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EM38在黄河三角洲地区土壤盐渍化快速检测中的应用研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
针对目前黄河三角洲地区存在的土壤盐渍障碍问题,以该地区典型地块为研究对象,电磁感应仪EM38检测与田间采样相结合,分析土壤电导率的剖面分布特征,建立磁感式表观电导率与土壤电导率间的回归模型,并对运用电磁感应仪EM38划分土壤盐渍剖面类型进行探讨。结果表明:研究区表层土壤盐分具有较强的表聚性与变异强度,剖面各土层电导率间存在着关联性;土壤电导率与磁感表观电导率EMh、EMv间呈极显著的相关关系和对数相关关系,EMh对浅层土壤电导率的解译精度较高,对深层土壤电导率、EMv的解译精度要高于EMh;利用电磁感应仪EM38可将研究区土壤盐渍剖面准确划分为表聚型、底聚型与均匀型三种类型,其中表聚型与底聚型是研究区最主要的盐渍剖面类型,进一步的统计分析证明了采用电磁感应仪EM38对土壤盐渍剖面的分类结果具有较高的精度与可信度。该结果对研究黄河三角洲地区土壤盐渍化的发生机理、预测与评估该地区土壤盐渍化的发生发展具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   
合理改良河套灌区紧邻排干沟盐碱地,能够有效促进灌区盐碱地生态修复与农业可持续发展.结合描述性统计与主成分分析的方法,对河套灌区乌拉特灌域紧邻排干沟土壤盐碱化与肥力特征进行了分析.结果表明:(1)研究区土壤属于重度氯化物型盐化土;Mg2+为土壤盐化程度高的关键阳离子,Mg2+含量过高减缓了Na+的吸收速度,加剧了土壤碱化...  相似文献   
层次分析法是一种将决策者对复杂系统的决策思维过程模型化、数量化的过程.采用层次分析法,对影响和指示土地退化的生物量、归一化植被指数、土壤水分指数和土壤盐碱化4个影响因子进行分析.通过计算每个影响因子的权重,基于ASTER,SPOT,TM,MODIS产品以及野外调查数据等多源数据,对新疆艾比湖地区2000年8月至2004年8月的土地退化状况进行了评价,并且分析了层次分析法应用于土地退化研究的适用性及其优缺点.研究表明:艾比湖地区耕地退化现象普遍,占耕地总面积的55.78%,分布广,程度重.  相似文献   
土壤盐渍化和耕地质量下降严重制约新疆绿洲灌溉农业可持续发展,研究土壤理化性状与盐分离子分布特征是盐碱地改良与综合利用和绿洲灌溉农业高质量发展的前提和基础。以北疆玛纳斯河灌区、南疆阿克苏河灌区和喀什噶尔河灌区(阿克苏-喀什噶尔河灌区)为研究对象,定量分析了土壤(0~500cm)养分含量、含盐量及其离子组成分布特征。结果表明:玛纳斯河灌区和阿克苏-喀什噶尔河灌区土壤有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、全氮含量均呈现随土层深度增加而逐渐降低的趋势。玛纳斯河灌区表层土壤(0~30cm)和0~100cm土层土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效钾、全氮含量和pH值平均值高于阿克苏-喀什噶尔河灌区,100~500cm土层土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效钾、全氮含量平均值低于阿克苏-喀什噶尔河灌区。阿克苏-喀什噶尔河灌区表层土壤(0~30cm)全盐量和电导率平均值比玛纳斯河灌区分别高21.14%和8.53%,60~100cm土层比玛纳斯河灌区分别低17.55%和16.50%。玛纳斯河灌区和阿克苏-喀什噶尔河灌区土壤阳离子均以Na+和Ca2+为主,阴离子均以SO2-4、Cl-为主,Na+和SO2-4分别为玛纳斯河灌区和阿克苏-喀什噶尔河灌区含量最高的盐基离子。玛纳斯河灌区表层土壤(0~30cm)53.85%属于盐渍土,30~60cm土层50.00%属于中度和重度盐渍土,60~100cm土层25.00%属于重度盐渍土,硫酸盐型盐渍土占主导地位,其次是氯化物-硫酸盐型盐渍土。阿克苏-喀什噶尔河灌区表层土壤(0~30cm)78.26%属于盐渍土,其中重度盐渍土占比最高,30~60cm土层60.86%属于轻度和重度盐渍土,60~100cm土层39.13%属于非盐渍土,氯化物-硫酸盐型盐渍土占比最高,其次是硫酸盐型盐渍土。研究结果可为新疆绿洲灌区盐碱地综合利用和作物精准施肥提供科学依据。  相似文献   
在高度集权的非市场决策的环境下,有效需求是由政治决策者提出的。他们的决定只出于政治方面的考虑,与当地需求无关。政府方面的有效控制盐渍化服务由于其较高的多变性和交易成本而受到妨碍,而将它们最小化的行政程序本身又导致下水位的上升。有了自治的用水户协会,输水系统的维护和水资源分配条例的实施工作得到改善。可是,它们对控制盐渍化的贡献很小,需要国家对其加以调控。  相似文献   
We analyzed the effects of glyphosate to the index of salinization and alkalization by simulation in soils collected from cotton fields in Anyang, Henan and Anqing, Anhui, China, in 2014. The results showed that application of glyphosate changed electrical conductivity (EC), total alkalinity (TAL), exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and pH of soil in both regions,compared with the blank control. With increased frequency of glyphosate application and increased concentration applied, all indices increased in the Anqing cotton fields soil which were treated with concentrations of 2.5-20 g·L-1 . However, EC, TAL and ESP increased dynamically in Anyang soil to which high concentrations of 20 g·L-1 were applied only four consecutive times. After different glyphosate treatments, the soil pH value showed an upward trend but smaller changes. Therefore, after repeated use of glyphosate to soils of two different region soils, although the changes of all indices were within the range of non-saline and non-sodic soils, the soils affected by salt in the glyphosate aqueous solution tended towards saline-sodic soils.  相似文献   
The SALTIRSOIL model predicts soil salinity, sodicity and alkalinity in irrigated land using basic information on soil, climate, crop, irrigation management and water quality. It extends the concept of the WATSUIT model to include irrigation and crop management practices, advances in the calculation of evapotranspiration and new algorithms for the water stress coefficient and calculation of electrical conductivity. SALTIRSOIL calculates the soil water balance and soil solution concentration over the year. A second module, SALSOLCHEM, calculates the inorganic ion composition of the soil solution at equilibrium with soil calcite and gypsum at the soil’s CO2 partial pressure. Results from comparing predicted and experimentally determined concentrations, observations and predictions of pH, alkalinity and calcium concentration in calcite‐saturated solutions agree to the second significant figure; in gypsum‐saturated solutions the standard difference between observations and predictions is <3% in absolute values. The algorithms in SALTIRSOIL have been verified and SALSOLCHEM validated for the reliable calculation of soil salinity, sodicity and alkalinity at water saturation in well‐drained irrigated lands. In simulations for horticultural crops in southeast Spain, soil solution concentration factors at water saturation, quotients of electrical conductivity (EC25) at saturation to electrical conductivity in the irrigation water, and quotients of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) are very similar to average measured values for the area.  相似文献   
吉林省大安市苏打碱土盐化与碱化的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择了76份苏打碱化土壤样品,对其各盐化与碱化指标进行了测定,分析了苏打碱化土壤盐化和碱化的关系.结果表明,土壤的碱化层和高含盐层出现在土壤中同一层次,因此该土壤盐化与碱化过程有密切联系.土壤含盐量与各碱化参数(ESP、SAR、总碱度、RSC和pH)均为正相关.土壤碱化度随含盐量的升高而增大,高盐分浓度对土壤碱化度的抑制作用,至少要在其浓度达到8.0 g/kg以上时才会出现.土壤中Na 、CO32-和HCO3-离子同各碱化参数之间均是极显著相关,同时Cl-离子与除pH外的各碱化参数极显著相关,这是该类型土壤兼有盐化和碱化特征的反映.统计分析表明,各盐分离子中Na 和CO32-离子对ESP的影响作用更大.  相似文献   
近三十年来,我国设施蔬菜栽培发展迅速,已成为我国农业中最有活力的新兴产业之一。但在长期的设施蔬菜生产过程中,普遍存在着不合理施肥、养分比例失调、肥效下降和资源浪费严重等问题,致使土壤养分富集,盐分积累现象日趋严重。本文对我国设施菜地土壤次生盐渍化的现状、发生原因及其对作物的危害进行综述和分析,在此基础上制定设施菜地土壤次生盐渍化分类与分级的标准的建议及初步构架,旨在为防治设施菜地土壤次生盐渍化,实现设施菜地土壤的质量调控与可持续利用提供理论指导和科学依据。  相似文献   
Phosphorus (P) accumulation is a common phenomenon in greenhouse soil for vegetables. Excessive P accumulation in soil usually decreases the yield and quality of vegetables as well as potentially polluting water environments. Ninety-eight tomato and 48 cucumber greenhouses were investigated in the eight main vegetable production areas of Hebei Province, China. Soil Olsen-P, the electrical conductivity (EC), the pH value, the organic matter of the soil, and the cropping years of these greenhouses were investigated and analyzed in order to better understand the status of soil P accumulation and positively find effective ways to solve the excessive phosphate accumulation problem. The investigation showed that the ratio was above 70% for all of the greenhouses where the soil Olsen-P exceeded 90 mg·kg?1 (upper bound of soil Olsen-P optimum value in greenhouse) in the 0–20 cm surface soil in the investigated greenhouses. There was a significant positive correlation between the soil Olsen-P content and the soil EC, between the soil Olsen-P and the cropping years, and the Olsen-P had a significant negative correlation with the soil pH value. It is concluded that supplying phosphate fertilizer excessively induced the soil EC to ascend and the pH value to descend, which increases the possibility of the soil secondary salinization and soil degeneration. The significant positive correlation between the soil organic content and the soil Olsen-P contents suggests that supplying organic fertilizer might mobilize soil residual phosphate. This also provides a good way to solve the problem of soil P accumulation. In order to further explore the threshold content of soil Olsen-P demanded by tomato and cucumber under the high soil Olsen-P condition, two tomato greenhouses (T1, T2) in Dingzhou and two cucumber greenhouses (C1, C2) in Wuqiang were researched. All of the greenhouses had ranges of soil Olsen-P content that were between 150 and 300 mg·kg?1, which far exceeded the 90 mg·kg?1 ideal. The P fertilizer application rates showed positive correlations with the soil Olsen-P contents and EC values in cucumber and tomato greenhouses in the current season. Analyzing T1 and T2 results showed that tomato was sensitive to the high soil Olsen-P contents ranging from 230.64 to 729.42 mg kg?1 at the seedling stage (15 days after transplanting; DAT) and from 199.41 to 531.42 mg kg?1 at the fruiting stage (90 DAT), because the yields correlated negatively with soil Olsen-P contents at each growth stage. It is suggested that the maximum soil Olsen-P threshold content for tomato should be lower than 230 mg·kg?1 at the seedling stage and lower than 199 mg·kg?1 at the fruiting stage. But cucumber yield did not change significantly as soil Olsen-P content rose from 248.75 to 927.62 mg kg?1, 212.40 to 554.07 mg kg?1, 184.48 to 455.90 mg kg?1, and 128.42 to 400.96 mg kg?1 at the seedling stage (15 DAT), early fruiting stage (50 DAT), middle fruiting stage (140 DAT), and late fruiting stage (235 DAT), respectively, suggesting that the maximal soil Olsen-P threshold content was lower than 249, 212, 185, and 128 mg·kg?1 at each growth stage, respectively. The relationship between fruit qualities and soil Olsen-P contents at each growth stage was not evident. Activities of soil alkaline phosphatase (ALP) decreased as soil Olsen-P supply was raised in T1, T2, and C1 at the seedling stage. It is concluded that in an excess soil Olsen-P condition tomato yield decreases strongly as soil ALP activity decreases, whereas ALP activity has little direct effect on cucumber yield.  相似文献   
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