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为研究探讨出一种成本低、适用于农村生活污水处理的人工湿地填料负载铁膜方法,通过室内小试比较了石灰石砂砾、普通河沙砂砾2种材料,以及FeCl_3溶液、FeSO_4溶液、Fe(OH)_3胶体溶液3种含铁溶液,并比较了不同的工艺条件,包括4种加液方式:载体浸泡在溶液中不捞出、浸泡2 h后捞出、浸泡1 min后立即捞出和喷淋,3种干燥方式:105℃烘干、太阳晒干和室内自然晾干;同时构建了铁膜石灰石砂砾小型人工湿地,考察了其实际运行效果。试验优选出的负载铁膜方法为:石灰石砂砾浸泡在浓度为1.5 mol·L~(-1)的FeSO_4溶液中,使石灰石砂砾与溶液充分接触1 min后捞出,再将捞出后的石灰石砂砾室内通风自然晾干。铁膜石灰石砂砾对生活污水总磷的静态吸附去除率从普通石灰石砂砾的22.7%提高到80.6%;将其应用于小型人工湿地,总磷去除率比普通石灰石砂砾湿地提高了10%~15%。  相似文献   
为探索石灰岩山地不同林分类型中空气细菌的动态变化规律及其影响因素,筛选出抑菌效果较好的林分,选取徐州石灰岩山地4种典型林分为试验材料,采用自然沉降法研究林分中细菌含量的季节变化和日变化,同步监测温湿度、风速、PM2.5和空气负离子浓度,分析空气细菌含量及其之间的关系。试验结果表明:(1)细菌含量季节性变化表现为春季秋季夏季冬季,除冬季日变化呈现"早晚低,中午高"的变化趋势,其他季节表现为"早晚高,中午低";(2)不同林分类型空气细菌含量存在显著差异(P0.05),总体来看,苦楝林对细菌的抑制效果最好;(3)细菌含量与空气湿度和PM2.5呈极显著正相关关系,与空气负离子呈极显著的负相关关系。综上,苦楝林的抑菌效果最好,湿度、PM2.5和负离子是影响空气细菌含量的主要因素。本研究可为此地城市保健林的营建以及生态旅游规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   
The dry deposition of gaseous air pollutants on stone and other materials is influenced by atmospheric processes and the chemical characteristics of the deposited gas species and of the specific receptor material. Previous studies have shown that relative humidity, surface moisture, and acid buffering capability of the receptor surface are very important factors. To better quantify this behavior, a special recirculating wind tunnel/environmental chamber was constructed, in which wind speed, turbulence, air temperature, relative humidity, and concentrations of several pollutants (SO2, O3, nitrogen oxides) can be held constant. An airfoil sample holder holds up to eight stone samples (3.8 cm in diameter and 1 cm thick) in nearly identical exposure conditions. SO2 deposition on limestone was found to increase exponentially with increasing relative humidity (RH). Marble behaves similarly, but with a much lower deposition rate. Trends indicate there is little deposition below 20% RH on clean limestone and below 60% RH on clean marble. This large difference is due to the limestone's greater porosity, surface roughness, and effective surface area. These results indicate surface variables generally limit SO2 deposition below about 70% RH on limestone and below at least 95% RH on marble. Aerodynamic variables generally limit deposition at higher relative humidity or when the surface is wet.  相似文献   
利用青石山区梯田堰边栽植1~2a生核桃实生苗,株距4~5m,行距不等,每公顷平均375株。缓苗后进行良种嫁接。主要品种有元丰、香铃、鲁光、阿九等嫁接第2年结果,第3年有一定产量。每666.7m^2核桃产量3a生为33.5k,5a生为915kg,9a生为218.25kg,12a生为273.25kg。堰边良种核桃的综合经济效益分别为对照的1.5~4.9倍阐述了主要优质丰产栽培技术,包括实生苗建园与幼树嫁接良种、合理整形修剪、肥水管理与合理间作、适期采收、坚果处理及病虫害防治等。  相似文献   
以临朐县石灰岩山地山坡上部营造的5种侧柏林造林密度为试验材料,系统研究侧柏林枯枝落叶层蓄积量、灌草植被生物量、土壤物理性状、渗透速率、土壤侵蚀量等保土功能指标。结果表明:(1)5种密度侧柏林的枯枝落叶层蓄积量造林密度最大的枯枝落叶层蓄积量最多,造林密度最小的枯枝落叶层蓄积量最少,林下灌草植被盖度和生物量随造林密度的减小而明显增加,密度为1 667株/hm2的侧柏林枯枝落叶量、灌木生物量和草本植物生物量总和最多,其次为2 500,1 111,5 000株/hm2的,最少的为833株/hm2。枯落物腐烂分解后可改善土壤物理性状,减小土壤容重,增加土壤孔隙度,特别是增加非毛管孔隙度,促进水分下渗。(2)5种密度侧柏林与对照相比减少的土壤侵蚀量以密度为1 667株/hm2的最大,为61.466t/hm2,其次是2 500株/hm2的,为61.092t/hm2,1 111株/hm2的为58.712t/hm2,最小的是5 000株/hm2和833株/hm2的,分别为56.664,55.2t/hm2。(3)通过对5种密度侧柏林的林分郁闭度、土壤总孔隙度、土壤非毛管孔隙度、枯落物蓄积量、土壤渗透速率、灌草生物量、灌草盖度、与对照相比减少的土壤侵蚀量等因子进行方差分析,均存在显著差异,按各项保土指标得分相加得出保土效益,计算结果显示,5种密度的侧柏林保土效益大小依次排序为:1 667株/hm2>2 500株/hm2>1 111株/hm2>833株/hm2>5 000株/hm2。  相似文献   
临安山核桃林地土壤磷素状况及其淋失风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以天目山地区临安市岛石镇下塔村和湍口镇湍口村发育于石灰岩的山核桃林地土壤为研究对象,采集林地表层(0~20 cm)土壤样品,用于评估长期施肥对山核桃林地土壤磷素状况的影响及其潜在的淋失风险。土壤分析表明:土壤Olsen\|P存在较大的空间变异,含量低的近于0 mg·kg-1,而最高的含量达 893 mg·kg-1。土壤CaCl2\|P与Olsen\|P相关分析显示,岛石镇和湍口镇土壤Olsen\|P的临界值分别为193和293 mg·kg-1。据此,岛石和湍口两地土壤发生磷淋失的林地分别占调查林地的30%和45%。表明研究区已经有相当数量的山核桃林地因土壤磷素积累而存在淋失风险,需要引起重视。  相似文献   
Goal, Scope and Background  The remediation of heavy-metalcontaminated soils and sediments is of significant value to industrial areas around the world. The spread of such pollutants can result in a potential risk of entering the groundwater system and being transported to potential receptors. Leaching techniques can be an effective treatment option for the metal removal from soils and sediments. This approach consists of washing or leaching the contaminated soil with an appropriate reagent and the subsequent treatment of the leaching in an above-ground installation (on-site treatment) where metals can be removed and concentrated into a smaller volume. Among the heavy metals, chromium is a commonly identified soil contaminant, particularly in sites with intensive economic activities including agriculture, industrial, mining and mineral,processing. Objective  The objective of this work was the evaluation and development of a leaching process for the remediation of soils and sediments polluted with chromium at laboratory scale. Chromium soil pollution was generated after the breakdown of a channel containing chromium wastes from a tannery plant. The pollution extension has been estimated to be on the order of thousands of tonnes of soil to be treated, with chromium contents ranging from 500 to 17,000 mg kg-1 soil. Methods  The whole process investigated in this study integrates three stages; a) chromium leaching from a sediment using a diluted sulphuric acid solution, b) treatment of the leaching effluents with a magnesium oxide/limestone mixture for the precipitation of chromium hydroxide after acidity neutralisation, and c) polishing step to remove the eventual remaining chromium by adsorption onto natural zeolite. The amount of contaminated sediment treated ranged from 0.5 to 2 kg with chromium contents of between 2000 and 17,000 mg kg-1. Results and Discussion  The paper describes results on the performance of the process and the optimisation of steps including influence of acid sulphuric concentration, chromium removal efficiency as well as alkaline reactive mixture proportions. Effluents from the leaching cells showed a significant decay on the chromium concentration with the increase of leaching runs and a high content of acidity (pH values close to 0.5). The treatment of these effluents in a second cell containing magnesium oxide/ limestone mixtures resulted in a high efficiency in neutralisation of acidity (pH values around 7) and chromium removal (concentrations below 5 mg 1-1). The passage through a third compartment containing zeolite as an adsorbent decreased the chromium concentration below 0.5 mg 1-1, Conclusions  From the results obtained on the chromium leaching and immobilisation with magnesium oxide/limestone mixture at a laboratory scale, it could be pointed out that: (a) diluted sulphuric acid solutions (3%) demonstrated a high efficiency on chromium removal from sandy polluted soils on the kilogram scale, (b) mixtures of magnesium oxide/limestone demonstrated a high capacity to neutralise the residual high acidity present on the effluents and to remove chromium by precipitation and (c) between the limestone and caustic magnesia mixtures, those containing more than 60% of caustic magnesia provide the higher efficiency. Recommendation and Outlook  Future work would be directed to the evaluation of the integrated process of leaching and chromium precipitation on column at a scale of 100 to 1000 kg.  相似文献   
[目的]研究石灰土坡耕地在不同坡度下的磷素流失规律,以期为三峡库区农业面源污染的防治和水资源保护提供基础数据。[方法]在三峡库区香溪河流域坡耕地修建径流小区进行原位人工降雨试验,在雨强1.5mm/min时,分析10°,15°和20°这3种坡度下坡耕地的径流量、泥沙浓度,以及地表径流中总磷、颗粒态磷,泥沙中总磷、速效磷浓度的变化趋势,并对径流泥沙进行无机磷分级试验。[结果]坡度越大,地表径流量、径流总量、泥沙流失量越大,初始产流时间越短,但坡度对径流中泥沙流失浓度的影响不显著;不同坡度下径流中总磷(TP)、颗粒态磷(PP)浓度都随着产流时间逐渐变小最后趋于平衡,其中径流中TP主要以PP形式流失,达到80%以上;泥沙中磷素流失主要以无机态磷为主,无机磷分级试验表明被植物高效利用的有效态磷和缓效态磷占无机磷总量的54.1%~57.8%。[结论]坡度主要通过影响地表径流总量和径流携带的泥沙总量而影响磷素流失总量,石灰土坡耕地磷素流失主要以径流泥沙携带为主。  相似文献   
山核桃果仁微量元素分析初报   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
通过野外调研并采集临安山核桃Carya cathayensis果实及对应的山核桃林地土壤.分析山核桃果仁品质和不同母质类型土壤的基本理化性质,比较了石灰岩母岩土壤和非石灰岩母岩土壤上山核桃品质的差别。结果表明.生长于石灰岩母岩土壤和非石灰岩母岩土壤的山核桃果仁都富含粗蛋白和粗脂肪。经t检验分析.不同土壤对果仁粗蛋白和粗脂肪质量分数的影响没有达到显著差别。果仁粗蛋白和粗脂肪变幅分别为90-109g·kg^-1和665。694g·kg^-1。山核桃果仁中的微量元素丰富,特别是锌和铁,变幅分别为30.51mg·kg^-1和36~94mg.kg^-1。果仁微量元素量与成土母质、母岩性质密切相关。硒为某些石灰岩母岩土壤山核桃果仁所特有。表4参13  相似文献   
【目的】了解海南石灰岩地区种子植物区系组成、性质等基本特征.【方法】野外实地调查、标本采集与鉴定,数据统计分析.【结果和结论】海南石灰岩地区现共记录种子植物1 176种58变种1变型,隶属于142科645属,其中裸子植物5科5属7种,被子植物137科640属1 169种58变种1变型.具有明显的热带性质,以热带、亚热带成分尤其是热带亚洲成分为主,热带、亚热带成分分别占总科数和总属数的73.24%和87.75%;温带成分在海南石灰岩地区得到一定的发展,温带性质科占总科数的11.97%,属占总属数的7.29%.该地区物种丰富,以占不到全岛2%的面积,分布高达27.26%的种类,但属内种类较为贫乏,以单种科和寡种科为主,共计113科,占总科数的79.58%;中国特有属有2属.  相似文献   
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