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Abstract – The reproductive biology of three species of rainbowfish (Melanotaeniidae) in northeastern Australian rainforest streams was investigated. Two species, Melanotaenia eachamensis and Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides are endemic to the area, whereas the third, M. splendida splendida, is more widespread. The species were all highly fecund, producing many hundreds of eggs between 1.10 and 1.24 mm in diameter. Melanotaenia eachamensis was the most fecund, produced the largest eggs of the three species, and consequently exhibited the greatest maternal investment (as measured by gonadosomatic index). The majority of reproductive effort occurred during the dry season, although reproductively active fish were present year-round for each of the species, but particularly so for M. s. splendida and C. rhombosomoides. No evidence for a role by temperature or photoperiod as environmental cues for reproduction was found, and it was suggested that gonad development was strongly tied to somatic growth. The concentration of reproduction to the dry season ensures that larvae are produced during a period of relatively stable and benign physical conditions. Comparison of temporal changes in gonadosomatic index values suggest that the spawning season of M. eachamensis , which occurs in high-elevation streams, is more restricted and commences about 1 month earlier than either other species. A similar phenology was observed for the M. s. splendida population found at high elevation and highlights the potential for spatial differences in stream productivity to influence life history. Note  相似文献   
The temperature dependence of chemical reaction rates and microbial metabolism mean that temperature is a key factor regulating soil trace gas emissions and hydrochemistry. Here we evaluated a novel approach for studying the thermal response of soils, by examining the effects of temperature on gas emissions and hydrochemistry in (a) peat and (b) soil from a Sitka spruce plantation. A thermal gradient was applied along an aluminium bar, allowing soil to be incubated contemporaneously from 2 to 18 °C. The approach demonstrated clear differences in the biogeochemical responses of the two soil types to warming. The peat showed no significant emission of CH4 at temperatures below 6 °C, while above 6 °C, a marked increase in the rate of release was apparent up to 15 °C (Q10 = 2.5) with emissions being similar between 15 and 18 °C. Conversely, CH4 emissions from the forest soil did not respond to warming. Nitrate availability in the peat decreased by 90% between 2 and 18 °C (P < 0.01), whereas concentrations in the forest soil did not respond. Sulphate availability in the peat decreased significantly with warming (60%, P < 0.01), while the forest soil showed the opposite response (a 30% increase, P < 0.01). Conventionally, thermal responses are studied by incubating individual soil samples at different temperatures, involving lengthy preparation and facilities to incubate samples at different temperatures simultaneously. Data collected on a given thermal response is usually limited and thus interpolated or extrapolated. The thermal gradient method overcomes these problems, is simple and flexible, and can be adapted for a wide range of sample types (not confined to soil). Such apparatus may prove useful in the optimization of management practices to mitigate the effects of climate change, as thermal responses will differ depending on land use and soil type.  相似文献   
采用随机区组设计,研究不同配比的红壤、泥炭、椰糠和珍珠岩6种基质配方对闭鞘姜生长的影响。测定6种基质的物理和化学性质,观测萌芽率、叶片数、茎粗、株高、株幅、光合日变化、根茎鲜重和根茎干重。结果显示,基质S4(泥炭+椰糠+珍珠岩=1∶2∶2)的植株净光合速率(Pn)显著高于其他基质处理。在6种基质生长的植株叶片净光合速率曲线呈单峰或双峰变化,而蒸腾速率曲线呈单峰变化。最大株高、最大根茎鲜重和根茎干重也出现在基质S4种植的植株。从以上结果可知,基质S4比较适合闭鞘姜的生长和根状茎干物质积累。  相似文献   
精准施肥技术的研究现状及在热带作物上的应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精准施肥是当前农业发展的热点,而热带作物产业是我国农业体系的重要组成部分,是热区建设社会主义新农村的重要支撑产业。通过对精准施肥技术概念和研究现状的阐述,提出在我国热带作物产业发展中精准施肥技术的关键问题,并提出了无变量施肥设备的精准施肥。  相似文献   
Phosphorus (P) cycles rapidly in lowland tropical forest soils, but the process have been proven difficult to quantify. Recently it was demonstrated that valuable data on soil P transformations can be derived from the natural abundance of stable oxygen isotopes in phosphate (δ18OP). Here, we measured the δ18OP of soils that had received long-term nutrient additions (P, nitrogen, and potassium) or litter manipulations in lowland tropical forest in Panama and performed controlled incubations of fresh soils amended with a single pulse of P. To detect whether δ18OP values measured in the incubations apply also for soils in the field, we examined the δ18OP values after rewetting dry soils. In the incubations, resin-P δ18OP values converged to ∼3.5‰ above the expected isotopic equilibrium with soil water. This contrasts with extra-tropical soils in which the δ18OP of resin-P matches the expected equilibrium with soil water. Identical above-equilibrium resin-P δ18OP values were also found in field soils that did not receive P additions or extra litter. We suggest that the 3.5‰ above-equilibrium δ18OP values reflect a steady state between microbial uptake of phosphate (which enriches the remaining phosphate with the heavier isotopologues) and the release of isotopically equilibrated cell internal phosphate back to the soil. We also found that soil nutrient status affected the microbial turnover rate because in soils that had received chronic P addition, the original δ18OP signature of the fertilizer was preserved for at least eight weeks, indicating that the off-equilibrium δ18OP values produced during microbial phosphate turnover was not imprinted in these soils. Overall, our results demonstrate that ongoing microbial turnover of phosphate mediates its biological availability in lowland tropical soils.  相似文献   
Addition of organic matter (OM) to flooded soils stimulates reductive dissolution of Fe(III) minerals, thereby mobilizing associated phosphate (P). Hence, OM management has the potential to overcome P deficiency. This study assessed if OM applications increases soil or mineral fertilizer P availability to rice under anaerobic (flooded) condition and if that effect is different relative to that in aerobic (nonflooded) soils. Rice was grown in P‐deficient soil treated with combinations of addition of mineral P (0, 26 mg P/kg), OM (0, ~9 g OM/kg as rice straw + cattle manure) and water treatments (flooded vs nonflooded) in a factorial pot experiment. The OM was either freshly added just before flooding or incubated moist in soil for 6 months prior to flooding; blanket N and K was added in all treatments. Fresh addition of OM promoted reductive dissolution of Fe(III) minerals in flooded soils, whereas no such effect was found when OM had been incubated for 6 months before flooding. Yield and shoot P uptake largely increased with mineral P addition in all soils, whereas OM addition increased yield and P uptake only in flooded soils following fresh OM addition. The combination of mineral P and OM gave the largest yield and P uptake. Addition of OM just prior to soil flooding increased P uptake but was insufficient to overcome P deficiency in the absence of mineral P. Larger applications of OM are unlikely to be more successful in flooded soils due to side effects, such as Fe toxicity.  相似文献   
Emissions of N2O were measured following addition of 15N‐labelled residues of tropical plant species [Vigna unguiculata (cowpea), Mucuna pruriens and Leucaena leucocephala] to a Ferric Luvisol from Ghana at a rate of 100 mg N/kg soil under controlled environment conditions. Residues were also applied in different ratio combinations with inorganic N fertilizer, at a total rate of 100 mg N/kg soil. N2O emissions were increased after addition of residues, and further increased with combined (ratio) applications of residues and inorganic N fertilizer. However, 15N‐N2O production was low and short‐lived in all treatments, suggesting that most of the measured N2O‐N was derived from the applied fertilizer or native soil mineral N pools. There was no consistent trend in magnitude of emissions with increasing proportion of inorganic fertilizer in the application. The positive interactive effect between residue‐ and fertilizer‐N sources was most pronounced in the 25:75 Leucaena:fertilizer and cowpea:fertilizer treatments where 1082 and 1130 mg N2O‐N/g residue were emitted over 30 days. N2O (loge) emission from all residue amended treatments was positively correlated with the residue C:N ratio, and negatively correlated with residue polyphenol content, polyphenol:N ratio and (lignin + polyphenol):N ratio, indicating the role of residue chemical composition in regulating emissions even when combined with inorganic fertilizer. The positive interactive effect in our treatments suggests that it is unlikely that combined applications of residues and inorganic fertilizer can lower N2O emissions unless the residue is of very low quality promoting strong immobilisation of soil mineral N.  相似文献   
[目的]探讨台风强降雨对降雨侵蚀力的影响,为土壤侵蚀的预测预防与治理提供一定的依据。[方法]利用2018年"山竹"台风登陆广东省带来的强降雨,以小时降雨侵蚀力模型为基础,计算"山竹"台风期间广东省降雨侵蚀力及时空分布。[结果]①广东省降雨侵蚀力与台风路径相关,在2018年9月15日粤东地区降雨侵蚀力最大,而16日与17日在粤西地区的降雨侵蚀最大;②山竹台风期间,广东省降雨侵蚀力呈现以阳春市为中心,向两侧降低,特别是在粤北和粤东地区的降雨侵蚀力最低;③降雨量大的站点,降雨侵蚀力也较大,但并不是一一对应的关系,雨强与降雨动能也是影响降雨侵蚀力的重要因素。[结论]台风带来的强降雨影响广东省15—17日降雨侵蚀力分布,台风移动路径决定降雨侵蚀力的大小。  相似文献   
西双版纳热带季雨林土壤呼吸变化规律及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探寻西双版纳热带季雨林土壤呼吸变化规律及其影响因素,分别于2014年不同季节测定了土壤呼吸强度及相关环境因子,同时取相应点表土(0—10cm)测定土壤养分,利用指数模型和线性模型分析土壤呼吸与土壤温度和湿度的关系。结果表明:热带季雨林大气温度的日变化趋势均为单峰曲线;落叶季雨林和半常绿季雨林大气湿度日变化均呈"V"字形变化趋势;0—10cm土壤温度与大气温度变化趋势相一致,在14:00左右达到峰值;土壤湿度均呈"V"字形变化趋势,在14:00达到最低,此后有所回升,局部有所波动。在时间尺度上,2种热带季雨林土壤呼吸均表现为单峰型,且峰值出现的时间基本一致,在14:00左右达到最大,最低值出现在早上6:00,相同时间常绿季雨林土壤呼吸速率高于落叶季雨林。2种热带季雨林土壤呼吸季节性差异显著(p0.05),呈先增加后降低的趋势,均表现为秋季夏季冬季春季。2种热带季雨林土壤呼吸与土壤温度之间关系以指数方程拟合最好,土壤温度可以解释土壤呼吸强度的53.7%~71.0%;落叶季雨林土壤呼吸与土壤湿度之间关系以线性方程拟合最好,常绿季雨林土壤呼吸与土壤湿度之间关系以指数方程拟合最好,土壤湿度可以解释土壤呼吸强度的52.1%~62.3%。通过偏相关分析可知,西双版纳热带季雨林土壤呼吸均与有机质和土壤速效养分含量呈极显著的相关关系(p0.01),与土壤全氮含量呈显著的相关关系(p0.05),而与全磷含量并没有显著的相关性(p0.05),其中常绿季雨林的相关系数均高于落叶季雨林。  相似文献   
The DNDC (DeNitrification-DeComposition)-Rice model, one of the most advanced process-based models for the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from paddy fields, has been discussed mostly in terms of the reproducibility of observed methane (CH4) emissions from Japanese rice paddies, but the model has not yet been validated for tropical rice paddies under alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation management, a water-saving technique. We validated the model by using CH4 and nitrous oxide (N2O) flux data from rice in pots cultivated under AWD irrigation management in a screen-house at the International Rice Research Institute (Los Baños, the Philippines). After minor modification and adjustment of the model to the experimental irrigation conditions, we calculated grain yield and straw production. The observed mean daily CH4 fluxes from the continuous flooding (CF) and AWD pots were 4.49 and 1.22?kg?C?ha?1?day?1, respectively, and the observed mean daily N2O fluxes from the pots were 0.105 and 34.1?g?N?ha?1?day?1, respectively. The root-mean-square errors, indicators of simulation error, of daily CH4 fluxes from CF and AWD pots were calculated as 1.76 and 1.86?kg?C?ha?1?day?1, respectively, and those of daily N2O fluxes were 2.23 and 124?g?N?ha?1?day?1, respectively. The simulated gross CH4 emissions for CF and AWD from the puddling stage (2 days before transplanting) to harvest (97 days after transplanting) were 417 and 126?kg?C?ha?1, respectively; these values were 9.8% lower and 0.76% higher, respectively, than the observed values. The simulated gross N2O emissions during the same period were 0.0279 and 1.45?kg?N?ha?1 for CF and AWD, respectively; these values were respectively 87% and 29% lower than the observed values. The observed total global warming potential (GWP) of AWD resulting from the CH4 and N2O emissions was approximately one-third of that in the CF treatment. The simulated GWPs of both CF and AWD were close to the observed values despite the discrepancy in N2O emissions, because N2O emissions contributed much less than CH4 emissions to the total GWP. These results suggest that the DNDC-Rice model can be used to estimate CH4 emission and total GWP from tropical paddy fields under both CF and AWD conditions.  相似文献   
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