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为客观评价多点试验中小麦新品种(系)籽粒产量的稳定性、适应性以及试点辨别力,探明适合江苏省小麦多点鉴定试验基因型与环境互作分析方法,采用AMMI模型对2018-2019年度江苏省淮南区试A组15个小麦品种(系)和淮北区试C组14个小麦品种(系)分别在12个试点的籽粒产量数据进行分析。结果表明,在两组试验中,基因型效应(G)、环境效应(E)和基因型与环境互作效应(G×E)均达到极显著水平。环境效应分别占淮南和淮北处理平方和的89.55%和70.71%,基因型效应分别占3.10%和12.89%,互作效应分别占7.35%和16.19%。基因型与环境互作中两条显著的主成分轴分别解释了淮南60.54%和淮北56.53%的互作平方和。在本年度特定的气候条件下,15个淮南小麦品种(系)中,宁红1479、金丰1701和盐麦0816属于高产稳产品系;14个淮北小麦品种(系)中,保麦1702、淮核16174属于高产稳产品系。12个试点中,淮南以南通、扬州和金湖试点的分辨力最强;淮北以响水、徐州和宿豫试点的分辨力最强。由AMMI双标图及互作效应值分析可知,两组试验的高产品系对某些试点具有特殊适应性。  相似文献   
裸燕麦区域试验中地点鉴别力和育成品种稳产性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高区域试验品种鉴定的准确性和效率以及了解当前燕麦育成品种的稳产性,利用AMMI模型对2006-2008年全国区域试验中裸燕麦的产量数据进行了地点鉴别力和品种稳产性分析.结果表明,吉林白城、内蒙古武川、四川昭觉试点鉴别力较高,山西五寨、甘肃会宁、山西右玉试点鉴别力较低.白燕2号、坝莜10号、9314-122品种稳产性较好,8652-3、S016、保罗品种稳产性较差.  相似文献   
甜玉米品种稳定性的AMMI模型分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
采用方差分析和AMMI模型分析,对不同地点随机区组试验中甜玉米株高,穗长和产量的品种差异显著性。试验精确度和品种稳定性进行研究。结果表明,在单年单点随机区组试验中除了呈贡和石林的穗长以外,其余各点性状的品种差异都是极显著的,同一性状不同地点的品种间差异表现不一致,这是基因型与环境互作所致,石林点试验精确度最高,其余两点的次之,超甜20号在3个性状上的表现最稳定。黑甜糯产量最不稳定,白甜糯株高和穗长最不稳定。株高,穗长,产量的互作效应主成分(IPCA)的平方和分别占交互作用平方的93.2%,90.9%和80.3%。解释了大部分基因型与环境交互作用。由此计算获得的稳定性参数(Di)是可靠的。  相似文献   
为明确杂交中籼水稻在江淮地区种植的适宜播期,提高稻米品质,选用3个杂交中籼水稻品种(系)分5个播期,利用AMMI模型对其营养食味品质性状(糊化温度、胶稠度、直链淀粉含量、蛋白质含量)进行了稳定性和适应性分析。结果表明,糊化温度、胶稠度、直链淀粉含量、蛋白质含量4项指标在基因型间、播期间及基因型×播期互作间的方差均达到极显著水平,这4项指标的交互效应主成分值(IPCA)差异也达到显著水平;穗期(抽穗至成熟期)平均气温较高、累计日照时数长、气温日较差大,有利于杂交中籼水稻品质的提高;3个参试品种(系)营养食味品质稳定性表现为新两优6号两优1128丰两优4号,5个播期对杂交中籼水稻品质影响表现为4月20日5月10日5月20日4月30日5月30日。  相似文献   
为有效评价并推荐丰产性、稳产性和适应性好的山地油菜品种在低纬高原山区推广应用,采用灰色关联度、AMMI模型和模糊聚类等分析方法,对玉溪市典型的暖冬年(2012年)与冷冬年(2015年)4个不同海拔试点的7个参试油菜品种进行稳定性和适应性对比分析。结果表明:(1)暖冬年和冷冬年主要气象因子与油菜产量的关联度有明显差异;(2)AMMI模型中暖冬年的基因、基因与环境互作两者方差分量均显著高于冷冬年,而环境方差分量则明显低于冷冬年;(3)基因型与环境间的互作对暖冬年与冷冬年的主要农艺性状影响存在较大差异。低纬高原山区应主推‘云花油早熟1号’、‘花油6号’、‘玉红油1号’和‘花油5号’等优质油菜品种。  相似文献   
家蚕品种最适环境片区的划分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张泽  鲁成 《蚕业科学》1998,24(3):175-179
对家蚕品种最适环境片区划分进行了研究,初步得到如下结果:参试的8个地区可以划分为两个环境片区。第一个环境片区包括四川、重庆和浙江;第二个环境片区包括陕西、山东、安徽、湖北和镇江;第一个环境片区的最适基因型是品种B;第二个环境片区的最适基因型是品种C。如果在各环境片区推广相应最适基因型比在所有地区只推广品种C,则全区平均万蚕收茧量可提高2.1%。  相似文献   
甜玉米产量相关性状的AMMI模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用AMMI模型分析方法对福建省2008~2011年连续4年甜玉米区域试验数据进行产量相关性状分析,结果表明:以基因型效应为主的有株高、穗位高、穗长、穗行数,以环境效应为主的有产量、出苗至采收日数、穗粗,以基因型与环境互作效应为主的有行粒数、鲜百粒重;性状的稳定性以穗长、穗粗、穗行数最好,其次为出苗至采收日数、行粒数、鲜百粒重,第三为株高、穗位高,最差为产量;不同性状在不同生态条件下表现出不同的基因型与环境互作效应.  相似文献   
Different improved coffee arabica crosseshaving resistance to coffee berry diseaseand leaf rust, plus a standard cultivar,were grown under a range of environmentalconditions in a series of field trials inKenya. The effects of location and year ofproduction and their interactions with theclones were determined for berry yield.These data were used to estimate andcompare methods of analysis of GEI. An AMMImodel, joint regression model and ANOVAwith repeated measurements were used toinvestigate these interactions. The resultsindicated the relative effects of theclones and the environmental conditions,with Meru being the location where therewas greatest discrimination between theclones, probably because it was bettersuited for coffee. Clones,environments and joint regressions combinedaccounted for 31.20% of the interaction,leaving a residual of 68.80%. Significantresidual mean squares showed therelationship between clones andenvironments not to be strictly linear,thus indicating that regression analysisdid not always provide good estimates ofindividual clonal performance acrossenvironments. High correlations wereobtained between mean yield and regressioncoefficients and between ecovalence andmean square deviations as well as thecoefficient of determination. Resultsshowed that the improved clones surpassedthe standard cultivar both in terms ofyield and stability.Different analyses of the various aspectsof genotype response enabled the 21 clonesto be classified into different similaritygroups based on their performance andphenotypic stability as measured by variousstability parameters and the use of biplotsfrom the AMMI analysis.  相似文献   
C. Royo    A. Rodriguez  I. Romagosa 《Plant Breeding》1993,111(2):113-119
Adaptation of seven complete and twelve substituted triticales to specific soil types has been studied, based on a series of twenty trials carried out in 1989 and 1990 across Spain. The nature of the GE interaction for grain yield was revealed by means of the additive main effects multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model and using the soil pH at the different sites as linear covariate. The percentage of the variability explained by the first principal component axis of the AMMI model was 72 and 65 % for the two years, suggesting a specific pattern of adaptation. Soil pH was the single most important environmental factor to explain the adaptation of complete and substituted types. Complete triticales outyielded substituted genotypes in the majority of sites. Triticale adaptation to acid and alkaline soils seems to be largely controlled by the single wheat/rye chromosome 2D(2R) substitution, for which both types differ. Complete triticales seem better adapted to the acid soils, whereas substituted types are, in general, more suited to alkaline soils.  相似文献   
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