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本文估计了褐壳蛋鸡洛岛红(AA)和浅花苏赛克斯(BB)在正反反复选择(RRS)下的近交系数,分析了近交对选择标准饲料利用率及其相关性状和繁殖性状的影响。试验群体由两纯种及其正反交组合和相应的对照组组成。经过7个世代的RRS和近交试验,试验组AA和BB(括弧里为对照组1AA和1BB)用系谱材料计算出的平均累积近交系数分别为2.58%和3.23%(9.33和8.17%)或每代为0.43%(1.35%),用有效群体含量估计出的AA与BB的相应数值为2.91%与2.83%(5.84%与5.92%)或每代为0.42%(0.86%)。1%近交系数导致的孵化率和饲料利用率的近交衰退较严重(0.5%和0.4%),其次是产蛋性状(约0.3%),而体重和蛋重只有0.1%左右。在本研究中,通过连续7代的RRS与合适的留种率等措施,成功地将闭锁群体的近交系数控制在3%以下的低水平,消除或减轻了近交对饲料利用率等重要经济性状的不利影响。  相似文献   
四川农村养猪日粮及平衡饲养技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在四川养猪主产地的不同地理生态区选点,深入农户广泛开展农村养猪常用饲料及日粮调研,采集饲料样品92个,分析测定铁、铜、猛、锌、钴、碘和硒的含量,将四川农村养猪日粮总结划分为:(1)玉米、青料日粮;(2)甘薯、青料日粮;(3)玉米、小麦、青料日粮;(4)玉米、大麦、青料日粮。并对各日粮的营养含量作了概算和评定。在此基础上,提出适合四川农村养猪日粮的添加剂预混料和浓缩料配制建议以及浓缩料主要营养指标推荐值。依此,开展了4种日粮的6批44组347头肉猪的饲养试验。从中优选出一批饲料配方,已在11个地市的40余家厂试产,省内外广大农村养猪中应用,有效地促进了饲料工业和农村养猪生产的发展。研制的甘薯青料日粮及平衡饲养技术,已列专题在省内大面积推广应用。经济效益和社会效益十分显著。  相似文献   
通过使用不同添加量饲用纤维素复合酶在不同时间预消化处理小麦日粮,研究饲用纤维素复合酶添加量对小麦日粮酶解效果的影响。试验结果表明:添加饲用纤维素复合酶对小麦日粮的酶解率、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维有影响,但并不是饲用纤维素复合酶的添加量越高作用效果越明显。在36h处理组中,饲用纤维素复合酶添加量在0.2‰水平下,酶解效果最好,与添加量为0.12%。与0.16%。相比,差异极显著(P〈0.01);在12h、48h处理组中,饲用纤维素复合酶添加量为0.12%。与0.16%。0.2‰水平的相比,差异不显著(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   
The effect of feed withdrawal for 48 h, prior to initiation of the finishing (fattening) period (75 d) on carcass marbling fat was studied in 120 European × British cross-bred heifers with an average weight of 585 ± 39 kg. Heifers were randomized in a 2 × 2 factorial design experiment with two dietary management treatments, where half the heifers were provided the feed components of steam rolled barley and barley silage either free choice or as a total mixed ration (TMR) containing 87% steam rolled barley and 13% barley silage with ad libitum vitamins and minerals via salt blocks for all animals. Within each dietary management treatment, 30 heifers were denied feed (water was available) for 48 h prior to the two week adaptation to the high grain diet preceding the 75 d finishing period. At the end of the 48 h feed denial blood samples were collected from the jugular vein prior to feeding for determination of glucose and insulin concentrations, which indicated that 48 h feed withdrawal consistently decreased (P = 0.0001) plasma concentrations of both glucose and insulin but the ratios of the concentrations of glucose to insulin were not affected. At slaughter samples of subcutaneous fat from the brisket (BF) and skirt muscle (pars costalis diaphragmatis; PCD) were procured for determination of chemical fat content, fat dissected from the muscle and for enumeration of adipocytes, less than 35 μm in diameter and to determine the average cell size in the dissected fat and from the BF by flow-cytometry of adipocytes fixed in osmium tetroxide. The carcass characteristics were also obtained. Although no differences due feed withdrawal for 48 h were evident for carcass weight, percent lean (saleable) meat yield, rib eye area, average fat cover, fat content of PCD or BF, the US marbling score was increased (P = 0.048) and the amount of dissected fat from the muscle tended to be higher (P = 0.107), thus 81% of the carcasses graded “US Choice” or “Canada AAA,” or displayed at least a “small” amount of intramuscular fat as compared (P = 0.0807) to 68% of the heifers not denied feed. Based on more than three years of weekly prices of carcasses that graded “Canada AAA” and “Canada AA,” these experimental results suggested that the expected price of a finished heifer could increase by $4.61 Canadian if a 48 h feed withdrawal was imposed prior to initiation of the finishing phase. Although significant differences in adipocyte numbers due to a single time 48 h feed withdrawal prior to initiation of the finishing phase were not detected, the carcass quality factors were affected leading to an odds ratio of 1.84 times in favour of cattle carcasses to grade “Canada AAA” than if fed continuously.  相似文献   
根据饲料企业现状和发展趋势,综合饲料企业的物流管理,构建饲料企业的进销存管理信息系统,并引入地理信息系统,通过对空间数据的统计和分析,帮助决策企业运作政策。  相似文献   
选择400kg左右的南阳牛48头随机等数分为组,在相同基础日粮条件下,试验1组和试验2组的日粮中分别添加5mg/kg克伦特罗和2mg/kgF89,对照组不添加,经过47d的育肥试验,克伦特罗和F89组育肥牛的日增重分为0.98和0.78kg,比对照组相应提高了53.1%和218%;饲料转化效率也提高了,料重比分别比对照组降低52.9%和22.4%。克伦特罗使育肥牛的血清生长激素水平上升,T4水平下降。  相似文献   
饲用莫能菌素的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
莫能菌素是聚醚类离子载体抗生素,是目前欧盟唯一允许使用的抗生素饲料添加剂。本文通过其作用机理、畜禽生产中的添加效果及使用剂量等方面的综合论述,证明了在畜禽生产中饲用莫能菌素的可行性,并为其今后的广泛应用做了研究展望。  相似文献   
以葡萄糖、蔗糖、糊精、玉米淀粉和糊化玉米淀粉为糖源制成5种等氮等脂饲料,投喂卵形鲳碜(Trachinotus ovatus)8周,研究不同糖源对其日增重、饲料利用和肝脏消化酶活性的影响.结果显示,不同糖源对卵形鲳鲹日增重、饲料效率和蛋白效率均有显著影响(P<0.05).糊化玉米淀粉组的日增重、饲料效率和蛋白效率均最高,显著高于非淀粉糖源组(P<0.05),而与玉米淀粉组无显著差异(P>0.05);葡萄糖组的日增重、饲料效率和蛋白效率均最低,显著低于其他糖源组(P<0.05).消化酶活性结果显示,饲料中的不同糖源对卵形鲳鲹的肝脏消化酶活性有显著影响(P<0.05).两个淀粉组的蛋白酶活性显著低于分子量较低其他三组(P<0.05);蔗糖组的淀粉酶活性最高,显著高于除糊精组外的其他糖源组(P<0.05);脂肪酶活性随着糖分子量的增大而增大.本研究中淀粉类大分子糖类对卵形鲳鲹的促生长效果优于葡萄糖、蔗糖和糊精,糊化玉米淀粉组的促生长效果最好.  相似文献   

This study was initiated to investigate the influence of a daily dose of anionic salts (AS) above the valid upper limit at present on metabolism of dairy cows. Eleven non‐pregnant and non‐lactating Holstein‐Friesian crossbred cows with a permanent rumen cannula were used in a study with a controlled feeding design. The initial daily dose was 2500 meq/day, which resulted in a Dietary Cation Anion Difference (DCAD) of ‐211 meq/kg dry matter. Every seven days, the daily dose was raised by 500 meq. If a cow stopped eating, the application of AS was stopped and these cows were monitored over the next seven days. On day 30 another batch of hay, having the same DCAD but higher concentrations of minerals and energy, was fed. Blood and urine samples were taken to monitor acid‐base balance and calcium concentrations. Acid‐base balance was strongly influenced by AS. Blood pH dropped steadily and reached values around 7.23. Urine pH dropped quickly below 6 and remained at that level regardless of the increased dosage of AS. Net acid base excretion (NABE) fell continuously with the increase of the dosage of AS and reached values below ‐200 mmol/l. Calcium concentrations in the serum were nearly stable, but those in urine increased sharply and remained on an elevated level with increasing doses of AS. A few days before the individual cow's refusal of feed intake, calcium excretion in urine decreased. The majority of cows stopped eating while consuming a diet containing 3500 to 4000 meq AS except two animals who consumed up to 6000 meq/day AS but they received the better hay in the second half of the treatment period. In this time pH in blood increased slowly. NABE remained stable on a low level at ‐100 mmol/l. The results showed that with an increasing amount of AS fed the risk of clinical acidosis increased. The decreasing urine concentrations of calcium indicate a breakdown of the compensation capability of the single cow. Besides the dose of AS fed, the quality of the feed stuff might be another factor concerning the tolerance of cows against AS.  相似文献   
本试验以7%或14%的稻壳和18%或36%的米糠替代等比例玉米-豆饼基础饲粮中的玉米,研究纤维饲粮对30~80千克东北民猪(以下简称民猪)的生长及背膘厚度的影响。经研究表明饲粮稻谷副产品来源的NDF含量达到10%时,民猪的日增重明显受到影响,且随饲粮NDF的升高呈线性降低,干物质采食量随饲粮NDF的变化增加不明显,民猪消化能采食量略有下降,饲料效率随饲粮NDF的升高而变差。民猪生长慢的原因,除受其固有基因型支配外,采食量小是影响其增重的关键因素。提高饲粮NDF水平影响猪固有生长潜力的发挥。中、高NDF水平下,民猪的背膘较对照杂种猪薄,降低饲粮能量浓度可获得较瘦的胴体。  相似文献   
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