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高精料条件下延胡索酸对山羊瘤胃微生物体外发酵的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过山羊瘤胃液的体外批次培养,研究延胡索酸对瘤胃混合细菌体外发酵的影响。瘤胃液在含底物(玉米粉、豆粕和黑麦草)和延胡索酸(0、4、8和12 mmol.L-1)条件下发酵24 h。结果表明,在整个发酵期内,不同浓度的延胡索酸均显著提高了累积产气量,同时显著影响总挥发性脂肪酸(TVFA)浓度及其组成,降低乙酸的浓度及比例,增加丙酸的浓度及比例。其中4 mmol.L-1延胡索酸在12~24 h提高了TVFA浓度和丙酸浓度(P<0.05),8 mmol.L-1组和12 mmol.L-1组的TVFA浓度和丙酸浓度在16 h和24 h也有显著提高(P<0.05)。在12、16、20和24 h时,3个添加组乙酸比例均显著低于对照组(P<0.05),而丙酸比例则明显提高(P<0.01),乙酸和丙酸的比值显著降低(P<0.05)。4 mmol.L-1延胡索酸添加组的乳酸浓度在12、16、20和24 h均极显著低于对照组(P<0.01)。结果提示,延胡索酸能显著提高瘤胃微生物体外发酵液中TVFA及丙酸比例,其中4 mmol.L-1延胡索酸对于调控瘤胃微生物体外发酵效果最佳。  相似文献   
本试验旨在研究乳酸锌对蛋鸡生产性能及蛋壳质量的影响。试验采用单因子随机分组试验设计,选取1600只360日龄的罗曼粉壳蛋鸡,随机分到4个处理组,各处理组8个重复,每个重复50只鸡。基础饲粮采用为玉米-豆粕型粉状饲粮,处理1饲喂基础饲粮+60mg/kg-水硫酸锌(以锌计),处理2饲喂基础饲粮+60mg/kg乳酸锌(以锌计),处理3饲喂基础饲粮+40mg/kg乳酸锌(以锌计),处理4饲喂基础饲粮+60mg/kg锌(-水硫酸锌和乳酸锌提供的锌各一半)。试验结果表明,在产蛋鸡饲粮中100%以乳酸锌替代硫酸锌(提供的锌含量为60mg/kg),能显著降低平均破蛋率,提高平均蛋壳强度和平均蛋壳厚度(P〈0.05),死亡率最低,对蛋鸡的平均产蛋率、平均蛋重、平均日采食量和平均料蛋比无显著影响(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   
乳酸作为瘤胃内的中间代谢产物,其合理的清除与有效的利用在由高精料诱导的瘤胃酸中毒的研究中十分重要。现有研究表明,瘤胃上皮在乳酸吸收方面发挥着一定的作用,因此,本文从瘤胃上皮的乳酸吸收以及吸收过程中涉及的转运载体蛋白进行综述,为进一步了解乳酸在瘤胃内的转运过程提供理论依据。  相似文献   
哺乳类动物各种组织和器官的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)同工酶较稳定,酶带分布非常有规律,同源组织的LDH同工酶酶谱通常相似和稳定。鱼类LDH同工酶复杂得多,有三分之二品种中,其LDH同工酶类似哺乳类动物的酶谱;但在其余三分之一种类中,两个亚基随机结合受到限制,出现了不规则酶谱,有的只有2—3条酶带,有的超过5条酶带。即使具有5条酶带的鱼中,其骨骼肌和心肌LDH在电泳酶谱上迁移快慢正好与哺乳类动物相反。此外鱼类C基因产物并不特定在某一组织或器官中,一些鱼的  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of calcium lactate on the development of chicken embryos in a shell-less culture system (cSLCS) up to the seventeenth day of incubation. In the presence of calcium lactate, a significant reduction in embryo viability was observed during the first week of incubation in cSLCS. On day 17 of embryo development, no significant difference was observed in the blood plasma calcium concentration or tibia bone density between cSLCS and intact control embryos, whereas the tibia length was significantly shorter in cSLCS embryos than in the intact control. These results suggest that calcium lactate supplementation in cSLCS supports bone formation in developing chicken embryos, but has adverse effects on the viability of embryos, particularly during the first week of embryo development.  相似文献   
采用不连续聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法,对昆明裂腹鱼的眼球、心脏、肾脏、性腺、脾脏、肝胰脏、脑、鳃和肌肉等9种组织的乳酸脱氢酶同工酶(LDH)进行了测定。结果表明:昆明裂腹鱼LDH共有15条酶带表现出特异性,在不同组织中检出的LDH酶带数量不同,以肝胰脏中最多,共检出9条;在酶活性方面,LDH在脑、鳃、肌肉和肾脏等组织中活性最强,而在眼球组织中最弱。  相似文献   
为研究海鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)的游泳续航能力和游泳过程中的物质代谢规律,以深水网箱养殖的3月龄海鲈为研究对象,采用游泳续航时间和生化指标作为评测海鲈游泳能力和代谢规律的方法进行了试验。结果显示,海鲈的游泳续航时长为200 min,其续航能力强于大黄鱼而弱于美国红鱼。在游泳过程中,海鲈血糖浓度升高,但差异性不显著(P>0.05),肌糖原随着时间的增加显著减少(P<0.05),且肌糖原浓度在海鲈疲劳时接近于0。当鱼接近100%疲劳时,其肝糖原浓度也接近于0;当海鲈以不同疲劳程度游泳时,其肌肉乳酸脱氢酶浓度会显著升高(P<0.05)。表明海鲈的续航游泳过程伴随着无氧呼吸和有氧呼吸。  相似文献   
The soil phosphorus (P) test in Portugal is based on extraction with ammonium lactate (AL) at acidic pH. Because this test is rarely used in other countries, it is desirable to see whether the AL-P values correlate with the more commonly used P tests. In this work, we compared AL-P with bicarbonate-extractable P (Olsen's method) for a group of 48 samples from Portuguese acidic soils differing widely in P status. Despite their contrasting composition, both reagents extracted phosphate from the same sources, albeit in different proportions. Both Olsen P and AL-P were strongly correlated with resin-extractable and dilute electrolyte-desorbable P, which are respectively related to the soil contents in phytoavailable P and P that can be released to runoff or drainage water. Olsen P and AL-P were strongly correlated (R2 = 0.870), the correlation became stronger when three overfertilized soils were excluded (Olsen P = 2.35 + 0.45 AL-P; R2 = 0.908; P ≤ 0.001, n = 45). No correlation was observed for a group of soils recently fertilized with Gafsa phosphate probably because the acidic AL reagent dissolved residual calcium phosphate, thus overestimating the soil content in desorbable P. On the basis of the present results and the AL-P-based fertility classes used for fertilizer recommendation purposes, Olsen P–based fertility classes were tentatively proposed for Portuguese acidic soils.  相似文献   
The associations between velocity during a standardized, submaximal 800-m exercise test and blood lactate concentration after exercise were investigated in Thoroughbred racehorses on sand and grass racetracks. Predicted lactate concentrations for each horse's exercise test velocity were calculated from the line of best fit derived from results at each racetrack. The repeatability of the differences between the measured and predicted blood lactate response to exercise was also investigated. Exercise tests were conducted at speeds ranging from 12.8 to 16.6 m/s. The variability of velocity within the exercise test was expressed as the coefficient of variation (CV) of the times for the four 200-m sections.On the sand track, the coefficient of determination for the lactate-speed relationship was highest for an exponential regression equation [lactate (mmol/L) = 0.08e(0.33x)(m/s);r(2)= 0.58, P< 0.05;n = 21]. Similar coefficients of determination were calculated for linear (r(2)= 0.56) and second order polynomial equations (r(2)= 0. 57). On the grass racetrack, the relationship was best described by a second order polynomial equation [lactate (mmol/L) = -0.87x(2)+ 28. 17x - 211.41;r(2)= 0.57, P< 0.05;n = 25]. The mean differences between the measured and predicted blood lactate concentrations in repeated tests were 1.9 +/- 1.8 (SD) and 1.8 +/- 1.7 ( SD) on the sand and grass racetracks. There were no significant associations between the velocity of the exercise and the CV on either racetrack. Differences between measured and predicted blood lactate concentrations, based on track-specific lines of best fit, have potential application in field studies of fitness in Thoroughbred horses.  相似文献   
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