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【目的】研究美国大杏仁烘烤和烘烤后贮存过程中香气成分及其含量的变化,为美国大杏仁的加工及贮存提供理论依据。【方法】通过氯化钙柱吸附法制备样品,采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪对美国大杏仁烘烤前、后及烘烤后贮存3个月和6个月的风味成分及其含量进行分析。【结果】美国大杏仁烘烤前的主要挥发性物质有25种,烘烤后的主要挥发性物质有44种,烘烤后贮存过程中的主要挥发性物质有50种;美国大杏仁中的挥发性香气成分主要为芳香醛类、脂肪族醛类、芳香醇类、脂肪族醇类、吡嗪类及其衍生物,苯甲醛是美国大杏仁挥发性成分的主要特征香气组分。【结论】纸袋包装的烘烤美国大杏仁在37℃下贮存6个月时已经氧化变质,高含油量及高不饱和脂肪酸的存在是引起烘烤杏仁变质的主要原因,壬醛、己醛、2-辛烯醛、辛醛及庚醛等脂肪族醛类物质是烘烤美国大杏仁氧化酸败后产生不良气味的主要组分;壬醛和己醛的组分含量可以作为油脂氧化程度及确定烘烤美国大杏仁货架期的检测指标。  相似文献   
Fortified date bars were prepared from some of the commonly grown date cultivars in the United Arab Emirates. The average ash, fat and protein contents in the control date bar sample were 1.78, 6.09 and 7.83%, respectively. The ash and protein contents increased, but the fat content decreased slightly with the inclusion of skim milk powder in the remaining date bar formulations. All the date bar samples were found to be free from Enterobacteriaceae and coliforms. Date fruit, which usually supplies only calories, can thus be turned into a product having significant amounts of other valuable nutrients.  相似文献   
【目的】设计滚筒刷式巴旦木脱青皮机并进行样机试制和试验,为巴旦木初加工设备的研发提供参考。【方法】对青皮巴旦木和硬壳巴旦木果实物料特征参数进行测量,并使用Origin进行绘图,利用Solidworks软件对滚筒刷式巴旦木脱青皮机进行了整机及关键部件设计,根据结构参数和工作需求,选用主轴转速、间隙(钢刷与栅条滚筒底部距离)和喂入速度为试验因素,以脱净率和破损率为试验指标进行三因素三水平响应面试验,并以寻优圆整值进行试验验证。【结果】物料特征参数统计显示,青皮巴旦木长度均值为36.5 mm,宽度均值为28.0 mm,厚度均值为22.5 mm;硬壳巴旦木果实长度均值约为33.5 mm,宽度均值为23.5 mm,厚度均值为15.5 mm。滚筒刷式巴旦木脱青皮机的最佳作业参数为主轴转速307.5 r/min,间隙20.1 mm,喂入速度811.5 kg/h,理论脱净率为96.00%,破损率为2.28%。利用圆整值(主轴转速310 r/min,间隙20 mm,喂入速度810 kg/h)对2种巴旦木进行脱青皮验证试验,实测脱净率分别为96.32%和95.86%,破损率分别为2.42%和3.34%。两种巴旦木的脱净率均大于95%,破损率均小于4%,二者的破损率和脱净率差值均不足1%。【结论】所设计的滚筒刷式巴旦木脱青皮机符合中厚壳巴旦木脱皮作业的工作需求。  相似文献   
Summary The paper reviews the taxonomic relationships, morphological distinction, geographical distribution and ecological specificities of the twenty six species recognized (by us) in Amygdalus L. It also surveys the intra-genetic structure in this genus stressing the fact that they fall into five groups of closely related vicarious species: (i) Communis group (9 species), (ii) Orientalis group (6 species), (iii) Sect. Chamaeamygdalus (4 species), (iv) Sect. Spartioides (2 species), and (v) Subgenus Dodecandara (5 species). Within each group, species are separated from one another geographically (in few cases by altitude). The only major exception to such allopatric distribution is found in A. communis L., and this is interpreted as an outcome of domestication. Interspecific sterility barriers are absent, or only weakly developed in Amygdalus, and numerous inter-specific hybrids (particularly between the crop and various wild almond species) have been detected. Therefore most (may be all) wild almond species constitute the primary gene-pool of the cultivated nut crop.The combined botanical and archaeological evidene points to the Levant countries as the place where the almond was taken into cultivation. Wild forms of A. communis are very likely native only to this area. Also the earliest archaeological signs of almond domestication come from this area.  相似文献   
This article aims to investigate the current situation of the international almond trade and its consumption patterns. Traditionally, almonds are characterized by their good taste and high quality and regarded as an ideal source of several natural health nutrients. At present, the United States is the leading almond producer and exporter in the world, accompanied by Germany, Spain and Japan, the biggest almond importing countries. In order to study almond consumption patterns, two indicators were used in our study, the Food Consumer Location Ratio (FCLR) and the Food Consumer Location Relative Ratio (FCLRR). Furthermore, to identify the almond consumption groups, we carried out two cluster analyses based on FCLR and FCLRR values, Finally, an analysis of the factors which have an impact on a country's almond consumption was conducted. It shows that income level, endowment of resources and tradition as well as dietary habits are key factors that help to shape a country's almond consumption pattern.  相似文献   
为提高杏核的破壳质量,对杏核壳体的力学性能进行研究。考虑到杏核表面有凸起的棱筋及壳体不同区域厚度不同对力学特性的影响,通过威布三维Reeyee扫描仪对1/2赛买提杏核壳体进行扫描,利用SpaceClaim软件对杏核壳进行模型修复,得出杏核壳体的三维分析模型;运用ANSYS Workbench对1/2杏核壳体进行3种方式加载云图分析,得出最佳的破壳方式,然后通过试验验证模型分析的准确性。结果表明:赛买提杏核沿不同方向施压所需的破碎力有显著差异,其中沿Y 轴方向所需破碎力最大,为856 N,变形量为2.48 mm,杏仁破碎率为0;沿X=Z 轴方向所需破碎力最小,为398 N,变形量为0.41 mm,杏仁破碎率为21.8%;沿X 轴方向施压所需的破碎力为426 N,变形量为1.08 mm,杏仁破碎率为0。验证试验结果与模型分析的结果一致。因此,通过扫描仪建模更能准确反映杏壳的表面特征,相对于Y、X=Z 轴,沿X 轴方向施压更合适。本文可为杏核破壳机械的设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   
以南疆29种果仁兼用型杏仁为试材,采用原子吸收光谱法,研究了杏仁中矿物质组成及含量的差异,以期为果仁兼用型杏瓷漆的开发和利用提供参考依据。结果表明:南疆29种果仁兼用型杏仁的矿物质元素中,K含量最高,范围为5639.03~23614.40 mg·kg^-1,Na含量最低,范围为105.74~533.97 mg·kg^-1;含量依次为K>Mg>Ca>Na>Zn>Fe>Cu>Mn;主成分分析表明南疆果仁兼用型杏仁的特征性元素为Zn、Cu、Mn、K。在29种果仁兼用型杏种仁中,以‘卡巴克玉吕克’的K含量最高;‘库尔勒托拥’的Na含量最高;‘古木杏’的Ca含量最高;‘甜仁杏’的Mg含量最高;‘阿克托拥’的Fe含量最高;‘大优佳’的Mn含量最高;‘胡安娜’的Zn、Cu含量最高,品质好。通过系统聚类分析,基于Zn、Fe、Cu、Mn元素含量,可将29个品种分为两大类。  相似文献   
世界扁桃贸易和消费现状   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
扁桃含有多种营养元素,其上乘的食用价值和良好的风味受到广大消费者的青睐。本文中,研究了扁桃国际贸易和生产的现状。美国是现在世界最大的扁桃生产国和出口国,而德国、西班牙、日本等国则是世界最主要的扁桃进口国。为了研究国际扁桃市场交易的现状,使用了18个国家年进口美国扁桃总量和年进口美国扁桃人均量进行相关分析。此外,还对选定国家的以上指标进行聚类分析,以便对世界各国扁桃消费的类群进行划分。初步论述影响一个国家扁桃消费的主要因素。分析表明,居民收人水平、区域资源禀赋状况以及饮食习惯和传统是影响一个国家扁桃消费方式的关键因素。  相似文献   
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