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早熟优质长豇豆新品种‘鄂豇豆2 号’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 ‘鄂豇豆2号’是经有性杂交选育而成的早熟蔓生豇豆新品种。该品种荚浅绿色, 长60 cm,单荚质量18~ 24 g。早熟, 荚商品性状优良, 产量高, 对光周期反应不敏感, 田间疫病、煤霉病、病毒病发病率低, 适宜于春、夏、秋各季栽培, 已在全国大部分省份推广种植成功。  相似文献   
早熟油桃‘玫瑰红’选育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
玫瑰红油桃是1992年以京玉为母本,五月火为父本进行杂交培育的早熟油桃品种。该品种在郑州6月下旬成熟,果实发育期85d左右;果面75%~100%着玫瑰红色,不裂果;平均单果重150g,最大250g;果肉乳白色,肉质硬溶,果实风味甜,可溶性固形物11%,半离核;需冷量700h,早期丰产性强,极丰产。  相似文献   
以湘早籼45号为材料,采用田间小区试验,研究养分运筹对早稻叶片叶绿素及类胡萝卜素含量的影响。结果表明:高产高效施肥与农民习惯施肥相比,在节氮20%的条件下,通过增施有机肥及调节后期施氮比例,益阳、湘阴早稻叶片灌浆期总叶绿素含量分别提高29.27%、38.20%,类胡萝卜素含量分别提高13.16%、30.12%,增产4.20%、4.80%。益阳超高产高效施肥 A和 B处理早稻叶片灌浆期总叶绿素含量比农民习惯施肥分别提高53.91%、53.73%,类胡萝卜素含量分别提高35.95%、37.47%,增产16.60%、18.75%;湘阴超高产高效施肥 A和 B处理早稻叶片灌浆期总叶绿素含量比农民习惯施肥分别提高57.82%、56.80%,类胡萝卜素含量分别提高54.88%、57.03%,增产10.10%、6.75%。相关分析表明:不同地力环境条件下,早稻叶片叶绿素及类胡萝卜素含量与产量呈显著或极显著正相关(P<0.05或 P<0.01)。养分运筹模式对早稻叶片叶绿素及类胡萝卜素含量的促进作用显著。  相似文献   
A control system was designed to raise and maintain water temperatures within 0.03-ha earthen ponds to a range conducive for spawning (24–30 °C) channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus. Heating was done during February 2001 to April 2001, when temperatures would have otherwise prohibited spawning (<24 °C). Temperature was increased from 10 °C (ambient) by 2 °C per day, and maintained at 27 °C, by the addition of geothermally warmed water (36 °C). The control system substantially increased the controllability and precision of heating ponds compared to manual operation. Systems were designed to control sets of four ponds. In designing this control system, consideration of biological constraints was essential. Reproduction in channel catfish is most strongly influenced by temperature. Because cold fronts are common during the winter and early spring (January–March), it was essential to ensure that pond temperatures did not fall below the range for spawning. Constraints on the heating rate and temperature variability to maintain fish health and stimulate spawning behavior were considered. Components of the control system included temperature measurement devices (type-T thermocouples), a central electronic control unit, electronic switches and electrically actuated ball valves. In response to the temperature sensed by each thermocouple, the controller sent a message to close or open the valve. When the valve was opened, warm water was added to the pond to increase the average pond temperature. Hardware and algorithm design and initial system testing were the major components of this project. The final design incorporated information on relevant biological parameters and safety features including peak pond temperature, independent aeration and water pressure control mechanisms. Initial results indicate successful control of this biological system, and ongoing studies suggest similar mechanisms may be used for additional control objectives. In particular, this system could be used to vary pond temperatures to study biological responses and to cool ponds by addition of well water during summer months.  相似文献   
周洪  朱鹏飞  徐佳 《蔬菜》2017,(10):11-13
为完善茄子穴盘育苗技术,对比研究了不同规格穴盘育苗的茄苗素质及栽培效益。结果表明:32孔规格穴盘育苗比50孔茄苗素质明显提升;移栽单栋钢架大棚后,32孔穴盘育苗的茄子早熟性比50孔穴盘育苗平均提前5 d,总产量增加15.3%;667 m~2投入成本32孔穴盘育苗比50孔穴盘育苗增加75.3%(35.6元),而收益增加了2 427.9元。因此建议大棚茄子种植采用32孔规格穴盘进行育苗。  相似文献   
王刚 《中国蔬菜》2007,1(11):29-30
花都为早熟西瓜品种,母本XH-15是从俄罗斯引进的一代杂种中分离出的自交系,父本BM-16是早熟抗裂西瓜品系104和京欣1号杂交分离选育出的高代自交系。花都生长势强健,易坐果。果实圆形,果皮绿色覆墨绿色条带,瓤红色,酥脆爽口,汁多味甜,中心可溶性固形物含量11%左右。单果质量5~7kg,每667m2产量4000kg左右。对枯萎病和炭疽病的抗性强于对照京欣1号,适于早春栽培。  相似文献   
番茄灰霉病是番茄的主要病害之一,它不仅为害叶片、花、茎,还严重危害果实,尤其以青果发病最重,摸索出一套番茄灰霉病早期防治技术,防治效果十分显著。  相似文献   
采用微胚早期转移技术,将接种后2周的花药连同微胚一起转移到分化培养基,可提高分化成苗率10~12倍,且减轻了胚状体转移的麻烦。利用50kg/L的秋水仙碱溶液处理1~2mm的胚状体6~72小时,可在一定范围内提高可育株率,其中处理24小时效果最好,在不降低分化成苗率的前提下,可育株率由对照的32.3%提高到71.4%。将微胚早期转移与染色体早期加倍相结合,在微胚转移前一天向原培养基中滴加1ml 50mg/L的秋水仙碱溶液,在保持同样出胚率和分化率的基础上,可育株率由39.4%提高到58.3%,自交结实株率由17.9%提高到37.4%。  相似文献   
[目的]培育适合新疆北疆棉区种植的早熟杂交棉品种,探讨杂种F1代的杂种优势,为北疆棉区提供高产优质早熟杂交棉品种。[方法]2011年以芽黄突变体为母本,配置14个杂交组合,并筛选出强优势组合。[结果]竞争优势分析结果表明:有11个参试组合子棉产量超过CK;有13个组合皮棉产量超过CK;其中组合KH1148和KH1150的早熟性好、丰产性突出且纤维品质综合性状优良。[结论]组合KH1148和KH1150可作为早熟杂交棉组合适于北疆棉区种植。株高、衣分、比强度存在正向杂种优势;以115-23和71-7为母本的组合,在农艺性状、产量等综合性状上有强的优势。  相似文献   
150头仔猪被随机分为5组,每组30头,进行饲养试验,探讨富乐旺对断奶仔猪生产性能和腹泻的影响。试验结果表明:与对照组相比,试验组平均日增重升高其中10mg/kg、15mg/kg和20mg/kg富乐旺添加组差异显著(P<0.05);平均日采食量升高;饲料系数和腹泻率、腹泻频率及死亡率降低。  相似文献   
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