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土壤水溶性盐的含量与组成随制备浸出液的水土比例不同而异,对含石膏的盐渍土测定结果的影响尤为显著。为了正确反映田间水溶性盐的实际状况,作者进行了三种不同水土比例制备浸出液的对比试验。结果表明,适宜水土比为1:1,其测出的盐分含量与饱和泥浆法按近,且操作简便、快速,在我国一般土化分析实验室均可采用。  相似文献   

This study was initiated to investigate the influence of a daily dose of anionic salts (AS) above the valid upper limit at present on metabolism of dairy cows. Eleven non‐pregnant and non‐lactating Holstein‐Friesian crossbred cows with a permanent rumen cannula were used in a study with a controlled feeding design. The initial daily dose was 2500 meq/day, which resulted in a Dietary Cation Anion Difference (DCAD) of ‐211 meq/kg dry matter. Every seven days, the daily dose was raised by 500 meq. If a cow stopped eating, the application of AS was stopped and these cows were monitored over the next seven days. On day 30 another batch of hay, having the same DCAD but higher concentrations of minerals and energy, was fed. Blood and urine samples were taken to monitor acid‐base balance and calcium concentrations. Acid‐base balance was strongly influenced by AS. Blood pH dropped steadily and reached values around 7.23. Urine pH dropped quickly below 6 and remained at that level regardless of the increased dosage of AS. Net acid base excretion (NABE) fell continuously with the increase of the dosage of AS and reached values below ‐200 mmol/l. Calcium concentrations in the serum were nearly stable, but those in urine increased sharply and remained on an elevated level with increasing doses of AS. A few days before the individual cow's refusal of feed intake, calcium excretion in urine decreased. The majority of cows stopped eating while consuming a diet containing 3500 to 4000 meq AS except two animals who consumed up to 6000 meq/day AS but they received the better hay in the second half of the treatment period. In this time pH in blood increased slowly. NABE remained stable on a low level at ‐100 mmol/l. The results showed that with an increasing amount of AS fed the risk of clinical acidosis increased. The decreasing urine concentrations of calcium indicate a breakdown of the compensation capability of the single cow. Besides the dose of AS fed, the quality of the feed stuff might be another factor concerning the tolerance of cows against AS.  相似文献   
Marisma, one of the largest salt-marsh alluvial areas in SW Spain, has been reclaimed since 1970 by artificial drainage and amendment with phosphogypsum (PG) so as to reduce Na+ saturation. Within the reclaimed area, two 250- × 20-m plots were treated as follows: (1) amendment with 25 Mg/ha of PG every 2 to 3 years between 1979 and 2003 (plot PY); (2) like PY but PG treatment stopped after 1997 (plot DR). A contiguous virgin Marisma salt-marsh plot (MV), neither drained nor amended, was the control. In MV, soil microbial biomass C, most enzyme activities and total organic C content were much greater than in PY and DR soils, despite the salinity stress. The decrease in soil organic matter content in PY and DR soils was likely due to cotton-cropping practices, which favoured the organic C mineralisation and nutrients removal by crops. Microbial activity of MV soil, probably stimulated by the rhizodepositions of the natural vegetation, did not suffer from the osmotic effect due to the raising of soil solution ionic strength. Microbial quotient could be ranked as MV > PY > DR, whereas the metabolic quotient had an opposite trend. Thus, both quotients suggested that the interruption of PG amendment was not favouring microbial activity. Principal component analysis clearly identified the chemical and biochemical soil properties mostly affected by the reclamation and also indicated the longer PG amendment in PY plot. Stepwise discriminant analysis identified two physiologically different types of soil microflora, one less active present in the MV virgin soil and another more active present in the reclaimed PY and DR soils.  相似文献   
为优化微藻-细菌共生体系对畜禽养殖废水中碳氮磷去除的参数条件,利用响应面分析法(Response surface methodology,RSM)中的Box-Behnken中心组合设计(BBC),以接种比例、曝气量以及初始氨氮浓度为试验变量,以污染物去除率为响应值开展试验。响应面分析结果表明,对于COD去除的最佳条件为:活性污泥与微藻接种比例为6.0(m/m)、曝气量2.0 L·min~(-1)、初始氨氮浓度750 mg·L~(-1),此时COD去除率达92%以上。对于总氮(Total nitrogen,TN)的去除,当接种比例5.0(m/m)、曝气量1.5 L·min~(-1)、初始氨氮浓度750 mg·L~(-1)时,其去除率可达最大值(53%)。而对于磷酸盐的去除,当接种比例6.0(m/m)、曝气量1.5 L·min~(-1)、初始氨氮浓度600 mg·L~(-1)时,试验前96 h内便可达到100%的去除率。进一步对生物量检测发现,初始条件分别为曝气量1.5 L·min~(-1)、初始氨氮浓度900 mg·L~(-1)、接种比例4.0(m/m)或曝气量1.0 L·min~(-1)、初始氨氮浓度750 mg·L~(-1)、接种比例4.0(m/m)时,微藻生物量产量最高,可达到1.63~1.64 g·L~(-1)。研究表明,通过响应面法可以优化藻菌共生体系对畜禽养殖废水的处理工艺。对于不同的目标污染物,具有不同的最优参数组合。综合考虑各因素对各目标污染物去除效果的影响,可以选择废水处理工艺最优参数组合。通过回收在废水处理过程中生长的藻菌共生体用于后续生物质利用,可实现良好的经济价值,提高该工艺在污水深度处理中的应用前景。  相似文献   
孙林  罗毅 《农业工程学报》2012,28(24):105-114
滴灌农田土壤盐分积累是关系到这一方式是否可持续的重要问题,数值模拟是研究这一问题的重要手段,然而目前缺乏针对这一问题的可用模型。该文构建了一个滴灌土壤水盐运移简化模型,通过将膜下滴灌土体划分为若干单元格,通过滴灌入渗饱和湿润体形成、毛管扩散运移2个过程实现滴灌土壤水盐运移模拟,该模型包含有降水再分配、根系吸水、土壤蒸发等水文过程。于2010年在新疆石河子大学灌溉试验站微咸水滴灌试验,对构建的模型进行校正和验证,结果显示,该模型较好地模拟了膜下滴灌土壤水分与盐分运移过程以及土壤盐分积累特征,研究结果可为膜下滴灌条件下棉田土壤盐分积累及其影响因子研究提供基础。  相似文献   
向厌氧消化体系加入外源添加剂是一种有效且简单的用于提高产气效率的方法。为了解决秸秆厌氧消化原料转化率低、易酸化、厌氧消化时间长等问题,该文选取尿素和无机盐土作为秸秆厌氧消化的添加剂,研究比较不同添加量对玉米秸秆厌氧消化过程产气特性、发酵环境、微生物活性以及物能转化效率的影响。结果表明,对于出现酸化问题且甲烷菌活性较低的厌氧消化系统,添加尿素和无机盐土有利于缓解酸化并促进微生物生长繁殖,三磷酸腺苷(ATP)峰值时的微生物数量可增加2.76×1011-5.31×1011个/L。添加一定量的尿素和无机盐土可使产气高峰提前,添加10%的无机盐土处理组与纯秸秆处理相比,产气高峰可提前4d;但酸化也会削弱尿素和无机盐土对产甲烷过程的促进作用,添加量越大,削弱效果越显著。研究结果可为秸秆厌氧消化的工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   
针对鱼菜共生系统固体废弃物资源化利用效率低的问题,该研究旨在筛选出抗逆性好、矿化功能强的鱼源性乳酸菌,加强鱼粪残饵的发酵矿化性能。试验从鱼菜共生系统中的生物滤料和鱼体中分离乳酸菌,并通过抗逆性及发酵矿化性能检测,筛选出2株具有应用潜力的鱼粪残饵矿化菌株,经鉴定分别为乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis)L1和糊精乳杆菌(Lactobacillus dextrinicus)L2。耐温性、耐酸碱性和耐盐性检测结果显示,L1表现出较好的抗逆性。在 50 ℃时,L1存活率为96.60%,显著高于L2的存活率80.35%(P<0.05);在pH值分别为5.0和9.0时,L1的存活率分别为65.43%和71.25%,高于L2的存活率31.10%和52.22%(P<0.05);当盐浓度为60 g/L时,L1的存活率为37.33%,而L2无法存活。通过比较对照组(CK组,未添加乳酸菌)和乳酸乳球菌组(L组,添加乳酸乳球菌)发酵矿化过程中发酵液水质和矿物元素含量,结果显示 L组的有机物降解及矿化效果更好,除硫(S)元素以外,钾(K)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)、铁(Fe)、锰(Mn)和锌(Zn)元素的矿化率均在第3天达到最高(27.59%~94.67%)。综上所述,乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis)具有较强的抗逆性和显著的发酵矿化效果,且其最佳发酵矿化周期为3 d。该研究可为提高鱼菜共生系统固体废弃物资源化利用效率提供技术支持。  相似文献   
(1) Background: The mussel (Mytilus edulis, Mytilus galloprovincialis) is the most widespread lamellibranch mollusk, being fished on all coasts of the European seas. Mussels are also widely grown in Japan, China, and Spain, especially for food purposes. This paper shows an original technique for mussel shell processing for preparation of calcium salts, such as calcium levulinate. This process involves synthesis of calcium levulinate by treatment of Mytilus galloprovincialis shells with levulinic acid. The advantage of mussel shell utilization results in more straightforward qualitative composition. Thus, the weight of the mineral component lies with calcium carbonate, which can be used for extraction of pharmaceutical preparations. (2) Methods: Shell powder was first deproteinized by calcination, then the mineral part was treated with levulinic acid. The problem of shells generally resulting from the industrialization of marine molluscs creates enough shortcomings, if one only mentions storage and handling. One of the solutions proposed by us is the capitalization of calcium from shells in the pharmaceutical industry. (3) Results: The toxicity of calcium levulinate synthesized from the mussel shells was evaluated by the method known in the scientific literature as the Constantinescu phytobiological method (using wheat kernels, Triticum vulgare Mill). Acute toxicity of calcium levulinate was evaluated; the experiments showed the low toxicity of calcium levulinate. (4) Conclusion: The experimental results highlighted calcium as the predominant element in the composition of mussel shells, which strengthens the argument of capitalizing the shells as an important natural source of calcium.  相似文献   
目的用ICP法测定吉林省部分地区大米中矿物质的含量,以了解大米中营养物质的含量情况.方法采用随机抽样的方法对6个地区大米进行采样,我们选用其中部分样品,样品经过湿式消化法消解后,用全谱直读电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(即ICP-OES)对大米中主要的无机盐和微量元素进行测定.结果测得样品中无机盐和微量元素的含量情况,大米中主要含有K、Ca、Na、Fe、Cu、Mg、Zn等10种元素.结论运用ICP法测定大米中无机盐和微量元素含量,操作简便,实用,具有较好的精密度和准确度,测定结果能为人们提供可靠的营养数据.  相似文献   
A soil column laboratory experiment was carried out at the central campus, Mahatma Phule Agricultural University, Rahuri, India during 2008–2009 to study the accumulation and mobility of salts in Typic Haplusterts as influenced by primary biomethanated spentwash (PBSW). The PBSW was applied in three different levels (0.5, 1.0, and 2.5 cm) and then tap water with low salinity and low sodium hazard (C1S1 class) was used to carry out leaching in four different levels of water at the pore volume of soil (WPVS) (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0). The electrical conductivity (EC) in the soil increased significantly with increasing levels of PBSW and decreased with increasing levels of WPVS in surface (0–15 cm deep) and subsurface (15–30 cm deep) soil layers. The exchangeable calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), and potassium (K+) increased, whereas exchangeable sodium (Na+) decreased with increasing levels of PBSW and WPVS in surface and subsurface layers of soil. The organic carbon content increased with increasing levels of PBSW and decreased with increasing levels of WPVS in both the soil layers. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) increased with increasing levels of PBSW and WPVS in both the soil layers. The exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) decreased with increasing levels of PBSW and WPVS over the initial values of soil in both the layers. The pH of saturated paste (pHs) was reduced and electrical conductivity of extract (ECe) was increased with increasing levels of PBSW and WPVS in both the layers. The Na+ content of saturation paste extract increased significantly with increasing levels of PBSW and WPVS in both the soil layers.  相似文献   
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