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通过解译1986、1996和2001年遥感图像,获得了黄河三角洲海岸带土地覆被数据。将该地区土地覆被分为9种类型:水域、芦苇、林地、耕地、柽柳、柽柳芦苇、翅碱蓬獐茅、滩涂、建设用地,并将3 km宽的海岸带分为6个缓冲带,每个带宽0.5 km。运用ARC/INFO软件和景观生态学方法,研究了渤海海岸线缓冲带的土地利用和景观格局变化。主要结果如下:在空间上,1986年和2001年各缓冲带土地利用程度综合指数随着距海岸线距离的增大而升高,两者呈直线关系;但在1996年,两者之间未呈现直线关系。在时间上,各缓冲带土地利用程度综合指数逐年增加;除了优势度外,所研究的其他景观格局指标与距海岸线的距离没有显著关系。  相似文献   
半干旱栽培稻田不同秸秆覆盖材料的产量效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用田间观测的方法,分析了不同覆盖材料对半干旱栽培条件下杂交水稻田间茎蘖数、干物质积累和土壤水分的影响,探讨了不同覆盖材料的产量效应。结果表明:(1)在川西北丘陵旱区进行秸秆覆盖有利于增加非灌溉期田间土壤贮水量,提高田间茎蘖数;秸秆腐烂所释放的养分,缓解了稻田磷钾供应相对不足的现状,有效提高了杂交稻的结实率、有效穗数和千粒重;覆盖处理稻田0~0.5 m土层贮水量较不覆盖处理增加2%~13%,田间茎蘖数增加4%~15%,有效穗数增加4%~8%,结实率增加3%~7%,千粒重增加0.6%~1.7%。(2)在灌溉水源没有保证的丘陵旱区,将半干旱栽培与秸秆覆盖相结合,可有效提高杂交水稻产量。冈优725和D优363实收产量平均值在油菜荚壳覆盖、麦草覆盖和麦糠覆盖处理下分别较对照增加10.2%、7.0%和7.7%。  相似文献   
半干旱草原主要植物光能和水分利用特征的研究   总被引:15,自引:13,他引:15  
在植物生长季内测定了内蒙古半干旱草原6种主要植物的光合和水分利用特征,比较了植物之间在光能和水分利用方面的差异,认为水分利用效率难以反应植物对干旱的适应性,而其倒数-水分竞争系数是较好的表征指标;植物的光能利用效率和水分竞争系数之间存在补偿关系;半干旱草原主要植物适应环境的方式不同,它们在光能和水分资源生态位上存在分离。  相似文献   
Communal rangeland management policies in Botswana and Zimbabwe are based on incorrect technical assumptions about the stability of semiarid rangeland, the nature of rangeland degradation, and the benefits of destocking. Consequently, inappropriate policies, stressing the need to destock and stabilise the rangelands, are pursued. Acknowledgement of the great instability but intrinsic resilience of rangeland would encourage the Governments to more favourably regard the opportunistic stocking strategies of the agro-pastoralists of the Communal Areas. However, degradation of rangelands is occurring, although at varying rates. This justifies the promotion of a ‘tracking strategy’, in which livestock densities are encouraged to follow, more closely that at present, variations in rainfall. The establishment of grazing territories controlled by specific ‘communities’ may be a prerequisite for the promotion of the tracking strategy, and for communal rangeland management and improvement. However, the establishment of such territories must take into account social equity, institutional problems and transaction costs, as well as spatial and temporal variation in rangeland resources.  相似文献   
This paper describes the environmental problems facing the development of Kenya's Arid and Semiarid lands (ASAL) today. The problems arise because of a rapidly declining resource base in the ASAL as a result of overexploitation and misuse, following basic land use conflicts. The extent of the overutilization or resource damage is not well known and varies a great deal from one agroecological zone to another and from resource to resource in the ASAL; those most affected include: soil, water, range, forest, livestock and wildlife. As a result of increased population growth in the ASAL, these resources are under stress. This paper argues that many of the environmental problems in the ASAL cannot be solved if the development programme does not address the needs of the people who live in the ASAL. There is a need to shift the objective of ASAL development from a preoccupation with economic growth and the idea that the ASAL should make a contribution to GNP through interregional trade and export to sustainable development that enables the communities in the ASAL to support themselves at as good a standard of living as possible. The last part of this paper outlines a strategy to promote such sustainable development.  相似文献   
The Penman–Monteith (FAO-56 PM) equation is suggested as the standard method for estimating evapotranspiration (ET0) by the International Irrigation and Drainage Committee and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). On the other hand, the Hargreaves–Samani (HS) equation is an alternative method compared with the FAO-56 PM equation. In the present study, the original coefficient C of the HS equation is calibrated based on the FAO-56 PM equation for estimating the reference ET0 from 15 meteorological stations in central Iran (about 170,000 km2) under semiarid and arid conditions. After calibration, the new values for C are ranged from 0.0018 to 0.0037. The mean bias error (MBE), the root mean square error (RMSE), and the ratio of average estimations of ET0 (R) values for all stations are ranged from 0.12 to 5.38, ?5.35 to 1.15 mm d?1 and 0.64 to 1.28 for the HS equation and from 0.12 to 2.48, ?2.2 to 0.60 mm d?1, and 1.00 to 1.05 for the calibrated Hargreaves–Samani equation (CHS), respectively. Results indicate that the average RMSE and MBE values are decreased by 40% and 66%, respectively. Relationships for calibrating the C coefficient on the basis of annual average of daily temperature range (ΔT) and wind speed (V) are proposed, calibrated, and validated. Hence, the CHS equation can be used for ET0 estimates with acceptable accuracy instead of the FAO-56 PM method.  相似文献   
The establishment of water-saving crop planning is an inevitable choice of the water-saving agriculture for the water-deficiency region in the arid and semiarid Loess Plateau of China and the world. The water-saving crop planning refers to the planting structure that centres the adjustment of the crop's adaptation to water, the optimization of temporal and spatial layout for crops, the local natural resources, marketing resources, human resources and financial input to enable region or basin with limited water resources to achieve the maximum economic, social and ecological benefits of planting industry under certain technology and economy. After the analysis on the research progress of optimization theory, optimization goals, optimization methods of water-saving cultivation structure and macro-control measures, it is pointed out that the main deficiencies of the current research of water-saving cultivation pattern optimization are lacking of a strong theoretical basis, and the immaturity of optimization technologies. The future crucial research direction will focus on five aspects such as the special optimization theory system, the division methods by studying the watershed unit and using 3S technology, optimization model based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, evaluation of rationality and macro-control measures on the basis of the public participation.  相似文献   
固原县自然条件概况   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
固原县位于黄土高原西北部,属温带半干旱黄土丘陵森林草原向干草原过渡地区。具有土地辽阔,水热组合多样,天然草场面积大等有利条件。同时具有土地利用不合理,灾害频繁,天然草场退化。森林覆盖率低等不利条件。  相似文献   
干旱半干旱地区植被生态用水计算   总被引:51,自引:5,他引:51  
干旱半干旱地区是生态环境比较脆弱的地区 ,特别是人类不合理开发 ,使生态环境受到严重威胁。为了挽救中国西部干旱半干旱地区已遭破坏的生态环境 ,我国政府提出了“退耕还林”的号召。针对干旱半干旱地区 ,植被生态系统实际用水量以及达到某一目标要求的生态用水量如何计算或合理确定 ,对流域规划、生态建设以及水资源合理配置都有重要意义。先从生态系统的一般意义上来介绍生态用水的概念 ,进而介绍植被生态用水的计算方法 ,并针对“退耕还林”和“植被生态改善与恢复”情况下的生态用水计算问题进行专门介绍。  相似文献   
半干旱区旱地不同覆盖方式对糜子耗水和产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探讨半干旱区旱地不同覆盖方式对糜子耗水特征和产量的影响,测定了全膜覆土穴播(PMS)、全膜覆盖穴播(PM)和露地穴播(CK)3种不同处理的糜子发育动态、0—200cm土壤水分季节变化、糜子地上生物量动态、产量和耗水量。2a的试验结果表明,地膜覆盖后糜子营养生长期缩短,生殖生长时期延长,但全生育期缩短;PMS处理的糜子的生育期较CK缩短12~13d,较PM延长10~11d。地膜覆盖使糜子拔节前0—200cm土层的土壤含水量增加,随糜子生育进程的推进,3种处理的耗水量依次为:PM>PMS>CK。在抽穗前,PM的地上生物量最大,其次为PMS,CK最小;在收获期,PMS的生物量和籽粒产量均显著高于PM。PM和PMS的产量较CK分别在2009和2010年提高了83.53%和64.56%,115.51%和84.47%;与PM处理相比,PMS的糜子产量在2009年和2010年提高了17.42%,18.18%,但两个处理的土壤耗水量在2a均无显著差异。因此,通过覆盖降低棵间蒸发是提高旱地糜子产量和水分利用效率(WUE)的主要途径。通过覆盖方式的选择来调控糜子的发育进程和耗水过程,对提高糜子产量和WUE也有重要意义。  相似文献   
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