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通过对冷却水循环用离心泵产生汽蚀的因素进行分析,提出了防止汽蚀产生的技术措施,经生产应用效果良好。  相似文献   
在水闸管理上,以多台Tp801单板微型计算机、输入输出接口电路、SIO串行通信接口电路、Tp801D板、12吋绿色显示器、打印机等组成一种远距离传送数据的微机通信网络,它利用电话线路作为数据传输的通道,在淮阴市盐东控制工程管理处投付使用。运行稳定,性能可靠,于1985年9月通过技术鉴定。  相似文献   
Abstract. Slurry from farm animals may contaminate water supplies, rivers and bathing waters with faecal coliforms, such as Escherichia coli . Where animals harbour the O157 strain the hazard to human health is particularly high, but both the hazard level, and the low incidence and sporadic nature of the excretion of E. coli O157 make it difficult to study this strain under field conditions. The survival of total E. coli and of E. coli O157 were compared in the laboratory for two soils under controlled temperature and moisture. E. coli O157 die-off rate was the same as or quicker than for total E. coli . This result meant that field experiments studying the fate of total E. coli should give a satisfactory evaluation of the risk of water contamination by the O157 strain. In four field experiments at three sites, slurry containing total E. coli numbers of 2.2 × 104 to 5.7 × 105 colony forming units per mL (c.f.u. mL–1) was applied to drained field plots. Field die-off was faster than expected from laboratory experiments, especially in one experiment where two weeks dry weather followed application. In all but this experiment, the first drain flow events after slurry application led to very high E. coli concentrations in the drains (103 to 104 c.f.u. mL–1). E. coli O157 was present in the slurry used for two of the experiments (33 c.f.u. per 100 mL in each case). However the proportion of E.coli O157 was very low (about 1 in 105) and it was not detected in the drainage water. After the first week E. coli drainage water numbers decreased rapidly but they were 1–10 c.f.u. mL–1 for much of the sampling period after slurry application (1–3 months).  相似文献   
试验结果表明谷子在—13.9Pa的负压下发芽率只有24.0%,在—16.73Pa时发芽率为16.3%。用0.5%的NM—1号抗旱剂包衣后,在—16.73Pa的负压下发芽率可达65.6%,比对照提高49.3%。同0.5%的NM—1抗旱剂在大豆现蕾期喷施叶面1次,相对收获株率为115.38%,相对千粒量为107.7%,增产率为40,27%。玉米在6叶期喷施0.5%的抗旱剂后,饱和亏减少4.09g,是对照的43.81%;干物质积累比对照快67.19%,蒸腾系数减少8.36g。  相似文献   
应用了GC/MS方法分析炼油厂汽提污水中的有机物,其结果可作为实用除油技术的依据。  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted to find out the critical physiological stages of irrigation schedules inducing better growth, physiological efficiency and seed yield potential of berseem ( Trifolium alexandrinum L., Var. S-99-1). For this purpose eight irrigation treatments were made comprised of four treatments of three irrigation (W1, W2, W3 and W4), three treatments of four irrigation (W5, W7 and W8) and one treatment of five irrigation (W6) at various physiological stages i. e. regeneration, flower initiation, full bloom, seed initiation and advance seed development stage.
Thus based on the experimental results the physiological role of watering in berseem seed production could be discussed as:
With-holding of irrigation either at regeneration or at full bloom stage developed potential water stress in plants as indicated by high proline content of irrigation treatments — W4, W1 and W7; and further brought out disturbance on the formation of carotene, synthesis of water soluble sugar and translocation of sugar towards reproductive organs during grain development stage. These stresses adversely affected the plant growth and flowering behaviour. The irrigation at seed initiation stage increased the seed yield. Continuous irrigation did not appear to be useful. Thus it can be concluded that irrigation at three critical physiological stages i. e. regeneration, full bloom and seed initiation was found to be essential for obtaining potential seed yield of berseem.  相似文献   
Abstract. Recent developments in in situγ ray spectrometry offer a new approach to measuring the activity of radionuclides such as 137Cs and 40K in soils, and thus estimating erosion or deposition rates and field moist bulk density (ρm). Such estimates would be rapid and involve minimal site disturbance, especially important where archaeological remains are present. This paper presents the results of a pilot investigation of an eroded field in Scotland in which a portable hyper pure germanium (HPGe) detector was used to measure γ ray spectra in situ. The gamma (γ) photon flux observed at the soil surface is a function of the 137Cs inventory, its depth distribution characteristics and ρm. A coefficient, QCs, derived from the forward scattering of 137Cs γ ray photons within the soil profile relative to the 137Cs full energy peak (662 keV), was used to correct the in situ calibration for changes in the 137Cs vertical distribution in the ploughed field, a function of tillage, soil accumulation and ρm. Based on only 8 measurements, the agreement between in situγ ray spectrometry and soil sample measurements of 137Cs inventories improved from a non significant r2=0.05 to a significant r2=0.62 (P<0.05). Erosion and deposition rates calculated from the corrected in situ137Cs measurements had a similarly good agreement with those calculated from soil cores. Mean soil bulk density was also calculated using a separate coefficient, QK, derived from the forward scattering γ photons from 40K within the soil relative to the 40K full energy peak (1460 keV). Again there was good agreement with soil core measurements (r2=0.64; P<0.05). The precision of the in situ137Cs measurement was limited by the precision with which QCs can be estimated, a function of the low 137Cs deposition levels associated with the weapons testing fallout and relatively low detector efficiency (35%). In contrast, the precision of the in situ ρm determination was only limited by the spatial variability associated with soil sampling.  相似文献   
利用NIM插件探测器及金硅面垒探头组装了植物活体水分探测仪;筛选并分析了仪器的最佳工作条件;检测了春小麦、玉米、苜蓿、豌豆、红豆草叶片鲜重的变化。结果表明;叶片水分随时间损失大的,其抗旱性差。叶片保水的秩序为:红豆草、豌豆>苜蓿>春小麦>玉米。  相似文献   
Abstract— Class II+ dendritic cells were widely distributed throughout normal ovine skin in two main locations: a) in or immediately adjacent to the epidermis and epidermal appendages and b) in the vicinity of the blood vessels. They are unlikely to represent a homogeneous population particularly since Langerhans cells, which previously have been found throughout the epidermal appendages, were located only in the epidermis using acetylcholinesterase staining. Following infection with orf virus, a dense mass of closely associated class II+ dendritic cells develops in the exposed necrotising dermis, adjacent to infected hair follicles and under infected degenerating epidermis. These cells interact and appear to form a barrier to invasion, a framework for immune defence and a template for subsequent epidermal repair; they seem to provide the basis of a highly integrated local dermal defence system. Résumé— Des cellules dendritiques de classe II+étaient largement réparties dans la peau ovine normale dans deux principales zones a) dans l'épiderme et les annexes épidermiques ou dans leur voisnage immédiat b) au voisinage des vaisseaux sanguins. Il est peu probable qu'elles représentant une population homogène particulièrement parce que les cellules de Langerhaps, qui ont été découvertes précédemment dans l'ensemble des annexes épidermiques, furent localisées seulement dans l'épiderme en utilisant une coloration à l'acétylcholinesterase. Après une infection par le virus de l'ecthyma, il se forme une masse dense de cellules dendritiques de classe II+étroitement associées, dans le derme nécrotique atteint, adjacente aux follicules pileux infectés et sous l'épiderme dégénératif infecté. Ces cellules interagissent et apparaissent former une barrière à l'invasion, un cadre pour les défenses immunitaires et un patron pour la réparation épidermique ultérieure; elles semblent fournir les bases d'un système de défense dermique local hautement intégré. Zusammenfassung— Klasse II+-Dendritenzellen waren in der gesamten Haut von normalen Schafen in vorwiegend zwei Bereichen verbreitet: a) in oder unmittelbar neben der Epidermis und der epidermalen Anhangsgebiete und b) in dor Nähe dar Blutgefäße. Sie stellen wahrscheinlich keine homogène Population dar, da die Langerhanszellen, die früher übarall in den epidermalen Anhangsgebilden nachgewiesen wurden, bei Acetylcholinesterase-Färbung nur in der Epidermis zu finden waren. Nach einer Orf-Virus-Infektion formiert sich eine dichte Masse aus eng verbundenen Klasse II+-Dendritenzellen in der betroffenen nekrotisierenden Dermis unmittelbar neben den infizierten Haarfollikeln und unter der infizierten, degenerierenden Epidermis. Diese Zellen stehen untereinander in Verbindung und bilden anscheinend eine Barrière gegen die Invasion, ein Gorüst für die Immunabwehr und einen Ausgangs punkt für die anschließenden Reparaturvorgänge in der Epidermis. Sie scheinen als Basis eines hochentwickelten lokalen Abwehrsystems der Haut zu fungieren. Resumen Células dendríticas de class II+ se observaron en gran cantidad en la piel de la oveja especialmente en dos localizaciones: a) en la epidermis, en la dermis muy próxima a la epidermis y en anejos cutáneos y b) en las proximidades de los vasos sanguíneos. No parece tratarse de una población homogénea de células puesto que las células de Langerhans, que previamente se habían encontrado en los anejos epidérmicos, se encontraron únicamente en la epidermis utilizando técnicas de detección del acetilcol-inesterasa. Después de la infección con el virus del ectima contagioso ovino se observó una masa de células dendríticas de clase II, dispuestas de forma muy densa, en las proximidades de la dermis necrosada y de los folículos pilosos y de la epidermis infectada. Eatas células interaccionan entre si y parecen formar una barrera contra la invasión, una red inmunitaria de defensa y participar en la reparación de la epidermis; parece ser que esta población de células dendriticas son la base de un sistema de defensa dérmico local altamente integrado.  相似文献   
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