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土地利用和管理方式对农牧交错带土壤碳密度的影响   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
为研究农牧交错区土地利用和管理方式对土壤碳库的影响,以农牧交错区未扰动自然土壤的天然草地和扰动自然土壤的开垦农田为研究对象,测定了不同土地利用和管理方式下0~50 cm土层的土壤体积质量、土壤有机碳含量及土壤有机碳密度。结果表明,5种土地利用和管理方式下的土壤有机碳密度在8.21~11.30 kg/m2之间,土壤有机碳主要分布在土壤表层,随着土层深度增加,土壤有机碳含量和密度减小。未扰动自然土壤的天然草地,0~50 cm的土壤有机碳含量及碳密度高于扰动自然土壤的开垦农田及撂荒地,以草地围封刈割利用下的土壤有机碳密度最高,草地自由放牧利用下的土壤有机碳密度最低。扰动自然土壤的农田撂荒10 a后与开垦农田相比,0~50 cm土层的有机碳含量及碳密度显著提高。土地利用及管理方式的变化改变了土壤体积质量及土壤有机碳含量,进而影响了土壤有机碳密度。围封割草或控制放牧,是适宜农牧交错区增加生态系统土壤碳贮量的利用途径。  相似文献   
Abstract. The restorative ability of herbaceous ( Psophocarpus palustris, Pueraria phaseoloides ) and woody ( Leucaena leucocephala, Senna siamea, Acacia leptocarpa, Acacia auriculiformis ) legume species and of natural regrowth was studied on an eroded and compacted Oxic Paleustalf in southwestern Nigeria. Compared to the control treatment that was continuously cropped for 15 years, four years of fallowing significantly improved test crop yields. However, fallowing with the above species did not substantially improve soil properties, particularly soil bulk density. A longer fallow period may be needed to amend soil physical conditions of this degraded Alfisol. Soil chemical properties were greatly improved following land clearing and plant biomass burning in 1993. However, the residual effect of burning on soil fertility was insignificant in the second cropping year. Among the fallow species, P. palustris and natural fallow showed the best residual effect on test crop performance. Despite the high biomass and nutrient yields of S. siamea and A. auriculiformis , test crop yields on these plots were low due to the border effects from the uncleared and fallowed subplots.  相似文献   
基于粮食安全与生态安全的省域耕地休耕规模测算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
借鉴增量城镇用地区域配置的方法和原理,运用最小人均耕地面积模型、趋势预测法及熵权法,基于粮食安全与生态安全测算中国31个省份(直辖市、自治区)休耕耕地规模.结果表明:基于粮食安全与生态安全的中国31个省份(直辖市、自治区)可休耕耕地规模为1 690.73万hm2,各省(直辖市、自治区)耕地生态安全及休耕规模差异明显,休耕规模在空间上呈现出西北、沿海地区休耕规模大,西南、东北地区规模较小的分布格局.研究既突破了仅从宏观层面及粮食安全视角研究休耕规模的局限性,丰富和完善了探究耕地休耕规模的视角和方法,又为我国休耕规模分配和确定提供了科学依据及理论指导,有利于实现耕地休耕效益的最大化.  相似文献   
A highly sensitive real‐time PCR procedure to detect and quantify the number of Pisciricketsia salmonis units in seawater samples from affected farm sites has been developed. The purpose was to determine a fallowing period that would allow safe restocking of the target farm with new fish. Bacterial load was determined in water samples by comparing the obtained amplification values against a standard curve generated by the amplification of known concentrations of the ITS‐ribosomal component of P. salmonis DNA, cloned in a suitable vector. The standard curve was linear over the range of 101–1010 log units. Target samples were taken every 10 days over a 40‐day period, at 5 m depth and at the surface. In a highly affected area of southern Chile, the number of bacterial units in farm water decreased to zero at day 50. Therefore, a fallowing period of 50 days post‐removal of cages of affected fish appears to be appropriate before restocking. This procedure could be adapted to control disease problems because of other pathogens in fish farm waters.  相似文献   
理论分析农户休耕行为及其意愿决策机理的基础上,构建Probit模型,采用重金属污染区湖南省长沙市和株洲市部分休耕试点农户入户调研的243个样本,实证分析农户休耕意愿的影响因素及其差异性。研究表明:1)被调查者的年龄、耕地离家距离、耕地等级和对休耕政策认同程度对农户休耕意愿具有显著的正向影响;家庭劳动力人数占总人数比例、休耕前农业收入占总收入比例和休耕补偿期望偏差对农户休耕意愿具有显著的负向影响;2)不同年龄段、不同家庭劳动力占比、不同耕地离家距离和不同休耕政策认同程度限定下,影响农户休耕意愿的因素具有差异性。其中,对休耕政策认同限定下女性农户的休耕意愿比男性农户低,且农户年龄越大越愿意休耕;家庭劳动力人数占总人数比例在50%及以下的农户受教育程度与休耕意愿呈现正向影响;农户家庭特征和对休耕政策的认知是在大多数限定条件下影响农户休耕意愿的重要因素。重金属污染区农户休耕意愿的影响因素及其差异性分析结论将为制定政策调动农户休耕积极性和完善耕地休耕制度提供决策参考。  相似文献   
南方稻区绿肥生态服务功能及生态价值评估研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
为探究我国南方稻区绿肥种植的生态服务价值,本文以我国南方稻区农田引入绿肥紫云英为例,界定了稻田种植紫云英的生态服务功能,并运用实际市场法、替代市场法和虚拟市场法等研究方法,构建了绿肥生态价值评估的理论模型,核算了绿肥的生态服务价值,得到了以下研究结论:1)南方稻区绿肥生态服务功能主要涉及调节和支持两类,调节服务包括气体调节、水分涵养和土壤保持3种功能,支持服务则包括土壤有机质累积和土壤营养物质循环两种功能;对应地,南方稻区农田轮作冬绿肥紫云英的生态价值也被界定为以上5种。2)南方稻区冬闲田种植紫云英在一个轮作周期中能够产生1.125万元·hm-2的生态价值,其中,气体调节价值最大,为0.380万元·hm-2,其次是土壤有机质累积价值,为0.279万元·hm-2,营养物质循环价值和土壤保持价值分别为0.204万元·hm-2和0.214万元·hm-2,土壤水分涵养价值最小,为0.048万元·hm-2。3)南方稻区绿肥种植投入成本为0.173万元·hm-2,绿肥种植所产生的生态价值是种植投入成本的6.5倍。研究表明农田冬种绿肥紫云英的生态服务价值是客观存在的。该研究为南方稻区绿肥引入冬闲田后生态价值的评估提供了较为科学的研究方法和基础参数,同时,也为未来政府制定绿肥种植的生态补偿机制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
采用随机调查的方法,对不同耕作制度下棉田杂草的种类和数量进行调查研究,从中发现,不同的耕作制度对杂草种类和数量的消长有很大的影响.免耕不覆秸秆、免耕覆秸秆、翻耕覆膜及翻耕不覆膜四种处理下,以免耕不覆秸秆条件下杂草的种类和数量最多,由此调查还可知道在免耕条件下覆盖秸秆也是控制棉田杂草滋生的一种有效措施.  相似文献   
Land degradation in semi-arid regions of Nigeria is a very serious problem and therefore rehabilitation of degraded lands is essential. This article reports the results of an investigation which was carried out to assess the extent to which fallowing rehabilitates degraded lands in a semi-arid area in northern Nigeria. An inferential approach was used which involved side-by-side comparison of plots located within an area of uniform climatic, geologic and geomorphic characteristics, but which have been under fallow for different periods of time (2, 5, 10 or 15 years). Using a systematic sampling procedure, topsoil and subsoil samples were collected from each of the fallow plots and also from a plot under a plant community of well over 80 years of age which was chosen to serve as the control (fairly natural vegetation). The extent to which the land of each fallow plot had been rehabilitated could be assessed by comparison with the condition of the control plot. The samples were analysed for texture, bulk density, water-stable aggregates greater than 0.50 mm, moisture content, organic matter, pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), total nitrogen, available phosphorus and exchangeable bases. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique was used to test for significant differences amongst the fallow plots, while Student's t-test was used to compare the mean values of the soil properties of the control with the same properties under each of the fallow plots. The results obtained varied considerably, but in general it was observed that there were decreases in the coarsening of soil texture and bulk density, but increases in other soil properties with increases in the length of the fallow period. However, the changes were generally found to be more significant under the older fallows (10 and 15 years) than under the newer fallows (2 and 5 years). The causes of these trends and their implication for sustainable land development in the area are discussed. It is concluded that for land rehabilitation to be effective in this area, either fallow times must be quite long, or ways of improving the soil's recuperative capacities under short-term fallow should be sought.  相似文献   
休耕和种植作物对黑麻土壤肥力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确不同茬口土壤养分的固持残留水平,建立高效合理的轮作顺序以解决连作再植障碍问题。2018年在甘肃定西渭源县莲峰镇绽坡村随机区组设计、“S”形取样休耕1季、种植1季春小麦、马铃薯、蒙古黄芪和当归后0-20 cm层次的黑麻土壤,测定土壤全量、速效养分和阴阳离子含量。结果表明:休耕1季和种植1季蒙古黄芪增加了0-20 cm层次土壤的有机质、全氮、速效磷、速效钾、阴阳离子、Mg^2+、SO4^2-和Cl^-含量,种植1季当归降低了0-20 cm层次土壤的有机质、全氮、速效磷、速效钾、阴阳离子、Mg^2+、SO4^2-和Cl^-含量。方差分析显示,休耕1季和种植1季蒙古黄芪后0-20 cm层次黑麻土壤的有机质、全氮、速效磷、速效钾、阴阳离子、Mg^2+、SO4^2-和Cl^-含量显著高于种植1季当归。主成分回归分析发现,休耕1季和种植1季蒙古黄芪后0-20 cm层次黑麻土壤肥力综合指数为0.98和0.56,种植1季当归的综合指数得分仅为0.07。休耕1季是黑麻土壤用养结合的简便有效方法,种植1季蒙古黄芪是培肥黑麻土壤肥力的适宜作物。  相似文献   
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