胞质雄性不育系叶用4-4为母本,以泰国清迈大学选育出的8个优良叶用芥菜品种为转育父本,杂交后连续回交4代(BC4),再将BC4与优良叶用芥菜品种40R2-3-4配制8个杂交组合,其中2个组合(4-4 × 19-H-12)×40R2-3-4和(4-4 × 2R2)×40R2-3-4结球率为100%,产量比商用品种分别高34%和13%,比其亲本分别高25%和5%。  相似文献   
桃树叶片气孔大小的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
观察了桃亚属6个种139份材料的气孔长度和宽度。结果表明,不同种间气孔长度和宽度相差较小,光核桃长度非常一致,其变异系数为0,栽培种的品种之间气孔大小差异更小。栽培种的气孔长、宽均呈正态分布,依概率分级方法将气孔长度和宽度分为5个等级。  相似文献   

Development of sorghum downy mildew, incited by Peronoscleospora sorghi (Weston and Uppal) C.G. Shaw, on maize, sorghum and Johnson grass was investigated at two locations in Uganda during three seasons (1994 and 1995). More sorghum downy mildew developed on the Johnson grass and sorghum than on the maize at all locations and in all seasons. No significant differences were observed in sporulation of P. soghi on the three hosts. Leaf shredding occurred on the three hosts but was the least on maize. Cross-inoculation with both conidia and oospores was achieved on the three hosts. Since the fungal population formed oospores and sporulated readily on the three hosts, which is typical of the sorghum strain, the disease in Uganda is attributed to the sorghum strain.  相似文献   
黄瓜叶面积测量方法的评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用方格纸法、等腰三角形法及数码相机拍照法测定黄瓜叶面积。结果表明,采用这3种方法测定的结果差异不显著。综合考虑耗时、信息量、先进性等因素,数码相机拍照法为最优测定方法。  相似文献   
通过对196篇相关文献的1 043对数据进行全球荟萃分析,评估免耕条件下玉米籽粒产量、秸秆生物量和叶面积指数的变化,并探讨气候、土壤、管理因素对其影响程度和方向。结果表明,相较于传统翻耕,免耕总体上显著降低了玉米籽粒产量、秸秆产量和叶面积指数5.7%、4.1%和9.7%。然而,这种效应因气候、土壤和管理措施而不同。在相对干旱的气候环境(年平均气温为>15℃、年平均降雨<600 mm)和恶劣的土壤条件(土壤体积质量>1.4 g/cm3、土壤有机碳含量<5.8 g/kg、土壤全氮为<0.75 g/kg)下,免耕条件下玉米生产力(籽粒产量和秸秆生物量)水平相对更好。其中,土壤有机碳含量和土壤速效钾含量与玉米籽粒产量呈显著负相关,年平均降雨和土壤速效磷含量与玉米籽粒产量和秸秆生物量呈显著负相关,土壤体积质量与玉米籽粒产量和秸秆生物量呈显著正相关。此外,肥料的高效施用、多样化的种植模式(间作或轮作)、秸秆还田等管理措施能抵消免耕条件下玉米生产力的负效应。总体而言,气候土壤环境相对更恶劣的区域可以从免耕技术上获益更多,而合理的田间管理措施也可以为...  相似文献   
高光谱遥感森林叶面积指数估测研究现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文中简要概述了叶面积指数和高光谱遥感的概念, 分析比较了高光谱遥感与传统的宽波段遥感估测森林叶面积指数的优势, 以及利用高光谱遥感数据估测森林叶面积指数的常用方法, 并对目前高光谱遥感估测森林叶面积指数存在的问题行了讨论。  相似文献   
采用Excel工作表Origin7.0统计分析软件对基于绿叶面积玉米叶片保绿度开花后衰减特性进行了初步研究,结果表明:玉米开花后叶片保绿度衰减符合方程y=aeb-cx/(1+eb-cx);不同基因型玉米叶片保绿度衰减启动时间、最大衰减速率和最大衰减速率出现时间等衰减特性差异较大;即使相同基因型在不同环境条件下叶片衰减特性也不尽相同.采用y=aeb-cx/(1+eb-cx)模拟方程能比较全面揭示叶片保绿度的动态变化过程.  相似文献   
碱蓬属(Suaeda)植物是一类典型的真盐生植物,属于重要的盐生植物资源,全球广泛分布.人们已经对20种碱蓬属植物进行了观察和盐胁迫实验,研究了不同器官或组织的生理生化特征及其对盐胁迫的反应,并基于这些研究分析了盐胁迫的应答机制.叶片肉质化、细胞内离子区域化、渗透调节物质增加和抗氧化系统能力增强是碱蓬属植物响应和适应盐胁迫的重要方式和途径.但迄今为止的研究工作尚有一定的局限性,主要包括:研究工作主要集中在植物地上部分,而对植物地下部分的研究较少;多是少数生物学指标或生理学现象的单独观察,而缺乏对生理代谢过程的整体和综合分析;针对某种碱蓬的独立分析较多,而与近缘种的比较研究较少;植物对中性盐胁迫的反应研究较多,而对碱性盐的研究较少.为进一步系统阐明碱蓬属植物的耐盐机制,今后的工作应注重碱蓬属植物响应和适应盐胁迫的信号网络和调控机制研究,基于系统生物学研究思路,采用现代组学技术探索该属植物响应盐胁迫的由复杂信号网络调控的特殊生理特征和特异代谢途径.  相似文献   
Urban forests (UF) provide a range of important ecosystem services (ES) for human well-being. Relevant ES delivered by UF include urban temperature regulation, runoff mitigation, noise reduction, recreation, and air purification. In this study the potential of air pollution removal by UF in the city of Florence (Italy) was investigated. Two main air pollutants were considered – particulate matter (PM10) and tropospheric ozone (O3) – with the aim of providing a methodological framework for mapping air pollutant removal by UF and assessing the percent removal of air pollutant.The distribution of UF was mapped by high spatial resolution remote sensing data and classified into seven forest categories. The Leaf Area Index (LAI) was estimated spatially using a regression model between in-field LAI survey and Airborne Laser Scanning data and it was found to be in good linear agreement with estimates from ground-based measurements (R2 = 0.88 and RMSE% = 11%). We applied pollution deposition equations by using pollution concentrations measured at urban monitoring stations and then estimated the pollutant removal potential of the UF: annual O3 and PM10 removal accounted for 77.9 t and 171.3 t, respectively. O3 and PM10 removal rates by evergreen broadleaves (16.1 and 27.3 g/m2), conifers (10.9 and 28.5 g/m2), and mixed evergreen species (15.8 and 31.7 g/m2) were higher than by deciduous broadleaf stands (4.1 and 10 g/m2). However, deciduous forests exhibited the largest total removal due to the high percentage of tree cover within the city. The present study confirms that UF play an important role in air purification in Mediterranean cities as they can remove monthly up to 5% of O3 and 13% of PM10.  相似文献   
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