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Low external input agroforestry systems hold great promise as alternative, sustainable production systems for small-to-medium farmers in the Amazon Basin. The design of such systems is considered essential to stabilize agricultural production and avoid the cycle of continuing destruction of primary forest [Anderson A (1990) In: Anderson A (ed) Alternatives to Deforestation: Steps toward Sustainable Use of the Amazon Rain Forest pp 3–23. Columbia University Press, New York]. In order to be successful, these systems must be compatible with local ecological conditions and adoptable by farmers. Currently, many small-to-medium producers in the Amazon Basin use a slash and burn agricultural strategy that combines annual cropping with cattle grazing in mixed farming systems. While cattle play an important role in household economic survival, grazing-induced land degradation threatens the long-term viability of these farms [Loker W (1993) Human Organization 52(1)14–24]. This paper presents a model of a low external input agroforestry system that incorporates farmer preferences and practices but uses well-adapted grass-legume pastures, rotational grazing and the management of natural forest regeneration to enhance productivity in an ecologically sound manner. This system provides farmers with the benefits of both annual crops and cattle raising, avoids the land degradation that characterizes current practices and effectively incorporates trees into the production system.  相似文献   
Phenological transects were employed to assess monthly leaf, flower, unripe fruit and ripe fruit abundance for a total of 1732 individual plants within five tropical forest habitats at the ‘Lago Caiman Research Camp’, Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, northeastern Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia. Fruit surveys along trails were conducted concomitantly to assess fruit availability for the resident terrestrial frugivore community. The results of the two methodologies are compared and discussed with respect to wildlife and forest management in the region. Phenological transects revealed that Cerrado forest, tall forest, low vine forest, Sartenejal (swamp) forest, and pied mont (premontane) forest, showed seasonal variations in flower, unripe fruit and ripe fruit abundance, however, the broad temporal patterns were significantly different across habitats. Seasonal variation in overall foliage abundance was only marked for Cerrado forest. Ripe fruit production within the study site was not significantly different across months, with different habitats peaking asynchronously in abundance. From a frugivory perspective, overall ripe fleshy fruit abundance also varied considerably between habitats, and again showed asynchronous peaks in habitat production. However, both methodologies revealed the early dry season (June–July) as a period of ripe fleshy fruit scarcity throughout the study area. This period represents a resource ‘bottleneck’ for the resident frugivore community and phenological results allowed the identification of a number of keystone fruit resources for the region. Furthermore, fruit resources which are super-abundant in the early–mid wet season (November–February) might also be considered keystone resources for the region, given that they are available in an otherwise fruit scarce forest. The dynamic spatial patterning of fruit availability at Lago Caiman suggests that certain habitats might be considered keystone habitats, since they provide the majority of fruit resources on a seasonal basis. Finally, the potential of phenological information in tropical forest management plans is discussed and underlined by the observation that rainfall in itself fails to predict fruit availability in the dominant habitats at Lago Caiman.  相似文献   
In July 1992 the Rondônia Agroforestry Pilot Project (RAPP) was launched in two agricultural municipalities (Nova União and Alto Paraiso) in the western Brazilian Amazon State of Rondônia. The purpose of the RAPP was to assess the conditions under which colonist farmers in the western Amazon would integrate agroforestry plantings into their small-scale farming systems and to assess the performance of those plantings over time. An experimental group consisting of 50 small-scale farmers was selected to participate. Plots were designed to accommodate between 3 and 25 different species, each producing one or more commodities with local market potential (hardwood, fruits, nuts, latexes, oils). Farmers planted seedlings typically on a 1-ha plot, located and designed by each farmer with the advice of a professional Brazilian extensionist. During the first phase of the project (1992–1998), the growth performance of the seedlings and changes in household characteristics were monitored on an annual basis. By 2002, 32 (64.0%) of the original 50 agroforest plots were found in place. This paper updates the research findings based on a 2002 follow-up visit to these 32 farms. In addition to growth performance, the authors’ found that 17.95% of the farms in the neighboring control group had planted trees and other agroforest crops between 1992 and 2002, compared to only 5.38% of farms outside the project area, suggesting spontaneous diffusion. The authors also found a potentially synergistic relationship between agroforestry and secondary forest regeneration with the use of satellite image analysis. The experience of the RAPP indicates that colonist farmers in Amazonia can be successful managers of agroforest plots with minimal external inputs over the long-term (10 years).  相似文献   
A model to project forest growth in the Terra Firme forests of the eastern Amazon is described. It is based on 12–17 years measurements from experimental plots at Jarí and Tapajós. Forest stands are represented by cohorts of species group, diameter, and defect. There are 54 species groups, with a robust diameter increment function fitted to each, tables of mortality by crown and defect status, and recruit lists by disturbance level and locality. Stand level functions partition trees by crown status, and modify growth for stand density. Recruitment is a function of basal-area losses. Evaluation compares model performance with two experiments involving heavy felling in Tapajos State Forest. At one site, total bole volume growth of all species over 45 cm DBH was 2.56 m3 ha−1 year−1 over 17 years, whereas the model projected 3.13 m3 ha−1 year−1. At the other site, actual growth over 12 years was 0.39 m3 ha−1 year−1, with the model giving an identical result. Both felled and control plots are compared in the study and accurately simulated. Some weaknesses in the model are discussed.  相似文献   
A literature survey was conducted to determine the amphibian diversity and distribution in Brazilian Amazonia. Patterns of endemisms and similarity of fauna between localities were also addressed. Twenty-eight inventories were found for the region, the majority localized in areas with easier access by road or river. A minimum of 163 amphibian species was recorded for Brazilian Amazonia. Although many species are endemic to the Amazonian lowlands as an entity, the patterns of species uniqueness among sites suggested low endemic distribution within the lowlands of the Amazon Basin. The mean similarity between localities varied from low to intermediate (mean=0.40), indicating that the Brazilian Amazonia is characterized by distinctive assemblages of amphibians throughout its extension. Localities further apart had lower similarity. No threatened species were recorded. These results contribute to determine priority areas for new inventories and establishment of conservation units. We suggest that areas next to the Amazon deforestation frontier should be prioritized for new studies due to the high rate of alteration and potential loss of species. Additionally, studies on amphibian population dynamics are few in Brazilian Amazonia and more of them should be emphasized to help to draw a better picture of the status of amphibians in this region.  相似文献   
Avifaunal responses to understorey fire disturbance and subsequent changes in habitat structure were examined within 20 burnt and unburnt forest plots of 0.25 ha (10×250 m), 10-15 months after an unprecedented understorey fire swept through the Tapajós-Arapiuns Extractive Reserve of central Brazilian Amazonia following the severe 1997-1998 El-Niño dry season. Although these surface fires in the previously undisturbed primary forest were relatively mild, they resulted in dramatic changes in forest structure consistent with those found elsewhere in Amazonia. Bird species negatively affected by these changes tended to be the least common, the most disturbance-sensitive, and habitat specialists. Considering different guilds, ant followers, dead-leaf gleaners, terrestrial gleaners, and arboreal sallying insectivores were the most negatively affected, whereas nectivores and arboreal granivores became more abundant in the burnt forest. The results highlight the severe consequences of even relatively mild surface fires in neotropical forests, and the importance of controlling haphazard frontier expansion for the conservation of susceptible species that are endemic to fire-prone regions.  相似文献   
The influence of three spatially hierarchical factors upon soil macrofauna biodiversity was studied in four pasture plots in eastern Amazonia. The first factor was the local depth of the soil. The second factor was the ground cover type on the soil samples (bare ground, grass tufts, dead trees lying on the ground). The third factor was the dimensions of the grass tufts sampled (size and shape). The effect of each factor upon the morphospecies richness and density of total soil macrofauna was analysed. Detailed results are given for earthworms, termites, ants, beetles and spiders. All factors significantly affected the morphospecies richness and/or density of the soil macrofauna. The type of ground cover had the strongest influence, affecting the total richness and density of the soil macrofauna and of almost all the groups represented. The soil depth affected only the density of the termites and the global morphospecies richness. Interactions between soil depth and ground cover type affected the total macrofauna morphospecies richness and the density of the earthworms. The dimensions of the grass tuft influenced the global morphospecies richness, the morphospecies richness of the ants and the density of the spiders.  相似文献   
Although the linkages between economics and environment are absolute, they are not emphasized either by the economic or by the environmental professions. The economics of natural resources remains a minor unpopular theme in orthodox economics today. Similarly, the relationship of the economic subsystem to the overall ecosystem is only mentioned in most environmental science texts. Attention to the environmental dimensions of economic development burgeoned in the early 1970s and has yet to become systematic. There are encouraging signs that this is improving. The integration of economics and environmental studies has been the focus of several recent conferences and books, e.g. Brundtland, 1987; Conway, 1985; IIED, 1987; Jansson, 1984; Pearce, 1985 and at least two journals (Environmental Economics from 1976, and Ecology and Economics from 1987; excluding the vast literature mainly on pollution economics. This paper mentions four environmental aspects of economic development: the concept of sustainability, carrying capacity, ethics and irreversibility. It then focuses on one important irreversible—the loss of biodiversity—and outlines progress with the World Bank's policies in this regard.  相似文献   
Evaluation and monitoring are critical to agroforestry (AFS) project management, especially if they aim to contribute to use and conservation of biodiversity and plant genetic resources. A methodology to analyze information used in decision-making processes was developed and applied in a biodiversity conservation project in the Brazilian Amazon. Quality of information gathered at landscape, AFS, species (Bactris gasipaes Kunth, both wild and cultivated varieties) and genetic diversity levels in three dimensions was analyzed. The information at the landscape level was good, while that in the organizational-institutional and socio-economic dimensions was acceptable; information gaps were serious in the genetic-ecological dimension. Ecological and economic functionality assessment based on indicators built upon reported administrative actions suggests that information related to conservation played a greater role in decision-making and management than information associated with use and development. The application of the methodology proved instrumental for enhancing efficacy of decision-making within an adaptive management approach to plant genetic resources use and conservation.  相似文献   
The Amazon Basin has suffered extensive deforestation in the past 30 years. Deforestation typically leads to changes in climate, biodiversity, hydrological cycle, and soil degradation. Vegetation succession plays an important role in soil restoration through accumulation of vegetation biomass and improved soil/plant interaction. However, relationships between succession and soil properties are not well known. For example, how does vegetation succession affect nutrient accumulation? Which soil factors are important in influencing vegetation growth? What is the best way to evaluate soil fertility in the Amazon basin? This paper focuses on the interrelationships between secondary succession and soil properties. Field soil sample data and vegetation inventory data were collected in two regions of Brazilian Amazonia (Altamira and Bragantina). Soil nutrients and texture were analyzed at successional forest sites. Multiple regression models were used to identify the important soil properties affecting vegetation growth, and a soil evaluation factor (SEF) was developed for evaluating soil fertility in Alfisols, Ultisols, and Oxisols, which differ in the ways they affect vegetation growth. For example, the upper 40 cm of soil is most important for vegetation growth in Alfisols, but in Ultisols and Oxisols deeper horizons significantly influence vegetation growth rates. Accumulation of vegetation biomass increased soil fertility and improved soil physical structure in Alfisols but did not completely compensate for the nutrient losses in Ultisols and Oxisols; however, it significantly reduced the rate of nutrient loss. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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