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Surface litter protects rangeland soils against wind and water erosion and provides food and nesting materials for wildlife and insects. However, the ability of grassland systems to provide these services depends on the little studied topic of seasonal surface litter decomposition. Seasonal and annual surface litter decomposition rates were determined between 2014 and 2015 in central and western South Dakota at three mixed-grass prairie locations. Residue bags containing surface litter were placed in the field in late fall (1 November) of 2014 and removed after the winter (1 April), spring (1 July), and summer + fall seasons (1 November) of 2015. The litter was analyzed for total C, total N, acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent lignin (ADL). Average winter temperatures ranged from −5oC to −15oC, while summer temperatures ranged from 10oC to 35oC. Litter decomposition was lowest during the winter (0.57−0.86 g [kg × day]−1) and greatest during the summer + fall (2.12−2.69 g [kg × day]−1). Over the entire season, 40.8−62% of the surface litter decomposed. Winter litter decomposition was positively correlated with air temperature (r = 0.62, P < 0.01) and snow depth (r = 0.61, P < 0.01), and negatively correlated with C/N ratio (r = −0.65, P < 0.01), ADF (r = −0.35, P < 0.05), and ADL (r = −0.25, P < 0.05) concentrations. These findings indicate that winter decomposition cannot be ignored and that winter surface litter decomposition increases with snow depth.  相似文献   
Abstract. The ability of two nitrogen cycle models, of contrasting complexity, to predict N mineralization from a range of grassland soils in the UK, was evaluated. These were NCYCLE, a simple mass balance model of the N cycle in UK grasslands, and CENTURY, a more complex model simulating long-term C, N, P & S dynamics in grassland ecosystems. The models were tested using field measurements of net N mineralization from a range of grassland soils (differing in soil type, history & management practice), obtained over a 2 year period using a soil core incubation technique. This method was considered to measure the total net release of mineral N from the soil organic matter over a specified time, including N which may have been recycled several times. NCYCLE consistently under-estimated mineralization rates at all sites. By contrast, there was some correlation between CENTURY predictions of net N mineralization and field measurements. This may have reflected the different abilities of the two models to simulate N recycling. Neither model, however, was able to predict adequately the effect of cultivation and reseeding on net N mineralization.  相似文献   
Sandy‐textured Mediterranean soils are invariably depleted in organic matter and supply only small amounts of N to crops. To compensate for these deficiencies, we tested the N supply from six organic wastes applied to a Cambic Arenosol in pots growing ryegrass. The results showed that the behaviour of the wastes in supplying N to a ryegrass crop grown in this soil can be predicted by observing their performance in laboratory aerobic incubations. The N made available during these incubations fitted well to a one‐pool kinetic model.  相似文献   
内蒙河套灌区盐碱低产田建立有机质富积层改土培肥效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过连续四年在内蒙古河套灌区低产盐碱地定点、定位试验与定时测土分析,明确了土壤耕层增施有机物料建立有机质富积层,能够改善土壤理化性状,尤其是能降低土壤表层含盐量,提高作物保苗率和显著增加作物产出量。  相似文献   
【目的】土壤是影响作物产量和氮肥吸收利用的因素之一,深入研究南北方稻田土壤对水稻生长及氮效率的影响,以期为调控区域水稻高产优质提供参考。【方法】2018—2019年,以黑龙江省黑土型水稻土,江苏省乌栅土型水稻土为试验材料,在黑龙江省哈尔滨市进行水稻盆栽试验。每种土壤设置3个施氮水平,即N0:不施氮肥;N1:0.87 g N/pot(相当于150 kg N·hm-2);N2:1.74 g N/pot(相当于300 kg N·hm-2)。测定水稻分蘖、SPAD值、分蘖成穗率、土壤矿化氮量、水稻产量和氮效率。【结果】黑土型水稻土的早期分蘖对施氮有响应,分蘖数随施氮量增加而增加,而乌栅土型水稻土的分蘖在拔节期后才对施氮有响应。土壤对水稻分蘖的影响存在年际间差异,2018年土壤类型对分蘖数有显著影响,不施氮时乌栅土型水稻土的分蘖数比黑土型水稻土高4.41%—43.04%,而施氮后乌栅土型水稻土比黑土型水稻土的分蘖数低8.25%—12.98%;2019年黑土型水稻土的分蘖数多数高于乌栅土型水稻土4.41%—46.53%。两种水稻土的分蘖成穗率与叶片SPAD值在2018年有显著...  相似文献   
席颖  贾国梅  王旭  何立 《湖北农业科学》2016,(16):4113-4116
不同植被类型影响着土壤养分的积累、分布与循环,而土壤氮素是植被生长的重要限制性元素。通过分析宜昌点军区3种植被类型(柏树地、橘树地、菜地)覆盖下土壤氮素的变化情况,研究了不同植被对土壤氮素各形态的影响。结果表明,土壤全氮、硝态氮和微生物氮都是柏树地显著大于菜地和橘树地,而菜地和橘树地之间无显著性的差异;土壤矿化氮和微生物氮/全氮的变化顺序是柏树地橘树地菜地。说明不同植被覆盖对土壤氮有显著的影响,柏树地更有利于土壤氮的积累,氮的有效性也最高,由此认为柏树长期生长有益于土壤氮的改善。  相似文献   
A 4-month-old male Old English Sheepdog was presented for evaluation of a raw meat-based homemade diet after a 1-month history of progressive lameness. Marked dietary deficiencies were detected, which included calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. Hypovitaminosis D and hypocalcaemia were diagnosed by serum analysis. Evidence of severe diffuse osteopenia was noted on survey radiographs. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) was used to quantify bone mineral content and density and compare to published reference ranges. The puppy's initial bone mineralization was markedly subnormal, with bone mineral density 66% lower than expected, and bone mineral content 40% lower than expected. Subsequent DEXA scans were performed at intervals during the puppy's recovery to document the rate of bone re-mineralization and guide therapeutic recommendations. Marked improvement was achieved within 4 months through exercise control and feeding of a diet appropriately formulated for large breed puppy growth and development. This report reinforces the necessity of thorough dietary history and highlights the potential for malnutrition in pets fed homemade and raw meat-based diets. Use of DEXA has rarely been reported in clinical cases, yet can be a valuable tool for diagnosing and monitoring cases with abnormal bone mineralization. Further studies using DEXA to track bone mineralization in healthy puppies are encouraged to develop a more robust reference range of bone mineralization in growing dogs of varying sizes, weights and ages.  相似文献   
针对鱼菜共生系统固体废弃物资源化利用效率低的问题,该研究旨在筛选出抗逆性好、矿化功能强的鱼源性乳酸菌,加强鱼粪残饵的发酵矿化性能。试验从鱼菜共生系统中的生物滤料和鱼体中分离乳酸菌,并通过抗逆性及发酵矿化性能检测,筛选出2株具有应用潜力的鱼粪残饵矿化菌株,经鉴定分别为乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis)L1和糊精乳杆菌(Lactobacillus dextrinicus)L2。耐温性、耐酸碱性和耐盐性检测结果显示,L1表现出较好的抗逆性。在 50 ℃时,L1存活率为96.60%,显著高于L2的存活率80.35%(P<0.05);在pH值分别为5.0和9.0时,L1的存活率分别为65.43%和71.25%,高于L2的存活率31.10%和52.22%(P<0.05);当盐浓度为60 g/L时,L1的存活率为37.33%,而L2无法存活。通过比较对照组(CK组,未添加乳酸菌)和乳酸乳球菌组(L组,添加乳酸乳球菌)发酵矿化过程中发酵液水质和矿物元素含量,结果显示 L组的有机物降解及矿化效果更好,除硫(S)元素以外,钾(K)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)、铁(Fe)、锰(Mn)和锌(Zn)元素的矿化率均在第3天达到最高(27.59%~94.67%)。综上所述,乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis)具有较强的抗逆性和显著的发酵矿化效果,且其最佳发酵矿化周期为3 d。该研究可为提高鱼菜共生系统固体废弃物资源化利用效率提供技术支持。  相似文献   
为揭示不同有机肥对煤矿复垦土壤氮素矿化特性的影响,以山西省孝义市水峪煤矿采煤塌陷复垦土壤为研究对象,采用室内好气培养法,研究在40%含水量和30℃培养条件下,施用3种有机肥(鸡粪、猪粪、牛粪)后在0~161天的氮素矿化动态特征,以明确不同有机肥对该矿区复垦土壤氮素矿化特征,从而预估不同有机肥的供氮特性,为合理施用有机肥进行低产农田的培肥改造提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)各处理0~14天铵态氮含量均随培养时间的延长迅速下降,与培养时间呈极显著负相关关系(P<0.01),14~161天土壤铵态氮含量维持在较低水平,培养结束时,各处理铵态氮含量均低于1.31mg/kg。(2)各处理土壤硝态氮含量、累积量及矿质氮累积量变化均呈近似的“S”形曲线递增,表现为0~56天缓慢增加,56~84天迅速增加,84天至培养结束(161天)其含量基本不变。培养结束时不同处理间硝态氮含量、累积量及矿质氮累积量整体上均表现为鸡粪>猪粪>牛粪>空白,且鸡粪较猪粪和牛粪处理间存在显著差异,猪粪和牛粪较空白处理间存在显著差异(P<0.05)。(3)不同施肥处理出现氮素净矿化的时间点不同,其中鸡粪处理在第14天时最早出现净矿化现象,而猪粪和牛粪在培养28天后才出现明显的氮素净矿化。(4)不同施肥处理在培养的不同阶段硝态氮和矿质氮累积速率不同,但整体趋势一致,表现为培养0~84天各处理土壤累积矿化波动较大,56~84天达到峰值,培养84~161天各处理矿化速率平稳下降。总体来看,有机肥的施入能有效促进煤矿复垦土壤氮素矿化,从而提高土壤氮素有效性。其中,施鸡粪较猪粪和牛粪对提高矿区复垦土壤有效氮效果更好。4种处理的氮素矿化效果总体表现为鸡粪>猪粪>牛粪>空白。  相似文献   
为明确长期施肥和秸秆还田对稻田土壤生态系统氮素循环过程的影响,探索维持稻田土壤长期供氮潜力的途径,利用始于1990年的湖南红壤水稻土长期定位试验,研究了长期施肥和秸秆还田对水稻土剖面氮素迁移分布和C/N的影响,比较了不同温度下土壤氮素矿化曲线变化和不同施肥方式氮素矿化动态差异,分析了氮素累积矿化量与有效积温的关系。结果表明,长期施肥或秸秆可以促进红壤水稻土氮素的积累,其主要影响020cm土层,而化肥和秸秆配合施用作用更明显;长期施NPK化肥使土壤C/N降低,而秸秆还田使土壤C/N明显升高。在两种温度下的土壤矿质氮含量和累积矿化量曲线比较相似,10℃下土壤矿化速率达到稳定所需的时间要比30℃下长;30℃下不同施肥处理之间的矿化过程存在显著差异,而10℃下的差异较小,其在56d内矿化出来的矿质氮是10℃下的近两倍。化肥NP(仅施化肥NP)及NP+C(施化肥NP+秸秆还田)处理均有较高氮素矿化量,秸秆还田对土壤氮素矿化的促进作用比仅施化肥明显。在30℃下,土壤积累矿化量与有效积温的关系较好地符合有效积温方程式(EATM)(p0.01)。仅施化肥处理和对照方程中的K值相差不大,而秸秆还田与化肥配施处理方程的K值则有增大趋势,NPK+C(施化肥NPK+秸秆还田)处理的矿化潜力较大,且养分供应能力较强;秸秆配施化肥处理方程中n值的绝对值有减小趋势。随着培养时间延长,秸秆还田配施化肥处理土壤的累积矿化量保持在一个较稳定范围。  相似文献   
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