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江苏省小麦禾谷孢囊线虫群体核糖体DNA-ITS区序列分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对采集自江苏省徐州、宿迁、连云港和盐城4个地区的15个小麦禾谷孢囊线虫群体进行核糖体DNA-ITS区的RFLP分析。结果表明:测定的所有群体均具有相同的酶切图谱,既具有与国外B型群体(印度群体)相同的AluⅠ和RsaⅠ酶切图谱,同时也具有中国群体独特的HinfⅠ和Tru9Ⅰ酶切图谱(C型)。采用Neighbor-Joining法(MEGA4.0)构建的ITS序列系统进化树显示:所有15个江苏群体均聚在小麦禾谷孢囊线虫组(Heterodera avenae group)下的小麦禾谷孢囊线虫复合种群(H.avenae complex)分支内,且多数江苏群体与草地孢囊线虫(H.pratensis)德国和俄罗斯群体的遗传距离相对较近。通过江苏群体与其他近源群体的ITS序列分析比较,河南郑州群体与澳州孢囊线虫(H.australis)的遗传距离较近,青海群体和河南郑州群体在分子遗传水平上具有明显的地域性,而江苏省和我国其他省份的小麦孢囊线虫群体具有丰富的遗传多样性。  相似文献   
大豆胞囊线虫(Heterodera glycines Ichinohe)是我国大豆的全国性主要病害之一。1号和4号生理小种是黄淮地区的优势小种。以Essex×ZDD2315、Peking×ZDD2315、PI88788×ZDD2226、Peking×ZDD2226的P1、P2、F1、BC1F2为材料,用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分析大豆对胞囊线虫1号和4号生理小种抗性的遗传机制。结果表明,ZDD2315、ZDD2226对1号生理小种的抗性受主效基因控制,未发现多基因效应,且与Peking存在相同的抗病基因;抗性遗传表现组合特异性,Essex×ZDD2315组合为3对加性主基因遗传模型,主基因遗传率72.02%,PI88788×ZDD2226组合为2对显性上位主基因遗传模型,主基因遗传率62.33%。对4号生理小种的抗性为主基因+多基因混合遗传模型,Essex×ZDD2315、Peking×ZDD2315、PI88788×ZDD2226等3个组合为3对主基因+多基因遗传模型,主基因遗传率分别为67.76%、72.46%和53.25%,多基因遗传率分别为24.48%、21.31%和35.77%;Peking×ZDD2226表现为2对主基因遗传模型,主基因遗传率45.40%。抗性基因表现为隐性,育种上可以在早代选择。培育多抗品种应以抗4号生理小种为主要目标进行基因聚合。  相似文献   
湖南水稻主推品种对旱稻孢囊线虫的抗性及评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】旱稻孢囊线虫是一种水稻上重要的病原线虫。筛选抗虫种质资源对抗病品种的选育至关重要。【方法】通过室内二龄幼虫接种和田间自然病圃鉴定,以单株平均孢囊数、相对抗病指数和繁殖系数法评价了湖南省51个主推的水稻品种对旱稻孢囊线虫的抗性。【结果】在供试水稻品种中未发现有免疫和高抗品种。室内接种条件下,在24个中稻品种中,依据单株平均孢囊数评价,仅广两优2010表现为抗;依据相对抗病指数评价,广两优2010、准两优527、广两优1128 3个品种为抗;在27个晚稻品种中,依据单株平均孢囊数评价,盛泰优9712、准两优608、农香优204、岳优9264、岳优3700、中浙优1号、岳优27、湘晚糯1号、贺优50、Y两优9918共10个品种为抗;而依据相对抗病指数评价,湘晚糯1号、贺优50、Y两优9918表现为中感。在田间自然病圃条件下,依据繁殖系数Pf/Pi评价,筛选出9个晚稻抗性品种,鉴定结果与室内接种相对抗病指数法基本一致。【结论】室内接种相对抗病指数法可以作为评价水稻品种对旱稻孢囊线虫抗性的有效方法。  相似文献   
Beet cyst nematodes (BCN, Heterodera schachtii), Cercospora beticola, and rhizomania, caused by the beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) and vectored by the soil-borne fungus Polymyxa betae, are the most serious diseases of sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris). The wild Beta species of section Procumbentes are known to be completely resistant to H. schachtii, C. beticola and P. betae. Alien monosomic additions (2n=19), plants of cultivated beet (2n=18) carrying different individual chromosomes of B. procumbens (2n=18) or B. patellaris (2n=36), were tested in greenhouse experiments for resistance to these pathogens. Gene(s) conferring full resistance to the beet cyst nematode in B. patellaris are located on chromosome 1.1, and the other tested chromosomes of B. patellaris are not involved in the expression of resistance. Artificial inoculation under greenhouse conditions, with in vitro produced inoculum of C. beticola and spot-percentage rating of the disease intensity, showed that the high level of resistance that was observed in the wild species B. procumbens and B. patellaris was not found in any of the monosomic additions tested. It was suggested that genes on various chromosomes of the wild species are needed to express full resistance, and that the chromosomes of group 7 of B. patellaris and chromosome 7 of B. procumbens have the largest effect. The greenhouse tests for resistance to P. betae in B. patellaris derived monosomic additions showed that the addition families of group 4.1 have a strong partial resistance, while the addition families of group 8.1 appeared to be completely resistant to the pathogen. Resistance to P. betae in the two wild species as well as in the two resistant addition types did not exclude infection with BNYVV, but resulted in a considerable reduction of the virus concentration. It was concluded that resistance to the vector would complement virus resistance, and may provide a more effective and durable control of rhizomania. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Summary Raparadish, x Brassicoraphanus, the amphidiploid hybrid between Brassica rapa (syn. B.campestris) and Raphanus sativus (fodder radish) was made by Dolstra (1982). Primary hybrid plants grew vigorously, suggesting that the amphidiploid AARR might be useful as a fodder crop. Three populations of this new material were studied, with special attention to improvement of fertility and resistance to beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii), whilst preserving genetic variability. For lack of progress one of the populations was abandoned after the fourth generation. The other two populations were observed through nine or ten generations. Apart from the last two generations mass selection for seed set was carried out on the basis of single plants. This led to a considerable increase in average seed production, without losing a wide variation for this trait. Thus more progress is being expected. Five cycles of mass selection for resistance to beet cyst nematodes led to a considerable increase of the level of resistance of both populations. The prospects of this new agricultural crop are discussed.  相似文献   
利用RAPD技术寻找大豆抗孢囊线虫4号小种标记初报   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
颜清上  李莹 《大豆科学》1996,15(2):126-129
以高抗大豆孢囊线虫4号生理小种的2个大豆品系1259系(黄色)和1259系(双色)及其抗感亲本灰皮支黑豆和晋遗9号,以及另外两个高抗品种PI437654和元钵黑豆,两个高感品种鲁豆1号和鲁豆7号为试验材料,进行大豆抗孢囊线虫的PAPD分析。  相似文献   
部分国内外小麦种质资源对燕麦孢囊线虫的抗病性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燕麦孢囊线虫是小麦生产上的重要病原线虫。为筛选抗燕麦孢囊线虫的小麦种质资源,采用室内接种方法测试了104个国外小麦品种(系)和37个国内小麦品种对燕麦孢囊线虫的抗病性,并利用不同抗性评价标准在自然病田对37个国内小麦品种的抗病性进行了评价。室内接种试验表明,104份国外小麦品种(系)中有高抗品种(系)14个,中抗品种(系)12个,中感品种(系)27个,其他均属高感,37个国内参试品种均属感病品种。自然病田鉴定结果表明,采用不同的评价标准对37个国内品种的评价结果具有较大差异。依据Andersen等的评价标准,37个小麦品种中有7个品种表现感病,30个品种表现抗病,与室内接种测试结果差异较大;依据Ireholm的标准,仅良星66表现抗病,其他品种均表现感病,与室内测试结果接近;依据Soriano等的标准,37个品种均表现感病,与室内测试结果相同。建议在筛选抗孢囊线虫小麦资源时首先采用Andersen等的标准进行初筛,然后利用Soriano等的标准进行田间评价。  相似文献   
对青海省7个地区24个县(市)小麦禾谷孢囊线虫病的发生分布进行了调查。调查结果表明,青海省不同海拔、不同生态区均有小麦禾谷孢囊线虫病的发生分布,平均孢囊样品发生率为72.67%。海拔3501~3900m的青稞种植区孢囊样品发生率最高,达到了100%,2501~3500m海拔区段单位孢囊数最高,200g土样内平均孢囊数达到36.11~35.07个。不同生态区调查显示浅山地区单位孢囊数较高,脑山次之,浅、脑山地区单位孢囊数均明显大于川水地区。小麦禾谷孢囊线虫的主要危害寄主为小麦和青稞。  相似文献   
大豆孢囊线虫病是限制大豆产量和品质提高的重要因素之一.在世界各地每年因大豆孢囊线虫病给大豆生产造成的经济损失是巨大的,筛选和培育大豆孢囊线虫抗病品种是解决多种病害危害的根本途径.本试验采用生产田鉴定的方法,广泛收集国外种质资源、生产上主栽品种、新育成的品系,农家种质材料,国家品种资源库材料等等,鉴定出11份高抗大豆孢囊线虫病的种质,同时交叉鉴定出12份双抗大豆灰斑病、孢囊线虫病的材料.因此,将鉴定出的农艺性状好的抗病品种可直接在痛区应用,通过种植一个品种就可以解决两种或两种以上病害的危害,这对于从根本上防治大豆病害的危害,提高大豆的产量和品质具有十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   
旱稻孢囊线虫生活史及侵染特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
 以2龄幼虫人工接种水稻幼苗和田间定点调查的方法,研究了旱稻孢囊线虫的生活史和侵染特性。结果表明,在30℃下接种后24 h内,2龄幼虫大多聚集在根尖分生区或伸长区,接种后24 h可侵入根系,侵入后虫体在中柱建立取食点;接种后6 d,2 龄幼虫发育成白雌虫,8 d发育成雄虫,12 d雌虫从阴门处产生胶状物质,雌虫的一部分卵产于胶质卵囊中。接种后18 d,胶质卵囊中的2龄幼虫开始孵化。在30℃下,旱稻孢囊线虫从卵到卵的最短生活周期为22 d;从接种到2龄幼虫从胶质卵囊中孵出,最短生活周期为18 d。20℃下线虫发育缓慢。较高温度如28℃~35℃有利于2龄幼虫的侵染和发育。淹水条件不利于2龄幼虫的侵染,但对孢囊的发育无显著影响。  相似文献   
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