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Abstract— Class II+ dendritic cells were widely distributed throughout normal ovine skin in two main locations: a) in or immediately adjacent to the epidermis and epidermal appendages and b) in the vicinity of the blood vessels. They are unlikely to represent a homogeneous population particularly since Langerhans cells, which previously have been found throughout the epidermal appendages, were located only in the epidermis using acetylcholinesterase staining. Following infection with orf virus, a dense mass of closely associated class II+ dendritic cells develops in the exposed necrotising dermis, adjacent to infected hair follicles and under infected degenerating epidermis. These cells interact and appear to form a barrier to invasion, a framework for immune defence and a template for subsequent epidermal repair; they seem to provide the basis of a highly integrated local dermal defence system. Résumé— Des cellules dendritiques de classe II+étaient largement réparties dans la peau ovine normale dans deux principales zones a) dans l'épiderme et les annexes épidermiques ou dans leur voisnage immédiat b) au voisinage des vaisseaux sanguins. Il est peu probable qu'elles représentant une population homogène particulièrement parce que les cellules de Langerhaps, qui ont été découvertes précédemment dans l'ensemble des annexes épidermiques, furent localisées seulement dans l'épiderme en utilisant une coloration à l'acétylcholinesterase. Après une infection par le virus de l'ecthyma, il se forme une masse dense de cellules dendritiques de classe II+étroitement associées, dans le derme nécrotique atteint, adjacente aux follicules pileux infectés et sous l'épiderme dégénératif infecté. Ces cellules interagissent et apparaissent former une barrière à l'invasion, un cadre pour les défenses immunitaires et un patron pour la réparation épidermique ultérieure; elles semblent fournir les bases d'un système de défense dermique local hautement intégré. Zusammenfassung— Klasse II+-Dendritenzellen waren in der gesamten Haut von normalen Schafen in vorwiegend zwei Bereichen verbreitet: a) in oder unmittelbar neben der Epidermis und der epidermalen Anhangsgebiete und b) in dor Nähe dar Blutgefäße. Sie stellen wahrscheinlich keine homogène Population dar, da die Langerhanszellen, die früher übarall in den epidermalen Anhangsgebilden nachgewiesen wurden, bei Acetylcholinesterase-Färbung nur in der Epidermis zu finden waren. Nach einer Orf-Virus-Infektion formiert sich eine dichte Masse aus eng verbundenen Klasse II+-Dendritenzellen in der betroffenen nekrotisierenden Dermis unmittelbar neben den infizierten Haarfollikeln und unter der infizierten, degenerierenden Epidermis. Diese Zellen stehen untereinander in Verbindung und bilden anscheinend eine Barrière gegen die Invasion, ein Gorüst für die Immunabwehr und einen Ausgangs punkt für die anschließenden Reparaturvorgänge in der Epidermis. Sie scheinen als Basis eines hochentwickelten lokalen Abwehrsystems der Haut zu fungieren. Resumen Células dendríticas de class II+ se observaron en gran cantidad en la piel de la oveja especialmente en dos localizaciones: a) en la epidermis, en la dermis muy próxima a la epidermis y en anejos cutáneos y b) en las proximidades de los vasos sanguíneos. No parece tratarse de una población homogénea de células puesto que las células de Langerhans, que previamente se habían encontrado en los anejos epidérmicos, se encontraron únicamente en la epidermis utilizando técnicas de detección del acetilcol-inesterasa. Después de la infección con el virus del ectima contagioso ovino se observó una masa de células dendríticas de clase II, dispuestas de forma muy densa, en las proximidades de la dermis necrosada y de los folículos pilosos y de la epidermis infectada. Eatas células interaccionan entre si y parecen formar una barrera contra la invasión, una red inmunitaria de defensa y participar en la reparación de la epidermis; parece ser que esta población de células dendriticas son la base de un sistema de defensa dérmico local altamente integrado.  相似文献   
为满足口岸对南非II型口蹄疫检测、监测的需求,在对南非II型口蹄疫抗原表位分析及相关基因合成的基础上,进行融合蛋白pGEX—VP1-VP3的体外表达,采用柱上酶切方法制备VP1-VP3蛋白。将纯化VP1-VP3抗原包被96微孔板,分别优化抗原包被浓度、血清稀释度、酶标二抗稀释度,确定阴性临界值。经反复优化,建立的南非II型间接ELISA检测方法的最佳抗原包被浓度为6.4ug/ml,血清最佳稀释度为1:200,酶标二抗最佳稀释度为1:4000,阴性临界值(0D450)为0.562。检测样品判定标准为:OD450〉0.622为阳性,OD450〈0.502为阴性,0.502≤OD450≤0.622为可疑。特异性试验结果表明,所建立方法与其它血清型口蹄疫间无交叉反应。南非II型口蹄疫间接ELISA检测方法的建立为我国口岸口蹄疫检疫提供了新的查验方法。  相似文献   
星斑川鲽MHCⅡ恒定链Ii基因的克隆和表达特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究星斑川鲽MHCⅡ类分子的作用及调控机制,实验通过SMART-RACE技术克隆得到了星斑川鲽MHCⅡ恒定链(MHCⅡIi)的全长cDNA序列,其长度为1766 bp,包含135 bp的5′非编码区、837 bp的开放阅读框和794 bp的3′非编码区。该基因共编码279个氨基酸。理论分子量为30.848 ku,等电点为6.89。与已知物种MHCⅡIi进行同源性比对,结果与狼鲈、紫红笛鲷和鳜关系较近,同源性均为79%。利用quantitative realtime PCR(qRT-PCR)技术检测了MHCⅡIi在星斑川鲽不同组织中的表达,以及爱德华氏菌感染前后对该基因在不同组织中表达水平的影响,结果显示:在脾脏、头肾、肝脏、后肠、性腺、心脏、血液、鳃和肌肉组织中,MHCⅡIi mRNA均有表达,但在表达量上有明显差异,脾脏和头肾组织相对表达水平较高,鳃、血液、肌肉、心脏和性腺中的表达水平较低。病原感染后,免疫相关组织脾脏和头肾的表达水平升高最明显,肝脏和后肠的表达水平也略有升高,但变化不明显。本研究可为星斑川鲽MHCⅡ类分子的作用机理提供理论依据,同时为海水养殖鱼类的抗病遗传育种工作提供研究基础。  相似文献   
通过对影响杂交稻组合泰丰优2098产量性状的相关分析、逐步回归分析及通径分析,结果表明:产量构成四要素与产量之间都呈正相关,对产量贡献率依次为有效穗数跃穗粒数跃结率实跃千粒重,有效穗数影响最大,结实率和穗粒数对产量也有较大的影响。因此,生产上在确保足够有效穗的前提下,适度促大穗,增加谷粒充实度提高千粒重,以获得高产。  相似文献   
Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence quenching analysis were carried out to investigate the diurnal variations in photosynthesis and light allocation in leaves of soybean. Leaf net CO2 assimilation rate showed a bimodal diurnal pattern and midday depression of CO2 assimilation was observed at 13:00 h. Depression in CO2 assimilation at midday was mostly attributed to non-stomatal limitation since the reduction in net CO2 assimilation rate was not followed by significant reductions in stomatal conductance and intracellular CO2 concentration. Midday depression in CO2 assimilation was found to be associated with reversible inactivation of photosystem II reaction centers and increases of antenna heat dissipation and photorespiration in response to the high light intensity. It is likely that PS II down-regulation, heat dissipation and photorespiration co-operated together to prevent the chloroplast from photodamage.  相似文献   
Chlorophyll fluorescence induction curves of isolated thylakoids were measured in the absence and in the presence of various concentrations of photosystem II-inhibiting herbicides. A mathematical program was applied to simulate the curves. Based on these simulated curves a new method is developed to determine the concentration effect (pI50) of the herbicides. The results of the new method correspond well with reported values in the literature. The method is very convenient and time-saving.  相似文献   
Thermotolerance acclimation of photosystem II to heat and drought is well documented, but studies demonstrating developmental impacts on heat tolerance in field‐grown plants are limited. Consequently, climatic variables, estimated canopy temperature, predawn leaf water potential (ΨPD), and the temperature responses of maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm), variable fluorescence (Fv/F0), quantum yield of electron transport (φEο) and efficiency of PSI electron acceptor reduction (REο/ABS) were characterized for Gossypium hirsutum at three sample times during the growing season (21 June, 2 July and 18 July 2013) under well‐watered conditions. The temperature decreasing a given photosynthetic parameter 15% from the optimum is referred to as T15 and served as a standardized measure of heat tolerance. Ambient and estimated canopy temperatures were well within the optimal range for cotton throughout the sample period, and leaves were verified well watered using ΨPD measurements. However, T15 varied with sample date (highest on July 2 for all parameters), being 2 °C (Fv/F0) to 5.5 °C (φEο) higher on July 2 relative to June 21, despite optimal temperature conditions and predawn leaf water potential on all sample dates. These findings suggest that even under optimum temperature conditions and water availability, heat tolerance could be influenced by plant developmental stage.  相似文献   
陆地棉品种与陆地棉族系种质系间杂种优势及其组成分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
游俊  刘金兰 《作物学报》1998,24(6):834-839
采用NCⅡ遗传交配设计,选用3个陆地棉常规品种和5个陆地棉族系种质系材料杂交,杂种F1代产量和纤维品质优势表现明显。通径分析结果表明,提高铃重,单株铃数的中亲优势,适当降低单铃种子数和株高的优势。在其它性状适宜的情况下,可以显著地提高皮棉产量的中亲优势。各个优势组合在产量优势来源上有差异。种质系材料在杂种优势利用上具有很大潜力。  相似文献   
Growth of triploid oyster, Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of I and II meiotic triploids and control oysters (Crassostrea madrasensis) reared at Tuticorin Bay was compared to determine if the improvements in the growth of edible oysters were additive to faster growth in triploids. After a grow‐out period of 12 months, both mean whole weights and shell heights were in order I meiotic triploid>II meiotic triploid>control. Mean whole weights and shell height of different oyster lines were all significantly different (P<0.05). On an average, larger morphological traits indicated that growth improvements from triploids were additive, and throughout the study triploid oysters maintained faster growth rate than their diploid siblings. Condition index and adductor muscle diameter of both triploids were higher than those of control.  相似文献   
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