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Plants have developed different mechanisms to absorb and solubilize phosphorus (P) in the soil, especially in environments with low P availability. This study evaluated the effects of different winter cover crops on soil P availability in a clayey subtropical (Hapludox) soil receiving soluble P fertilizer and a rock phosphate applied to the summer crop, under no‐tillage. The experiment was carried out over 3 yrs (2009–2011) with five different cover crop species: common vetch, fodder radish, ryegrass, black oat, white clover and fallow as control. The soil was sampled after the third year of cover crop cultivation and analysed for inorganic and organic P forms according to the well‐established Hedley fractionation procedure. Phosphate fertilizers promoted accumulation of both labile and nonlabile P pools in soil in the near surface layer, especially under rock phosphate. Fertilizer applications were not able to change P fractions in deeper layers, emphasizing that the Brazilian clayey soils are a sink of P from fertilizer and its mobility is almost nil. Although the cover crops recycled a great amount of P in tissue, in a short‐term evaluation (3 yrs) they only changed the content of moderately labile P in soil, indicating that long‐term studies are needed for more conclusive results.  相似文献   
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is one of the most destructive citrus virus diseases in the world. The construction of an engineered antibody, EMBL accession number AJ278109, able to specifically recognize its antigen, i.e. the coat protein of CTV, directly on infected plant material without any purification or manipulation of the entire woody plant. The potential uses of this engineered antibody are discussed.  相似文献   
A leakiness index for assessing landscape function using remote sensing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The cover, number, size, shape, spatial arrangement and orientation of vegetation patches are attributes that have been used to indicate how well landscapes function to retain, not ‘leak’, vital system resources such as rainwater and soil. We derived and tested a directional leakiness index (DLI) for this resource retention function. We used simulated landscape maps where resource flows over map surfaces were directional and where landscape patch attributes were known. Although DLI was most strongly related to patch cover, it also logically related to patch number, size, shape, arrangement and orientation. If the direction of resource flow is multi-directional, a variant of DLI, the multi-directional leakiness index (MDLI) can be used. The utility of DLI and MDLI was demonstrated by applying these indices to three Australian savanna landscapes differing in their remotely sensed vegetation patch attributes. These leakiness indices clearly positioned these three landscapes along a function-dysfunction continuum, where dysfunctional landscapes are leaky (poorly retain resources). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Testing of soil samples in greenhouse assays for suppressiveness to soilborne plant pathogens requires a considerable investment in time and effort as well as large numbers of soil samples. To make it possible to process large numbers of samples efficiently, we compared an in vitro growth assay with a damping-off assay using Pythium aphanidermatum as the test organism on tomato seedlings. The in vitro test compares the radial growth or relative growth of the fungus in soil to that in autoclaved soil and reflects suppressiveness of soils to the pathogen. We used soils from a field experiment that had been farmed either organically or conventionally and into which a cover crop (oats and vetch in mixture) had been incorporated 0, 10, 21, and 35 days previously. We obtained a significant, positive correlation between damping-off severities of tomato seedlings in damping-off assays and both relative and radial growth in vitro. In addition, radial and relative growth of P. aphanidermatum in the in vitro assay were positively correlated with several carbon and nitrogen variables measured for soil and incorporated debris. We did not find differences between the two farming systems for either growth measures of P. aphanidermatum or disease severities on tomato at different stages of cover crop decomposition. The in vitro assay shows potential for use with any fungus that exhibits rapid saprophytic growth, and is most suitable for routine application in suppressiveness testing.  相似文献   
为筛选多态性丰富的羊草叶绿体非编码区片段,本研究以9个不同地理位置的羊草居群为材料,通过对12个叶绿体非编码区DNA片段测序及其序列间变异分析试图从中找出有遗传差异的叶绿体DNA(cpDNA)片段,并利用有多态性的cpDNA片段进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明,序列ndhF-rpl32、trnL-trnF、trnC-ycf6、aptI-aptH具有比较丰富的变异,可作为下一步研究野生羊草群体遗传学和谱系地理学较为理想的分子标记。在37个羊草个体4条非编码区片段的合并序列中,共检测到15种单倍型,单倍型多态性(Hd)为0.928,核苷酸多态性(Pi)为0.00101;遗传分化指数(Fst)为0.58884,基因流(Nm)为0.17,基因流较小;中性检验Tajima’s D(-1.08542)和Fu’s Fs(-5.301)均为负值,且差异不显著(P>0.10),推测羊草遵循中性进化理论,可能经历过种群扩张;AMOVA结果显示,65%的分子变异出现在居群间,35%出现在居群内;Mantel检验得到,遗传距离与地理距离具有显著相关性(r=0.449,P<0.05);居群分化值Nst 0.386(0.1865)大于Gst 0.234(0.1506),差异显著(P<0.05),表明羊草居群存在分子谱系地理结构。通过系统发育树分析得到,羊草15个单倍型分为两大分支,H2和H10聚为一支,它们与别的居群个体亲缘关系较远,其余单倍型聚为另一支;单倍型网络图显示,H2和H12、H10和H12亲缘关系较远,与系统发育树分析结果基本一致。本研究为羊草的种质资源保护、谱系地理学研究等工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   
生草和树枝覆盖对果园土壤持水性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对黄土高原枣园普遍盛行传统清耕制,将生草及覆盖技术引入枣园生产中,于2011—2013年采用人工土槽模拟研究方法,探讨不同生草和覆盖措施对枣树地土壤持水性能的影响。结果表明:生草与枣树枝覆盖能有效改善土壤物理结构、提高土壤孔隙度、降低土壤容重;各处理土壤水分蓄持能力及比水容量均按枣树枝半覆盖+白三叶生草、枣树枝全覆盖、白三叶生草覆盖和清耕处理依次递减,处理间的差异在高吸力阶段更为明显;与清耕处理相比,生草与覆盖处理土壤饱和含水量、田间持水量、凋萎系数均有提高,枣树枝半覆盖+白三叶生草处理增加最为明显,分别增加9%、20%、33%。  相似文献   
近25a新疆LUCC对气候变化及人类活动的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据新疆1981-2005年气象数据及两期土地利用/土地覆盖数据,运用改进的Holdridge植被生态分区模型、土地利用程度模型以及重心模型,分析了新疆LUCC对气候变化和人类活动的响应程度及变化趋势。研究表明:25年间新疆温度升高,降水增多,气候变化使得区域内植被群落格局发生变化,北部地区的未利用地向草地、灌木等生态类型转化;同时人类活动的加剧使得区域西北地区农用地和建设用地增加,生态环境也得到一定程度的改善。在气候变化和人类活动共同作用下,研究区土地利用程度重心由北偏西48度移动了3.87km,其中气候影响使土地利用程度重心由北偏东33度移动了1.25km,人为影响使其由北偏西66度移动了3.88km。  相似文献   
覆盖栽培模式对冬小麦花后旗叶 光合特性及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究旱地小麦秸秆带状覆盖栽培增产的光合特性和干物质积累转运的特征,在甘肃省半干旱雨养农业区以“陇中2号”为材料,研究了秸秆带状覆盖栽培(BS)、地膜覆盖栽培 (PF)和无覆盖露地栽培(CK)3种栽培模式下冬小麦花后旗叶光合特征、叶绿素荧光动力参数、干物质积累转运及产量的差异。结果表明:与CK相比,BS和PF显著提高了花后旗叶光合势、叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量及叶绿素/类胡萝卜素比率,且BS在生育后期优于PF。BS整个生育期的净光合速率、气孔导度均高于CK,而PF仅生育前期发挥正效应,生育中、后期出现了负效应。BS生育前中期胞间CO2浓度、生育中后期旗叶瞬时水分利用效率均高于PF和CK,前者分别高出2.8%~8.2%和6.7%~11.3%,后者分别高出30.3%~44.8%和27.5%~39.3%。PF在灌浆中期以前,BS在整个花后生育期显著提高了小麦花后旗叶Fv/Fm、F′v/F′m、ΦPSⅡ、qP、ETR,降低了NPQ。BS较PF和CK显著提高了花后干物质输入籽粒量和对籽粒粒重的贡献率,2个指标分别增加2.6%、1.0%和14.2%、8.6%。BS显著增加了单位面积穗数,提高了产量,较CK增产35.4%。说明秸秆带状覆盖能显著改善旱地冬小麦花后光合效率,促进干物质积累转运,从而达到增产的效果。  相似文献   
生草园捕食性天敌东亚小花蝽的人工操纵技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在北京巨山农场果园中,分别在6月初和6月中旬,刈割苹果树行间的紫花苜蓿并将其放在树冠下后,东亚小花蝽既向割草区周围的紫花苜蓿上扩散,也向割草区苹果树上迁移。割草后3天,割草区周围紫花苜蓿上小花蝽数量增加20%~119%,其增加量随距割草区距离的增加而减少,割草区苹果树冠上小花蝽数量比割草前增加2~3倍,蝽螨比可提高14倍,树冠小花蝽增加的数量受小花蝽扩散能力和割草时间的影响。试验结果表明,适时刈割苹果园中的紫花苜蓿,对控制害螨有明显的作用  相似文献   
单轴压缩条件下岩石破损过程的CT试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用工业计算机层析(ICT)设备与全数字液压实验系统EHF-EG200KN试验机,对大台煤矿冲击倾向性煤层底板岩石试样进行了单轴压缩荷载作用下的CT试验,得到了单轴压缩荷载作用下不同应力阶段岩石试样微裂纹发展的CT图像。通过对CT图像灰度值的分析,得到单轴压缩荷载作用下岩石的损伤破裂过程。为进一步研究煤层底板岩石的破坏及冲击地压的发生机理提供依据。  相似文献   
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