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喷杆式喷雾机雾流方向角对药液沉积影响的试验研究   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
为了研究喷杆式喷雾机的雾流方向角对靶标上药液沉积量的影响,设置±40°、±30°、±20°、±10°、0° 9个雾流方向角,选用标准扇形雾喷头ST120-015,喷雾压力0.25 MPa,分别以1.18 m/s、0.59 m/s的前进速度,按照150 L/hm2和300 L/hm2的喷量针对水平靶标和垂直靶标进行喷雾试验。试验结果表明,改变雾流方向角会增加药液在水平靶标上的沉积量,药液在中部和下部靶标沉积量的增加程度比上部显著,喷量150 L/hm2和300 L/hm2的最佳喷雾雾流方向角分别为20°和30°;对于垂直靶标,喷量150 L/hm2时改变雾流方向角只会增加上部和下部靶标的药液沉积量,而喷量300 L/hm2时改变雾流方向角会使上、中、下三部分靶标的沉积量都增加,且增加程度一致。当喷量150 L/hm2时垂直靶标的最佳雾流方向角为20°~40°,喷量300 L/hm2时的最佳雾流方向角为30°。试验结果表明喷杆前进速度会对最佳雾流方向角产生影响。  相似文献   
通过对RNJM-03型三效降膜蒸发器噪声现场测试,结合文献、调研资料,进一步验证其噪声主要由气流在热压泵中的拉伐儿喷嘴处产生,提出利用马大猷教授的气流喷注噪声公式,将可能推导出适用于该设备的噪声经验公式的设想。  相似文献   
为探究不同喷口形状的喷水推进器推进性能,以一台轴流式喷水推进器为研究对象,应用计算流体力学的方法针对3种不同形状(平面形、凸面形和凹面形)喷口的喷水推进器进行定常数值模拟,对比分析额定转速与高转速时其不同形状喷口内部流动特征和喷水推进器推力性能,从而寻找最优推力性能的喷口形状.计算结果表明:叶轮转速在不断变化时,平面形喷口的推力性能始终大于另外2种形状喷口的喷水推进器性能;在高于额定转速时,空化发生会影响叶轮做功能力,从而降低喷水推进器推力性能;在额定转速时,平面形和凹面形喷口推力性能较好,但平面形喷口最高轴向速度分布较多;高转速时,平面形喷口受空化影响最小,能够持续提供稳定的动力.研究结果揭示了不同喷口形状对不同转速下喷水推进器的适用性以及喷水推进效能,可为喷水推进器性能优化及设计提供一定的理论依据.  相似文献   
Indoor and field experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of applying the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans to the aerial parts of rapeseed plants at the flowering stage to control sclerotinia diseases caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Under controlled conditions, a petal inoculation technique was used to determine the effect of conidial suspensions of C. minitans on suppression of sclerotinia leaf blight. Results showed that C. minitans was effective in inhibiting infection initiated by ascospores of S. sclerotiorum on flower petals by restricting mycelial growth of the pathogen. Suppression of lesion development was related to the conidial concentration of C. minitans, with larger lesions at low concentration (5×103conidia ml−1), but smaller lesions at high concentration (5×104 conidia ml−1 or higher). When C. minitans-treated rapeseed leaves were inoculated with mycelia of S. sclerotiorum, C. minitans failed to prevent infection of leaves, but caused a significant reduction in number of sclerotia produced on the diseased leaves. No significant difference in efficacy was detected between the two isolates of C. minitans, LRC 2137 and Chy-1, on the two rapeseed cultivars, Westar (spring type) and Zhongyou 821 (winter type). Results of field trials showed a significant reduction of stem rot of rapeseed in four (1997, 1999, 2003 and 2004) out of five years by aerial application of C. minitans, compared with controls. No significant difference in suppressive efficacy was observed between the treatments of C. minitans (106 conidia ml−1), C. minitans (106 conidia ml−1) + benomyl (50 μg ml−1) and benomyl (100 μg ml−1) in 2003, and between the treatments of C. minitans (106 conidia ml−1), C. minitans (106 conidia ml−1) + vinclozolin (100 μg ml−1) and vinclozolin (500 μg ml−1) in 2004. Sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum collected from diseased plants in plots treated with C. minitans in 1999, 2000 and 2003, or with C. minitans + benomyl in 2003 were infected by C. minitans at frequencies ranging from 21.3 to 54.5%. This study concludes that aerial spraying of C. minitans is an effective method for controlling sclerotinia diseases of rapeseed.  相似文献   
目的探究三七绿紫地上茎中三七碱性螺旋-环-螺旋蛋白基因(basic helix-loop-helix gene, bHLH)、v-myb骨髓母细胞增多症病毒癌基因同源物基因(v-myb myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog, MYB)和WD40蛋白基因(WD40 gene, WD40)转录水平的纵向变化及其与总花色苷含量(total anthocyanin content, TAC)的相关性。方法将平均高度约为18 cm的一年生三七绿紫地上茎植株的地上茎均分为18个茎段,分别用实时荧光定量PCR (qRT-PCR)和分光光度法检测各茎段中bHLHMYBWD40的转录水平以及TAC。结果从三七绿紫茎的顶部到基部,三七bHLHMYBWD40转录水平的纵向变化大致分别表现为1条“多峰”、“W”形和“W+倒V”形曲线,其最高转录水平分别出现在茎段7、10和7,且三者转录水平在不同茎段间的差异分别到达了显著 (P<0.05)、极显著 (P<0.01)和极显著 (P<0.01) 水平;TAC的纵向变化则粗略表现为1条“单峰”曲线,最高TAC出现在茎段8,且TAC在不同茎段间的差异达到了极显著水平;bHLHMYBWD40转录水平与TAC之间均呈正相关,其Pearson相关系数规律为MYB>bHLH>WD40结论对于一年生三七绿紫茎花色苷合成而言,3个转录因子基因的差异性贡献为MYB>bHLH>WD40。本研究结果可为三七地上茎花色苷合成转录调控的探究提供参考。  相似文献   
The standoff of a submerged jet is smaller than a non-submerged jet in general. In order to increase the standoff of a submerged jet, the induced-nozzle device is presented with its inducing mechanism analysed in this paper. Under the various inducing medium, the effect of the ratio d2/d1 upon the device's properties is measured. Some reasonable parameters are given. When d2/d1=2.0, approximate straight region of the curve of the jet center line stagnation pressure varying with the standoff is L/d1= l0~12 for inducing air. The induced-nozzle device is compared with the conventional nozzle for shotting some samples. Several applied possibilities of the device are discussed.  相似文献   
除草剂防除杂草的同时会给非靶标作物带来药害,频繁使用除草剂的海南槟榔园叶片黄化症状更加明显,我们推测除草剂可能导致槟榔根系退化,从而引起叶片黄化。本试验以幼龄期槟榔与成龄期槟榔为研究对象,测定草甘膦和草铵膦使用后槟榔根系生长发育形态与相关生理指标。结果表明:(1)在幼龄期槟榔根系中,主要以直径为0~1.5mm的根为主要根系结构,数量上占到总根的88%以上,表面积占到了总根的68%以上。草甘膦和草铵膦喷施显著降低了槟榔幼苗根系鲜重、干物质积累量,白色吸收根的比例、吸收根活力。(2)在成龄期槟榔气生根中,喷施草甘膦和草铵膦均引起气生根药剂残留,且农残随施用浓度增加而变高;喷施草甘膦和草铵膦,阻碍了槟榔气生根发育。草甘膦处理第14天后气生根死亡数达到最大,而草铵膦处理第28天后达到最大。(3)草铵膦损害了气生根组织结构,使新根内皮层排列稀疏,表皮组织厚度增加,木栓化程度加深,导致根表皮细胞大量死亡,抑制了气生根伸长与增粗。上述研究结果表明草甘膦和草铵膦通过木栓化加速根系死亡调控槟榔根系生长与发育。  相似文献   
Eight experiments were carried out in Denmark to determine the yield loss of spring barley due to Cirsium arvense in farmers' fields and to suggest and evaluate a novel approach for quantifying C. arvense infestation in large plots. Literature about the competitive ability of C. arvense is old, scattered and inconclusive, and existing models for estimating crop yield loss are based on data from North America. This study showed that C. arvense coverage could be quantified from unmanned aerial vehicle imagery using a manual image analysis procedure. This gave similar results as scoring the coverage. Yield loss of spring barley due to C. arvense infestation assessed at harvest was given by Y = 100·(1−exp(−0.00170·X)) where Y is the percentage of crop yield loss and X is the percentage of C. arvense coverage. The yield loss was much lower than estimates from models that have been developed in North America. It is speculated that the main reason for this is the later emergence of C. arvense than the crop due to lower soil temperatures in spring. Grain moisture increased linearly with C. arvense coverage: M = 0.0310·X where M is the proportional (%) increase in grain moisture and X is the proportion (%) of C. arvense coverage. Automated image analysis procedures are needed to estimate C. arvense coverage on field scales, and further experiments are needed to reveal whether the low competitive ability of C. arvense found in this study is representative for Northern Europe.  相似文献   
为探索在大载荷植保无人直升机下洗气流作用下各因素对静电喷雾沉积特性的影响规律,将正交试验与Box-Behnken响应面试验相结合,在定性分析的基础上,建立起沉积特性参数与荷电电压、飞行参数等影响因素之间的数学预测模型,定量地分析了各因素对沉积特性的影响.结果表明:大载荷无人直升机静电喷雾沉积特性受施药过程中荷电电压和飞行参数的影响显著.雾滴单位面积沉积量与荷电电压成正相关,与飞行速度、飞行高度成负相关.相同飞行参数下(飞行速度5m/s、飞行高度4m),荷电电压8kV的静电喷雾单位面积沉积量为0.3180μL/cm2,比非静电喷雾单位面积沉积量提高了1.17倍.与此同时,沉积量变异系数与飞行速度成正相关,与荷电电压、飞行高度成负相关,即增加荷电电压、降低飞行速度或者提高飞行高度能有效改善雾滴的沉积均匀性.  相似文献   
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