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通过对棉花不同时期去主茎叶、叶枝叶、果枝叶和全部叶片的研究,初步探讨了棉花叶源对库的影响.结果表明:无论蕾期还是盛铃期,叶片是棉花光合产物的主要来源,没有叶片棉花就不能正常生长,也很难保证其产量;不同部位的叶片中,主茎叶的作用显著,蕾期去主茎叶后株高日增长量减少0.5 cm以上,干物质积累明显下降,盛铃期则导致棉铃大量脱落,成铃平均减少2个以上;去果枝叶的作用相对较小,去叶枝叶几乎无影响.  相似文献   
本文详细报道了西瓜蔓枯病的症状和病原菌的形态特点,并鉴定其有性阶段为Mycosphaerellamelonis(Pass)Chiu et Walker,无性阶段为Ascochyta-cucumis Fautr et Roum.此外,还在其他瓜类作物上作了病原菌的致病性试验.  相似文献   
通过对二化螟群集性的调查分析,初步查明在不同类型田、水稻的不同生育期、二化螟幼虫的不同龄次,二化螟幼虫的群集性不同.这为科学制订二化螟防治指标提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
以金优桂99、W6154S/特青、香S/GER-1等杂交组合为材料,从分蘖节位、茎杆粗细、穗粒结构等方面探讨“控蘖法”对杂交水稻的增产原因。  相似文献   
The infection process ofRhizoctonia solani AG-3 was studied on potato sprouts, cv. Bintje, in growth chamber trials at 15 °C. Initially hyphae ofR. solani grew predominantly in the longitudinal direction of the sprouts (runner hyphae). They tended to follow the junctions between epidermis cells as was observed by SEM. The hyphae formed side-branches mainly half-way of the subterranean parts of the sprouts. They branched several times with short swollen cells to form infection cushions. Lesions developed only underneath the infection cushions and were first observed five days after inoculation. The necrotic area was proportional to the area covered with infection cushions on the sprouts. Depth of the lesions could extend up to the vascular bundle. Sprouts were colonized only in healthy tissue in the epidermal layer underneath the infection cushion and in necrotic tissue. A few days after appearance of the lesions,R. solani formed brown, uninfective mycelium on and in the circumference of these lesions.Aldicarb did not influence any part of the infection process. Ethoprophos delayed the emergence of sprouts, but increased the number of sprouts per tuber. As soon as sprouts had emerged, growth was considerably promoted by ethoprophos. Ethoprophos delayed the appearance of lesions and reduced their size. Oxamyl showed the same effects to a smaller extent.As the size of lesions appears to be proportional to the size of the infection cushions, any agents that change the size of the infection cushions, such as pesticides or antagonists, may alter the severity of the disease.Samenvatting Het infectieproces vanRhizoctonia solani AG-3 werd bestudeerd op aardappelspruiten, cv. Bintje, in een klimaatcel bij 15C. Aanvankelijk groeide de schimmel met runnerhyfen voornamelijk in de lengterichting van de spruit. Via SEM kon waargenomen worden, dat de hyfen hierbij vooral over de begrenzingen van de epidermiscellen groeiden. Het mycelium vormde veel zijvertakkingen, bestaande uit iets gezwollen korte cellen, welke voornamelijk halverwege op het ondergrondse deel van de spruit gevormd werden. Een dichte massa van deze cellen vormde een infectiekussentje. Lesies, welke vanaf vijf dagen na inoculatie werden waargenomen, bevonden zich slechts onder spruitoppervlak bezet met infectiekussentjes. De lesiegrootte was recht evenredig met het spruitoppervlak dat bezet was met infectiekussentjes. De diepte van de lesies reikte tot aan de vaatbundels. De spruit werd alleen door de schimmel gekoloniseerd in gezond epidermisweefsel onder het infectiekussentje en in necrotisch weefsel. Enkele dagen na verschijning van lesies vormde R.solani bruin, niet infectieus, mycelium op en rondom de lesies.Aldicarb had geen effect op het infectieproces. Ethoprophos vertraagde de opkomst en verhoogde het aantal tot ontwikkeling gekomen spruiten per knol in gestoomd zand. Direct na opkomst had ethoprophos echter een sterk groeistimulerend effect. Ethoprophos vertraagde de lesievorming en reduceerde de lesiegrootte, vergeleken met onbehandelde planten. Oxamyl vertoonde deze effecten in geringere mate.Daar de lesiegrootte direct gecorreleerd blijkt met de grootte van het infectiekussentje, mag verwacht worden dat elke beïnvloeding van de ontwikkeling van het mycelium van R.solani, bijvoorbeeld door pesticiden of antagonisten, een verandering van de lesiegrootte ten gevolge heeft.  相似文献   
AIM:To investigate multi-potential of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (rBMMSC) and mutation inclination, the rBMMSC were long passaged in vitro. METHODS:Cellular cycles of different passages were assayed by FACSan flow cytometry and karyotypes of passage 6, passage 25 and passage 45 were compared by G-binding analysis. RESULTS:The early passages and long-term passages all showed strong proliferation; passage 6, passage 25 and passage 45 all showed normal karyotype. CONCLUSION:Long-term culture and passage of rBMMSC still remains strong proliferation. With this capability, the mutation inclination is not enhanced.  相似文献   
AIM:To study the effect of TGF-β1 and TNF-α antisense PS-ODNS on ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPC). METHODS:CD34+cells were purified from fresh umbilical cord blood by immunomagnetic beads, and mononuclear cells were purified from bone marrow by Ficoll-hypaque. The effects of TGF-β1 and /or TNF-α antisense PS-ODNS on ex vivo expansion of CD34+ cells、CFU-GEMM、CFU-GM、CFU-E and BFU-E were detected by using liquid and semi-solid culture systems.RESULTS:TGF-β1 antisense PS-ODNS cooperated with cytokines increased the number of CD34+ cells, CFU-GEMM, CFU-GM, CFU-E and BFU-E, which was as 4, 2.6, 2.7, 1.8, 2.1 times as that of the control (the cytokines combination), respectively. TNF-α antisense PS-ODNS cooperated with cytokines respectively increased the number of CD34+ cells, CFU-GEMM, CFU-GM, CFU-E and BFU-E by 4, 2.9, 2.6, 1.7, 1.8 times as that of the control. The above two antisense PS-ODNS cooperated with cytokines could respectively increased the number of CD34+ cells, CFU-GEMM, CFU-GM, CFU-E and BFU-E by 5.3, 2.1, 2.7, 1.9, 1.8 times as that of the control.CONCLUSION:Inhibition of endogenous TGF-β1 and TNF-α by antisense PS-ODNS will be one of the effective methods to expand HSPC ex vivo.  相似文献   
玉米青枯病病原腐霉对其伴生镰刀菌的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 本试验以玉米青枯病病原肿囊腐霉(Pythium inflatum Malthews)与禾生腐霉(Pythium gramlnicola Subram)为材料,着重研究了两种腐霉的生长与代谢对其伴生病原禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum Schw.)的影响,结果表明:1.腐霉的定殖生长能力弱于禾谷镰刀菌。在腐霉菌落上,禾谷镰刀菌仍可生长,而在禾谷镰刀菌菌落上,腐霉则不能生长。2.在伴生条件下,腐霉被镰刀菌覆盖的时间长短随接种间隔而有变化,接种间隔愈短,则覆盖愈快。3.两种腐霉的培养滤液均对禾谷镰刀菌的孢子萌发与芽管伸长及菌落扩展有明显的促进作用,表明滤液中含有对镰刀菌生长有利的活性成分。4.腐霉培养滤液对禾谷镰刀菌红色色素的产生有一定的抑制作用,其原因可能与腐霉的嗜糖性有关。5.田间结果表明,腐镰复合接种的发病率接近禾谷镰刀菌单菌接种,但低于腐霉单菌接种。  相似文献   
青稞镰孢根腐病病原鉴定及致病性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确青稞镰孢根腐病的病原,于青稞苗期及成株期分别对甘肃省甘南藏族自治州合作市、临潭县和卓尼县等青稞主产区的根腐病发生情况进行调查并采集样品,采用常规的组织分离法分离其病原,结合形态特征和分子生物学进行病原鉴定,并用烧杯水琼脂法和盆栽法测定其致病性。结果表明,青稞镰孢根腐病在甘肃省甘南藏族自治州分布广泛,发病率在5%~20%之间。发病植株长势弱、发黄,茎基部缢缩、腐烂,穗白粒瘪,茎秆发褐或黑红。共分离得到88株青稞镰孢根腐病病原菌,苗期50株,成株期38株,经鉴定分别为燕麦镰孢Fusarium avenaceum、木贼镰孢F.equiseti、三线镰孢F.tricinctum、柔毛镰孢F.flocciferum、锐顶镰孢F.acuminatum及F.langsethiae。盆栽法和烧杯水琼脂法所测得的致病性差异显著,但均表明燕麦镰孢综合致病力较强,结合其分离率,确认燕麦镰孢为优势病原。  相似文献   
热技术方法测算树木茎流的发展及应用   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
热技术方法根据其设计原理可分为热脉冲法、热平衡法、热扩散法和激光热脉冲法.回顾利用热技术方法测算树木茎流的历史,概述热技术方法的产生和发展过程,重点论述4种热技术方法的设计原理、最新研究成果和概况,及实际应用中需注意的问题.基于热技术法的特殊优点,对其拓展性应用前景进行了展望:应用热技术方法对林木耗水进行尺度扩展,扩展模型中主导环境因子的导入,不同树种群体耗水量的估测等难点问题的深入研究和解决,将推动热技术理论和研究方法的进步.对现有的研究成果和研究目标进行分析认为,热扩散方法将成为未来几年研究树木液流的重要测算方法.  相似文献   
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