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目的:研究当归与种植土壤中无机元素及其指标性成分间的相关性,为当归微量无机施肥和种植土地选择提供参考。方法:收集40份不同样地当归药材样本及相应土壤样本,应用石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定铅、镉含量,采用原子荧光法测定汞、砷含量,采用原子火焰分光光度法测定铜含量,其余元素均采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定,应用HPLC法测定藁本内酯、阿魏酸含量,数据采用SPSS11.5软件进行多元统计分析。结果:当归药材中砷(As)元素与其藁苯内酯、阿魏酸含量显著相关,相关系数分别为0.333、0.246;当归药材中Cu、K、Mn、Pb与土壤中Cu、K、Mn、Pb含量显著相关,相关系数分别为0.596、0.812、-0.720、0.735,表明当归中Cu、K、Pb的含量随栽培土壤中含量的增高而增高,Mn在土壤中不易被当归吸收。结论:当归对Pb、Cu元素可过度吸收,应选择Pb、Cu含量较低的土地栽培当归,否则富含这两种金属的土地可导致生产药材中这两种金属元素含量超标;药材因与土壤中Mn元素含量呈负相关,对于当归生长需要的微量元素Mn,应采用叶面施肥,不宜在根部施用;砷元素与提高当归品质的相关性需田间施肥实验进一步证明。  相似文献   
宁夏银北地区盐化土壤改良成效研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
系统分析了利用系列专用改良剂对宁夏银北盐化土壤的改良效应,结果表明:施用专用改良剂后土壤容重平均降低6.44%,孔隙度增加6.62%,土壤粘粒含量减少,粉粒、砂粒含量普遍增加;土壤pH和全盐均有不同程度的下降;土壤有机质和养分含量、产量都有较大幅度的增加,其中施用改良剂Ⅲ的增幅最大,改良剂Ⅳ次之,但考虑改良剂原料成本后施用改良剂Ⅱ当年最终经济效益最大.  相似文献   
NaCl胁迫对骆驼蓬属植物渗透调节作用的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究NaCl处理对骆驼蓬属植物幼苗生物量、植株中主要无机离子和有机溶质的含量及渗透调节能力的影响。结果表明,骆驼蓬在NaCl浓度小于200 mmol/L,骆驼蒿和多裂骆驼蓬小于100 mmol/L时促进根系和地上部干重的增加,超过相应浓度时,幼苗生物量明显下降。3种植物根系和叶片的Na 和Cl-含量随NaCl浓度升高而增加,NO3-含量及K /Na 比则下降,K 对Na 的选择性吸收和运输SK,Na增大,但多裂骆驼蓬叶片的离子运输SK,Na则降低,Ca2 、Mg2 含量有升有降。无机离子占总计算渗透势(COP)的68.37%~83.82%,但随NaCl浓度增大而降低;可溶性糖和氨基酸含量随NaCl浓度增大明显增加,有机酸和脯氨酸变化不明显。有机物质约占COP的16.18%~31.63%,且随NaCl浓度提高而增大。骆驼蓬、骆驼蒿和多裂骆驼蓬的渗透调节能力随NaCl浓度增加而增强,其中叶片的渗透调节能力大于根系,渗透调节能力骆驼蓬>骆驼蒿>多裂骆驼蓬,表明骆驼蓬比骆驼蒿和多裂骆驼蓬具有更强适应盐渍生境的能力。  相似文献   
为探讨无机盐和有机盐对南方根结线虫的作用方式,在室内利用沙柱法和染色法测定了二者对南方根结线虫2龄幼虫迁移能力及侵入番茄根部能力的影响。结果表明,随着各盐处理浓度的增加,南方根结线虫2龄幼虫的迁移能力和侵入能力显著降低。在4μg/m L KSCN、C6H8O7、KCl、KH2PO4、KHCO3和Mn SO4·H2O沙柱中,15 d后2龄幼虫的平均迁移距离最小,分别为0、0.33、0.52、0.53、0.55和0.58 cm,而对照为0.94 cm。2龄幼虫在Ba NO3、K2HPO4、KHCO3、Cs Cl和KSCN各浓度沙柱中的平均迁移距离均小于0.94 cm。2μg/m L NH4NO3、KH2PO4、(NH4)2CO3、Cs Cl、(NH4)2SO4、Na SCN和NH4SCN处理15 d后,2龄幼虫对番茄根部的侵入率最低,分别为1%、2.33%、1.33%、2%、2%、1%和1.67%。表明对2龄幼虫侵入番茄根部抑制效果最明显的盐为NH4NO3、KH2PO4、(NH4)2CO3、Cs Cl、(NH4)2SO4、Na SCN和NH4SCN。  相似文献   
A range of agricultural practices influence soil microbial communities, such as tillage and organic C inputs, however such effects are largely unknown at the initial stage of soil formation. Using an eight-year field experiment established on exposed parent material (PM) of a Mollisol, our objectives were to: (1) to determine the effects of field management and soil depth on soil microbial community structure; (2) to elucidate shifts in microbial community structure in relation to PM, compared to an arable Mollisol (MO) without organic amendment; and (3) to identify the controlling factors of such changes in microbial community structure. The treatments included two no-tilled soils supporting perennial crops, and four tilled soils under the same cropping system, with or without chemical fertilization and crop residue amendment. Principal component (PC) analysis of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles demonstrated that microbial community structures were affected by tillage and/or organic and inorganic inputs via PC1 and by land use and/or soil depth via PC2. All the field treatments were separated by PM into two groups via PC1, the tilled and the no-tilled soils, with the tilled soils more developed towards MO. The tilled soils were separated with respect to MO via PC1 associated with the differences in mineral fertilization and the quality of organic amendments, with the soils without organic amendment being more similar to MO. The separations via PC1 were principally driven by bacteria and associated with soil pH and soil C, N and P. The separations via PC2 were driven by fungi, actinomycetes and Gram (−) bacteria, and associated with soil bulk density. The separations via both PC1 and PC2 were associated with soil aggregate stability and exchangeable K, indicating the effects of weathering and soil aggregation. The results suggest that in spite of the importance of mineral fertilization and organic amendments, tillage and land-use type play a significant role in determining the nature of the development of associated soil microbial community structures at the initial stages of soil formation.  相似文献   
Application of hydrophilic polymers composed of cross‐linked polyacrylate can improve soil water‐holding capacity and accelerate the restoration of post‐mining substrates. In this work, we studied the persistence of a polyacrylate polymer incorporated into a soil and its impact on plant nutrients at a reclamation site of former lignite mining in Lusatia (Germany). In contrast to autumn application, the incorporation of the polymer enhanced the sequestration of plant‐derived carbon in the soil, which was reflected by a significant increase in the concentration of a lignin marker. Attenuated total reflexion–Fourier transform infrared spectra (ATR‐FTIR) and total elemental contents in the applied polymer suggested an intensive cation exchange between the polymer framework and the soil‐forming substrate. In addition, there was an enrichment of carbonaceous material, which seems to reduce the swelling and thus the water‐holding capacity of the cross‐linked polyacrylate. Conversely, this process protected the polymer structure from rapid decomposition.  相似文献   
Emissions of N2O were measured following addition of 15N‐labelled residues of tropical plant species [Vigna unguiculata (cowpea), Mucuna pruriens and Leucaena leucocephala] to a Ferric Luvisol from Ghana at a rate of 100 mg N/kg soil under controlled environment conditions. Residues were also applied in different ratio combinations with inorganic N fertilizer, at a total rate of 100 mg N/kg soil. N2O emissions were increased after addition of residues, and further increased with combined (ratio) applications of residues and inorganic N fertilizer. However, 15N‐N2O production was low and short‐lived in all treatments, suggesting that most of the measured N2O‐N was derived from the applied fertilizer or native soil mineral N pools. There was no consistent trend in magnitude of emissions with increasing proportion of inorganic fertilizer in the application. The positive interactive effect between residue‐ and fertilizer‐N sources was most pronounced in the 25:75 Leucaena:fertilizer and cowpea:fertilizer treatments where 1082 and 1130 mg N2O‐N/g residue were emitted over 30 days. N2O (loge) emission from all residue amended treatments was positively correlated with the residue C:N ratio, and negatively correlated with residue polyphenol content, polyphenol:N ratio and (lignin + polyphenol):N ratio, indicating the role of residue chemical composition in regulating emissions even when combined with inorganic fertilizer. The positive interactive effect in our treatments suggests that it is unlikely that combined applications of residues and inorganic fertilizer can lower N2O emissions unless the residue is of very low quality promoting strong immobilisation of soil mineral N.  相似文献   
A new type of inorganic anchoring material is developed as a substitution for anchoring adhesive to overcome some imperfections in the process of planting reinforcing steel bar.The mix proportion of the anchoring material is determined by experiments.The compressive strength,adhesive force to concrete,volume stability and anchoring force with steel bar are studied.The early strength of the anchoring inorganic material is quite high: for 1d up to 38.5MPa and 3d up to 60MPa.It is a good adhesive to concrete and the adhesive strength of 28d is about 2MPa.The anchoring material will have tiny volume expansion with the age,which is beneficial to enhancing the anchoring force.The essential component of the inorganic anchoring material is cement-based material,so some defects of the organic macromolecular material can be avoided,such as poor stability and requirement for vigorous construction conditions.Its characteristics in early strength,adhesive force to concrete and volume expansion can satisfy the requirement of the construction to the planting reinforcing steel bar and the loading force,thus it can be used as a substituting material for anchoring adhesive.  相似文献   
氨氧化过程对氧化亚氮(N2O)排放具有重要贡献。在不同土壤类型和农田管理下,氨氧化微生物类群对N2O排放的相对贡献组成规律还缺乏系统的研究。本研究选取典型农田耕层土壤(潮土、黑土、砖红壤),以及有机肥改良的砖红壤剖面土壤,采用选择性抑制法(乙炔和辛炔)研究氨氧化细菌(AOB)、氨氧化古菌和全程硝化菌(AOA+comammox)以及异养硝化菌对土壤硝化潜势、净硝化速率及N2O排放的相对贡献。结果表明,在耕层土壤中,潮土、黑土和砖红壤的pH分别是8.0、6.7和5.7,硝化潜势分别是N 32.5、6.6和4.8 mg?kg-1?d-1,净硝化速率分别是N 7.1、3.0和0.5 mg?kg-1?d-1,7天N2O累积排放量分别是N 38.0、35.4和8.7 μg?kg-1。AOB主导耕层土壤的硝化潜势,对硝化潜势的贡献分别是82%、58%和100%。对于净硝化速率,在潮土和砖红壤中,AOB和AOA+comammox贡献相当(均在30%~40%),而黑土中由AOB主导(72%)。AOB主导耕层土壤的N2O排放,对N2O排放的贡献分别是72%、92%和58%。在改良的砖红壤剖面土壤中,在0~20 cm、20~40 cm和40~60 cm,pH分别是7.0、5.5和4.9,硝化潜势分别是N 6.6、2.0和1.1 mg?kg-1?d-1,净硝化速率分别是N 4.1、0.9和0.2 mg?kg-1?d-1,N2O排放分别是N 16.3、6.5和2.8 mg?kg-1?d-1。随土壤由深层至表层,硝化潜势、净硝化速率及N2O排放显著提高。AOA+comammox主导表层硝化潜势及净硝化速率的提高(分别贡献63%和54%),AOB主导N2O排放的增加(贡献54%)。本研究为制定与土壤氨氧化特性及土壤性质相匹配的N2O减排措施提供了新的科学依据。  相似文献   
采用大田试验,分别于烟苗移栽后25、50、75 d测定土壤主要养分含量,研究施用氰氨化钙、生物炭和微生物肥+饼肥3种土壤改良剂对植烟土壤养分和酶活性的影响。结果表明:施用生物炭和微生物肥+饼肥的土壤速效钾较对照分别提高31.80%和12.52%,施用氰氨化钙的土壤速效磷和碱解氮含量分别降低7.30%和2.01%;烟苗移栽后75 d,施用改良剂土壤过氧化氢酶活性和脲酶活性较对照分别提高11.79%~15.38%、19.10%~25.14%,施用氰氨化钙的最高,生物炭的最低;施用改良剂土壤的中性磷酸酶较对照提高6.96%~14.96%,施用微生物肥+饼肥的最高,施用氰氨化钙的最低。从综合效果来看,施用生物炭改良剂效果最好。  相似文献   
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