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采用动态热机械分析仪对绝干、6%、12%、18%、30%、50%、100%和水饱和8种含水率速生杨木试件进行了动态黏弹性分析.动态力学分析参数为:温度扫描范围35~ 350℃,升温速度5℃·min-1,测量频率10Hz.储能模量的变化表明:各含水率试件在整个扫描温度范围内均出现2个明显的弹性转变过程,完成次级弹性转变的...  相似文献   
从我国的国情出发,对目前营造生丰产林尚缺乏适用的机器品种的状况进行了分析,指责若要适应大面积营造速生产丰产林的发展,实现机械化是当务之急。根据速生丰产林营造工艺要求。研究并提出了林地清理,整地,植苗造林,除草松土,林地施肥,灌溉和抚育间伐等主要作业工序所需要的机器选型方案和新机器的研究方向。  相似文献   
速生丰产林建设项目,具有建设周期相对较长,投资数额大,收益相对较低的特征,解决建设资金投入问题时,可以考虑采用项目融资方式。文章分析了速生丰产林项目融资中的风险,从风险的角度出发找出制约我国速生丰产林项目融资的因素。  相似文献   
We evaluated the spatial structures of nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4) fluxes in an Acacia mangium plantation stand in Sumatra, Indonesia, in drier (August) and wetter (March) seasons. A 60 × 100-m plot was established in an A. mangium plantation that included different topographical elements of the upper plateau, lower plateau, upper slope and foot slope. The plot was divided into 10 × 10-m grids and gas fluxes and soil properties were measured at 77 grid points at 10-m intervals within the plot. Spatial structures of the gas fluxes and soil properties were identified using geostatistical analyses. Averaged N2O and CO2 fluxes in the wetter season (1.85 mg N m−2 d−1 and 4.29 g C m−2 d−1, respectively) were significantly higher than those in the drier season (0.55 mg N m−2 d−1 and 2.73 g C m−2 d−1, respectively) and averaged CH4 uptake rates in the drier season (−0.62 mg C m−2 d−1) were higher than those in the wetter season (−0.24 mg C m−2 d−1). These values of N2O fluxes in A. mangium soils were higher than those reported for natural forest soils in Sumatra, while CO2 and CH4 fluxes were in the range of fluxes reported for natural forest soils. Seasonal differences in these gas fluxes appears to be controlled by soil water content and substrate availability due to differing precipitation and mineralization of litter between seasons. N2O fluxes had strong spatial dependence with a range of about 18 m in both the drier and wetter seasons. Topography was associated with the N2O fluxes in the wetter season with higher and lower fluxes on the foot slope and on the upper plateau, respectively, via controlling the anaerobic-aerobic conditions in the soils. In the drier season, however, we could not find obvious topographic influences on the spatial patterns of N2O fluxes and they may have depended on litter amount distribution. CO2 fluxes had no spatial dependence in both seasons, but the topographic influence was significant in the drier season with lowest fluxes on the foot slope, while there was no significant difference between topographic positions in the wetter season. The distributions of litter amount and soil organic matter were possibly associated with CO2 fluxes through their effects on microbial activities and fine root distribution in this A. mangium plantation.  相似文献   
根据树种选择研究结果,1993年在云南元谋引种桉属和金合欢属树种12个,经两年多的初步观测分析,并与原引种成功的新银合欢比较适应性和速生性,认为赤桉,大叶相思,马占相思可作为元谋干热河谷造林的最优树种,逐步扩大栽培试验,对当地植被恢复适生树种的使用具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
于1984—1986年营造甜杨(Populus suavcolens)人工林77.13 ha,现已郁闭成林,长势良好。根据甜杨的生态习性,选择低平、潮润、排水良好地段,土层深60 cm以上的立地条件,选择优良母树,采条培育大苗,带母根进行造林。研究结果表明,在相同人工林样地内,甜杨树高和直径生长速度分别比落叶松快1.3—3倍、4.6—8.2倍;树高和直径生长速度分别比樟子松快3.6倍、8.2倍;人工甜杨林树高和直径生长速度比天然林分别快2倍、2.1倍。根据甜杨生长特性,在大兴安岭北部火烧迹地上应发展甜杨人工林,以尽快恢复森林,达到速生丰产。  相似文献   
在环太湖低洼区、长江滩涂和洪泽湖湿地5 a造林对比试验表明,S201,F11,M3,L226,E106和L293的平均株高、平均胸径和平均单株立木材积在3个试验地均超过2个对照。对墨西哥落羽杉新无性系分类利用进行初步评估认为,宜作为丰产造林的无性系有S201,F11,L226,E106和L293;宜作为农田林网造林的无性系有F11,F65,L226和L293;宜作为园林绿化的无性系有M3,E140,F65,F1,E96和M5。  相似文献   
本文以青阳县木镇镇南河村2004年营造杉木示范林为例,分析杉木速生丰产用材林营林技术措施对林分质量和木材产量的影响。结果表明:示范点林分通过采取细致整地、良种壮苗、认真栽植、精心管护等集约经营措施,比同等立地条件对照造林林分的平均高、平均地(胸)径、林木蓄积量均有明显提高,效益明显。  相似文献   
樟树是珍贵的特殊用途树种。文章介绍了樟树速生林的育苗造林技术。育苗包括种子采集、整地、播种及大田育苗六个方面的田间管理,造林包括造林地的选择、备耕、造林时间及植苗要求,造林后六大管抚措施。通过樟树造林实例,分析经营状况和生长状况,总结出营造樟树速生林应注意的九大要点。  相似文献   
[目的]研究农林生物复合共生循环模式,实现农林产业的生物良性循环。[方法]在人工速生林林下适宜处搭建小拱棚并安装配套设施,在棚中栽培平菇。[结果]当袋子内有黄水出现时,标志着平菇已达生理成熟,进入出菇期管理。在通风条件好的棚室内,垛底高20em,宽30cm,走向与通风换气一致。垛间距1.0~1.1m,垛高可码放8~10层菌棒。出菇前要用10℃以上温差刺激7~10d,在4~26℃范围内均可出菇,出菇温度控制在15℃左右为宜。可采用喷雾或地面灌水蒸发等方法将出菇期空气湿度控制在85%。袋内补水可用注水器注水,也可将菌棒放到容器内浸泡24h。棚室内栽培密度一般以30~35棒/m2为宜。试验栽培平菇的纯收入为121125万-200700万元/hm2。[结论]通过林菌高效结合与循环利用能获得最佳经济效益,完成农业生态良性循环。  相似文献   
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