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对采自贵州赤水河流域的枯枝标本进行处理,鉴定出10个贵州省省级新记录种暗色丝孢菌,并对其进行形态学描述和图解。标本保存在遵义师范学院真菌学标本室(HMZNC)。  相似文献   
Leaf blotch and fruit spot of apple caused by Alternaria species occur in apple orchards in Australia. However, there is no information on the identity of the pathogens and whether one or more Alternaria species cause both diseases in Australia. Using DNA sequencing and morphological and cultural characteristics of 51 isolates obtained from apple leaves and fruit with symptoms in Australia, Alternaria species groups associated with leaf blotch and fruit spot of apples were identified. Sequences of Alternaria allergen a1 and endopolygalacturonase gene regions revealed that multiple Alternaria species groups are associated with both diseases. Phylogenetic analysis of concatenated sequences of the two genes resulted in four clades representing A. arborescens and A. arborescens‐like isolates in clade 1, A. tenuissima/A. mali isolates in clade 2, A. alternata/A. tenuissima intermediate isolates in clade 3 and A. longipes and A. longipes‐like isolates in clade 4. The clades formed using sequence information were supported by colony characteristics and sporulation patterns. The source of the isolates in each clade included both the leaf blotch variant and the fruit spot variant of the disease. Alternaria arborescens‐like isolates were the most prevalent (47%) and occurred in all six states of Australia, while A. alternata/A. tenuissima intermediate isolates (14%) and A. tenuissima/A. mali isolates (6%) occurred mostly in Queensland and New South Wales, respectively. Implications of multiple Alternaria species groups on apples in Australia are discussed.  相似文献   
Cladosporium chlorocephalum (= C. paeoniae) is a common, widespread leaf-spotting hyphomycete of peony (Paeonia spp.), characterised by having dimorphic conidiophores. During the season, one stage of this fungus causes distinct, necrotic leaf-blotch symptoms on living leaves of Paeonia spp. In late autumn, winter or after overwintering, a second morphologically distinct conidiophore type occurs on dead, blackish, rotting stems. Conspecificity of the two morphs, previously proposed on the basis of observations in culture, was supported by DNA sequence data from the ITS and LSU gene regions, using cultures obtained from leaf-blotch symptoms on living leaves, as well as from dead stems of Paeonia spp. Sequence data were identical, indicating a single species with two morphs. On account of its distinct conidiogenous loci and conidial hila, as well as its sequence-based phylogenetic position separate from the Davidiella/Cladosporium clade, the peony fungus has to be excluded from Cladosporium s. str., but still belongs to the Davidiellaceae (Capnodiales). The leaf-blotching (cladosporioid) morph of this fungus morphologically resembles species of Fusicladium, but differs in having dimorphic fruiting, and is phylogenetically distant from the Venturiaceae. The macronematous (periconioid) morph resembles Metulocladosporiella (Chaetothyriales), but lacks rhizoid conidiophore hyphae, and has 0-5-septate conidia. Hence, C. chlorocephalum is assigned to the new genus Dichocladosporium.Taxonomic novelties: Dichocladosporium K. Schub., U. Braun& Crous, gen. nov., Dichocladosporium chlorocephalum (Fresen.) K. Schub., U. Braun & Crous, comb. nov.  相似文献   
对采自贵州金沙冷水河自然保护区和贵州茂兰国家级自然保护区的凋落枯枝标本进行处理,对其上的暗色丝孢菌进行形态学鉴定,通过查阅相关资料和文献,鉴定出2个中国大陆新记录种:山茶双鞭孢(Biflagellospora japonica Matsush.)和倾斜六月舟霉[Junewangia obliqua(M.B.Ellis)...  相似文献   
本文报告我国亚热带与热带地区植物叶片上小煤炱科真菌菌落中生长的微形菌6属,7种,这些菌类分布广泛,生活方式不同,重寄生半知菌是:梭孢旋痕霉,加里生旋痕霉小煤炱生雪霉.刺绣球霉。另外还有寄生纺锤小束霉,四胞斯氏霉和细胞箕孢,这几种真菌的生活方式不明。本文报告微形真菌,6属7种,均系国内新纪录。  相似文献   
耿月华  汪敏  张猛  王进福  李朋华  高巍 《安徽农业科学》2014,(28):9778-9779,9890
[目的]了解郑州郊区生存在枯枝上的暗色丝孢菌种类。[方法]采用形态描述、绘图和显微摄影相结合的方式对采集自郑州郊区的40余份枯枝标本进行了暗色丝孢菌调查。[结果]从标本样品中分离鉴定出3种暗色丝孢菌,分别是膨梗头束霉、禾色串孢、黄槐棒孢。[结论]为了解中原地区枯枝上的暗色丝孢菌资源奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The genus Cladosporium is restricted to dematiaceous hyphomycetes with a coronate scar type, and Davidiella teleomorphs. In the present study numerous cladosporium-like taxa are treated, and allocated to different genera based on their morphology and DNA phylogeny derived from the LSU nrRNA gene. Several species are introduced in new genera such as Hyalodendriella, Ochrocladosporium, Rachicladosporium, Rhizocladosporium, Toxicocladosporium and Verrucocladosporium. A further new taxon is described in Devriesia (Teratosphaeriaceae). Furthermore, Cladosporium castellanii, the etiological agent of tinea nigra in humans, is confirmed as synonym of Stenella araguata, while the type species of Stenella is shown to be linked to the Teratosphaeriaceae (Capnodiales), and not the Mycosphaerellaceae as formerly presumed.Taxonomic novelties: Devriesia americana Crous & Dugan, sp. nov., Hyalodendriella Crous, gen. nov., Hyalodendriella betulae Crous sp. nov., Ochrocladosporium Crous & U. Braun, gen. nov., Ochrocladosporium elatum (Harz) Crous & U. Braun, comb. nov., Ochrocladosporium frigidarii Crous & U. Braun, sp. nov., Rachicladosporium Crous, U. Braun & Hill, gen. nov., Rachicladosporium luculiae Crous, U. Braun & Hill, sp. nov., Rhizocladosporium Crous & U. Braun, gen. nov., Rhizocladosporium argillaceum (Minoura) Crous & U. Braun, comb. nov., Toxicocladosporium Crous & U. Braun, gen. nov., Toxicocladosporium irritans Crous & U. Braun, sp. nov., Verrucocladosporium K. Schub., Aptroot & Crous, gen. nov., Verrucocladosporium dirinae K. Schub., Aptroot & Crous, sp. nov.  相似文献   
Considerable research efforts have been devoted to determining what forest management practices most affect stream ecosystems, and how those impacts might be mitigated. Recent studies have stressed the relevance of litter decomposition to assess the conditions of headwater streams affected by riparian and upland forest harvest. Here we specifically examined whether litter decomposition can detect ecological effects of clearcutting to stream edges on headwater streams eight years after logging and if large (30 m) and narrow (10 m) riparian reserves (8-year post-harvest), and selection logging at 50% removal of basal area of riparian trees (1-year post-harvest), are effective protection measures for streams. We measured decomposition rates of red alder (Alnus rubra) leaf litter in sixteen stream reaches, including reference reaches in a 70-year-old forest. We further examined assemblages of two main litter consumer groups, shredder invertebrates in riffles and aquatic hyphomycete fungi developing on decaying alder leaves. Alder decay rate was significantly lower in clearcut reaches than in reference reaches, and we found no evidence that any alternative riparian management practices examined in this study were able to mitigate against such an effect of logging. In unlogged reaches, rapid litter decomposition (0.0050–0.0118 day−1) was associated with high density and diversity of shredders (up to ten taxa). Slower litter decomposition in wide and narrow reserve reaches (0.0019–0.0054 day−1) and clearcut reaches (0.0024–0.0054 day−1) was attributed to lower density and richness of shredders. By contrast, the low decay rate in recently established thinned reaches (0.0031–0.0049 day−1) was not associated with a numerical response of shredders. Smothering of submerged leaves by sediments may have caused the reduction in alder decay rate in thinned reaches. Across all forest treatments fungal biomass or diversity remained fairly similar. Our findings suggest that stream ecosystems are extremely sensitive to small changes in riparian and upland forest cover. We propose that litter decomposition as a key ecosystem function in streams could be incorporated into further efforts to evaluate and improve forestry best management practices.  相似文献   
本研究报道了暗色丝孢菌中2个中国新记录种(Beltraniella fertilis Heredia, R.M. Arias, M. Reyes&R.F.Casta?eda、Subulispora cylindrospora P.M. Kirk)和1个中国大陆新记录种(Subulispora procurvata Tubaki),标本采集于贵州省宽阔水国家级自然保护区和习水国家级自然保护区。本研究提供了各种详细的形态学描述、图片及B. fertilis和S. procurvata的ITS和LSU序列。标本保存于在遵义师范学院真菌学标本室(HMZNC)。  相似文献   
对采自贵州省习水国家自然保护区(长嵌沟管理站)和贵州省燕子岩国家森林公园若干份枯枝进行室内的标本保湿处理,对其上的暗色丝孢菌采用形态学鉴定法。根据Kionochaeta(悬刺毛孢属)的典型特征:由菌丝体分枝产生分生孢子梗。分生孢子梗粗大、单生、直立、直或稍弯曲、光滑、具隔、厚壁、褐色至黑褐色、锥形、刚毛状,无或伴生侧生刚毛状分枝的分生孢子梗。可育区域通常在分生孢子梗的中下部,极少在顶端;由紧凑或松弛,不规则或流苏状排列,其上产生产孢细胞。产孢细胞安瓿形,烧瓶形或圆柱形,具2种增殖类型:(1)内壁芽生式,没有持续导致平周变厚;(2)内壁芽生式,持续的及顶式产生新的产孢位点。分生孢子内壁芽生式,顶生,单生,产生一个液滴(在基质上),透明,无隔膜,光滑,椭圆形、梭形、镰状或棒状,极少在两端具一个简单的刚毛。HMZNC0426菌株的典型特征:较长刚毛状分生孢子梗在整个生长过程中缺乏紧密、分枝的产孢结构,但顶端可能产生一系列短的不规则分枝的产孢细胞,刚毛状分生孢子梗基部常伴生一种顶端具产孢结构,较短的分生孢子梗;HMZNC0356菌株的典型特征:分生孢子梗无侧生刚毛状分枝,产胞结构产生在分生孢子梗近中部单一位点上,产孢细胞紧密、无规则排列在分生孢子梗中部;HMZNC0381菌株的典型特征:分生孢子梗中下部着生2~5根侧生的刚毛状分枝,主轴和侧枝的部分顶端着生一系列不规则、短的分枝,其上产生产孢细胞,从而形成可育区域;可育区域位于侧枝下端,构成紧密、分枝、透明至浅褐色的产孢细胞;HMZNC0427菌株的典型特征:分生孢子梗中部着生一根侧生的刚毛状分枝,较短,可育区域位于侧枝下端。根据上述特征鉴定出:Kionochaeta内的K. nanophora Kuthub. & Nawawi (HMZNC0426)和K. spissa P. M. Kirk & B. Sutton (HMZNC0356)为中国新记录种,K. australiensis Goh & K. D. Hyde (HMZNC0427)和K. pughii Kuthub. & Nawawi (HMZNC0381)为中国大陆新记录种。该标本保存在遵义师范学院真菌学标本室(HMZNC)。  相似文献   
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