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The establishment of predacious mites in commercial orchards may be accelerated by the transfer of pruned wood in winter and summer from donor orchards to release orchards. Following winter pruning, 3-year-old and older wood is collected and transported as soon as possible in bundles to a release orchard for distribution. If the release orchard is composed of dwarf trees, then one or two bundles of 5 kg each are placed vertically at the base of the trunk of every tree in the block (0.5 to 1 ha); if the trees are of standard size, then four or five bundles used. Following summer pruning, annual shoots and suckers are distributed immediately in a release orchard composed of dwarf trees by placing 12–15 branches on the foliage of fruit-bearing branches; if the release orchard is composed of standard trees, then 50 branches are used. The pruned wood should have 20–25 leaves and not less than one predator per leaf. The release orchard should have a light infestation (two or three mites per leaf) of pest tetranychids. These phytophagous mites would serve as food and help establish the predators. The release orchard grower should develop a pest management program based on the same groups of pesticides used in the donor orchard. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Aug. 31, 2005.  相似文献   
1999- 2 0 0 1年进行了草生栽培对园温湿度和果实品质影响的试验。结果表明 :草生栽培可以有效地改善果园生态环境 ,降低久旱暴雨后的裂果率 ,有利于提高果的商品质量和经济效益。  相似文献   
生草和树枝覆盖对果园土壤持水性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对黄土高原枣园普遍盛行传统清耕制,将生草及覆盖技术引入枣园生产中,于2011—2013年采用人工土槽模拟研究方法,探讨不同生草和覆盖措施对枣树地土壤持水性能的影响。结果表明:生草与枣树枝覆盖能有效改善土壤物理结构、提高土壤孔隙度、降低土壤容重;各处理土壤水分蓄持能力及比水容量均按枣树枝半覆盖+白三叶生草、枣树枝全覆盖、白三叶生草覆盖和清耕处理依次递减,处理间的差异在高吸力阶段更为明显;与清耕处理相比,生草与覆盖处理土壤饱和含水量、田间持水量、凋萎系数均有提高,枣树枝半覆盖+白三叶生草处理增加最为明显,分别增加9%、20%、33%。  相似文献   
针对常年大量使用除草剂除草而造成果园地表土壤裸露等的问题,从种苗繁育、选园、种植前准备、定植、除草、刈割、病虫害防治等方面介绍了果园套种矮柱花草轻简化栽培技术,并分析了该技术的成本投入,以期促进果园生草推广应用,保护果园土壤和生态环境。  相似文献   
为探明林下套种食用菌对土壤的改良效果,分析比较在3种果树下种植鸡腿菇后,菌渣直接还田,对土壤的物理性状、养分含量及微生物数量的影响:(1)土壤物理性状方面,含水量从大到小依次为枣树>梨树>核桃树,孔隙度从大到小依次为枣树>梨树>核桃树,pH为核桃树>梨树>枣树,电导率为枣树>核桃树>梨树;(2)土壤养分方面,碱解氮含量从大到小依次为梨树>核桃树>枣树,速效磷含量为核桃数>枣树>梨树,速效钾含量为枣树>核桃树>梨树,有机质含量为枣树>梨树>核桃树;(3)土壤微生物方面,含细菌数量从大到小依次为梨树>枣树>核桃树,含放线菌数量为枣树>核桃树>梨树。得出在南疆果园套种鸡腿菇,对果园土壤改良作用从大到小依次为枣树>梨树>核桃树的结论。  相似文献   
P deficiency is a major obstacle for crop production in subtropical red soils in South China, and the hydrolysis of organic P (Po) is of great significance in these soils due to the immobilization of P by Fe and Al. Cover cropping in orchards and symbiotic microbial inoculation are considered to improve soil quality, including P status, however, their effects on the hydrolysis of Po is little known. In this study, five soil managements were established in a guava orchard in South China for two and a half years, including clean culture (CC), cover cropping with Paspalum natatu (PN), PN with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculation (PNA), cover cropping with Stylosanthes guianensis (SG), SG with rhizobial inoculation (SGR). Soil chemical, biochemical and microbial properties were analyzed. Results indicate that soil pH and SOM content tended to increase following cover cropping alone or with microbial inoculation. Po content was significantly elevated in PNA. Po fractionation revealed that cover cropping alone or with microbial inoculation significantly affected the contents of moderately labile Po (MLPo) and moderately resistant Po (FAPo). Enzyme assay indicated that cover cropping with microbial inoculation increased the activities of acidic phosphomonoesterase (ACP), neutral phosphomonoesterase (NP) and alkaline phosphomonoesterase (ALP), with ALP the most sensitive, although ACP activity dominated in red soils. Correlation analysis suggested a significantly positive relationship between ALP activity and MLPo or FAPo. PCR-DGGE profile of the alp-harboring bacterial community showed that cover cropping with S. guianensis and mycorrhizal inoculation to P. natatu promoted the bacterial diversity and/or species richness. For almost all the measured parameters, PN and SG were comparable, however, PNA was superior to SGR, indicating the stronger additive effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus than that of rhizobia. Cat-PCA indicated that MLPo was the most influential factor on phosphomonoesterase. In general, this study suggests that, in subtropical orchards with red soil, cover cropping with microbial inoculation can improve the Po hydrolysis via the promoted alp-harboring bacterial community and then ALP activity. Our results also suggest that the combination of P. natatu and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus is better than S. guianensis and rhizobia, which possesses practical significance for sustainable production in these orchards.  相似文献   
黄土高原肥水坑施技术下苹果树根系及土壤水分布   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了解黄土丘陵区雨养条件下山地老果园布设肥水坑(water-wertilizer pit,WFP)技术对红富士老果树(Malus pumila Mill)根系及土壤水分空间分布特征的影响,以无肥水坑处理为对照(CK),利用管式TDR系统监测0~300 cm土层土壤含水率,利用根钻法获得21a生旱地果园0~300 cm土层的根系干质量密度。结果表明:WFP能够显著增加果园含水率低值区间(≥40~80 cm土层)土壤含水率,WFP60(60 cm坑深)处理土壤平均含水率增量(145.4%)最显著。WFP40(40 cm坑深)根际土壤湿润区主要集中在≥40~100cm土层,WFP60在≥20~140 cm土层,WFP80(80 cm坑深)主要集中在深层土壤≥140 cm土层。在0~200cm试验土层,WFP60处理土壤多次平均含水率值都最高,为11.02%,依次为WFP40(10.67%)和WFP80(9.80%)。总根系质量密度WFP60处理最大(594.76 g/m3),WFP40(579.08 g/m3)和WFP80(491.82 g/m3)次之,CK最小(372.12 g/m3)。根系在0~100、≥100~200和≥200~300 cm土层中的分配比例为:CK(69.88%、13.74%和16.38)、WFP40(66.04%、14.26%和19.70%)、WFP60(70.35%、24.08%和5.58%)和WFP80(46.54%、15.04%和38.42%),其根系分布与水分分布正相关。该研究表明WFP能够显著改变土壤水分在不同土层深度的分布,坑深越大向下湿润的土体范围也越深;从而显著促进果树根系的生长和根系在不同湿润土层的分配比例关系。总体而言,WFP60处理效果显著好于WFP40和WFP80处理。研究结果将对黄土高原旱地果园集雨和灌溉制度的制定和肥水坑技术的推广提供参考。  相似文献   
为揭示环境因子对果园表层土壤氯离子迁移累积的影响,为预防和改良土壤次生盐渍化提供理论指导和相关依据,研究果树生育期表层土壤不同土层氯离子的变化与环境因子(土温、土壤水分、蒸发量、降雨量、水分亏值、气温、空气相对湿度)的相互关系。结果表明:在土壤0~25cm土层的微域范围内,不同土层对氯离子的迁移与累积具有不同的功能。0~5cm土层为氯离子聚集层,10~15cm土层为氯离子传导层。认为10~15cm土层是半干旱地区环境因子对土壤性质直接作用与影响的临界深度。  相似文献   
3WZF-400A型果园风送喷雾机改进设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3WZF-400A型果园风送喷雾机通过安装直线导流板引导了气流速度场,在一定程度上解决了传统轴流式风送喷雾机农药浪费以及防治效果差的问题,但仍无法使靶标区域的气流速度分布与作物冠层轮廓匹配。本文以计算流体力学为手段,对该型喷雾机进行了改进设计。通过设置不同数量和角度的短导流板进一步引导喷雾机气流场,并建立了对应的气流速度场分布模型。通过对比选取最佳的改进设计方案,并进行了试验验证与喷雾性能测试。研究结果表明,当短导流板数量为2,喷雾机导流板角度组合为45°、15°、-15°和5°,且风机风速为20m/s时,在靶标处的气流速度分布能够与作物冠形轮廓匹配,所建立的模型能够较准确地模拟喷雾机实际气流速度场的分布。在此基础上以雾滴覆盖率为指标评价了改进设计后的喷雾机喷雾性能,并与改进前的喷雾机喷雾性能作对比,结果表明雾滴能够在垂直平面内按照作物冠形合理分布。  相似文献   
为了解重庆三峡库区加工甜橙园土壤养分含量状况,在重庆7县(区)随机选取132个果园,分析背景土壤和农化土壤pH值、有机质和有效态矿质养分含量。结果显示,分别有56.8%和60.8%的果园背景土壤和农化土壤pH值适宜甜橙生长,农化土壤酸性土比例增加;背景土壤和农化土壤有机质含量不足(<15 mg?Kg-1)的比例分别为77.3%和85.3%,碱解氮处于适宜范围的比例分别为56.8%和61.5%,有效钙过剩(高量和过量)的比例分别为79.6%和76.7%;背景土壤有效磷、钾不足(缺乏和低量)的比例分别为95.4%和72.8%,有效锌、硼不足的比例分别为54.5%和70.5%;农化土壤有效磷、钾不足的比例分别为60.8%和57.6%,有效锌、硼不足比例分别为65.9%和90.7%。背景土壤和农化土壤有效镁、铁、锰及铜不足和过量并存。总体而言,土壤养分状况中等偏差;与背景土壤相比,农化土壤pH值、有机质、有效钙、锌和硼含量下降且缺锌严重,其它养分含量则有所上升。  相似文献   
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