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Abstract. Recent developments in in situγ ray spectrometry offer a new approach to measuring the activity of radionuclides such as 137Cs and 40K in soils, and thus estimating erosion or deposition rates and field moist bulk density (ρm). Such estimates would be rapid and involve minimal site disturbance, especially important where archaeological remains are present. This paper presents the results of a pilot investigation of an eroded field in Scotland in which a portable hyper pure germanium (HPGe) detector was used to measure γ ray spectra in situ. The gamma (γ) photon flux observed at the soil surface is a function of the 137Cs inventory, its depth distribution characteristics and ρm. A coefficient, QCs, derived from the forward scattering of 137Cs γ ray photons within the soil profile relative to the 137Cs full energy peak (662 keV), was used to correct the in situ calibration for changes in the 137Cs vertical distribution in the ploughed field, a function of tillage, soil accumulation and ρm. Based on only 8 measurements, the agreement between in situγ ray spectrometry and soil sample measurements of 137Cs inventories improved from a non significant r2=0.05 to a significant r2=0.62 (P<0.05). Erosion and deposition rates calculated from the corrected in situ137Cs measurements had a similarly good agreement with those calculated from soil cores. Mean soil bulk density was also calculated using a separate coefficient, QK, derived from the forward scattering γ photons from 40K within the soil relative to the 40K full energy peak (1460 keV). Again there was good agreement with soil core measurements (r2=0.64; P<0.05). The precision of the in situ137Cs measurement was limited by the precision with which QCs can be estimated, a function of the low 137Cs deposition levels associated with the weapons testing fallout and relatively low detector efficiency (35%). In contrast, the precision of the in situ ρm determination was only limited by the spatial variability associated with soil sampling.  相似文献   
人工纳米材料因其优异的理化性能以及独特的微观结构,被广泛应用于航空航天、放射医疗、建筑、农业等多个领域,尤其在放射性环境污染治理方面有着巨大的应用价值和潜力。通过综述人工纳米材料对废水中的放射性核素[U(Ⅵ)、Eu(Ⅲ)、Co(Ⅱ)等]富集、去除等方面的研究,系统讨论吸附行为和作用机理,借助吸附动力学、吸附热力学、光谱分析技术、表面络合模型和理论计算等方法,对纳米材料吸附放射性核素机理进行了深入分析,表明纳米材料对放射性核素具有强吸附能力而在放射性废水处理领域有着良好的应用前景,认为在科学研究和实际应用过程中,还需开展更多的研究工作,重点应放在低成本、高选择性的功能性纳米材料的绿色环保制备和应用。通过对前期研究结果的总结,期望能对放射性废物处理以及人工纳米材料应用等研究提供一些帮助。  相似文献   
放射性核素对生态环境的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
史建君 《核农学报》2011,25(2):397-403
本文概述了核爆炸以及发生重大核事故时进入生态环境的放射性核素,特别是具生物学意义的几种重点核素的生态环境行为,主要包括137Cs、95Zr、90Sr、131I、3H和14C,为正确认识核事故情况下的污染状况,维持社会稳定,对制定应急计划,采取积极可行的应对措施提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   
利用数据分离技术,从已有的1:25万区域化探数据中提取成都经济区不同类型土壤的238U,232Th,40K含量数据,并在实地取样分析的基础上对该区不同类型土地天然放射性核素含量的分布特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)该区土壤天然放射性核素含量与世界、全国和四川省处于同一水平;(2)黄壤、棕壤、紫色土、水稻土、灰潮土、草毡土的天然放射性核素含量分别为:238U:3.18,2.40,2.12,2.45,2.48和2.73,均值30.41(单位为10-6 g/g);232Th:14.27,14.64,11.67,13.98,13.41和14.09,均值54.35(单位10-6 g/g);40K:2.06,2.38,1.94,1.74,1.83和2.22,均值1.98(单位为10-2 g/g);(3)不同类型土壤的天然放射性含量大小顺序表现为:238U:黄壤 >草毡土 >灰潮土 >水稻土 >棕壤 >紫色土;232Th:棕壤 >黄壤 >草毡土 >水稻土 >灰潮土 >紫色土;40K:棕壤 >草毡土 >黄壤 >紫色土 >灰潮土 >水稻土;(4)同类型土壤的天然放射性核素含量,平原地区比高山地区低。  相似文献   
考虑了泥沙吸附和解吸、沉降和再悬浮对水相和泥沙相核素浓度的影响,根据质量守恒定律、吸附动力学方程和泥沙工程学建立了河流核素迁移的整体模型,进而得到分相模型.运用所得的模型对资江核电站排出的Sr在河流中迁移转化进行模拟,模拟结果表明所建模型基本上能反映Sr在水体中随水-悬浮泥沙-底泥沙的迁移规律.  相似文献   
Buyukcekmece Reservoir, located in the western outskirts of Istanbul, is one of the major water resources of Istanbul, and supplies drinking water to about 4 million people. Erosion in the catchment of the reservoir is an important problem in terms of its longer-term sustainability for water supply. There is an urgent need to obtain reliable quantitative data regarding erosion and deposition rates within the catchment to assess the magnitude of the problem and to plan catchment management strategies. In the absence of existing data, attention has focussed on the potential for using 137Cs measurements to provide retrospective estimates of medium-term soil erosion rates within the catchment over the past ca. 40 years. To date, the 137Cs approach has not been used to document soil redistribution rates in Turkey and this contribution reports an attempt to confirm the viability of the approach and the results of a preliminary investigation of rates of soil loss from uncultivated areas within the catchment. The soil redistribution rates estimated using the profile distribution conversion model varied from − 16.11 (erosion) to 4.59 (deposition) t/ha/year.  相似文献   
The possibility of utilizing artifical radionuclides in agricultural biological research enabled studies to be implemented in which the detection sensitivity of the nutrients to be investigated was one to two powers of ten higher than with physicochemical methods. Although usable radionuclides are available for numerous plant nutrients, their radiochemical properties partly restrict their utilization. For example, the relatively short half‐life of 28Mg of 21.3 hours only permits short‐term studies. This is all the more disadvantageous the lower the specific activity of 28Mg is. The 28Mg produced from a lithium target in the experimental reactor Merlin at the KFA Jülich achieves a maximum specific activity of 1 mCi/g Mg. In contrast, specific activities of over 1 Ci/g Mg are achieved in the isochronous cyclotron where 28Mg is generated from an aluminium target. This more or less carrier‐free 28Mg is especially suitable for short‐term studies (minutes or hours) or for problem areas in which the 28Mg uptake rates are very low. It was able to be demonstrated on the basis of autoradiographs that Mg is a relatively mobile nutrient in higher plants and is transported both in the xylem and also in the phloem. Its uptake and transport rate does not only depend on the presence and concentration of competing cations but is also considerably influenced by the type of plant and its nutritional status, especially by its K content. In studies on strawberry plants and grapevines it was demonstrated that the transport rate of Mg in the fruits was in part considerably greater than that of Ca. However, this relative preference for Mg in comparison to Ca largely depends in the case of grapevines on the uptake conditions and the type of application (dipping or trough application). In comparative studies of the leaf uptake of 28Mg it was established that considerably more 28Mg was taken up from 28MgCl2 than from a complete nutrient solution or leaf dressing solution.  相似文献   
The damage caused by the earthquake on 11 March, 2011 resulted in a serious nuclear accident in Japan. Due to the damage to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP), large amounts of radioactive substances were released into the environment. In particular, one of the largest safety concerns is radioactive cesium (134Cs and 137Cs). Due to the FNPP nuclear accident, a 20 km area was restricted from human activity, and various types of domestic animals were left in the zone. We collected the organs and tissues from sacrificed animals to obtain scientific data to evaluate the internal deposition of radioactive compounds. At first, we found there is a strong correlation between blood 137Cs and organ 137Cs with data from 44 cattle, indicating that skeletal muscle is the target organ of deposition of radioactive cesium. Second, we analyzed the relationship between blood 137Cs and muscle 137Cs within relatively lower radioactive concentration, suggesting that estimation of concentration of 137Cs is possible from blood concentration of 137Cs. Finally, we developed computer software to estimate the muscle 137Cs concentration from blood samples. Our study contributes to the food safety of livestock products.  相似文献   
李勇  耿肖臣  于寒青  万国江 《核农学报》2010,24(6):1249-1254
为评价不同标准物质效率刻度对环境放射性核素测定准确性的影响,应用具有无源效率刻度(LabSOCS)功能的高纯锗(HPGe)γ谱仪,比较用褐土、黄壤、黄土和紫色土4种土类与供测试土壤栗钙土作为标准物质进行效率刻度获得的210Pb和137Cs比活度之间的差异。选用的5种土类为标准物质对测试土壤中210Pb测定的准确性有显著影响,这是由于标准物质中能够显著影响210Pb测定结果的一组元素Si、Fe和Na,尤其是Fe含量相对于测试土壤存在很大差异(相对差异在94%~166%之间)。不同标准物质对土壤中137Cs测定准确性的影响较小,这是由于不同标准物质中与137Cs比活度显著偏相关(P<0.01)的O和Na含量差异较小(小于10%)。结果表明:标准物质对137Cs测定影响不大,选择与测定样品的化学元素相近的标准物质进行效率刻度,可以提高环境样品中210Pb测定的准确性。  相似文献   
高明 《水土保持研究》2006,13(2):147-149,171
环境放射性核素7B e、137C s和210Pb为测量土壤侵蚀和沉积速率提供了一种重要的方法。在某些情况下,由于受各种因素的影响,单一核素进行示踪研究很难精确测量,而核素比率的方法作为有益的补充,能够精确测量土壤侵蚀量的多少。这篇文章介绍W a llbrink和M urray在S t.H e lens森林区用210Pbex/137C s方法测量土壤侵蚀的情况,了解国外的研究动态,对此也提出在应用核素比率法中应注意的问题和展望。  相似文献   
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