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四品种黄牛正常牛体细胞染色体畸变分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈宏  邱怀 《中国牛业科学》1994,20(4):1-2,38
通过淋巴细胞培养对4个黄牛品种共63头正常牛体细胞染色体的畸变类型和频率进行了观察统计分析。结果表明,蒙古牛,岭南牛和西镇年多倍体细胞出现率分别为4.12%,4.57%和5.21%,平均为4.87%。多倍体包括三倍体,四倍体和六倍体。结构变异有缺失,染色单体裂隙,染色单体断裂,染色体间隙,染色体断裂和断片几种类型。蒙古牛,秦川牛,岭南牛和西镇牛总的结构变异率分别为2.87%,2.65%,1.94和  相似文献   
本文应用动力学研究方法比较了具有不同耐盐性的3组共6个水稻基因型对NaCl吸收和运转的差异,结果表明,在外部低NaCl浓度(0.1mmolL~(-1)时,水稻对Na~+的吸收为被动吸收,耐盐基因型对Na~+的吸收速率显著低于盐敏感基因型;对Cl~-的吸收为主动吸收,不同耐盐性基因型吸收Cl~-的动力学参数(V_(?)、K_(?))差异不显著,在外部高NaCl浓度(50mmolL~(-1))时,耐盐基因型对Na~+和cl~-的吸收速率均低于对应的盐敏感基因型。耐盐基因型水稻的Na~+、cl-从根部向地上部的运转率低于对应的盐敏感基因型,这种差异在高盐浓度时更为明显。表明了耐盐基因型水稻地上部对NaCl的排斥作用是吸收控制和运转控制共同作用的结果,使地上部Na~+、Cl-含量相对降低而显出较高的耐盐性。  相似文献   
通过小麦与长穗偃麦草远缘杂交创制附加系、代换系及易位系是小麦遗传改良中利用长穗偃麦草优良基因的重要途径。本研究将长穗偃麦草特异分子标记、染色体计数、基因组原位杂交(GISH)及非变性原位杂交(ND-FISH)等多种方法相结合,对硬粒小麦Langdon (AABB)与小偃麦8801 (AABBEE)的杂交后代群体进行分子细胞学鉴定,创制出硬粒小麦-长穗偃麦草3E、6E染色体双体附加系Du-DA3E和Du-DA6E,硬粒小麦-长穗偃麦草1E (1B)染色体双体代换系Du-DS1E(1B)以及硬粒小麦-长穗偃麦草1AS-1EL染色体易位系Du-T1AS·1EL。创制的4个种质中长穗偃麦草染色体均能稳定遗传,这不仅增加了硬粒小麦-长穗偃麦草附加系和代换系的类型,还为后续利用长穂偃麦草优良基因改良小麦提供了特殊种质资源。  相似文献   
用60Coγ射线辐照干种子诱变培育西瓜染色体易位系,并用其进行选配少籽杂交子1代研究,对克服三倍体无籽西瓜种子发芽率低、成苗率低、制种成本高、育苗技术较复杂的缺陷具有重要的意义;易位系杂交子1代西瓜保持了二倍体杂交1代的优良特性,减少了单瓜籽粒数,提高了果实可溶性固形物含量,从而提高了西瓜品质和商品价值。详细介绍了诱变选育西瓜易位系的步骤和技术、易位系的特征特性和优良的西瓜染色体易位杂交1代组合,并针对选育的科丰黑美人、红牡丹等易位系杂交1代分析阐述了染色体易位系杂交一代的优点和应用前景。  相似文献   
多倍体是一种有效的育种途径,多倍体药用植物具有器官巨大,产量高,具有重要的经济价值和药用价值。回顾了近年来人工诱导多倍体的原理和方法,并总结了药用植物人工诱导多倍体的研究进展以及应该注意的几个关键问题。  相似文献   
以5个苦瓜(Momordica charantia L.)地方品种的种子为试材,利用去壁低渗火焰干燥法进行染色体核型分析。结果表明:5个苦瓜地方品种均为二倍体(2n=2x=22),其核型公式如下:品种134-2的核型公式为2n=2x=22=20m+2sm,属1A核型;品种76-4-5的核型公式为2n=2x=22=18m+4sm,属2A核型;品种70-5-2的核型公式为2n=2x=22=20m+2sm,属1A核型;品种10-3-8的核型公式为2n=2x=22=18m+4sm,属2A核型;品种57-7-2的核型公式为2n=2x=22=20m+2sm,属2A核型。  相似文献   
用核型分析的方法鉴定鸢尾的染色体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了用核型分析的方法鉴定鸢尾染色体的核型,结果表明:鸢尾为2倍体物种,其染色体基数为x=7, 2n=4x=28。  相似文献   
Microbes have developed high-affinity uptake mechanisms to assimilate iron (Fe) and other metals such as aluminum (Al), gallium (Ga), chromium (Cr), and copper (Cu). Siderophores, which are metal chelating compounds, and membrane receptor proteins are involved in these specialized mechanisms. A few siderophore-producing microorganisms associated with plant roots also influence the uptake of some metals. In this study, the potential microbial-assisted Cu and Fe uptake by Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean) plants was evaluated. Seedlings of cultivated common bean varieties Bayo-INIFAP (B) and Negro-150 (N) and wild types yellowish (WY) and black (WB) were developed in the presence of a Cu and Fe solution and associated with the siderophore-producing microorganisms R. leguminosarumbv. Phaseoli (strains 19, 44, and 46); Pseudomonas fluorescens(strain Avm), and Azospirillum brasilense (strain 154). Seedlings of cultivated variety N and black wild type WB inoculated with the strain CPMex.44 accumulated 71% and 30% more Fe than the un-inoculated plants, respectively; however, the wild black bean accumulated the highest absolute amount of Fe (221.56 mg/kg of dry matter) as compared with the cultivated black variety N (126.16 mg/kg of dry matter) (P < 0.05). In the wild type WY seedlings, the highest Fe accumulation was observed when the seeds were inoculated with the Pseudomonas strain Avm (206 mg/kg of dry matter) (P < 0.05). The interaction of Pseudomonas strain Avm with seedlings of the cultivated B variety and the wild type WB promoted the highest accumulation of Cu (51 and 54 mg/kg of dry matter, respectively), 7 and 14 mg more than in the respective non-inoculated seedlings. No promotion of Fe accumulation was observed in the seedlings of the cultivated B variety and in roots; instead, less Fe was accumulated. The wild type WY did not show any improvement in Cu accumulation. In this study, Rhizobiumstrains promoted Fe but not Cu uptake in P. vulgaris seedlings while Pseudomonas strains promoted the uptake of both Cu and Fe.  相似文献   
Most of the tillage erosion studies have focused on the effect of tractor-plough tillage on soil translocation and soil loss. Only recently, have a few studies contributed to the understanding of tillage erosion by manual tillage. Furthermore, little is known about the impact of tillage erosion in hilly areas of the humid sub-tropics. This study on tillage erosion by hoeing was conducted on a purple soil (Regosols) of the steep land, in Jianyang County, Sichuan Province, southwestern China (30°24′N and 104°35′E) using the physical tracer method.

The effects of hoeing tillage on soil translocation on hillslopes are quite evident. The tillage transport coefficients were 26–38 kg m−1 per tillage pass and 121–175 kg m−1 per tillage pass respectively for k3- and k4-values. Given that there was a typical downslope parcel length of 15 m and two times of tillage per year in this area, the tillage erosion rates on the 4–43% hillslopes reached 48–151 Mg ha−1 per year. The downslope soil translocation is closely related to slope gradient. Lateral soil translocation by such tillage is also obvious though it is lower than downslope soil translocation. Strong downslope translocation accounts for thin soil layers and the exposure of parent materials/rocks at the ridge tops and on convexities in the hilly areas. Deterioration in soil quality and therefore reduction in plant productivity due to tillage-induced erosion would be evident at the ridge tops and convex shoulders.  相似文献   

小麦中的1BL/1RS染色体易位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
任燕  王涛 《麦类作物学报》2006,26(3):152-158
1BL/1RS易位在世界小麦品种中广泛分布,在世界小麦育种特别是在中国小麦育种中占有重要地位。通过种间特定的染色体易位和替换,黑麦(Secale cereale L.)染色体1R的短臂(1RS)已存在于大量普通小麦(Triticum aestivwm L)的染色体组中,许多对农艺性状具有重要作用的基因和抗性基因由此从黑麦转入小麦基因组中。1RS主要用于转移抗真菌病害的基因,尤其是抗锈病、白粉病的基因(Yr9、Lr26、Sr31、Pm8),1BL/1RS能增加小麦根系的生物量,并可提高小麦籽粒产量和蛋白质含量。然而,由于1RS替换了1BS,造成了1BS上重要基因位点Glu-3、Gli-1的丢失和1RS上Sec-1位点的引入。Sec-1编码的γ-黑麦碱、w-黑麦碱不能补偿Glu-3、Gli-1编码的低分子量麦谷蛋白和γ-醇溶蛋白、w-醇溶蛋白的品质效应,引起小麦的麦谷蛋白聚合物结构的改变和数量的减少。因此,1BL/1RS易位小麦面粉的烘烤加工品质较差,从而降低了1RS易位系小麦的利用价值。另一方面1BL/1RS易位小麦面粉的可溶性纤维含量高于一般小麦,对人体有益,因此利用不含黑麦碱的改良1BL/1RS新易位采替换中国小麦品种中普遍存在的1BL/1RS易位+既可保持1BL/1RS易位系的优点又能改善其烘烤加工品质,这为提高1BL/1RS易位小麦的品质提供了新的途径。1RS片段能与异源细胞质互作导致雄性不育,这可用于小麦的杂种优势利用。本文主要阐述1BL/IRS易位的特征、检测方法、地理分布、在小麦育种中的应用以及给小麦品质带来的影响,并探讨了解决其负面影响的策略。  相似文献   
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