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We evaluated differences between the forest floors and the establishment and growth of coniferous seedlings in fenced (13 years) and unfenced plots on Mt Ohdaigahara where the sika deer (Cervus nippon) population density is high. Large coniferous seedlings (height > 0.05 m) were less abundant in the unfenced plot, as a result of deer browsing. Small coniferous seedlings (height < 0.05 m), however, were more abundant in the unfenced plot, where most seedlings of Abies homolepis were found on bare ground and those of Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis were found on buttresses and fallen logs. The large area of bare ground in the unfenced plot was caused by deer browsing. Deer therefore have an indirect effect on the emergence and growth of small coniferous seedlings by modifying the forest floor.  相似文献   
42种树叶氨基酸组成的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘萍  刘学勤 《林业科学》1989,25(5):453-458
本文研究了中国42种针、阔叶树种树叶中18种蛋白质氨基酸的含量和组成在不同科、属、种之间和不同立地条件下,不同的生长季节进行了比较和探讨。为了进一步研究它们的利用价值,着重研究了与部分粮食和肉类中蛋白质氨基酸组成之间的差别。阔叶树树叶中总的蛋白质氨基酸含量约为针叶树树叶2—3倍。所有树种的树叶蛋白质氨基酸的组成趋势基本相似,树叶中含量较高的氨基酸有天门冬氨基酸、谷氨酸等8种。树叶中总的氨基酸含量高于粮食2—3倍,而且树叶中蛋白质氨基酸的组成趋势与粮食和肉类不完全相同,特别是人和动物体内不能自身合成的8种必须氨基酸的含量分别为高粱、玉米的3倍,麦麸的2倍,与肉类相比,树叶中亮氨酸和苯西氨酸,占蛋白质氨基酸总量百分比高出4—5倍。结果表明,阔叶树叶是优良的饲料添加剂。  相似文献   
本文针对GB/T114-1995《原木检验》标准中,有关针叶树材的活节,检量颜色较深,质地较硬部分(似黑眼珠)的尺寸问题,认为颜色较深、质地较硬是构造特征,节子尺寸应含最外圈年轮。检量似黑眼珠不符合国际惯例。  相似文献   
为探讨不同森林植被类型对土壤中碳水化合物的影响,以凉水自然保护区原始红松针阔混交林和阔叶次生林为对象,对土壤碳水化合物进行研究。结果表明:随着土层深度的增加,两种植被类型下土壤中碳水化合物质量分数都有递减的趋势。在0~10 cm和>10~20 cm土层中,阔叶次生林土壤碳水化合物质量分数显著高于原始红松针阔混交林土壤。在2种碳水化合物提取方式下,热水(100℃)提取的碳水化合物质量分数显著高于常温(25℃)提取的( p<0.05),且都是随着土层深度增加,碳水化合物质量分数降低。浸提液在波长254 nm和280 nm下的吸收值与相应提取的碳水化合物质量分数都呈显著正相关。  相似文献   
模拟氮沉降对森林土壤酚类物质和可溶性糖含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用野外原位试验模拟氮沉降,研究其对福建建瓯万木林自然保护区杉木林(CUL)、浙江桂(CIC)和罗浮栲林(CAF)3种林分土壤多酚、单宁和可溶性糖含量的影响。每个林分设置对照(CK,0 kg/(hm2·a))、低氮(LN,30 kg/(hm2·a))和高氮(HN,100 kg/(hm2·a))3个处理。结果表明:针叶杉木林土壤多酚含量最高,单宁和可溶性糖含量最低,且均与另两个阔叶树种林分差异显著。杉木和罗浮栲林土壤多酚含量随着氮添加量的增加而显著降低,浙江桂多酚受HN处理影响不大,仅LN处理显著降低49.4%。氮沉降主要表现为降低土壤单宁含量,LN处理分别显著降低杉木林、浙江桂和罗浮栲林单宁含量43.5%、70.0%和79.5%;而HN处理仅降低阔叶林土壤单宁含量。然而,氮沉降增加土壤可溶性糖含量,与对照处理相比,LN处理分别显著增加杉木、浙江桂和罗浮栲林土壤可溶性糖48.8%、19.2%和19.8%。各林分凋落物中多酚、单宁和可溶性糖含量受氮沉降的影响不显著。  相似文献   
Humus chemistry and respiration rate, ATP, ergosterol, and muramic acid concentration as measures of chemical properties, microbial activity, biomass, and indicators of fungal and bacterial biomass were studied in a long-term acid rain experiment in the far north of Finnish Lapland. The treatments used in this study were dry control, irrigated control (spring water, pH 6), and two levels of simulated acid rain (pH 4 and pH 3). Originally (1985–1988), simulated acid rain was prepared by adding both H2SO4 and HNO3 (1.9:1 by weight). In 1989 the treatments were modified as follows. In subarea 1 the treatments continued unchanged (H2SO4+HNO3 in rain to pH 4 and pH 3), but in subarea 2 only H2SO4 was applied. The plots were sampled in 1992. The acid application affected humus chemistry by lowering the pH, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation (due to a decrease in Ca and Mg) in the treatment with H2SO4+HNO3 to pH 4 (total proton load over 8 years 2.92 kmol ha-1), whereas the microbial variables were not affected at this proton load, and only the respiration rate decreased by 20% in the strongest simulated acid rain treatment (total proton load 14.9 kmol ha-1). The different ratios of H2SO4+HNO3 in subareas 1 and 2 did not affect the results.  相似文献   
滇池西岸森林公园4种针叶林土壤酶活性与养分关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆梅  韩智亮 《安徽农业科学》2011,(13):7656-7660
采用实地调查与室内试验分析相结合的方法,对位于高原湿地滇池西岸的森林公园现存4种针叶林下土壤肥力特征及酶活性进行研究。结果表明:4种针叶林中,华山松+油杉混交林土壤具有较适宜的容重及孔隙状况,其土壤表层有机质、速效氮以及速效钾都大于其他纯林;华山松+油杉混交林表层土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶活性均大于其他纯林,而油杉林蛋白酶活性和柏树林过氧化氢酶活性均达到最大;相关性分析表明,4种酶与土壤容重均呈负相关关系,与总孔隙度呈正相关关系,蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶、脲酶与有机质、速效钾和速效氮存在0.01水平显著正相关关系,蛋白酶与速效氮有较显著正相关关系,而与有机质、速效钾相关性不明显;蔗糖酶与过氧化氢酶、脲酶存在极显著或显著正相关关系,说明各种酶在促进土壤有机质的转化及参与土壤物质转化和能量交换中,不仅显示其专有特性,而且存在着共性关系;4种针叶林中,华山松+油杉混交林具有明显优势,可以明显地改善林地内土壤肥力状况和酶活性,改善林地生态环境。  相似文献   
Equipment and handling methods for the preparation of soil mesocosms were developed. The mesocosms were used to investigate the interrelationships between mesofauna and microflora in a coniferous forest soil. Soil monoliths were taken from the ground, defaunated by deep-freezing, wrapped in nets to control reimmigration of different faunal size-classes, and replanted in the field for 8 months. in a practical test the technique described here proved to be an inexpensive field method for producing a replicated series of mesocosm in a short time. Deep-freezing is appropriate for defaunating soil monoliths. The fine nets effectively exluded meso-and macrofauna. No significant differences were found in the abundance of Enchytraeids and Collembola between recolonized mesocosms and the undisturbed control at the end of the study period. In contrast, oribatid mite abundace was still greatly reduced in the recolonized esocosms. Dominance structure and species composition of the more dominant oribatid species in the different treatments were apparently similar. To compensate for the low colonization ability of oribatids, a reintroduction of selected animal size-classes to defaunated monoliths is recommended.  相似文献   
We studied the reactions of humus layer (F/H) microbial respiratory activity, microbial biomass C, and the fungal biomass, measured as the soil ergosterol content, to the application of three levels of wood ash (1000, 2500, and 5000 kg ha-1) and to fire treatment in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand. Physicochemical measurements (pH, organic matter content, extractable and total C content, NH 4 + and total N content, cation-exchange capacity, base saturation) showed similarity between the fire-treated plots and those treated with the lowest dose of wood ash (1000 kg ha-1). The ash application did not change the level of microbial biomass C or fungal ergosterol when compared to the control, being around 7500 and 350 g g-1 organic matter for the biomass C and ergosterol, respectively. The fire treatment lowered the values of both biomass measurements to about half that of the control values. The fire treatment caused a sevenfold fall in the respiration rate of fieldmoist soil to 1.8 l h-1 g-1 organic matter compared to the values of the control or ash treatments. However, in the same soils adjusted to a water-holding capacity of 60%, the differences between the fire treatment and the control were diminished, and the ash-fertilized plots were characterized by a higher respiration rate compared to the control plots. The glucose-induced respiration reacted in the same way as the water-adjusted soil respiration. The metabolic quotient, qCO2, gradually increased from the control level with increasing applications of ash, reaching a maximum in the fire treatment. Nitrification was not observed in the treatment plots.  相似文献   
借鉴近自然森林管理理念,用阔叶林或针阔混交林替代南亚热带大面积人工针叶纯林已被认为是一种有效的森林培育方式.1993年,在位于广西凭祥的中国林业科学研究院热带林业实验中心伏波试验场营造了马尾松和杉木纯林.为了提高针叶纯林的生产力和维护生态平衡,2007-2008年间,运用近自然森林培育技术,分别在间伐后的马尾松和杉木纯林中套种等量混合的当地优质乡土树种红椎(Castanopsis hystrix)和香梓楠(Michelia gioii苗木,套种密度均为405株/hm2(以下简称“马尾松近自然林”、“杉木近自然林”).选择邻近地块相同林龄、相似立地条件的未经改造的马尾松、杉木人工纯林作为对照(以下简称“未改造纯林”),研究了马尾松和杉木人工针叶纯林近自然改造早期对群落特征和土壤性质的影响,以期为马尾松和杉木人工林的可持续经营提供科学依据.研究结果表明:(1)近自然林中马尾松和杉木的密度、胸高断面积均显著低于各自未改造纯林(P<0.05),但其平均胸径均高于各自未改造纯林,其中马尾松达显著差异(P<0.05).(2)近自然林成年树(DBH≥10 cm)的林木株数少于未改造纯林,树种仍以马尾松和杉木占据绝对优势地位,而近自然林小树(5 cm≤DBH<10 cm)和幼树(1 cm≤DBH<5 cm)的物种数、株数均多于未改造纯林,套种的红椎和香梓楠已经成为近自然林中重要值最大的幼树物种,红椎和香梓楠在马尾松近自然林中的生长状况优于杉木近自然林.(3)马尾松近自然林灌木层和草本层的物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和Pielou指数与其未改造纯林均无显著差异;杉木近自然林灌木层的丰富度指数和草本层的Pielou指数显著高于其未改造纯林(P<0.05),其他指数则没有显著差异.(4)马尾松和杉木近自然林的土壤容重、总孔隙度、全磷、全氮、全钾和速效钾与各自未改造纯林没有显著差异,但马尾松近自然林的土壤有机碳含量和pH值显著低于其未改造纯林(P<0.05),杉木近自然林的速效磷含量显著低于其未改造纯林(P<0.05).  相似文献   
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