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为了适应农业科研和生产发展的需要,《广西农业科学》编辑部在近年的办刊实践中积极探索,开拓创新,通过调整刊物定位向学术性期刊转变,增加版面和改进编辑流程缩短文章出版时滞,拓宽报道范围扩大影响力,加强与同行的交流学习,提升办刊理念,实行文稿校核质量控制体系,保证刊物质量,强化编辑队伍建设提高编辑人员业务素质,加强期刊经营增强期刊社经济实力等措施,使期刊的内外质量不断提高,社会效益和经济效益显著增强,期刊进入良性发展阶段。  相似文献   
William R.  Widmer  DVM  MS  William E.  Blevins  DVM  MS  Samuel  Jakovljevic  DVM  MS  Robert F.  Teclaw  DVM  PhD  Connie M.  Han  RVT  Cheryl D.  Hurd  RVT 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1992,33(6):327-333
In a blind clinical trial, adverse effects after iohexol and iopamidol myelography were evaluated in 151 dogs. Eighty-one dogs were given iohexol (240 mgI/ml) and 70 dogs were given iopamidol (200 mgI/ml) by pre-determined assignment. Each dog was evaluated postmyelographically for seizures, hyperthermia, prolonged recovery from anesthesia and intensification of pre-existing neural signs. Myelographic quality was evaluated with a subjective scoring method. In comparing iohexol and iopamidol groups, there was not a statistically significant difference in the incidence of adverse effects or in myelographic quality. Iopamidol and iohexol appeared to be equally efficacious for routine canine myelography.  相似文献   
Mixed cropping of leguminous underseed species and cereal crops may increase productivity and serve some additional purposes. Two leguminous weed species which are widely distributed in annual crops of the Ethiopian highlands have been studied with varying coverage in greenhouse trials in Ethiopia with regard to their suitability as underseeds and with wheat ( Triticum turgidum [L.] Thell. var. durum [Desf.] MacKey) as a main crop. The competitive effects of Scorpiurus muricatus L. on the grain yield of wheat were smaller than those of Medicago polymorpha L. (-14.1 % and -23.6 % respectively, compared with the underseed free control) which is mainly ascribed to differences in their speed of development and shoot height. The residual effects of the underseed's root masses on the grain yield of the successive teff crop (Eragrostis tef [Zucc] Trotter) were significantly higher with Scorpiurus muricatus (+99.3 %) than with Medicago polymorpha (+63.6 %). The results are discussed with regard to the specific site conditions in the cereal-dominated cropping systems of the Ethiopian highlands.  相似文献   
Randomized placebo-controlled crossover studies were carried out in dogs to evaluate how two non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) might modulate an acute post-traumatic inflammatory reaction. Two "identical" surgical interventions were performed on the forelimbs of each animal with an interval of 28 days, to enable a paired comparison of the inflammatory signs and the wound/bone healing processes. At one operation 8 dogs received 300 mg phenylbutazone twice daily for 8 days starting on the day before surgery, and at the other operation matching placebo tablets were given. In a similar placebo-controlled trial another group of 8 dogs received 5 mg indomethacin twice daily. With phenylbutazone the post-operative swelling was not significantly reduced compared to placebo, but there was less pain and limping. With indomethacin the swelling was somewhat reduced, but there was no consistent difference to placebo in the pain and limping assessments. None of the drugs appeared to distinctly effect the wound or fracture healing, as evaluated by clinical inspection, comparison of radiographs and comparison of bone sections from the sites of surgery. It proved difficult to select an appropriate dosage of indomethacin due to its high potential to induce GI ulceration and bleeding in dogs. In this experimental surgical model with an acute inflammation, neither phenylbutazone nor indomethacin showed impressive anti-inflammatory or analgesic properties. In the same model paracetamol has proved to significantly and more efficiently, reduce both swelling and pain without any noticeable adverse effects, and appears to be a better alternative than the two presently tested NSAID.  相似文献   
The induction of a hypersensitive reaction in Samsun NN tobacco by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) at 20°C leads to the development of both localized and systemic acquired resistance, and is associated with the appearance of pathogenesis-related proteins (PR's) and large increases in peroxidase activity and ethylene production. Salicylic acid (SA) induced a similar resistance in treated plant parts and occasionally also in untreated upper leaves of plants of which three lower leaves had been injected. SA also induced the same four PR's, but these were confined to the treated leaves. Thus, the connection between the presence of PR's and the reduction of TMV multiplication and spread may not be direct.In contrast to TMV, SA did not stimulate ethylene production and hardly increased peroxidase activity. Induction of acquired resistance and PR's by SA developed equally well at 20°C and at 32°C. However, pricking leaves with needles moistened with the ethylene-releasing compound ethephon mimicked TMV infection in inducing acquired resistance and PR's in both treated and untreated leaves at 20°C, but not at 32°C. Ethephon increased peroxidase activity at both temperatures, but only at 20°C dit it induce changes in both the anodic and the cathodic isoenzymes that were similar to those induced as a result of TMV infection. SA induced PR's and reduced TMV multiplication in Samsun tobacco, and inhibited virus spread in Samsun NN at 32°C.These observation indicate that neither the induction of PR's, nor the development of acquired resistance is temperature-sensitive. On the other hand, the effects of ethephon are temperature-sensitive in the same way as the hypersensitive response to TMV. It can thus be hypothesized that ethylene, produced naturally during the hypersensitive reaction of tobacco to TMV, leads to the temperature-sensitive synthesis or release of a presumably benzoic acid-type compound that functions as the natural inducer of PR's and acquired resistance. Although vanillic acid has been shown to accumulate in hypersensitively reacting tobacco leaves, it produced none of the effects of SA, and thus cannot be the natural inducer.Samenvatting Inductie van een overgevoeligheidsreactie in Samsun NN-tabak door tabaksmozaïekvirus (TMV) bij 20°C leidt tot de ontwikkeling van een verworven resistentie die zowel lokaal als systemisch werkzaam is, en gaat samen met het verschijnen van pathogenesis-related proteins (PR's) en sterke toename in de activitieit van peroxidase en de produktie van ethyleen. Salicylzuur (SA) induceerde een vergelijkbare resistentie in behandelde plantedelen en af en toe ook in niet behandelde bovenbladeren van planten waarvan drie onderbladeren waren ingespoten. SA induceerde ook dezelfde vier PR's, maar deze waren beperkt tot de behandelde bladeren. Er bestaat dus geen directe samenhang tussen de aanwezigheid van PR's en de remming van de vermeerdering en uitbreiding van TMV in de plant.In tegenstelling tot TMV stimuleerde SA de ethyleenproduktie niet en verhoogde het de peroxidaseactiviteit nauwelijks. Inductie van verworven resistentie en PR's door SA trad even goed op bij 32°C als bij 20°C. Net als infectie met TMV leidde aanprikken van bladeren met naalden die gedoopt waren in een oplossing van ethefon — waaruit in het blad ethyleen vrijkomt — echter tot inductie van verworven resistentie en PR's in zowel behandelde als onbehandelde bladeren bij 20°C, maar niet bij 32°C. Ethefon verhoogde de peroxidaseactiviteit bij beide temperaturen, maar alleen bij 20°C induceerde het veranderingen in zowel de anodische als de kathodische isoënzymen die vergelijkbaar waren met die welke geïnduceerd werden als gevolg van infectie met TMV. SA induceerde PR's en verminderde de vermenigvuldiging van TMV in Samsun tabak, en remde de uitbreiding van het virus in Samsun NN bij 32°C.Deze waarnemingen tonen dat noch de inductie van PR's, noch de ontwikkeling van verworven resistentie een temperatuurgevoelig proces is. Daarentegen zijn de effecten van ethefon op dezelfde wijze temperatuurgevoelig als de overgevoeligheidsreactie op TMV. Men kan daarom veronderstellen dat ethyleen, dat op natuurlijke wijze geproduceerd wordt tijdens de overgevoeligheidsreactie van tabak op TMV, aanleiding geeft tot een temperatuurgevoelig proces, namelijk de synthese of het vrijkomen van een verbinding, vermoedelijk een benzoëzuurderivaat, dat fungeert als de natuurlijke inductor van PR's en verworven resistentie. Hoewel is aangetoond dat vanillinezuur zich ophoopt in overgevoelig reagerende tabaksbladeren, veroorzaakte deze verbinding geen enkel van de effecten van SA. Vanillinezuur kan dus niet de natuurlijke inductor zijn.  相似文献   
The Pocono mesic till barrens (PMTB) are a unique assemblage of fire-maintained shrub communities that support numerous rare species. Historically these barrens covered a large area in the vicinity of Long Pond, Pennsylvania, USA. However, due largely to regional fire suppression instituted in the early 1960s, over 70% of the area covered by barrens succeeded to fire-intolerant forest that does not support the rare species. We investigated the influence of forest proximity on barrens succession across three geomorphic types during periods of high fire frequency and fire suppression, testing the hypothesis that forest processes such as seed rain, shading, and detrital enrichment of soils enhances barrens succession through a contagion effect. Evidence of a forest contagion effect should be shown by increased rates of barrens succession with increasing proximity to the nearest forest edge. In order to detect a forest contagion effect, barrens persistence and barrens succession were modeled in proximity zones of 0-50 m, 50-100 m, 100-200 m, and greater than 200 m from the nearest forest edge. We used existing GIS data layers for fire, geomorphology, and vegetation distribution in 1938, 1963, and 1992. The layers were modified and overlain using ArcView software to determine persistence and succession rates for each unique combination of layers in each proximity zone from 1938 to 1963 (pre-fire suppression) and 1963 to 1992 (post-fire suppression). ANCOVA results indicate that proximity to the nearest forest edge significantly affected barrens persistence rates in both time periods, but succession rates were significantly affected in 1938 to 1963 only. Twenty-eight percent of the 1938 barrens succeeded to forest by 1963; 56% of the 1963 barrens became forest by 1992. Results support previous findings that barrens persistence is enhanced by increased fire frequency, and that barrens persist longer where they overlie flat glacial till than on other geomorphology types.  相似文献   
通过药浴方式,进行了癸甲溴铵对褐牙鲆的急性毒性试验;采用二倍稀释法,进行了癸甲溴铵对鳗弧菌、副溶血弧菌的体外抑菌试验;探讨了癸甲溴铵对鳗弧菌引起的褐牙鲆细菌性疾病的防治效果。结果表明,在19.0~21.0℃和24.5~25.5℃时,癸甲溴铵对褐牙鲆的24、48h半数致死浓度(LC50)和安全浓度(Sc)分别为6.35、4.84、0.84和2.43、2.14、0.5mg/L。通过对中毒死亡褐牙鲆的病理组织学观察表明,癸甲溴铵对褐牙鲆的鳃损害最严重,其次是肝脏,对肾脏的损害相对较轻,特别是对鳃的损害与鱼的死亡有很大的关系。在24和32℃,癸甲溴铵对鳗弧菌、副溶血弧菌的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)和最小杀菌浓度(MBC)分别为10、20和5、10mg/L。防治效果试验表明,癸甲溴铵0.3mg/L浓度药浴可有效防治鳗弧菌引起的褐牙鲆细菌性疾病。  相似文献   
以6%阿维·氯苯酰SC(悬浮剂)为对照、清水为空白对照,研究了10%甲维·茚虫威SC、3%甲维盐WG(水分散粒剂)、15%多杀·茚虫威SC、30%氟铃·茚虫威SC、20%四唑虫酰胺SC 5种药剂防治玉米草地贪夜蛾的效果.试验结果表明,6种药剂对玉米草地贪夜蛾均有防治效果,药后3 d,以10%甲维·茚虫威SC、3%甲维盐...  相似文献   
在用棉花、大豆、花生功能叶饲养棉铃虫幼虫的基础上,测定各寄主功能叶的营养成分、木质素和纤维素含量,研究棉铃虫在取食不同寄主叶片后的生物学和营养效应。结果表明:1、取食棉花叶的生物学效应较好,取食花生叶的幼虫成活率下降,取食大豆叶的幼虫体重偏轻;2、取食棉花叶的营养效应较好,大豆叶最次;3、棉铃虫幼虫的食物转化率和食物利用率以棉花叶最高,棉铃虫嗜食棉花叶,在3种作物田同时存在的情况下,棉田被害最重。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, transmits the causal bacteria of the devastating citrus disease huanglongbing (HLB). Because of the variation in spatial and temporal uptake and systemic distribution of imidacloprid applied to citrus trees and its degradation over time in citrus trees, ACP adults and nymphs are exposed to concentrations that may not cause immediate mortality but rather sublethal effects. The objective of this laboratory study was to determine the effects of sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid on ACP life stages. RESULTS: Feeding by ACP adults and nymphs on plants treated daily with a sublethal concentration (0.1 µg mL?1) of imidacloprid significantly decreased adult longevity (8 days), fecundity (33%) and fertility (6%), as well as nymph survival (12%) and developmental rate compared with untreated controls. The magnitude of these negative effects was directly related to exposure duration and concentration. Furthermore, ACP adults that fed on citrus leaves treated systemically with lethal and sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid excreted significantly less honeydew (7–94%) compared with controls in a concentration‐dependent manner suggesting antifeedant activity of imidacloprid. CONCLUSIONS: Sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid negatively affect development, reproduction, survival and longevity of ACP, which likely contributes to population reductions over time. Also, reduced feeding by ACP adults on plants treated with sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid may potentially decrease the capacity of ACP to successfully acquire and transmit the HLB causal pathogen. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
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