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Sarah M. Ward 《Euphytica》2000,116(1):11-16
Cytological evidence suggests the Andean grain crop quinoa is an allotetraploid, but in the few genetic studies which have been published a functionally diploid (disomic-monogenic) model has been assumed for segregation at individual loci in this species. In this study, controlled crosses using male sterile plants as female parents produced F1 and F2 generations segregating for three different single-gene morphological traits. Allelic segregation analysis revealed a range of F1 and F2 ratios indicative of both disomic-digenic and tetrasomic inheritance in two of these traits, as well as distorted F2 ratios suggesting erratic multivalent formation at meiosis. These results are consistent with allotetraploidy in quinoa, with functional alleles having been retained at some duplicate loci and at least some association occurring between homoeologous chromosomes. Tetrasomic segregation ratios observed in a minority of families may be due to reciprocal fragment exchange between homoeologues. The occurrence of tetraploid segregations at some loci in quinoa complicates breeding and genetic studies in the crop. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Summary Hibiscus L. section Furcaria DC. (Malvaceae) is a natural group of more than 100 known species, many of which are handsome ornamentals with large, showy, delicate flowers. This group includes the fiber, food, and medicinal plants kenaf, H. cannabinus L., and roselle, H. sabdariffa L. The basic chromosome number is x = 18. In nature are found diploid, tetraploid, hexaploid, octoploid, and decaploid taxa. This group displays a remarkable amount of genome diversity, as shown by cytological analysis of 140 hybrid combinations from over 60,000 crosses. At least 13 genomes are present: A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, P, R, V, X, and Y. Subsaharan Africa is the center of genome diversity; nine of the 13 genomes are represented in African taxa, and nine of the 10 confirmed diploid species occur in Africa. Five (possibly six) genomes reside in extant diploids. The G genome (or a modified G genome) is widely distributed. Found in only one diploid species in Africa, it is found also in African tetraploid and African and Indian octoploid species, in New World tetraploid and decaploid species, and in Australian hexaploid species. The G-genome apparently was widely dispersed and differentiated, followed by hybridization, subsequent chromosome doubling, and radiation. The A, B, X, and Y genomes, on the other hand, are confined mainly to Africa, with a few taxa in Asia, and apparently are the products of a later round of hybridization and allopolyploidy.  相似文献   
Eleven C2 and two C3 0pen-pollinated plains from Elymus canadensis × Secale cereale amphiploid plants (2n = 6x = 42, SSHHRR) were examined for chromosome constitution and meiosis. Chromosome numbers of the progeny varied: 2n = 26, 27, 28, 36, 37, 39, 40, and 41. Elimination of portions of genome constituents were made at random and were irregular in all o the progeny. Monosomic (2n = 41) and nullisomic (2n = 40) plants lost one to two E. canadensis or S. cereale chromosomes and showed average of 17 to 18 bivalents and 4 to 5 univalents per cell at Ml. The C2, aneuploid plants with 36 to 41 chromosomes seemed to result from selfing or intercrossing among; the C1 amphiploid plants, while the plants of 2n = 26 to 2S (6–9 II + 10–141) might originate from outcrosses of the Cl amphiploid to S. cereale. Bivalent pairing might be preferentially intragenomic (S-S, H-H, or R-R). The occurrence of multivalents indicates a low potential of both intragenomic and intragenomic pairing; Pollen of the lour plants showed poor stainability (1 to 13 %) and no seed set in any of the progeny.  相似文献   
C. Oertel    J. Fuchs  F. Matzk 《Plant Breeding》1996,115(2):101-105
In order to test crossability of Lolium and Dactylis, a total of 4126 florets of six different varieties and ploidy levels of Lolium multiflorum Lam. and L. perenne L. were pollinated using a blend of pollen from two cultivars and three ecotypes of Dactylis glomerata L. Additionally, reciprocal pollinations were carried out on 363 florets of two D. glomerata cultivars with pollen of L. multiflorum. Both pre- and post-zygotic cross barriers were strong. Auxin application was effective in overcoming post-zygotic barriers. One viable hybrid plant arose from 16 embryos. The hybrid between L. multiflorum and D. glomerata showed characteristics of both parents. The symmetric character of the hybrid was confirmed by genomic in situ hybridization. Backcross pollinations with pollen of both parents yielded two plants from five embryos with L. multiflorum only. Both the production of allopolyploid hybrids having characters of both species and the transfer of useful characters of D. glomerata into L. multiflorum should be possible.  相似文献   
An improved method is reported for polyploid induction in Lolium (ryegrass), and in sterile F1 hybrids between Lolium and Festuca (fescue). Two factors greatly increased the survival rate of colchicine‐treated embryos of Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass) germinated and cultured in vitro (1) a high concentration of sucrose (100 g/1) in the germination medium and (1), maintenance at a low temperature of 10°C for 2 weeks after treatment. The maximum success rate for chromosome doubling among survivors of perennial ryegrass was 79.1%, and for L. perenne×Festuca arundinacea F1 hybrid embryos it exceeded 40%. The same doubling treatment also works with shoot tip culture in non‐ flowering genotypes obtained by anther culture of L. multiflorum×F. arundinacea hybrids.  相似文献   
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