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介绍16S rRNA基因的特点,阐述其用于病原菌分类鉴定的基本原理,综述其在兽医病原菌分类鉴定中的应用。  相似文献   
Kyounghoon  LEE  Tohru  MUKAI  Donhyug  KANG  Kohji  IIDA 《Fisheries Science》2004,70(6):1051-1060
ABSTRACT:   An application of the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP, 153.6 kHz) in combination with a scientific echo sounder (EK60, 38 and 200 kHz) was investigated to estimate the density of krill Euphausia pacifica . The acoustic backscattering strength from sound scattering layers was compared with biomass estimates from midwater trawls. Euphausia pacifica was targeted among mixed species populations in the sound scattering layer in the offshore Funka Bay area of Hokkaido, Japan. The frequency characteristics of acoustic backscattering by krill were calculated using a distorted wave Born approximation scattering model at three frequencies. Krill aggregations identified from the EK60 data were extracted as the mean volume backscattering strength difference between two frequencies. They were then used to identify similar aggregations in the ADCP data by matching observation times and depths for the two methods, which were applied simultaneously. Results from the comparison of the mean volume backscattering strength and the density calculated from the ADCP and EK60 showed that ADCP can be used to measure density and spatial–temporal distribution of krill aggregations. Current speed and direction at the study site were found to be 16.1 cm/s and 187.0°, respectively, and krill speed and direction (including the current component) were found to be 19.8 cm/s and 172.2°, respectively. Based on the ADCP data, the net speed and direction of the krill aggregations were found to be 5.9 cm/s and 128.0°, respectively.  相似文献   
牛胚胎移植技术已趋于成熟。我国新疆牧科院用一步细管法移植牛冻胚受胎率达41%;牛和羊鲜胚四分胚移植也产下1头犊牛和6只羔羊。家畜体外受精,因卵子体外成熟和受精卵体外培养尚不过关,目前仍停留在实验室阶段。胚胎性别鉴定,1990年Koopman发现单拷贝基因,该基因是Y染色体的性决定区,命名为SRY,可利用PCR技术制成雄性特异DNA探针盒,进行马、牛、羊、猪早期胚胎性别鉴定。北京农学院等单位用PCR扩增牛SRY序列进行奶牛胚胎性别鉴定准确率达100%。英、日、法等国已获得牛胚胎细胞核移植后代;我国也获得1只核移植兔。北农大和新疆牧科院合作以绵羊精子为载体导入牛生长激素基因rMTbGH DNA成功,外源基因整合率为3%。  相似文献   
肉兔双列杂交遗传效应的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验采用了5品种完全双列杂交,用Havey程序对德国花巨兔(G)、比利时兔(B)、新西兰白兔(N)、加利福尼亚兔(C)、丹麦白兔(D)的主要生产性能进行了遗传效应分析。首次采用加性——显性模型分析了优势杂交组合优势性状的基因效应值与杂种优势率的关系,对杂种优势机理作了一定探讨。结果表明:最佳杂交父本、母本分别为G(♂)或N(♂)、N(♀);最优杂交组合为GB、NG。此外,GN、DN、GC、BC也不失为优秀组合  相似文献   
家蚕第2隐性赤蚁的遗传学研究——Ⅱ.ch-2基因的连锁分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ch-2基因是继ch之后新发现的一种隐性赤蚁ch-2基因与pM(2)、Ze(3)、L(4)、Pe(5)、E~(EL)(6)、q(7)、st(8)、I(9)、w-2(10)、ms(12)、cf(13)、U(14)、Se(15)、cts(16)、B_m(17)、nb(19)、rb(21)、or(22)、sp(23)、Nd(25)、及Y_m等各标志基因都是独立遗传.Ch-2与mln杂交F_2代分离+ch-2+min:ch-2+min:ch-2mln:ch-2mln=523:284:231:0≈2:1:1:0;ch-2与elp杂交F_2代分离+ch-2+elf:ch-2+elp:+ch-2elp:ch-2elp=219:97:68:0≈2:1:1:0,充分说明ch-2与mln、elp是连锁遗传的,即ch-2基因位于第18连锁群.  相似文献   
以微生物拮抗病原菌是防治病害安全高效的可行手段。通过对果实表面微生物进行筛选鉴定,以期得到一株可以有效抑制灰霉病的生物防治菌株。对拮抗菌株H-1进行形态学特征、生理生化特性分析,结合16S rDNA序列分析和gyrB 基因序列分析构建系统发育树;采用平板对峙法结合果实伤口试验考察拮抗菌H-1在体外及梨果表面的抑菌作用。结果表明:经鉴定H-I菌株为贝莱斯芽孢杆菌(Bacillus velezensis);B. velezensis H-1在体外条件下可显著抑制灰葡萄孢霉(Botrytis cinerea)、细极链格孢(Alternaria tenuissima)和串珠镰孢菌(Fusarium verticillioides)的菌丝生长,其中对灰葡萄孢霉菌丝的抑制作用最强;果实伤口试验表明,1×1011 CFU/mL的B. velezensis H-1可完全抑制梨果表面灰霉菌生长。由此可见,B. velezensis H-1可以有效抑制梨果采后灰霉病的发生。  相似文献   
Squash mosaic virus (SqMV, comovirus) is seed-transmitted in severalCucurbitaceae. Therefore, the use of virus-free seed is important to prevent establishment of this virus in the Netherlands and to avoid spread to other countries.This study was undertaken to develop an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of SqMV in melon seeds. An antiserum was produced to a serotype 1 isolate from melon. Two ELISA variants were investigated viz. an ELISA variant with simultaneous incubation of sample and enzyme conjugate (ELISA 1) and an ELISA variant with successive incubation of sample and enzyme conjugate (ELISA 2). The sensitivity of ELISA was tested by mixing fluor of ground infected and non-infected seeds in different proportions. SqMV was detected by both ELISA variants at dilutions of 1 160 (1 part of infected flour mixed with 159 parts of non-infected flour) or higher after a substrate incubation period of 4 h. However, ELISA 1 gave relatively higher absorbance values than ELISA 2 for nearly all dilutions. Since ELISA 1 is also faster than ELISA 2, ELISA 1 is advised for routine testing. In these test, using subsamples of 100 melon seeds SqMV is detected reliably. ELISA 1 is now used in the Netherlands for routine-indexing of melon seed lots for SqMV.Samenvatting Het pompoenemozaïekvirus gaat over met het zaad van verscheideneCucurbitaceae. Het gebruik van virusvrij zaad is belangrijk om te voorkomen dat het virus zijn intrede doet in Nederland en zich naar andere landen verspreidt.Een antiserum werd geproduceerd tegen een serotype 1 isolaat van meloen. Met behulp van dit antiserum werd een ELISA ontwikkeld om pompoenemozaïekvirus in zaden van meloen aan te tonen. Twee varianten van ELISA werden vergeleken, namelijk een variant waarbij monster en enzymconjugaat gelijktijdig geïncubeerd werden (ELISA 1) en een variant waarbij monster en enzymconjugaat na elkaar geïncubeerd werden (ELISA 2). De gevoeligheid van de ELISA varianten werd uitgetoetst door meel van zieke zaden in verschillende verhoudingen te mengen met meel van gezonde zaden. Het pompoenemozaïekvirus werd met beide ELISA varianten aangetoond in verdunningen van 1 160 (1 deel meel van zieke zaden gemengd met 159 delen meel van gezonde zaden) of hoger na 4 uur incubatie met substraat. ELISA 1 gaf doorgaans hogere extinctiewaarden dan ELISA 2 voor bijna alle verdunningen. Omdat ELISA 1 ook nog sneller is dan ELISA 2, wordt ELISA 1 aanbevolen voor routinematig gebruik. Wanneer voor routinematig gebruik 100 meloenezaden per submonster getoetst worden, kan het pompoenemozaïek virus betrouwbaar worden aangetoond. In Nederland worden momenteel per zaadpartij 20 submonsters van 100 zaden getoetst.  相似文献   
AIM:To detect the association between the polymorphism of Fc receptor γ chain gene at position-29 in promoter and systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE).METHODS:The genotypes at position -29 in promoter of Fc receptor γ chain gene were determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method in 180 patients with SLE and 140 ethnically matched controls in southern China.RESULTS:The frequencies of TT genotype(33.3%) and T allele (54.4%) at position -29 in patients with SLE were significantly higher than those in controls (17.2% and 42.9%, respectively), whereas, the frequencies of GG genotype (24.4%) and G allele (45.6%) in patients with SLE were remarkably lower than those in controls (31.4% and 57.1%, respectively) (P<0.05). The TT genotype and T allele at position -29 were not associated with lupus nephritis in SLE patients (P>0.05).CONCLUSION:Our results indicate that the T allele at position -29 in promoter of Fc receptor gene probably contributes to the susceptibility to SLE, but does not play a role in the occurrence of lupus nephritis.  相似文献   
AIM: To prepare gfp-bcl-XL-contained recombinant adenovirus(rAd-gfp-bcl-XL).METHODS: Bcl-XL gene was amplified from pEGFP-C3-bcl-XL, subcloned into shuttle plasmid and formed transfer plasmid of pAdTrack-CMV-bcl-XL. Then pAdTrack-CMV-bcl-XL was linealinzed with PmeI and co-transformed into BJ5183 bacteria with adenovirus genomic plasmid of pAdEasy-1. The identified recombinant adenovirus plasmid was digested with PacI and transfected into 293 cells to package recombinant adenovirus particles. The target gene was detected by PCR.RESULTS: There were about 35% positive recombinant bacterial clones after the co-transformation of pAdTrack-CMV-bcl-XL and pAdEasy-1 into BJ5183. Recombinant adenovirus particle were produced and further amplified after the transfection of pAdEasy-1-gfp-bcl-XL into 293 cells. PCR test indicated that the recombinant Ad contained bcl-XL gene. The titer of the purified rAd-gfp-bcl-XL was 6.5×1012 PFU/L. CONCLUSIONS: The homologous recombination in bacteria is a convenient and high efficient method to prepare rAd-gfp-bcl-XL. This affords a good gene transfer vector for the gene therapy in human’s diseases.  相似文献   
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays were used to detect phytoplasmas in foliage samples from Chinaberry ( Melia azedarach ) trees displaying symptoms of yellowing, little leaf and dieback in Bolivia. A ribosomal coding nuclear DNA (rDNA) product (1·8 kb) was amplified from one or more samples from seven of 17 affected trees by PCR employing phytoplasma-universal rRNA primer pair P1/P7. When P1/P7 products were reamplified using nested rRNA primer pair R16F2n/R16R2, phytoplasmas were detected in at least one sample from 13 of 17 trees with symptoms. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of P1/P7 products indicated that trees CbY1 and CbY17 harboured Mexican periwinkle virescence (16SrXIII)-group and X-disease (16SrIII)-group phytoplasmas, respectively. Identification of two different phytoplasma types was supported by reamplification of P1/P7 products by nested PCR employing X-disease-group-specific rRNA primer pair R16mF2/WXint or stolbur-group-related primer pair fSTOL/rSTOL. These assays selectively amplified rDNA products of 1656 and 579 bp from nine and five trees with symptoms, respectively, of which two trees were coinfected with both phytoplasma types. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA sequences revealed Chinaberry yellows phytoplasma strain CbY17 to be most similar to the chayote witches'-broom (ChWBIII-Ch10) agent, a previously classified 16SrIII-J subgroup phytoplasma. Strain CbY1 resembled the Mexican periwinkle virescence phytoplasma, a 16SrXIII-group member. The latter strain varied from all known phytoplasmas composing group 16SrXIII. On this basis, strain CbY1 was assigned to a new subgroup, 16SrXIII-C.  相似文献   
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