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土壤团聚体有机碳研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤有机碳是衡量土壤肥力的重要指标,对于促进土壤养分循环、增加养分有效性有重要作用。土壤团聚体是土壤的重要组成部分,是组成土壤结构的最小单元,受到自然因素和人为因素的影响,其形成转化过程与土壤固碳过程息息相关,因而研究团聚体和有机碳的关系及团聚体有机碳影响因素对于土壤结构的改善和土壤质量的提升具有重要意义。本文通过对文献的总结,明晰了土壤团聚体和有机碳的关系,阐述了土壤类型、施肥方式、土地利用和矿区复垦对土壤团聚体有机碳的影响,并从生物质炭的长期定位研究和复垦矿区的土壤修复两方面对土壤团聚体有机碳的研究进行展望,研究结果可为合理的农业生产提供科学依据。  相似文献   
饲料中黄曲霉毒素(AFB1)容易超标,检出率达80%~100%,毒性大,具强致癌性,可抑制生猪免疫机能,降低动物生产性能,引起动物继发感染,还会在动物产品中残留而威胁人类健康,给生猪养殖带来经济损失,降低猪肉食品安全性。本文通过使用先进固体发酵系统设备和益生菌发酵技术,采用单因素试验和响应面中试优化,获得发酵降解猪饲料AFB1的最佳工艺参数为硒浓度0.3 mg/kg,发酵时间12 h,量子波强度30 Hz,益生菌菌种组合CGMCC NO.17328混合CGMCC NO.15611。该工艺将猪饲料AFB1量从63.41μg/kg降解到2.98μg/kg,降解率达到95.30%,AFB1含量达到国家饲料安全标准。生产工艺适合养猪场低成本快速生产AFB1达标猪饲料。  相似文献   
为了给内蒙古高原紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)测土施氮奠定科学基础,本研究采用“零散实验数据整合法”和“养分平衡-地力差减法”新应用公式,开展了该自然区域紫花苜蓿土壤氮素丰缺指标和推荐施氮量研究。结果表明:内蒙古高原生长第1年紫花苜蓿土壤碱解氮第1~6级丰缺指标为≥48,20~48,8~20,4~8,2~4和<2 mg·kg-1,土壤全氮第1~5级丰缺指标为≥1.4,0.8~1.4,0.4~0.8,0.2~0.4和<0.2 g·kg-1,土壤有机质第1~6级丰缺指标为≥17,10~17,6~10,3~6,2~3和<2 g·kg-1。当紫花苜蓿目标产量9~18 t·hm-2、氮肥利用率40%时,内蒙古高原紫花苜蓿第1~6级土壤推荐施氮量分别为0,68~135,135~270,203~405,270~540和338~675 kg·hm-2。  相似文献   
不同施肥处理对马铃薯农田土壤理化性状及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了探究不同施肥处理对马铃薯农田土壤理化性状及产量的影响,试验地采用马铃薯连作模式,设置3个施肥处理,即:单施化肥(T)、有机肥配施化肥(YTF 1/2)、全量有机肥(YTF)。结果表明:在不同施肥处理下马铃薯农田土壤的理化性质和马铃薯产量发生了变化,其中变化最为明显的土壤指标有土壤容重、孔隙度、饱和导水率、有效磷。YTF处理较T处理可分别显著(P<0.05)降低土壤容重16.8%,增加土壤孔隙度12.7%,提升饱和导水率25.3%。YTF处理可显著提升土壤有效磷含量43.0%,但各处理间土壤pH、有机碳、全氮、全磷、碱解氮、速效钾之间差异并未达到显著水平。同时,较之T处理,YTF处理亦可显著提升土壤团聚体含量。YTF和YTF 1/2处理可分别较T处理提升马铃薯产量24.6%和12.8%。因此,施用有机肥不仅可以改善土壤结构,改良土壤物理性状,亦能促产增收。  相似文献   
为探究不同水钾耦合处理对科尔沁沙地生境下种植苜蓿(Medicago sativa)抗寒生理特性的影响,以‘骑士T’和‘公农1号’苜蓿品种为试验材料,采用两因素裂区随机区组设计,水分处理为主区:灌水时间间隔分别为4 d,8 d和12 d(用W1,W2,W3表示);钾肥施用量水平为副区,具体施用量分别为50 kg·hm-2 K2O,100 kg·hm-2 K2O和150 kg·hm-2K2O(用K1,K2,K3表示),并设置不施钾肥为对照(CK),于越冬前期挖取苜蓿根颈材料测定丙二醛(Malondialdehyde,MDA)、可溶性蛋白含量和抗氧化酶活性,翌年测定越冬率。结果表明:在W3灌水时间间隔处理下,‘骑士T’和‘公农1号’品种苜蓿根颈的过氧化氢酶、过氧化物酶和超氧化物歧化酶活性、越冬率以及可溶性蛋白含量均明显高于W1和W2处理,其中以K2施用量处理下的数值与CK差异最显著(P<0.05),且此施肥量下的MDA含量也显著低于CK(P<0.05)。因此在科尔沁沙地生境下生产苜蓿,灌水时间间隔为12 d、钾肥施用量在100 kg·hm-2K2O有利于提高苜蓿抗寒性。  相似文献   
为探明长江中游玉米籽粒机械直收适宜品种与配套农艺措施,2018—2019年选用不同玉米品种,测定不同机收时间下玉米关键农艺性状、产量及机收质量指标。结果表明,收获时间对春玉米机收产量与机收质量均有显著影响。延迟1周收获后籽粒容重显著增加,机收产量显著提高,2年平均提高9.72%;而延迟2周收获则有降低机收产量的趋势。2年收获时杂质率总体≤3%,而机收籽粒破碎率与损失率均>5%,是该区域春玉米籽粒机收面临的主要问题。籽粒厚度、籽粒含水率和百粒重是影响机收籽粒破碎率的关键性状,三者与机收籽粒破碎率均呈显著的倒二次曲线关系;玉米的倒伏率、穗位高和重心高度是影响机收损失率的关键性状,倒伏率与机收损失率呈显著正相关,而穗位高和重心高度与机收损失率均呈显著的二次曲线关系。延迟收获能显著降低籽粒含水量,从而降低籽粒破碎率,但继续延迟收获有增加倒伏的风险。综上,长江中游春玉米成熟后适时延迟7~10 d收获,可有效降低籽粒含水量与机收籽粒破碎率,提高玉米籽粒机收产量。  相似文献   
In the oldest commercial wine district of Australia, the Hunter Valley, there is the threat of soil salinization because marine sediments underlie the area. To understand the risk requires information about the spatial distribution of soil properties. Electromagnetic (EM) induction instruments have been used to identify and map the spatial variation of average soil salinity to a certain depth. However, soils vary with depth dependent on soil forming factors. We collected data from a single‐frequency and multiple‐coil DUALEM‐421 along a toposequence. We inverted this data using EM4Soil software and evaluated the resultant 2‐dimensional model of true electrical conductivity (σ – mS/m) with depth against electrical conductivity of saturated soil pastes (ECp – dS/m). Using a fitted linear regression (LR) model calibration approach and by varying the forward model (cumulative function‐CF and full solution‐FS), inversion algorithm (S1 and S2), damping factor (λ) and number of arrays, we determined a suitable electromagnetic conductivity image (EMCI), which was optimal (R2 = 0.82) when using the full solution, S2, λ = 3.6 and all six coil arrays. We conducted an uncertainty analysis of the LR model used to estimate the electrical conductivity of the saturated soil‐paste extract (ECe – dS/m). Our interpretation based on estimates of ECe suggests the approach can identify differences in salinity, how these vary with parent material and how topography influences salt distribution. The results provide information leading to insights into how soil forming factors and agricultural practices influence salinity down a toposequence and how this can guide soil management practices.  相似文献   
Waterlogging is a main factor causing rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) yield loss, and reasonable nitrogen (N) applications can compensate for this loss. To investigate the effects of N rates on seed yield of waterlogged rapeseed, the waterlogging-tolerant rapeseed variety ZS 9 and sensitive variety GH01 were waterlogged for 0 and 10 days with five leaves at the seedling stage under four N rates (0, 90, 180 and 270 kg/ha). Waterlogging significantly decreased seed yield, while N application can alleviate the yield loss. The yield decrease rate of waterlogged GH01 was greater than that of ZS 9 under the same N rate. During the seedling and bolting stage, the leaf photosynthetic rate (Pn) and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity increased, while activities of adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), sucrose synthase (SuSy) and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) decreased with more N under the same watering conditions. Compared to the plants without waterlogging, the leaf Pn and Rubisco activity, starch and sucrose contents of waterlogged rapeseed decreased at the two stages; activities of AGPase, SuSy and SPS of waterlogged rapeseed decreased at the seedling while increased at the bolting stage for both the two varieties. At the flowering stage, the Pn, the activities of Rubisco, AGPase, SuSy, SPS and contents of sucrose, starch increased with more N application for both ZS 9 and GH01. Compared to the plants without waterlogging, the Pn and Rubisco activity for waterlogged plants of the two varieties increased; the waterlogged plants of tolerant variety had higher activities of AGPase, SuSy and SPS, while those of sensitive variety was significantly lower. However, the decreased starch and sucrose content were found in both tolerant and sensitive varieties. The activities of AGPase, SuSy and SPS at flowering were highly positively correlated with yield under the interactive effects of N and waterlogging. These results suggested that the flowering stage is the most important stage that N had the positive regulation on waterlogged rapeseed growth. The carbohydrates translocation from leaves to seeds of the tolerant variety were enhanced after waterlogging, while that of the sensitive variety was still inhibited. This was the main reason for the difference in yield between the two waterlogged varieties.  相似文献   
Plants have developed different mechanisms to absorb and solubilize phosphorus (P) in the soil, especially in environments with low P availability. This study evaluated the effects of different winter cover crops on soil P availability in a clayey subtropical (Hapludox) soil receiving soluble P fertilizer and a rock phosphate applied to the summer crop, under no‐tillage. The experiment was carried out over 3 yrs (2009–2011) with five different cover crop species: common vetch, fodder radish, ryegrass, black oat, white clover and fallow as control. The soil was sampled after the third year of cover crop cultivation and analysed for inorganic and organic P forms according to the well‐established Hedley fractionation procedure. Phosphate fertilizers promoted accumulation of both labile and nonlabile P pools in soil in the near surface layer, especially under rock phosphate. Fertilizer applications were not able to change P fractions in deeper layers, emphasizing that the Brazilian clayey soils are a sink of P from fertilizer and its mobility is almost nil. Although the cover crops recycled a great amount of P in tissue, in a short‐term evaluation (3 yrs) they only changed the content of moderately labile P in soil, indicating that long‐term studies are needed for more conclusive results.  相似文献   
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