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锯缘青蟹大眼幼体与凡纳滨对虾混养试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用3口池塘共1.14 hm2进行锯缘青蟹大眼幼体与凡纳滨对虾的混养试验,投放锯缘青蟹大眼幼体8500只,凡纳滨对虾苗2.03×105尾,经96~129 d的养殖,收获锯缘青蟹729.1 kg,凡纳滨对虾2804.3 kg;锯缘青蟹平均312 g/只,凡纳滨对虾57.5尾/kg;锯缘青蟹大眼幼体成活率27.5%,凡纳滨对虾成活率79.4%。试验结果表明,锯缘青蟹大眼幼体可以直接投入池塘中与凡纳滨对虾混养,将为今后大规模发展锯缘青蟹养殖摸索出一条有效途径。  相似文献   
为了深入了解宝天曼自然保护区树种的多样性,参照巴拿马巴罗克罗拉多岛样地的技术规范,于2009年在河南宝天曼国家级自然保护区建立了1块面积为1hm2的短柄枹林永久监测样地。对样地内所有胸径≥1cm的木本植物进行了详细的定位调查。结果表明:样地内被监测的树木个体数为2 481个,隶属于27科47属71种;短柄枹林样地共分为4个基本层次,乔木Ⅰ层主要有短柄枹(Quercus serrata var.brevipetiolata)和栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis),乔木Ⅱ层主要由四照花(Cornus kousa subsp.Chinensis)、水榆花楸(Sorbus alnifolia)组成,灌木层的优势种为连翘(Forsythia suspensa)、满山红(Rhododendron mariesii)等,草本层主要由细叶薹草(Carex duriu-sata subsp.stenophylloides)等组成;样地植物区系以北温带成分为主,共25个属,占总属数的50.98%,兼具热带成分,共10个属,占总属数的21.28%;短柄枹(Quercus serrata var.brevipetio-lata)和栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)在群落中占有绝对的优势地位,但从径级结构来看,栓皮栎的更新较差;从物种的空间分布格局中可以看出,样地物种空间分布格局整体上表现为随机分布为主,但优势种短柄枹和栓皮栎主要表现为聚集分布。  相似文献   
通过分子生物学方法,克隆得到锯缘青蟹(Scylla serrata)精氨酸激酶(Arginine Kinase,AK)开放阅读框基因序列.测序结果显示:该开放阅读框基因的序列长度为1 071 bp,编码356个氨基酸残基;该序列登录Genbank(GQ:851626),序列比对结果显示,锯缘青蟹精氨酸激酶与凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)精氨酸激酶的氨基酸序列同源性高达94%,与岸蟹(Carcinus maenas)、中华绒鳌蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)等甲壳类动物的精氨酸激酶也有较高的同源性,均高于90%;将克隆得到的锯缘青蟹精氨酸激酶基因与pGEX-4T-3载体连接,转化大肠杆菌BL21,经IPTG诱导得到分子质量为65 ku的融合表达蛋白(GST-AK),经兔抗锯缘青蟹精氨酸激酶多克隆抗体的免疫印迹分析证实,GST-AK具有抗原性.  相似文献   
不同的季节分别对药用植物蛇足石杉(Huperzia serrata)根、茎和叶中的内生真菌进行分离,共得到内生真菌98株,根据形态学进行鉴定为12个属,其中Alternaria和Aspergillus在组织中出现的频率较高,为其优势种群。分类研究结果表明,内生真菌在蛇足石杉的组织中分布存在较大差别,具有一定的组织选择性。该研究丰富了内生真菌资源,为该植物内生真菌资源的开发利用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
易学文  张利  罗容珍  杜平 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(32):19798-19799,19838
[目的]筛选蛇足石杉中石杉碱甲的酶法提取的最佳提取条件。[方法]采用纤维素酶酶解细胞壁,从而溶出更多的蛇足石杉细胞中的物质,并设计正交试验选出酶法提取的最佳提取条件。[结果]蛇足石杉中石杉碱甲的酶法提取的最佳工艺条件为纤维素酶用量0.125 g,酶解pH4.5,酶解温度60℃,酶解时间2.5 h;在此条件下,蛇足石杉中石杉碱甲的提取率为0.589‰;各因素中温度对纤维素酶的酶解效果影响最大。与酸提法相比,酶法提取的石杉碱甲的提取率提高了40.3%。[结论]该方法简便快捷、提取率高,可用来提取蛇足石杉中石杉碱甲。  相似文献   
锯缘青蟹卵巢发育的组织学观察   总被引:37,自引:2,他引:37  
根据锯缘青蟹卵巢的外部形态和内部组织学特征,卵巢发育可以划分为六个时期:未发育期、发育早期、发育期、将成熟期、成熟期和排卵后期。在发育早期,多数卵母细胞胞质中有多个嗜酸性液泡,这种结构在其他十足类卵母细胞中较少见。少数个体在发育早期发生卵母细胞全面退化,这种现象可能是缺乏交配或饥饿造成的。  相似文献   
对2008年8月福建省泉州市某海水场养殖锯缘青蟹中发生的死亡现象,开展锯缘青蟹的组织病理学研究。解剖可见肌肉明显坏死、溶解;头胸甲储积大量暗黄色体液,经福尔马林固定成固态物质;光镜下发现病蟹的中肠腺上皮细胞坏死、细胞质中出现大型的包涵体;电镜下发现病蟹的细胞质中有长约为500hm、宽约为200hm杆状结构的疑似杆状病毒存在。  相似文献   
A reovirus, designated mud crab reovirus (MCRV), associated with large economic losses was recently isolated from marine cultured mud crab, Scylla serrata, in southern China. The complete viral particle is 70 nm in diameter, icosahedral and non-enveloped. The virus infects connective tissue cells of the hepatopancreas, gills and intestine in mud crab and develops in the cytoplasm. Hundred per cent mortality was observed in mud crab experimentally infected by intramuscular injection, bath inoculation and oral inoculation, while cohabitation infection caused 80% mortality. The viral genome consists of 13 linear dsRNA segments, with an electrophoretic pattern 1/5/7. The results of this study suggest that the virus is highly pathogenic and can be transmitted enterically as well as via the body surface of mud crab. Although the genomic organization of this virus is different from that of the other crab reoviruses, CcRV-W2 and DpPV, all three of these reoviruses have similar electrophoresis patterns. Therefore, MCRV may be a new member of the DpPV and CcRV-W2 group.  相似文献   
The effects of varying dietary lecithin and cholesterol levels on growth, development and survival of mud crab, Scylla serrata, megalopa were evaluated using six semi‐purified, microbound diets formulated to be iso‐energetic and containing three levels of supplemental lecithin (0, 20 and 40 g kg−1 diet dry weight) and two levels of supplemental cholesterol (0 and 7 g kg−1 diet dry weight). Fifteen megalopa were reared individually in each treatment and the nutritional value of diets was assessed on basis of mean dry weight and mean carapace width of newly settled first crab stage, as well as development time to the first crab stage and overall survival. A significant interaction between supplemental dietary lecithin and supplemental dietary cholesterol was found for final mean dry weight of newly settled crabs, and highest survival (60%) was recorded for megalopa fed diets containing the highest levels of dietary lecithin (39.7–44.1 g kg−1) (diet 5 and 6) regardless of whether diets were supplemented with cholesterol; this rate of survival was identical to that of megalopa fed live Artemia nauplii. The results indicate that supplemental dietary cholesterol may not be essential for mud crab megalopa when fed diets containing sufficient levels of supplemental dietary phospholipids.  相似文献   
对药用蕨皱边石杉茎、叶进行了外部形态、内部结构的解剖学研究,对孢子囊及孢子进行了扫描电镜观察。维管柱逐渐发展成为介于星状中柱和编织中柱之间的一种过渡类型中柱,木质部为外始式;叶为等面叶,外韧维管束。同时对石杉不同组织器官的组培繁殖存在的问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   
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