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Current practices in many nurseries involve the germination of tropical rainforest seedlings in shaded conditions and transferral, at a later date, to environments with greater light intensities. Determination of the ability of these seedlings to acclimate to increased light intensities will allow seedling stock to be processed with maximum efficiency within the nursery. The acclimation abilities of three species, Agyrodendron actinophyllum, Cardwellia sublimis, and Flindersia brayleyana, commonly found in north Queensland's rainforests were investigated in this study. These particular species are highly valued for their cabinet timber qualities and are being reared in nurseries for use in reforestation trials and programs in north Queensland. Seedlings were initially raised in greenhouse conditions under two layers of shade cloth (16% of full sunlight) and then transferred into full sunlight at three different ages (3 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks). Upon transfer, organ ratios and the direction of dry matter distribution was determined for each species and age group. Approximately 3 months after the seedlings were transferred, the acclimation ability of each species and age group was then determined. Dry matter distribution was found to change with age, irrespective of light environment. Individuals within a species with larger root systems and thicker or more dense leaves had a greater acclimation ability than those with smaller root systems and thinner or less dense leaves. Furthermore, individuals within a species whose dry matter distribution upon transfer was directed towards developing a large root system, and a small photosynthetic area and mass, had a greater acclimation ability than those whose dry matter distribution was directed away from such morphologies. Awareness of these relationships allows a better understanding of seedling response to gap formation in natural forests, and also allows plant nursery operators to make a more informed decision about when to move seedlings to environments with a higher light intensity.  相似文献   
温室番茄干物质分配及果实生长发育规律的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以番茄品种辽园多丽为试验材料,在日光温室内对植株生长期各器官干物质分配及单个果实生长发育进行了研究。结果表明:番茄在开花结果后,地上部分配指数保持在0.9以上,地下部分配指数维持在0.1以下,同化物大多供给地上部用于茎、叶、果的生长;番茄果实横径与发育时间呈"S"形曲线变化规律,并利用Logistic方程建立番茄果实生长的模型。  相似文献   
为了探究丰枯水期里下河腹地典型水体中浮游动物的群落结构特征,通过布设20个采样站点,于2014年丰水期(7月29日)和枯水期(12月24日)对里下河腹地典型水体进行了2次全面调查,并对水质状况进行了评价。结果表明,里下河腹地典型水体共鉴定出浮游动物21种(包括变种和变型),无节幼体1类;其中轮虫最多,共14种,占浮游动物总种数的66.6%;枝角类次之,共6种,占28.6%;桡足类最少,仅1种,占4.8%;各站点浮游动物种类组成和密度均以轮虫和枝角类为主,数量在5~15种,密度变化在9.8~102.2个/L。浮游动物相似性指数在0.18~0.55,平均为0.36,偏向于轻度相似,表明丰水期与枯水期的生境差异较大。优势种的优势度不高,在0.023~0.297;多样性指数在1.73~3.56,均匀度指数在0.67~0.95,表明丰、枯水期里下河腹地典型水体的浮游动物群落信息含量较大、群落结构处于较稳定状态。浮游动物多样性和水质监测结果均表明,枯水期水质优于丰水期,枯水期水质基本处于清洁状态,丰水期水质基本处于中度污染状态;污染源主要为面源污染,且串场河(6号)、新通扬运河(12号)、喜鹊湖(17号)、兴姜河(18号)受人类活动影响较大。  相似文献   
本文研究了川西南山地安宁河流域干热河谷和干性森林的水分收支状况。结果表明:(1)干热河谷和干性森林的年降水量分别为1 067.95 mm和1 371.73 mm,年降水量的90%以上集中在6月~10月的雨季和夏秋季节;(2)干热河谷和干性森林年蒸发量为1 280 mm和1 089.75 mm,春夏蒸发占年蒸发量的65%和66%,旱季蒸发占年蒸发量的58%和61%,4月~6月是蒸发旺季,其次是7月~8月;(3)干热河谷和干性森林年水分盈余量分别为43.6 mm和481.95 mm,均存在季节性水分匮缺期,7月~10月、夏秋季节和雨季均是水分盈余期,其余为水分匮缺期;(4)干热河谷和干性森林年干燥度分别为1.205和0.8,表明该地区分别为半湿润和湿润性气候,还存在明显的季节差异,7月~10月、雨季和夏秋季节气候湿润,其余时期为半湿润或干旱气候;(5)干性森林在年降水量和水分盈余量上高于干热河谷,在年可能蒸发量和干燥度上明显低于干热河谷,这种差异还体现在水分参数的月分配、四季分配、旱雨季分配上;(6)干热河谷湿润程度差于干性森林,干热河谷植被和干性森林对各自水分收支状况具有良好的适应性;(7)封山育林需要注意旱季防火,人工促进还需要考虑土壤水分平衡规律和适地适树,进行"适度"造林。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the response of 16 different genetic sources of corn (Zea mays L.) to lime and P application on a low pH and P Parsons silt loam soil in the greenhouse. A highly significant lime x P interaction was found for both dry matter production and P concentration. Phosphorus increased both dry matter production and P content of plant tissues with or without lime application. However, liming produced a detrimental effect when P was applied but no effect when no P was applied. Corn genetic sources showed a highly significant interaction with P treatment, but not with lime for both dry matter production and P concentration. The results suggest that improvement in corn growth could be achieved in a low P soil environment by genetic selection.  相似文献   
方雅各  解鈺  王丽华  杨霖  赵伶茹  赖倩倩  田伟  孟磊 《土壤》2018,50(2):347-352
通过室内培养试验研究等氮量下不同施肥次数对N_2O排放的影响。试验设一次性施氮(S1,将200 mg/kg氮肥一次性施入土壤),二次分施(S2,将200 mg/kg氮肥分两次平均施入土壤),三次分施(S3,将200 mg/kg氮肥分80、60、60 mg/kg 3次施入土壤)和空白(CK,不施肥)4个处理。培养在65%田间持水量,30℃恒温箱中进行。结果表明,氮肥施入显著促进土壤N_2O排放;等施氮量下,不同分施次数使土壤pH呈显著性差异,而土壤pH的差异又影响了土壤N_2O累积排放量;分施次数越多,土壤酸化程度越强,N_2O累积排放量越少。因此,在等施氮量下,要充分考虑土壤酸化、N_2O排放、NO–3-N积累以及施肥成本等,确定合理分施次数。  相似文献   
不同春玉米品种花后光合物质生产特点及碳氮含量变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
玉米高产实践表明增加花后干物质生产对于产量的进一步增加具有重要作用。为了探明高产条件下花后干物质生产增加的原因,本研究比较了玉米品种登海661 (DH661)、中单909 (ZD909)和970的产量差异,并利用产量性能分析理论剖析了花后的产量性能参数,分析了花后主要功能叶穗位叶的叶绿素含量、净光合速率和碳、氮含量的变化。结果表明,品种间的产量差异显著,产量较高的品种(DH661和ZD909)具有较高的穗粒重,而DH661具有较多的穗粒数(466.7),ZD909具有较高的粒重(392.7 g);产量较高的品种后期干物质生产及其向籽粒的分配比例高,产量性能分析表明花后的平均叶面积指数(mLAI)及光合势(LAD)与干物质生产及产量均呈显著正相关;产量较高的品种花后穗位叶叶绿素、全碳和全氮含量下降慢,碳氮比值增加慢,光合速率在整个灌浆期相对较高,光合产物不仅向籽粒运转,还能在叶片中以淀粉的形式持续积累,在后期随着光合速率的下降,淀粉才开始降解向籽粒运输。可见玉米花后碳氮代谢协调、光合作用和物质生产能力衰减缓慢对于有效维持较高平均叶面积指数和光合势,进一步提高作物产量具有重要意义。  相似文献   
覆膜方式对旱地冬小麦产量和水分利用率的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
研究了不同覆膜方式对旱作区冬小麦产量和水分利用率的影响。结果表明,在生育期降水量200.0mm下,全膜小垄沟穴播处理冬小麦平均折合产量4 615.4 kg/hm2,较露地条播增产42.9%,总产值、纯收入较露地条播分别增加3 599.9、1 998.1元/hm2;降水利用率64.5%,较露地条播降低0.9百分点;土壤水分利用率15.0 kg(/mm.hm)2,较露地条播增加5.0 kg(/mm.hm)2。  相似文献   
干热风对冬小麦灌浆速率和千粒重的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为定量分析冬小麦灌浆不同时期出现的干热风对小麦产量形成带来的危害,利用郑州农业气象试验站连续两个年度的干热风人工控制试验数据,结合前期作物观测资料,研究了干热风对冬小麦籽粒灌浆速率及千粒重的影响。结果表明,干热风导致冬小麦灌浆速率不同程度下降,不同时期干热风的降幅表现为灌浆中期灌浆后期灌浆前期,重度干热风轻度干热风。随着干热风后冬小麦的自身修复和后续灌浆进程,最终千粒重不同程度降低,降低幅度最大的是灌浆后期重度干热风,千粒重降低5.4g,降幅达14.5%;其次为灌浆中期重度和轻度干热风,千粒重分别降低9.7%和4.8%;再次为灌浆后期轻度干热风;而灌浆前期干热风对千粒重影响不显著。  相似文献   
An experiment was carried out at Alemaya University in Ethiopia to investigate the effect of night kraaling on the dry matter intake (DMI), live weight gain (LWG) and foraging behaviour of Ogaden cattle. Three groups of four animals were given either 7 h access to pasture per day, simulating traditional grazing (TG) practice; extended grazing (EG) access for 11 h per day; or traditional grazing access plus a nocturnal forage supplement (TF). Live weight gain, DMI and foraging behaviour were measured during the late dry season (EP1) and the wet season (EP2). None of the treatments had any significant effect on either DMI or LWG during EP1 or EP2. Extending pasture access time from 7 h to 11 h did not significantly increase the amount time spent grazing, but grazing intensity was significantly (p < 0.05) reduced during the non-common grazing hours. Step rate was significantly lower (p < 0.01) during EP2 than during EP1 and bites per step were significantly higher (p < 0.001) during EP2 than EP1, indicating that animals had to travel a shorter distance before selecting material to eat during the wet season (EP2). Providing supplementary forage (TF) had no significant effect on any measured parameter. In this study neither of the two low-cost methods (EG and TF) of improving access to forage had any beneficial effect on cattle productivity. It is concluded that, under the prevailing conditions, the traditional grazing practices of this part of Ethiopia do provide sufficient pasture access time to achieve daily voluntary food intake.  相似文献   
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