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柞蚕肠液理化性质与饲料效率的相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对柞蚕肠液的理化性质与饲料效率的相关性进行研究的结果表明 :柞蚕肠液对促进蚕体抗病与消化吸收功能有着重要作用 ,平均每头蚕有肠液 1 76mL ,品种间开差为 0 78mL ,相对开差 5 7 80 % ,肠液量越多 ,饲料效率越高 ;柞蚕不同品种肠液pH平均值未发现明显差异 ,但强健好养饲料效率高的品种个体间开差小 ;柞蚕肠液缓冲力除与品种强健性有关外 ,还与品种的饲料效率呈正相关 ,在强健丰产与高饲料效率品种中 ,肠液恢复pH原值所需时间越短 ,饲料效率越高 ,电刺法取出肠液后 ,肠液恢复缓冲力所需时间是恢复其pH原值时间的 1 8倍多 ,同恢复肠液pH原值所需时间长短与品种强健性和饲料效率的关系完全一致。  相似文献   
为改善中锰白口铸铁的韧性以扩大其应用范围,本文探讨了C, Si, Mn等合金元素、变质处理和热处理工艺对中Mn白口铸铁组织和性能的影响.  相似文献   
The temperature dependence of chemical reaction rates and microbial metabolism mean that temperature is a key factor regulating soil trace gas emissions and hydrochemistry. Here we evaluated a novel approach for studying the thermal response of soils, by examining the effects of temperature on gas emissions and hydrochemistry in (a) peat and (b) soil from a Sitka spruce plantation. A thermal gradient was applied along an aluminium bar, allowing soil to be incubated contemporaneously from 2 to 18 °C. The approach demonstrated clear differences in the biogeochemical responses of the two soil types to warming. The peat showed no significant emission of CH4 at temperatures below 6 °C, while above 6 °C, a marked increase in the rate of release was apparent up to 15 °C (Q10 = 2.5) with emissions being similar between 15 and 18 °C. Conversely, CH4 emissions from the forest soil did not respond to warming. Nitrate availability in the peat decreased by 90% between 2 and 18 °C (P < 0.01), whereas concentrations in the forest soil did not respond. Sulphate availability in the peat decreased significantly with warming (60%, P < 0.01), while the forest soil showed the opposite response (a 30% increase, P < 0.01). Conventionally, thermal responses are studied by incubating individual soil samples at different temperatures, involving lengthy preparation and facilities to incubate samples at different temperatures simultaneously. Data collected on a given thermal response is usually limited and thus interpolated or extrapolated. The thermal gradient method overcomes these problems, is simple and flexible, and can be adapted for a wide range of sample types (not confined to soil). Such apparatus may prove useful in the optimization of management practices to mitigate the effects of climate change, as thermal responses will differ depending on land use and soil type.  相似文献   
对在山东的济南、平度、莱西、烟台种植的几种陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutumL.)核雄性不育材料的育性表现进行了研究,结果表明:洞A不育系的衍生材料MB、MA在不同气候条件下有育性的变化。在济南高度不育,可作为不育系。在其他几个地区表现不同程度的可育。其中MB在平度有相当好的育性,能正常结铃。而双隐性核不育材料59A、62A未能观察到育性变化。本文就核不育材料在棉花杂交制种中的应用前景及需深入研究的问题作了探讨。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONIntheworldoftoday,theglobalclimatechangeanditsinfluenceonecologyhavebe-comeaveryimportantproblem,towhichmanyscientists,governnentleadersandordinarypcoplepaycloseattentionI1-'].Inl979,theWorldClimateResearchProgram(WCP)waslaiddowninthefirstworldclimatemeeting.lnl99(),thesecondworldclimatemeetingwasconvcl1edinGencva,andalltl1eexpertsagreedthattheglobalwarmlngwillbeextremelyseriousdisasterthananynatUralcalamityever.Attl1eMectingof"WorldEnvironmentandDevelopment,"holdinBrazil…  相似文献   
日光温室内外金太阳杏光合特性的比较研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为了探明杏对设施栽培的生理反应,对日光温室内外金太阳杏光合特性进行了比较研究。结果表明,日光温室栽培条件下,金太阳杏单位重量叶片的叶绿素含量增加;光(CO2)饱和点和光(CO2)补偿点降低鸦露地晴天净光合速率Pn日变化呈明显的双峰曲线,温室内也呈双峰线,但双峰出现原因不同。并且研究了影响光合作用的主要生态因子及变化规律,发现净光合速率与胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾作用、气温、叶温、光合有效辐射等因子相关。  相似文献   
An individual-based, spatially explicit population model was used to predict the consequences of future land-use alternatives for populations of four amphibian species in two central Iowa (midwest USA) agricultural watersheds. The model included both breeding and upland habitat and incorporated effects of climatic variation and demographic stochasticity. Data requirements of the model include life history characteristics, dispersal behavior, habitat affinities, as well as land use and landcover in geographic information systems databases. Future scenarios were ranked according to change in breeder abundance, saturation, and distribution, compared to baseline conditions. Sensitivity of simulation results to changes in model parameters was also examined. Simulated results suggest that while all four species modeled are likely to persist under present and future scenario conditions, two may be more at risk from future landscape change. Although the study species are all widespread generalists regarded as having a low conservation priority, they depend on wetlands and ponds, increasingly endangered habitats in agricultural landscapes. Broader conservation strategies in the region would ensure that these currently common organisms do not become the endangered species of the future.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Isoxaflutole is a new pre‐emergence herbicide for use in maize and sugarcane. Its two main derivatives are a diketonitrile derivative, the 2‐cyano‐3‐cyclopropyl‐1‐(2‐methanesulfonyl‐4‐trifluoromethylphenyl)propan‐1,3‐dione, named DKN, and a benzoic acid derivative, the 2‐methanesulfonyl‐4‐trifluoromethylbenzoic acid, named BA. The adsorption/desorption processes have never been studied for isoxaflutole (IFT) at high concentrations nor for BA, and the present work aimed at completing the knowledge of the behaviour of these three molecules in conditions close to those encountered in the context of agricultural use. The adsorption/desorption study was conducted on seven soils of different physical and chemical properties, using the batch equilibrium technique. During the experiments, IFT was chemically converted into DKN in a continuous manner. This reaction appeared to be dependent on the pH of the soil and was taken into account in the calculations of the adsorbed and desorbed amounts. The adsorption isotherms obtained were predominantly C‐shaped for IFT and DKN and S‐shaped for BA, but some differences appeared on a few soils. They fitted well the Freundlich equation, and the values of the Freundlich coefficient Kfa showed that, whatever the soil, IFT was more adsorbed than its two derivatives. The main parameter influencing the adsorption of IFT appeared to be the organic matter content, whereas this effect was not evident for DKN and BA. No correlation was found between the extent of adsorption and either clay content or pH of the soil, for the three molecules.  相似文献   
十种常用农药与球孢白僵菌的生物学相容性   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
球孢白僵菌孢子粉与10种常用农药相容性的测定结果显示,随着孢子浓度上升,所试农药对孢子的抑制作用均有不同程度的增强。在1/10田间常规使用浓度下,百菌清和代森锰锌均能抑制或杀死孢子(萌发率<1%)。除阿维菌素外,所有杀虫剂均与白僵菌孢子相容,在常规使用浓度的10倍稀释液中孢子萌发率达90%以上。吡虫啉、蚜虱灵、灭多威和氟虫腈与孢子的相容性最好,其中吡虫啉和蚜虱灵对孢子萌发率的影响不明显随药剂浓度的变化而变化,即使在田间常规使用浓度下孢子萌发率也在95%以上,而阿维菌素与白僵菌的相容性极差。因此,应用白僵菌制剂防治害虫,选择生物学相容性好的农药以低剂量与白僵菌制剂混用,既可使菌剂增效,又可大幅度降低化学药剂用量。  相似文献   
为测定不同氮肥施用量对黑土团聚体组成及稳定性、有机碳含量及团聚体有机碳分布的影响,阐明黑土有机碳稳定性对不同施氮水平的响应机制,本研究在吉林省梨树县不同施氮水平长期定位试验田进行取样,以施氮水平不同设置5个处理,分别为T1(0)、T2(160 kg·hm-2)、T3(240 kg·hm-2)、T4(280 kg·hm-2)、T5(320 kg·hm-2),分析长期不同施氮量下水稳性团聚体组成、团聚体结构特征、土壤总有机碳含量及团聚体有机碳分布的变化,探究酸化黑土有机碳含量影响特征。结果表明:随氮肥施用水平的升高,土壤碱解氮(AN)和全氮(TN)含量先增后减,T3处理含量最高,AN和TN分别比T1处理高24.90%、10.28%;土壤速效磷(AP)的含量呈下降趋势。随氮肥用量的提高,土壤团聚体呈现大粒径团聚体向小粒径团聚体转变的趋势,>2 mm粒径团聚体下降14.55%。土壤有机碳总量随施氮水平的提高呈先增后减的趋势,施氮量为280 kg·hm-2有机碳含量最高;>2...  相似文献   
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