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昼夜节律生物钟是一种以近似24小时为周期的自主维持的振荡器,由输人通路、中央振荡器和输出通路三部分组成的。生物钟机制的研究已深入到分子水平。生物钟相关基因相继被分离鉴定,它们及其编码的蛋白质产物构成的自主调节的转录和翻译反馈环是生物钟运转的分子机制。本文介绍了果蝇和小鼠主要生物钟基因的发现以及其突变体对生物昼夜节律的影响,展望了揭示生物钟调节机制在遗传学上的重要意义。  相似文献   
本试验以3-4年生的早熟(‘三月红’)、中熟(‘妃子笑’)、晚熟(‘糯米糍’)及特迟熟(‘马贵荔’)荔枝品种为试材,比较不同成熟期荔枝品种周年的枝梢生长节奏及新叶发育过程中叶绿素指(SPAD)数动态。结果表明:各品种枝梢伸长生长具有一定差异,但都具有一定的节奏性,而枝梢增粗生长周年持续进行,无明显节奏特征;叶绿素指数达到最高值的80%时增加缓慢,因此叶绿素指数达最高值的80%时作为枝梢成熟的标准,用来确定枝梢成熟的时间。  相似文献   
毛健夜蛾昼夜节律行为   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探明毛健夜蛾昼夜行为节律,在光周期L//D=12 h//12 h、恒温28℃下,较系统地观察了其化蛹、羽化、交配、产卵及卵孵化行为.结果表明:(1)化蛹主要发生在光期,但无明显的化蛹高峰期;(2)羽化也主要发生在光期,主高峰期在10:00-11:00;(3)交配主要发生在暗期,两个明显的主要交配高峰期分别为19:00-20:00和0:00-1:00;(4)产卵也主要发生在暗期,在熄灯后的4h内和光开启前的4h内产卵数最多;(5)卵孵化主要发生在0:00-12:00,孵化的高峰期为8:00-10:00.这些结果表明,毛健夜蛾的化蛹、羽化、交配、产卵和孵化具有明显的昼夜节律性.  相似文献   
观赏槭树的苗期试验初报   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
观赏槭树育苗试验表明,不同树种、种源间种实发芽率差异较大。发芽率较高的种类有樟叶槭(92%)、鸡爪槭(90%)、三角枫(90%),其次是复叶槭(85%)、红花槭(82%)、橄榄槭(76%)和元宝槭(75%);茶条槭、五角槭、罗浮槭发芽率均小于70%。1年生苗高生长量以复叶槭最大(113.98 cm),其次是三角枫(101.21 cm);樟叶槭和鸡爪槭1年生苗生长量中等,当年生长量分别为62.43 cm和71.74 cm;罗浮槭、青榨槭和橄榄槭1年生苗高生长量较小。季节生长节律有3种类型:橄榄槭、鸡爪槭、元宝槭、茶条槭等几种槭树表现为第1类型(前期生长型),即5月前苗木缓慢生长,6~7月进入速生期,7月以后苗木渐渐停止生长,速生期较短。复叶槭和青榨槭表现为第2种类型:1年生苗全年高生长有2次高峰,出现在6月和9月;樟叶槭和三角枫季节生长节律表现为第3种类型:5月生长缓慢,6月生长开始加快进入速生期,一直持续到8月底,速生期长。三角枫、橄榄槭、鸡爪槭、元宝槭、茶条槭、复叶槭和青榨槭等几种槭树表现出较强的抗寒性,樟叶槭和罗浮槭抗寒性较差。  相似文献   
植物开花光周期反应的分子调控机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物开花时间受到日照长短季节性变化的调节,拟南芥和水稻中与光周期反应相关基因的分离,使人们得以认识植物开花光周期反应的分子调控机制。植物感知日照长短的变化主要由CONSTANS(CO)基因的表达所控制。CO能够将光信号与生物钟信号整合,调节开花基因FLOWERING LOCUS T(FT)的表达,并最终控制植物的开花时间。本文对这一研究的最新进展进行了综述。  相似文献   
2005年4—5月,在碧水中华秋沙鸭自然保护区观测两个鸭巢,记录了巢的特征值,巢周围的环境因子以及孵化期雌鸭的活动节律。结果表明,雌鸭选择在靠近溪流的树洞营巢,对人为活动不敏感。两个巢距地面高度为10m左右,内径约为0.2m,其他特征值有较大差异。鸭巢距溪流的距离小于10m,距公路也很近。雌鸭每日外出觅食的时间比较稳定,孵化末期有一定波动。影响觅食行为的主要因素是天气,晴天觅食时间较长,外出次数也较多。每日清晨和午间觅食活动频繁,并集中在1d的2h之内。孵化期为23d左右。  相似文献   
圈养秦岭羚牛夏季昼间活动时间分配研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了对秦岭羚牛进行有效的迁地保护和揭示圈养条件下秦岭羚羊的夏季昼间的时间分配状况,更好地加强饲养管理,2006年7月,在陕西省珍稀野生动物抢救饲养研究中心内采用瞬时扫描取样法对13头圈养秦岭羚牛(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi)的活动规律进行了观察。结果表明,夏季白昼羚牛的活动以休息为主,采食次之,同时,羚牛的饮水、排尿、排便量均较低,分别为每头每天1.92次、0.54次、0.92次。羚牛每天的活动节律与气温的变化相关。年龄对羚牛活动节律的影响主要表现在羚牛的活动节律和时间分配方面的差异。此外,从羚牛群体进行观察,同一群中的羚牛个体的活动具有不完全同步性。  相似文献   
Despite the abundant literature on circadian heart rate rhythms in fish, few studies have attempted to elucidate if such pattern is endogenous or if it is modulated by environmental cues. In this study, heart rates were continuously recorded in Sparus aurata acclimated to different light regimes (normal or shifted LD 12:12 cycle and a pulsed 0.75:0.75 LD cycle) to investigate the endogenous nature and the role of light on the circadian pattern of heart rate. Under LD 12:12, the daily pattern of heart rate showed higher values at night and lower rates during the day (average amplitude of the heart rate change of 10.6 ± 5.7 beats min–1). The circadian pattern was maintained in animals under constant light but the amplitude was decreased (2.4 ± 1.1 beats min–1). Light masks the expression of the rhythm because under a pulsed LD cycle, heart rate tracks the pulsed LD phases, increasing during the dark phase and decreasing during the light phase. Besides the ultradian pattern imposed, an underlying circadian rhythm was detected, which indicates that the rhythm is endogenous. However, the strong link between heart rate and light obtained under pulsed LD cycles suggest the timing mechanism to be mostly based on external light reception.  相似文献   
The diel feeding rhythm and ontogenesis during early life stage of loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus were investigated under experimental conditions (light: L 06:00–18:00, D 18:00–06:00 h). Morphological and behavioral developments of loach from newly hatched to 40 days after hatching were observed. Larvae were able to prey on daphnia 3–4 days after hatching at 23 ± 0.5°C. As the larvae grew, they showed an increasing feeding capacity and a distinct feeding rhythm. Feeding intensity and incidence for day-4 larvae were highest at 10:00 and 16:00 h. The highest levels of feeding intensity for day-12 larvae occurred at 08:00, 12:00, and 18:00 h as did feeding incidence. By day 20, when the larvae metamorphosed, the highest levels of feeding intensity occurred at 06:00, 18:00, and 24:00 h and were concurrent with the highest feeding incidence. After metamorphosis, feeding capacity had again increased considerably and, in contrast to the earlier stages before day 20, feeding intensity for day-30 juveniles peaked at 05:00 and 20:00 h, about 1–2 h after the maximum feeding incidence. The feeding rhythm of loach juveniles at day 40 was almost the same as the day-30 juveniles. The estimated maximum daily feeding rates were 43.1%, 33.4%, 19.0%, 12.8%, and 5.8% of body weight on days 4, 12, 20, 30, and 40, respectively. Thus, loach was found to have different feeding rhythms in the pre- and post-metamorphosis stages, with the highest feeding activity in daytime during the larval planktonic stage before metamorphosis, and intensely nocturnal feeding behavior during the juvenile benthic stage after metamorphosis.  相似文献   
日本山桐子引种育苗及苗期生长规律研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对引进的2个日本山桐子种源(产地A ich i pref,Nara-Ken)和国内山桐子种源作对照进行了育苗试验,并进行苗期生长规律的研究。结果表明:在北亚热带的南京江宁区试验地能正常发育,种子发育需经去蜡等方法进行技术处理,在温室条件下,需35~40 d形成幼苗。国内种源发芽率为17.8%、A ich i pref种源达23.5%、Nara-Ken种源达23.8%,引进种源分别高出国内当地种源5.7%和6.0%。苗期物候无显著差异;苗期生长在生长期内均表现慢—快—慢的变化规律,于11月中下旬生长趋于停止。1年生平均苗高当地种源为86.0 cm,A ich i pref种源95.2 cm,Nara-Ken种源99.4 cm,引种种源分别高出国内当地种源10.7%和15.6%。平均地径当地种源为1.44 cm,A ich i pref种源为1.60 cm,Nara-Ken为1.66 cm分别高出国内当地种源11.1%和15.3%。  相似文献   
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