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Abstract. The repeated application of pig slurry to agricultural soils may result in an accumulation of salts and a risk of aquifer pollution due to nitrate leaching and salinization. Under Mediterranean conditions, a field experiment on a sandy loam soil (Typic Xerofluvent) was performed with maize (Zea mays) in 1998, 1999 and 2001 to study the effects of applying optimal (P1) and excessive rates (P3) of pig slurry on soil salinization, nitrate leaching and groundwater pollution. The rate of pig slurry was established considering the optimal N rate for maize in this soil (170, 162 and 176 kg N ha?1 for 1998, 1999 and 2001, respectively). Pig slurry treatments were compared to an optimal N rate supplied as urea (U) and a control treatment without N fertilizer (P0). The composition of the slurries showed great variability between years. Mean NO3? leaching losses from 1998 to 2001 were 329, 215, 173 and 78 kg N ha?1 for P3, P1, U and P0 treatments, respectively. The amount of total dissolved salts (TDS) added to the soil in slurry application between 1998 and 2001 was 2019 kg TDS ha?1 for the P1 treatment and 6058 kg TDS ha?1 for the P3 treatment. As a consequence, the electrical conductivity (EC) of the slurry‐treated soils was greater than that of the control soil. The EC correlated significantly with the sodium concentration of the soil solution. Over the entire experimental period, 2653, 2202 and 2110 kg Na ha?1 entered the aquifer from the P3, P1 and P0 treatments, respectively. The P3 treatment did not significantly increase grain production in 1999 and 2001 compared with that achieved with the optimal N rate treatment (P1). This behaviour shows the importance of establishing application guidelines for pig slurry that will reduce the risk of soil and groundwater pollution.  相似文献   
为研究有机培肥对土壤优势流中养分淋失的影响,采用原状土柱模拟淋溶的方法,对土壤优势流中养分淋失的情况进行研究.结果表明,土壤经有机培肥后,明显降低了优势流中各种养分的淋失速度,从而使养分的淋失总量减少,为未施秸秆处理的1/3左右.有机培肥土壤对于淋溶液中养分浓度的影响表现为,在淋溶液中养分浓度总体降低的同时,各种养分的浓度降低的幅度又有所不同,其中对水溶性K和铵离子的效果最明显,而对硝态氮(NO-3-N)保持作用则相对差些.上述结果说明,有机培肥对减少土壤优势流造成的土壤养分淋失以及降低地下水污染都有一定的作用.  相似文献   
利用超声波对化肥控失材料(LCM)进行修饰改性,结果表明对硫酸铵的控失效果随处理时间呈现先升高然后降低的规律,峰值出现在5min.本文对其机理进行初步探讨.  相似文献   
Adsorption, incubation and soil-column experiments with bentazone [3-isopropyl-1H-2,1,3-benzothiadiazin-4(3H)-one 2,2-dioxide] were carried out in ten different soils from the marches surrounding the Doñana National Park (Huelva, SW Spain). Adsorption isotherms for the different soils showed a good fit with the Freundlich equation. Bentazone was poorly adsorbed in all the soils studied, with no significant relationship between theKf values and soil characteristics. A significant correlation was obtained between the soil organic matter content and the distribution constant values (Kd) calculated at an equilibrium concentration of 200 μg cm−3. The low adsorption and non-degradation of bentazone on these soils suggest that the herbicide readily percolates through soils to reach the surface and ground waters. The mobility of bentazone through three soil columns was also studied. The mass balances carried out showed that bentazone was totally eluted from the soil columns. The theoretical model applied to explain bentazone leaching under our experimental conditions seems to be suitable for soil columns with a uniform water-flow rate.  相似文献   
The fate of fenpropimorph and its metabolite fenpropimorphic acid was investigated in a silty sand soil and in a clayey silt soil. In laboratory and field experiments fenpropimorph disappeared without a lag phase. A few days after application fenpropimorphic acid was detected. Additional laboratory experiments with [14C]fenpropimorph emphasized the significance of mineralization and the formation of non-extractable residues. The determination of soil/water distribution coefficients of parent compound and metabolite yielded a higher leaching potential for fenpropimorphic acid due to its higher polarity. This was confirmed by performing a laboratory column test under worst-case conditions. Under field conditions, however, fenpropimorphic acid was detected only in the superficial soil layers (0–5 cm) of both investigation sites at very low concentrations.  相似文献   
研究了在饲料中添加稀土壳聚糖螯合盐(RECC)对水产颗粒饲料性能的影响。根据鲫(Carassiusauratus)鱼苗的营养需求配制4种类型的RECC试验日粮,即1号饲料(0.00%)、2号饲料(0.08%)、3号饲料(0.16%)和4号饲料(024%)。测定4种饲料的粉化率和溶失率。结果显示,添加稀土壳聚糖螯合盐后可以降低饲料的 粉化率,饲料中添加0.16%的稀土壳聚糖螯合盐效果尤其明显(P<0.01);在饲料中添加RECC可以显著降低饲料的溶失率(P<0.05),并可以提高和改善水产颗粒饲料的性能。  相似文献   
In the low-input rice–wheat production systems of Nepal, the N nutrition of both crops is largely based on the supply from soil pools. Declining yield trends call for management interventions aiming at the avoidance of native soil N losses. A field study was conducted at two sites in the lowland and the upper mid-hills of Nepal with contrasting temperature regimes and durations of the dry-to-wet season transition period between the harvest of wheat and the transplanting of lowland rice. Technical options included the return of the straw of the preceding wheat crop, the cultivation of short-cycled crops during the transition season, and combinations of both. Dynamics of soil Nmin, nitrate leaching, nitrous oxide emissions, and crop N uptake were studied throughout the year between 2004 and 2005 and partial N balances of the cropping systems were established. In the traditional system (bare fallow between wheat and rice) a large accumulation of soil nitrate N and its subsequent disappearance upon soil saturation occurred during the transition season. This nitrate loss was associated with nitrate leaching (6.3 and 12.8 kg ha−1 at the low and high altitude sites, respectively) and peaks of nitrous oxide emissions (120 and 480 mg m−2 h−1 at the low and high altitude sites, respectively). Incorporation of wheat straw at 3 Mg ha−1 and/or cultivation of a nitrate catch crop during the transition season significantly reduced the build up of soil nitrate and subsequent N losses at the low altitude site. At the high altitude site, cumulative grain yields increased from 2.35 Mg ha−1 with bare fallow during the transition season to 3.44 Mg ha−1 when wheat straw was incorporated. At the low altitude site, the cumulative yield significantly increased from 2.85 Mg ha−1 (bare fallow) to between 3.63 and 6.63 Mg ha−1, depending on the transition season option applied. Irrespective of the site and the land use option applied during the transition season, systems N balances remained largely negative, ranging from −37 to −84 kg N ha−1. We conclude that despite reduced N losses and increased grain yields the proposed options need to be complemented with additional N inputs to sustain long-term productivity.  相似文献   

Commercial fertilizer (particularly nitrogen) costs account for a substantial portion of the total production costs of cellulosic biomass and can be a major obstacle to biofuel production. In a series of greenhouse studies, we evaluated the feasibility of co-applying Gibberellins (GA) and reduced nitrogen (N) rates to produce a bioenergy crop less expensively. In a preliminary study, we determined the minimum combined application rates of GA and N required for efficient biomass (sweet sorghum, Sorghum bicolor) production. Co-application of 75 kg ha?1 (one-half of the recommended N rate for sorghum) and a modest GA rate of 3 g ha?1 optimized dry matter yield (DMY) and N and phosphorus (P) uptake efficiencies, resulting in a reduction of N and P leaching. Organic nutrient sources such as manures and biosolids can be substituted for commercial N fertilizers (and incidentally supply P) to further reduce the cost of nutrient supply for biomass production. Based on the results of the preliminary study, we conducted a second greenhouse study using sweet sorghum as a test bioenergy crop. We co-applied organic sources of N (manure and biosolids) at 75 and 150 kg PAN ha?1 (representing 50 and 100% N rate respectively) with 3 g GA ha?1. In each batch of experiment, the crop was grown for 8 wk on Immokalee fine sand of minimal native fertility. After harvest, sufficient water was applied to soil in each pot to yield ~1.5 L (~0.75 pore volume) of leachate, and analyzed for total N and soluble reactive P (SRP). The reduced (50%) N application rate, together with GA, optimized biomass production. Application of GA at 3 g ha?1, and the organic sources of N at 50% of the recommended N rate, decreased nutrient cost of producing the bioenergy biomass by ~$375 ha?1 (>90% of total nutrient cost), and could reduce offsite N and P losses from vulnerable soils.  相似文献   
氧化亚氮(N2O)和氮气(N2)是淹水稻田土壤剖面反硝化过程的重要气态产物,可通过土水界面向大气排放,也可随水向下淋溶。秸秆生物质炭施入稻田后会改变土壤理化及微生物学性质,影响反硝化过程及N2O和N2产排。本研究依托2010年夏建立的连续秸秆生物质炭还田的稻麦轮作农田试验,通过埋设淋溶管收集土壤剖面溶液,采用气相色谱和膜进样质谱分别定量溶液中N2O和exN2(反硝化产生N2量),观测了2018和2019年水稻季不同秸秆生物质炭施用量(CK:每季0 t·hm-2;1BC:每季2.25 t·hm-2;5BC:每季11.3 t·hm-2;10BC:每季22.5 t·hm-2)下0~1 m土壤剖面溶液中N2O和exN2浓度的时空变化,评估了长期施用秸秆生物质炭对稻田土壤剖面反硝化作用及其主要气态氮产物exN2随水流失的影响。结果表明,两个稻季CK处理N2O浓度以60 cm处较高,exN2浓度则随土壤深度增加呈降低趋势。秸秆生物质炭处理能降低剖面N2O和exN2浓度,以10BC处理最为明显。其中,N2O浓度降低以60 cm处较大,exN2浓度降低随土壤深度增加而加大。施用秸秆生物质炭对土壤剖面溶液无机氮(NO3-+NH4+)含量无明显影响,但5BC和10BC处理增加了可溶性有机碳(DOC)和溶解氧(DO)浓度以及氧化还原电位(Eh)。CK处理下土壤剖面溶液N2O和exN2浓度变化与DOC、硝态氮(NO3-)及DO有关;秸秆生物质炭处理下则主要受DO和Eh控制。exN2淋溶量(按1 m深度计算)CK处理下为2.3 ~5.5 kg·hm-2,相当于无机氮和有机氮(DON)淋溶量的32%~34%,5BC和10BC处理则降低为1.7 ~3.7 kg·hm-2和1.1~1.9 kg·hm-2,上述结果表明,反硝化产生N2随水淋溶量不容忽视,秸秆生物质炭还田可改善淹水稻田土壤剖面的通气状况,增加DO,提高Eh,进而有效减少深层反硝化及其主要气态产物exN2随水流失的风险。  相似文献   
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