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为了寻找适合浑善达克沙地参照作物腾发量计算的简易方法,该文以实测的微气象数据为基础,分别采用FAO56 Penman-Monteith(1998)、Hargreaves-Samani(1985)、Irmark-Allen拟合以及Priestley-Tay-lor(1972)计算参照作物腾发量,并以普适性强、精度高的FAO56 Penman-Monteith为基准,对其他方法进行气象因子的非线性修正。结果表明:气象因子修正后的参照作物腾发量精度大大提高,为获得相对可靠的参照作物腾发量开辟了新的途径。FAO56 Penman-Monteith、Irmark-Allen拟合和Priestley-Taylor都需要用到净辐射,而专业测量净辐射的设备在农业气象站里很少安装,使三种方法推广使用受到一定限制。气象因子修正后Hargreaves-Samani需要的气象数据相对容易获得,且计算简单,具有较高的精度,建议在缺少气象资料的干旱地区推广采用。  相似文献   
非洲猪瘟(African swine fever,ASF)是由非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus,ASFV)引起的烈性传染病,为了保证其检测结果的准确性和可靠性,需要研制试剂盒中使用的阳性标准质控品。本试验旨在研制含ASFV核酸序列的病毒样颗粒,并探究其在检测方法中的应用。首先扩增p72基因的全长片段,利用昆虫杆状病毒系统,包装出含有p72基因的ASF DNA病毒样颗粒。为了进一步验证该病毒样颗粒在应用中的可靠性,本研究将病毒样颗粒与ASF的组织毒及细胞毒同时进行DNA核酸提取,进行实时荧光定量PCR。结果表明,本研究制备的病毒样粒子能很好的取代ASFV在实时荧光定量PCR检测方法中作为阳性质控品,且能对核酸提取过程进行质控,实时荧光定量PCR检测试剂盒中,病毒样粒子的最低包装浓度为102 TCID50。进一步研究发现该病毒样颗粒也适用于普通PCR及LAMP检测方法中,最低浓度分别为103和101 TCID50。本试验结果将为规范ASF检测方法,促进ASF检测方法的转化应用及保证检测结果的准确度和可靠性提供科学依据。  相似文献   
为深入认识四川冬春季参考作物蒸散量(ET0)的变化特征,利用1980—2016年四川35个气象站的逐日气象观测资料,采用泰森多边形、气候倾向率和克里金空间插值等方法对其冬春季ET0的时空变化特征进行分析,并通过敏感性和贡献率分析了ET0的变化成因。结果表明:ET0的年代际变化呈先降后增的趋势,空间上呈明显的西南高东部低的分布特征,且高值区范围持续扩大,低值区范围波动缩小。ET0的年际变化呈上升趋势,春季ET0气候倾向率和空间差异明显大于冬季,且ET0高值区与低值区空间分布受海拔高度影响明显。ET0的同一日多年平均值自初冬至初春逐渐上升,1月22日—5月2日仅有8 d的ET0值低于多年日平均值,具有明显连续的高值时段。ET0对日照时数的变化最敏感,其次是对相对湿度与平均气温,对三者均呈高敏感性。平均气温的正贡献率是引起ET0变化的主导因子,其次是相对...  相似文献   
(目的)本文旨在联合使用质量平衡法与差示扫描量热法2种定值方法测定非班太尔对照品的含量。(方法)采用高效液相色谱法测定非班太尔的纯度,采用卡尔费休氏容量滴定法、炽灼残渣检查法、气相色谱法分别测定其水分、灰分和残留溶剂,由质量平衡法公式计算非班太尔对照品的含量;采用差示扫描量热法对非班太尔对照品含量加以佐证。(结果)质量平衡法和差示扫描量热法测定结果经科克伦判定互为等精度,取其算术平均值作为最终定值结果,即非班太尔对照品含量为99.66%。(结论)质量平衡法与差示扫描量热法对非班太尔对照品的定值结果基本一致,2种方法能够更好地保证非班太尔对照品赋值的准确性。  相似文献   
The applicability of commercially available remote sensing instrumentation was evaluated for site-specific management of abiotic and biotic stress on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) grown under a center pivot low energy precision application (LEPA) irrigation system. This study was conducted in a field where three irrigation regimes (100%, 75%, and 50% ETc) were imposed on areas of Phymatotrichum (root rot) with the specific objectives to (1) examine commercial remote sensing instrumentation for locating areas showing biotic and abiotic stress symptomology in a cotton field, (2) compare data obtained from commercial aerial infrared photography to that collected by infrared transducers (IRTs) mounted on a center pivot, (3) evaluate canopy temperature changes between irrigation regimes and their relationship to lint yield with IRTs and/or IR photography, and (4) explore the use of deficit irrigation and the use of crop coefficients for irrigation scheduling. Pivot-mounted IRTs and an IR camera were able to differentiate water stress among irrigation regimes. The IR camera distinguished between biotic (root rot) and abiotic (drought) stress with the assistance of groundtruthing. The 50% ETc regime had significantly higher canopy temperatures than the other two regimes, which was reflected in significantly lower lint yields when compared to the 75% and 100% ETc regimes. Deficit irrigation down to 75% ETc had no impact on lint yield, indicating that water savings were possible without reducing yield.  相似文献   
The standardized ASCE Penman–Monteith and FAO-56 equations were used to estimate reference evapotranspiration (ET0) using estimated and measured net radiation (Rn) and soil heat flux (G), based on hourly and daily meteorological data. The estimates were evaluated against lysimeter measurements. The results indicate that using measured or estimated values of Rn and G can have significant effect on the accuracy of the ET0 estimations, especially when calculations were made on an hourly basis. The FAO-56 version performed very well during the irrigation season on a daily basis. The use of measured Rn and G did not improve ET0 estimation on a daily basis, therefore, the use of estimated Rn and G appears to be dependable when calculations are based on 24-h weather data. When daily ET0 was calculated from hourly estimations, the results were different depending on the version used. The ASCE version was more accurate, especially when Rn and G were measured. Therefore, measurement of Rn and G may have potential to improve estimation only when daily ET0 is calculated from hourly estimations. The PM FAO-56 version was always a little less accurate than the ASCE version. For hourly calculations, using a constant surface resistance (as in FAO-56 version), the PM method underpredicted for high evaporative demand and vice versa. The ASCE version performed better than PM FAO-56 version when Rn and G were measured and estimated. Therefore, ASCE version tended to provide quite accurate values of hourly ET0, even using estimated values of Rn and G. As conclusion, the methods proposed by FAO-56 for estimating Rn and G tended to produce accurate estimates for daily and hourly ET0 under semiarid conditions and can be used with some degree of confidence for estimating ET0. In addition, results suggest that the ASCE standardized equation on an hourly basis improved the accuracy of ET0 estimation with respect to the FAO-56 version.  相似文献   
Different methods have been developed to estimate evapotranspiration from remote sensing data, from empirical approaches such as the simplified relationship to complex methods based on remote sensing data assimilation along with SVAT models. The simplified relationship has been applied from small spatial scale using airborne TIR images to continental scale with NOAA data. Assimilation procedures often require remote sensing data over different spectral domains to retrieve input parameters which characterize surface properties such as albedo, emissivity or Leaf Area Index. A brief review of these different approaches is presented, with a discussion about the main physical bases and assumptions of various models. The paper reports also some examples and results obtained over the experimental area of the Alpilles Reseda project, where various types of models have been applied to estimate surface fluxes from remote sensing data.  相似文献   
本文介绍了标准样品研制工作在我国植物检疫领域的发展历程,梳理分析了已发布/立项标准样品的相关数据,结合作者单位在该领域研制标准样品实践经验,对植物检疫领域标准样品存在的问题进行了讨论,以供今后工作参考.  相似文献   
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