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为了筛选获得对复合重金属具有耐受能力且能在本地豆科植物根系内定殖共生的抗性根瘤菌,本研究从贵州省内的锰矿区、铅锌矿区采集野生豆科牧草根瘤样品,经分离纯化、菌体形态观察、16S rRNA基因序列比对分析,获得71个根瘤菌保存菌株。系统发育和区系分析结果表明,分离菌株分属7属28种,其中根瘤菌属(Rhizobium)的分布频率高达54.93%,为优势属,木兰根瘤菌(R.indigoferae)的分布频率最高(15.49%),为优势种。选择来自不同尾矿区、不同种类的根瘤菌17株,采用重金属平板法测定各供试菌株对贵州尾矿土分布较多的Pb2+,Zn2+,Cr6+,Mn2+,Cd2+五种重金属的耐受性,结果发现17个菌株对3种或3种以上的重金属都具有不同程度的耐受能力,其中HMZT039-6,HSST042-6,HSST042-1,ZHQT052-1和HXTT050-1对5种重金属离子均有耐受能力,为筛选出的最优抗性根瘤菌株。本研究结果可为本地区土壤重金属污染的修复治理提供共生微生物资源。  相似文献   
以辽宁省某尾矿库为例,基于GIS技术,利用2010年的TM遥感影像及地形图,预测该尾矿库扩容后的生态影响。分析结果显示:尾矿库扩容工程对生态的影响主要体现在土地利用、植被、生态景观和地形地貌的变化4个方面。  相似文献   
The geomorphic stability of the cover (cap) over the pit of Nabarlek Uranium Mine in Arnhem Land, Northern Australia, is important because radon gas and other long-lived radio-nuclides arising from mill tailings must be contained for long periods. The primary agents of denudation in the region's seasonally wet tropical environment of low relief are rainwash, overland flow, rilling and gullying. Other agents of erosion are of less concern, although biogenic agents of erosion (e.g. termites and windthrow) may enhance fluvial activity. A combination of modelling, using the Universal Soil Loss Equation, and analogue estimates of denudation and thresholds of rilling and gullying from areas with similar geology, topography and climate are used to estimate the stability of the Nabarlek cover. Denudation rates are conservatively estimated at less than 100mm ky−1. It is suggested that with some minor design modifications the cover will retain its integrity for several thousand years.  相似文献   
铅锌矿尾渣土壤中重金属的形态及潜在生态风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用优化的BCR连续萃取方案对湖南永州铅锌矿尾渣土壤中Pb,Zn,Cu,Cd进行形态分析,并利用Lars Hakanson潜在生态危害指数法对4种重金属的生态危害进行了评价.结果表明:永州铅锌矿尾渣土壤中Pb,Zn,Cu,Cd等4种重金属的含量分别为6 884.1,2 948.31,547.85,105.88 mg/kg,达到严重污染程度,从高到低为:Cd,Pb,Cu,Zn.矿区土壤中的重金属易形成稳定的化合物或牢固存在于粘土矿物晶格中,酸溶解态或其他自由形式的金属含量低,不利于植物修复技术的实施,但可采用化学方法进行修复.  相似文献   
Incorporation of a range of higher concentrations of CuSO4·5H2O in MS medium [Murashige, T., Skoog, F., 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassay with 240 tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant 15, 473–497] significantly enhanced direct shoot bud induction and proliferation from cultured leaf and nodal explants taken from mature plants of Stevia rebaudiana. Shoot bud induction medium was supplemented with BAP (2.2 μM) and IAA (2.8 μM). When the concentration of CuSO4·5H2O in the induction medium was raised to 0.5 μM (five times the MS level, i.e. 0.1 μM) there was significant increase in percentage response along with increase in shoot bud number per explant. The shoots were healthy, well developed with dark green broader leaves. There was remarkable increase in total biomass and chlorophyll content at increased (0.5 μM) copper level in the medium. During proliferation stage also presence of high copper levels in the medium favoured increase in shoot bud number per explant.  相似文献   
大豆秸秆生物炭对铅锌尾矿污染土壤的修复作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用盆栽空心菜的方法,研究了大豆桔杆生物炭对铅锌尾矿污染土壤的修复作用。污染土壤中Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd含量分别为50,400,1 119,3.4mg/kg。结果表明:土壤无论是否受到铅锌尾矿污染,添加3%生物炭(w/w)均能显著提高土壤pH;3%生物炭能够抑制铅锌尾矿污染导致的土壤pH降低。大豆桔杆生物炭对尾矿污染土壤和未污染土壤中重金属有效态的影响不同,与未污染土壤相比,3%生物炭的钝化作用不能抵消铅锌尾矿污染导致的重金属有效态含量的增加。铅锌尾矿污染抑制空心菜生长;施加3%生物炭可以消除铅锌尾矿污染对空心菜生长的抑制作用。生物炭显著降低污染土壤空心菜根部重金属含量,而对地上部分的影响,不同元素表现出不同的特点;3%生物炭能够阻控铅锌尾矿污染土壤中Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd向空心菜地上部迁移富集。大豆桔杆生物炭对空心菜吸收重金属的影响,在铅锌尾矿污染土壤和未污染土壤上表现不同,存在元素之间的拮抗作用以及由于生物炭提高空心菜生物量所产生的稀释作用。在研究设置条件下,与未污染土壤相比,从空心菜生物量和可食部分吸收重金属含量来评价,施加3%大豆桔杆生物炭可以修复铅锌尾矿导致的土壤污染。  相似文献   
基质改良和耐性物种选择是重金属矿业废弃地生态修复的关键。本文通过室内盆栽试验,以4kg尾矿为植物盆栽基质,分别加入腐熟鸡粪0、8、16、32g混匀,记作MA0(CK)、MA8、MA16、MA32处理方式,研究不同比例腐熟鸡粪改良对铜尾矿基质中无机氮组分及3种豆科植物决明(Cassia tora)、田菁(Sesbania cannabina)、菽麻(Crotalaria juncea)生长发育的影响。结果表明,添加鸡粪改良处理后,3种豆科植物生长的尾矿基质中均以硝态氮为有效氮的主要形态,总无机氮含量为17.96~44.82mg·kg-1。其中菽麻MA32处理组尾矿基质中铵态氮含量(5.31mg·kg-1)最高,菽麻MA16处理组尾矿基质中硝态氮含量(43.06mg·kg-1)和总无机氮含量(44.82mg·kg-1)最高。MA16处理时,田菁和菽麻叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素a+b值均表现最大。3种豆科植物叶绿素a/b为0.92~1.08。在同一鸡粪比例处理中,菽麻叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素a+b值均显著高于决明和田菁(P〈0.05)。鸡粪改良铜尾矿基质能够促进3种豆科植物生长,植物株高、冠幅、根长均增加,并且随着生长期延长,增加明显。其中MA32处理菽麻70d株高(94.40cm)最大,阻止尾矿风蚀水蚀的效果最好。综合分析表明,MA16处理方式可作为鸡粪改良铜尾矿基质理想的比例模式,菽麻可作为铜尾矿生态修复优选植物种。  相似文献   

Oats (Avena sativa L. cv. Garry) were grown in microplots of three organic soils at site A (peat), site B (muck) and site C (mucky peat) in the summer of 1983. The soil surface (0 to 20 cm) varied in total Cu from 13 to 1659, 135 to 1745, and 81 to 1063 μg/g at sites A, B and C, respectively, due to applications of CuSO4.5H2O made at three rates in 1978, at sites A and B, and in 1979 at site C. Neither the rates of Cu application nor total soil Cu influenced yields. High levels of residual Cu increased the levels of Cu in straw at sites A and B, and in grain at site C. However, even the highest levels of Cu in straw and grains, were below the 20 μg/g which is often considered to be the threshold of Cu phytotoxicity. Data on the levels of other nutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Mo and S) in the tops and roots of oats generally revealed no significantly adverse effects of the Cu applications or total accumulated Cu in the three soils.  相似文献   
德兴铜矿是我国的超大型铜矿,尾矿砂的排放是其主要的环境问题之一,目前主要堆积于尾矿库中。1号尾矿库于1986年服役期满后共堆积矿砂2.15×107 m3,面积约210 hm2。20世纪90年代后期,在坝坡约30 hm2覆有客土的地区进行了一系列植被重建的试验研究工作,本文报道了1998年开始在旱稻(OryzaLinn.)、花生(Arachis Linn.)、香根草(Vetiveria zizanioidesNash)和湿地松(Pinuselliottii Engelm.)等18种不同植被组合条件下的土壤基本农化性状(pH、有机质(OM)、铵态氮、速效P、速效K)以及0.05 mol L-1 HCl可提取态重金属在3~4年时间内的变化情况,结果表明,坝坡土壤N、P、K严重不足,且保水、保肥能力弱,需要不断地进行培肥和改良。三年多来,土壤pH总体上无显著变化;OM第三年有显著上升,约为第一年的127%;NH4 N成直线下降,第二年和第三年分别为第一年的72.9%和43.0%;随着耕作实践的推移,速效P和速效K显著上升,但仍旧处于较低水平。重金属(主要是Cu)污染严重,Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd在植物中有明显积累。研究结果强调了试验区在植被重建中不宜种植食用植物,以避免食物链的污染。  相似文献   
本研究通过风干含水率、尾矿粉和白灰配比、比重、颗粒大小分析、液塑限等试验对白山金矿尾矿库坝体材料基本物理性试验进行分析。结果表明,尾矿粉和白灰混合比为100:0.1;尾矿粉的基本物理力学性指标与一般低液限粘土相近。  相似文献   
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