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安徽省绩溪县竹种及分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白鱼属鱼类一新种及其营养成份   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对路南金线白鱼新种作了详细描记,新种体背体侧上方有3条金色带可与该属所有种相区别。文中对其营养成分作了分析,结果表明路南金线白鱼是营养价值很高的优质鱼种,现该物种已处于濒临灭绝状态,应加强保护。  相似文献   
Somatic hybridization, a process of combining protoplasts from different plants, can provide new sources of disease resistances for plants. In the case of wild and cultivatedSolanum species, the hybrids express resistances from each partner in the fusion and can often be crossed with cultivars to improve agronomic characteristics of the tubers. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses can provide a means for determining that the plants being investigated are actually hybrids as well as a means for following the introgression of DNA into progeny lines. These points are addressed in this paper with specific reference to somatic hybrids betweenSolanum brevidens and potato.  相似文献   
After the eradication of the Tse-Tse fly in the Mid-Zambezi valley, human settlements and fields extended mainly along the main rivers. In order to investigate the consequences of this human development on wildlife diversity we monitored three rivers of the Mid-Zambezi valley in Zimbabwe: Angwa, Manyame and Kadzi. The rivers were divided in segments of 200 m which were checked for spoors in order to assess the number of species and the number of individuals that used the segments. Human settlements were also recorded. We used a GIS to define the spatial characteristics of the fields present along the rivers, and related them to the distribution and abundance of wild species spoors in the river beds and banks. Our results show that the number of species in one segment of the river decreased with the increasing size of the field area bordering the segment. For all the major ungulate species, the numbers of individuals recorded per segment decreased with increasing field area. A similar trend was observed for small and medium-sized carnivores, though they were in lower numbers when present. Our analyses thus confirm that the extension of human agriculture in wildlife areas has an impact on most wild species, but we also define some threshold value of field size above which there seem to be an acceleration of the decrease in wildlife density and diversity: 3.2 ha for medium and small herbivores and carnivores; only the elephant seem to tolerate larger field area with a threshold value of 32 ha.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
以匈牙利鹅、莱籽鹅和吉林省农业科学院选育的绒肉兼用鹅作基础素材,进行品系选育,采用三系或四系选出生长速度快、绒肉产量高、繁殖性能好、肉质好、抗病力强的肉鹅配套系。结果表明:与本地白鹅相比,A系♂×B♀、AB系♂×C系♀杂交后代70日龄体重提高了22.32%和16.67%,饲料转化率提高了7.3%和11.2%,育雏成活率提高了16.5%和15.5%。杂交鹅群体整齐度分别为83%和80%。  相似文献   
青海高原的高寒特性决定其生境内禾草植物的多样性和特异性,然而有关青海高原地区禾草内生真菌的研究报道较少,本研究对青海高原地区48个样点内禾草植物内生真菌带菌率和内生真菌分离进行了研究。结果表明,14种禾本科植物内生真菌平均感染率低于50%,而12种植物内生真菌平均感染率大于50%。其中,缘毛鹅观草(Roegneria pendulina)、紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)、醉马草(Achnatherum inebrians)、中华羊茅(Festuca sinensis)、硬质早熟禾(Poa sphondylodes)、微药羊茅(F. nitidula)、毛稃羊茅(F. kirilowii)和紫羊茅(F. rubra)的平均带菌率均超过80%。同时,同属禾草植物内生真菌带菌率存在差异。禾草内生真菌分离率较低,其中紫花针茅、麦宾草(Elymus tangutorum)、光稃早熟禾(P. psiolepis)和异针茅(S. aliena)内生真菌在菌落和分生孢子形态上存在差异。可见,青海高原禾草内生真菌带菌率较高,同时不同禾草内生真菌可能存在多样性。  相似文献   
利用湖北省主要造林树种杉木、南方型黑杨、湿地松和日本落叶松人工林的位置信息及气候、地形和土壤等42个环境因子数据,采用最大熵模型和ArcGIS软件开展4个树种生态栽培区划研究,探讨4个树种人工林的分布格局。结果表明:4个树种的MaxEnt模型预测AUC值为0.855~0.951,通过环境变量的筛选,模型预测精度提高0.23%~3.59%。生物气候因子和地形因子在4个树种适生区预测模型构建过程中累计贡献率达到85%以上,是影响树种分布的主要生态因子,其中海拔在湿地松、日本落叶松和南方型黑杨中的贡献率均排在首位,达到31.48%~47.80%。4个树种的生态区可分为最适宜区、较适宜区和不适宜区3个等级,分别绘制了各树种的适生地理分布图,并从整体上明确了这4个主要造林树种人工林的分布格局,即鄂西北、鄂西南和鄂东南地区适宜发展杉木人工林,鄂中江汉平原地区主要为南方型黑杨,鄂北和鄂东丘陵岗地主要为湿地松,鄂西亚高山区适宜发展日本落叶松人工林。  相似文献   
为掌握云南楚雄武定和牟定两栖爬行动物的种类,2015年5月和7月通过样线和样点法,以及资料查阅、访谈调查和专家咨询等方法,在2县展开专项研究。结果表明:武定和牟定共有两栖类18种,隶属2目8科14属,爬行类23种,隶属3目9科17属。属于国家一、二级保护动物的各有1种,属于云南特有种类5种。在这些种类中,除4种广布种外,其余种类均为东洋界物种,多数为西南、华南、华中3区共有成分。调查到的种类及种群数量比预期的要少,就其原因进行探讨。2县所处地区刚好处于滇中,为金沙江以北和哀牢山及其以南两栖爬行动物种类分布的过渡区域。在2个县均发现了外来种牛蛙,武定县还有外来种红耳龟。外来种对土著种和生态系统的危害是不言而喻的,应该给予高度重视,监测外来种的种群动态和控制其扩散,保护当地的物种多样性和遗传多样性。  相似文献   
为科学选择城镇造林或绿化树种,对浙江省嘉兴市新塍镇13 个树种林分内的空气负离子浓度进行日变化监测研究。结果表明:不同树种林分的空气负离子浓度具有一定差异,樱花Cerasus serrulata+小叶黄杨Buxus sinica var. parvifolia混交林、红枫Acer palmatum ‘Atropurpureu’纯林内空气负离子浓度相对较高,黄山栾树Koelreuteria paniculata与无患子Sapindus mukorossi纯林内空气负离子浓度较低。不同结构林分的空气负离子浓度差异明显,表现为乔灌混交林>灌木林>乔木林,其空气负离子浓度日变化趋势较为一致,均在上午10 : 00左右出现 1个峰值,在下午16 : 00 - 18 : 00呈上升趋势。对空气负离子与环境因子的相关性分析显示,空气负离子与相对湿度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),而与温度极显著负相关(P<0.01),与紫外线强度显著负相关(P<0.05)。对空气负离子与林分因子的相关性分析显示,空气负离子浓度与林分密度呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。图2表5参14  相似文献   
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