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A study carried out for assessment of acaricide for control and how to show resistance of hard tick (Ixodidae) with some types of acaricide which available in Sulaimani marked froro February to April 2012, isolated 80 cattle (local breed) naturally infested with hard tick. Six hundred and fifteen ticks min7 tick/cattle including three genera species were collected and identified, the highest Boophilus spp. followed by Hyalomma spp., and Rhipicephalus spp. were less frequent species collected. Experimental cattle divided into four groups each group content 20 cattle, treatment with four types acaricide and their average of infestation in cattle with Boophilus spp. 33 (41.25%) as the commonest, followed by Hyalomma spp. 31 (75.38%), Rhipicephalus spp. 11 (13.75%) and 5 (6.25%) found mixed infested with Boophilus spp. and Hyalomma spp. 65 (81.3%) of cattle samples had emaciation and skin lesions. According to site of infestation, it showed that inguinal region was the most common predilection site for the ticks. Observed the genera Boophilus spp., there were highly significant differences (12.52%) between different tick species when calculated by general test (LSD). The objective of this study was to estimate and compare these acaricide to control hard tick, and there was highly significant relation between different species of hard ticks when treated by these acaricide, according to the chi-square tests. The activities of the acaricide through the time of application were different on the tick genera species. Diazinon (60%) and carbamate (saven 85%) has been a greater degree than other acaricide resistance, while shows the activity of both acaricide injectable ivermactin and cypromethrein through the early time on all species. The results of the study otherwise provide encouraging possibilities for the potential use recommended dose with both acaricide ivermactin-l% and cypromethrine-10%.  相似文献   
预防计算机病毒,要养成一个良好的使用计算机习惯,对保障您的计算机不受计算机病毒侵扰是尤为重要的.为了减少病毒的侵扰,建议大家平时能做到"三打"、"三防".  相似文献   
城市居住区夜间光侵扰问题调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夜景照明建设的高速发展和LED的广泛应用,致使居住区夜间光侵扰问题日益严重,但缺乏有效的光侵扰防治措施。采用主观调查问卷与客观测试数据结合的方式,调查了居民对光侵扰的主观评价,测量了光侵扰的相关光参数,将城市居住区光侵扰来源划分为4类,分析发现侵扰源亮度、光色、动态形式、发光时间段和发光面积为主要侵扰因素,将光侵扰划分为亮度侵扰、色光侵扰和动态侵扰3种类别,并明确了各类别主要侵扰因素的参数范围。  相似文献   
户外LED广告屏色光侵扰问题调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来LED广告屏在城市中广泛使用,但居住区周围布置的LED广告屏在夜间对居民形成了强烈的色光侵扰。为了明确LED广告屏形成的色光侵扰程度及其防控措施,以北京、天津地区17处LED广告屏及受其侵扰的居住建筑为研究对象,展开主观问卷调查,并现场测试LED广告屏侵扰光的色坐标、亮度等参数,获得187份调查问卷及288组测试数据。通过对比分析主观问卷和测试数据,明确了LED广告屏的主要侵扰因素为LED屏与居住建筑的相对位置关系、LED屏侵扰光亮度水平及其数值变化和LED屏的光色交替变化,提取了各侵扰色光的波长及亮度数值范围,提出了对LED屏幕设置的建议。  相似文献   
1加强饲养管理。提高抗病能力 在规模化养禽场,人们往往将注意力都集中到传染病的控制和扑灭措施上.而饲养管理条件和应激因素与机体健康的关系常常被忽略,形成了恶性循环。因此,家禽传染病的综合防制工作需要在饲养管理条件和管理制度上进一步改善和加强。从禽流感预防角度来说,必须将饲养管理和疾病预防作为一个整体加以考虑。  相似文献   
自智利鲑鱼养殖业因鲑鱼贫血病遭受重大损失之后,挪威和加拿大的养殖鲑鱼又不断遭受海水鱼虱的侵扰,而且这种寄生虫生命力极强,目前已经逐渐对养殖者使用的特效杀虫剂产生了抗药性。  相似文献   
避雷击 为避免雷击,建房时应避开潮湿地区和孤立的高岗地带,更重要的是要给房屋安装避雷器。避雷器一般安在房屋尖顶及屋脊、烟囱、通风管道、平顶屋边缘等处,因为这些地方是最易遭受雷击之处,应重点保护。  相似文献   
李易谷 《中国蜂业》2009,60(9):13-13
甘肃酒泉市瓜州县一些农场几年前引进推广种植茴香取得较好经济效益,于是各乡镇农民也开始种植茴香。随着茴香种植面积扩大,来瓜州县采茴香蜜的蜂场逐年增长,今年有近十省蜂农将一百多车蜜蜂运来采茴香蜜。因去年7月茴香开花时,干热风刮了十余天,致使茴香干旱枯萎,茴香籽欠收甚至绝产。缺乏现代农业科技常识的种植者,竞将自然灾害造成茴香籽减产的根源,  相似文献   
<正>从2010年开始,全国各地陆续有报道因为蜱虫叮咬引起人发病死亡,俗称"蜱虫病"。而宠物身上也可能会携带蜱虫,从而传染人,这让许多宠物主人"闻蜱色变",其实宠物被蜱叮咬的情况一直就有,只是在市区发生比较少,也很少会引起严重的疾病,以前往往没有引起重视,如今只要我们了解了蜱的特点和预防控制知  相似文献   
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