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为探索雄性不育小麦小花颖壳开闭人工调控的有效途径,将离体穗或连体穗用茉莉酸甲酯(Methyljasmonate,MeJA)或水杨酸(Salicylic acid,SA)溶液浸穗,研究了MeJA与SA对光温敏雄性不育小麦BS366(Triticum aestivum L.)颖花开闭的诱导效应.结果表明,0.5、1.0、2.0、4.0 mmol/L MeJA均可显著诱导BS366离体穗开颖,并且诱导效应随浓度的增加而增强;1.0、2.0、4.0 mmol/L MeJA诱导的开颖率无显著差异,三者在处理后12 h内可诱导大部分的小花开颖,并且对低结实率的诱导效应更明显.适播(自交结实率为0%)的BS366对MeJA响应速度起初略快于晚播(自交结实率为7%),之后适播的BS366开颖率的增长呈先慢后快的变化,晚播的BS366则呈先快后慢的变化.4.0 mmol/L MeJA亦可显著诱导田间连体穗开颖,MeJA处理后第1 d和第5 d人工授粉的结实率达80.4%和91.3%,表明MeJA处理对雌蕊无副作用.5.0和10.0 mmol/L的SA对MeJA诱导离体麦穗开颖的效应有明显的抑制效应,而2.0 mmol/L的SA没有抑制效应;各浓度的SA均能显著促进经MeJA诱导开颖的小花闭颖,5.0和10.0 mmol/L SA的效应更为明显.  相似文献   
介绍了Web挖掘的概念,以及Web使用挖掘和Web内容挖掘这两个主要类型,论述了电子商务中Web挖掘的过程和方法.阐述了Web挖掘在电子商务中的具体应用。  相似文献   
中国花生网斑病研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
花生网斑病是我国花生上新发生的一种叶部病害,近年来蔓延迅速,为害严重,经1983-1992年历时10年的系统研究,摸清了该病症状、发生和为害规律、分布特点;明确该病的发生与主要发病因子的关联性;于国内首次明确了该病原菌的分类地位;摸清了病害发生程度与花生荚果产量损失率之间的函数关系,找出了受害较敏感的花生物候期,建立了防治经济阈值模型;筛选出目前最好的杀菌剂、生物制剂和物理保护剂以及较抗病的花生品  相似文献   
海河二道闸和防潮闸优化调度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汛期为腾空海河河道并保证二道闸下咸水不致上溯,二道闸闸下水位应控制在1.0m左右。利用一维非恒定流模型对海河自西河闸至入海口河段进行数值模拟,研究了西河闸分流量为80、100、120m3/s3种情况下,海河防潮闸和二道闸优化调度结果。  相似文献   
To construct data warehouse with heterogeneous, self-governing and distributed database system is a challenge. Two problems have to be solved: one is how to collect data from heterogeneous data sources by an effective method, the other is how to clear up and change the format of the data collected from data sources. The opening and the interact-operation property of Web Services is Analyzed. A Data Collection System based on Web Services, which communicates with heterogeneous data sources with SOAP and HTTP, has been designed. A Data Collector is introduced to clear up and to transform data with composition technology. The pivotal XML technology of transforming and loading up the data are discussed.  相似文献   
In order to support flexibility and reusability of application composition based on Internet,with business rule and Aspect-Oriented Programming(AOP) which divides a business process into a control business process and a core business process,the authorsgive composition mechanism.A technique of implementation is analyzed.At last,the primary application of the above work in Chongqing of China is introduced,as well as some effects acquired.  相似文献   
Irish Sea fisheries have undergone considerable change in recent years following the decline of commercially important finfish stocks and their slow response to management's recovery plans. In 2015, the fishing industry called for a holistic exploration into the impact of environmental change and food web effects to identify the drivers underpinning stock dynamics. In this study, we identify correlations between large‐scale climatic indicators, temperature, primary and secondary productivity, and fish recruitment in the Irish Sea and incorporate them into an Ecopath with Ecosim food web model co‐created by scientists and fishers. Negative correlations were found between the North Atlantic Oscillation winter index (NAOw) and large zooplankton abundance and between the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and the recruitment of cod (Gadus morhua) and whiting (Merlangius merlangus). Using correlation analyses to direct the addition of environmental drivers to the Irish Sea ecosystem model improved the models fit against observed biomass and catch data and revealed the indirect impacts of environmental change as mitigated through trophic interactions. Model simulations suggest that historic environmental change suppressed the overall production of commercial finfish, limiting opportunities for the fishing industry, whilst also dampening the rate of stock recovery despite marked reductions in fishing effort. These results suggest that failure to account for ecosystem information may lead to misconceived expectations and flawed fisheries management; therefore, there is a need to operationalize ecosystem information through management procedures to support fisheries advice.  相似文献   
为探索沼液抑制根结线虫的效果,本研究通过盆栽试验,以番茄为试供作物,对比了种植前沼液淹没土壤(BSS)、种植期间浇灌沼液(BS)和加热(HE)3种方法对根结线虫的防控效果。结果表明,与不采取任何措施的对照(CK)处理相比, BSS处理抑制根结线虫效果最为明显,防效高达97.1%,根结指数分别比HE和BS处理降低96.9%和92.9%。HE处理尽管在处理土壤后显著降低了根结线虫数量,但在最后破坏性取样时(结束试验)出现反弹,根结线虫数量甚至高于CK处理。对于土壤线虫群落,CK处理中以植食性线虫为主(81.8%);两个沼液处理中食细菌线虫占优势(平均78.3%),且其中的杂食捕食性线虫在土壤前处理后消失,在试验结束时又重新出现,但所占比例依然非常低。沼液淹水方式的高效防控效果揭示了利用沼液防控根结线虫的关键期在于线虫入侵到植物根部之前的幼虫期。然而,在盆栽系统中,沼液淹水的方式也对作物生长表现出了一定的抑制趋势。高量沼液施用防控病害的同时引发的植物毒害作用以及环境污染风险,需要进一步开展田间研究。  相似文献   
为研究定向刨花板(oriented strand board,OSB)加固腹板开洞的竹木工字梁的力学性能,揭示其受力破坏机理。以孔径与腹板高度的比值(d/hw)和补强板型为参数,制作并测试了42根竹木工字梁,考察测试过程中的破坏形态、弯曲变形性能,分析各因素对工字梁力学性能的影响规律。结果表明,当孔径较小(d/hw≤25%)时,试件的破坏形态以翼缘内OSB层裂和腹板剪切破坏为主,孔洞对开洞梁承载力和刚度的影响较小,可忽略不计。当孔径较大(d/hw25%)时,破坏形态以洞口周边受拉和受压破坏为主,随着孔洞直径d增加,孔洞的不利影响愈发明显,开洞梁的承载能力呈下降趋势,但对梁的刚度影响较小。OSB补强板能有效约束孔角裂缝开展,加固后的开洞梁的开裂荷载、正常使用极限状态荷载和承载能力极限状态荷载较未加固开洞梁明显提高,平均提高52.9%、12.1%和28.2%。但OSB补强板对开洞梁抗弯刚度的改善作用不明显,平均提高仅为11.5%。承载力和刚度的提高幅度与补强板类型密切相关,其中,套环定向刨花板(collar oriented strand board,C-OSB)增强效果最好、双U型定向刨花板(two U shaped oriented strand board,TU-OSB)次之,U型定向刨花板(U shaped oriented strand board,U-OSB)最差。C-OSB适合于管道施工前对开洞梁进行加固,而U-OSB和TU-OSB适合加固d/hw不大于75%的开洞梁。粘贴OSB加固开洞竹木工字梁是一种有效的加固方法。  相似文献   
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