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鄱阳湖湿地保护与合理利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对鄱阳湖湿地环境与资源的现状进行了概述,从环境与资源状况,立法、管理与资源合理利用,以及湿地研究、监测与宣传教育等3个方面分析鄱阳湖湿地目前存在的问题及引起这些问题原因.针对这些问题,提出鄱阳湖湿地保护与合理利用对策.考虑到立法在鄱阳湖湿地保护管理中的重要性,对<江西省鄱阳湖湿地保护条例>进行了较为深入的剖析和探讨.由于生态旅游是保护鄱阳湖湿地资源合理利用的最有效途径,因此,对生态旅游也进行了较为详细的介绍.  相似文献   
武汉市湿地主要环境问题及保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊飞 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(9):4189-4190
武汉市湿地资源丰富,城市的快速发展给这些湿地生态系统带来了诸多威胁,主要表现在:面积萎缩、水质污染加剧、生物多样性下降、可利用水资源减少等方面,提出了加强湿地资源可持续利用和保护的对策措施。  相似文献   
Constructed ponds are an important consideration in the conservation of wetland biota in agricultural landscapes. Twenty-two natural ponds and 22 adjacent constructed ponds (farm dams) were surveyed on the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales to compare patterns of use by frogs and develop frog conservation recommendations. Farm dams supported similar numbers of frog species to natural ponds, although differences in frog assemblage were observed between the pond types. Limnodynastes tasmaniensis and Uperolia laevigata were significantly more likely to occur at farm dams while L. peronii was more likely to occur at natural ponds. Results suggest waterbodies with high levels of emergent vegetation cover that lack fish are likely to support a high number of frog species, regardless of origin (i.e. natural or constructed). However, it is important for landholders to conserve natural waterbodies as these environments appear likely to support frog species that do not use farm dams.  相似文献   
Decomposition of organic matter in inundated wetland soils requires a number of interdependent microbial processes that ultimately generate CO2 and CH4. Largely as the result of anaerobic decomposition, wetland soils store globally significant amounts of organic carbon and are currently net sources of CH4 to the atmosphere. Given the importance of wetlands in the global carbon cycle, it is important to understand controls on anaerobic decomposition in order to predict feedbacks between wetland soils and global climate change. One perplexing pattern observed in many wetland soils is the high proportion of CO2 resulting from anaerobic decomposition that cannot be explained by any measured pathway of microbial respiration. Recent studies have hypothesized that humic substances, and in particular solid-phase humic substances in wetland soils, can support anaerobic microbial respiration by acting as organic electron acceptors. Humic substances may thus account for much of the currently unexplained CO2 measured during decomposition in wetland soils. Here we demonstrate that humic acids extracted from a variety of wetland soils act as either electron donors or electron acceptors and alter the ratio of CO2:CH4 produced during anaerobic laboratory incubations. Our results suggest that soil-derived humic substances may play an important, and currently unexplored, role in anaerobic decomposition in wetland soils.  相似文献   
马欣欣  王中良 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(17):9454-9458,9488
从湿地氮循环的主要研究对象和基本研究方法出发,讨论了同位素方法在氮循环研究中的应用,总结了氮同位素用于研究湿地系统的生物地球化学过程以及各形态氮的迁移转化等方面的应用实例,并对湿地氮循环同位素及其相关技术方法的发展趋向进行了展望,最后归纳提出了氮同位素在我国湿地生态系统氮循环研究中的不足及未来的发展方向。  相似文献   
三江平原挠力河流域湿地垦殖的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综合利用DEM数据、地貌数据和1954-2000年5个时段的土地利用/覆被数据,分析了该流域近50a 来的湿地垦殖过程及其影响因素,结果发现:2000年的沼泽湿地面积仅为1954年面积的36.7%,而且80%左右的沼泽湿地都开垦为耕地.自然环境要素与农场建设对整个湿地的开垦过程产生了重要影响.分布于不同海拔高度与不同坡...  相似文献   
大兴安岭主要沼泽湿地土壤碳氮垂直分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究大兴安岭北部两类主要沼泽湿地(柴桦-笃斯越桔和落叶松-杜香)土壤有机碳和全氮的垂直分布特征与积累特征,采用重铬酸钾-外加热法、凯氏定氮仪分别测定了土壤有机碳、全氮质量分数,并用环刀法测定了土壤密度.结果表明:两类湿地剖面有机碳分布均具有明显的储碳层和淀积层;上层的储碳层厚度约为10 cm,有机碳平均质量分数分别...  相似文献   
四川省湿地生态系统服务功能价值评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁艺 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(4):2177-2179,2198
依据《中国湿地百科全书》及四川省林业厅调查数据,将四川省湿地类型划分为河流湿地、湖泊湿地、沼泽和沼泽化草地、水田湿地、池塘湿地、水库湿地两大类6种类型,采用定量货币化方法对四川省湿地生态系统服务功能价值进行了估算,为四川省湿地保护与规划提供生态经济理论依据。结果表明,四川省湿地生态服务功能的总价值达7 483.03亿元人民币,相当于四川省2009年GDP的52.88%,各项湿地生态功能价值中最高的是固碳释氧功能价值达3 422.00亿元人民币,约占45.73(,其次是水分调节功能和物质生产功能,说明湿地对四川省的生态环境和国民经济有重要作用,并和人们的生产、生活、娱乐密切相关。  相似文献   
为了对东洞庭湖湿地鸟类的继续研究提供数据和理论依据,2005年7月~2006年12月采用样方法和样线法对该湿地水鸟进行了调查,共记录到水鸟89种,并对其季节动态格局进行了研究分析,结果表明,全年水鸟种类和数量均是冬季多,夏季少,特别是数量波动有明显的冬季高峰期和夏季低谷期,季节差异非常显著。  相似文献   
Linking Land-use, Water Body Type and Water Quality in Southern New Zealand   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Land-use and vegetation cover have been linked to the nutrient levels (nitrogen, phosphorus) of surface waters in several countries. However, the links generally relate to streams and rivers, or to specific types of standing water, for example shallow lakes in a geologically defined region. We measured physical variables and nutrient chemistry of 45 water bodies representative of the wide range of lentic wetland environments (swamps, riverine wetlands, estuaries, reservoirs, shallow lakes, deep lakes) in Otago, New Zealand, and related these to catchment variables and land-use in order to assess the potential influence of catchment modification on water quality of these diverse wetlands. Catchment boundaries and land cover were derived from maps using ArcView GIS software. Our predictions that concentrations of nutrients and other components of water quality would correlate positively with the nature and intensity of catchment modification were confirmed in multivariate analyses. Physical and chemical measures were positively related to the extent of modification in the catchment (percentage of the catchment in pasture, planted forest, scrub and urban areas), and negatively related to lack of catchment modification (more of the catchment in bare ground, tussock grassland and indigenous forest). The strong negative correlations between nutrient concentrations, suspended sediment, water colour and the percentage of tussock cover in the catchment imply that increased conversion of the␣native tussock grassland to pastoral farming in␣Otago will increase nutrient concentrations and␣reduce water quality of the diverse lentic ecosystems.  相似文献   
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