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In Ethiopia vertisols cover about 10% of the total land area and is the fourth most important soil used for crop production, accounting for nearly 23% of the total arable land used for crop production. More than half of the vertisols are found in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia, with an altitude of more than 1500 m above mean sea level. The unique physical and chemical properties of these soils and the high rainfall during the main cropping season create severe surface waterlogging problems which hinder crop production activities. Severe surface waterlogging affects the growth of plants by impeding nutrient uptake and creating oxygen deficiency around the root zone. To address this crop production problem, three surface water drainage methods, namely broad bed and furrow (BBF), ditch, and flat (traditional) methods were evaluated using the water balance of the plant root zone and wheat as a test crop. The experiment was conducted at the Ginchi Research Station in the central highlands of Ethiopia over two consecutive seasons (2000 and 2001). The results showed that both the BBF and the ditch drainage methods gave about 33% and 22% more grain yield than the flat treatment, respectively. However, there were no significant differences between BBF and ditch for both grain and biomass yield during both experimental seasons. During both seasons the total water balance (ΔWr) at the root zone especially, in the months of June, July and August on all the treatments was higher than the crop water requirement (ETc) and showed no significant difference between the treatments. Thus, the results of this study indicated that the soil water in the root zone was not significantly altered by surface drainage systems and therefore implies the need of further improvement of the different surface drainage methods regarding improving the waterlogging condition and hence the productivity of the vertisols in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia.  相似文献   
Cassava is an important subsidiary food and industrial raw material in the tropics. Root rot disease, caused by Phytophthora palmivora, poses a serious threat to cassava cultivation in Tamil Nadu, India. Field experiments (2008–09) were conducted to study the effect of biocontrol agents (Trichoderma spp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens) and biofertilizers (Azospirillum, vesicular–arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria) on root rot, yield, harvest index and nutrient uptake of cassava at two NPK rates. The design of the experiment was a split plot with two NPK rates, recommended and 50% recommended rate, as the main plot treatments and five biocontrol agents and biofertilizers as subplot treatments. The results clearly indicated that use of a bioinoculants consortium significantly reduced root rot infection/disease incidence over uninoculated controls. Azospirillum significantly improved the yield of cassava at 50% of the recommended rate of NPK. NPK rates had no significant impact on harvest index of cassava and Trichoderma and vesicular–arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi resulted in a higher harvest index even at 50% of the recommended NPK rate. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake was significantly improved when treated with biofertilizers and/or a consortium.  相似文献   
A 2-year study was conducted to investigate the effect of three tillage systems on the properties of clay–loam soil (EutricVertisol) planted with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the Canakkale province of north-western Turkey. Crop productivity was also evaluated. The three tillage treatments were: (1) conventional tillage involving mouldboard ploughing followed by two discings (MT); (2) shallow tillage consisting of rototilling followed by one discing (RT); (3) double discing (DD). In the first year of the study, bulk density (BD) was found significantly lower under RT at both 0–10 and 10–20 cm depths with 1.24 and 1.32 Mg cm−3, respectively, when compared to MT treatment. However, MT at 20–30 cm provided the highest BD, at 1.49 Mg cm−3. In the second year of the study, DD had the lowest BD at all depths followed by RT and MT. Based on the 2-year mean, aggregate size distribution (ASD) and mean weight diameter (MWD) were significantly influenced by tillage treatments. The greatest MWD was obtained with DD, followed by MT and RT. Increasing MWD and coarse aggregates decreased seedling emergence. Organic carbon increased after RT, DD, and MT by 58%, 30%, and 18%, respectively, when compared to the amount at the beginning of the study. Similarly, the total N in the soil and straw was higher after RT than the other treatments. At 1.76 MPa, penetration resistance at 18–30 cm was significantly higher during the growing period using DD, followed by RT with 1.35 MPa and MT with 1.33 MPa. There was no significant difference between treatments at 0–18 cm. Increasing OC and total N and decreasing BD and PR under RT increased grain yield to 4611 kg ha−1, followed by MT and DD at 4375 and 4163 kg ha−1, respectively, according to the 2-year mean.  相似文献   
滇桂地区变性土的发生特性和系统分类研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了我国西南地区变性土的形成条件和发育程度,并结合世界主要分类系统进行了分类研究。结果表明,相对于地带性土壤而言,变性土风化成土作用较弱,发育程度较低,土壤中元素的淋溶迁移及相对富集程度也远低于地带性土壤。由于粘粒含量尤其是粘粒矿物组成的差异,变性土表现出极高的膨胀潜势。通过研究,本文还对我国土壤系统分类中变性土土钢、亚纲、土类等的划分标准和依据及变性土性土的确立等提出了见解。  相似文献   
Vertisols in the Sudan occur under different climatic zones, ranging from arid in the north to tropical monsoon in the south, with rainfall varying from 150 mm to 1000 mm per annum. In this study, the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) was estimated from the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR); values of SAR and ESP for all identified soil series of Vertisols in the Sudan were extracted from the available data. These data were used to examine the variability in SAR and ESP in these soils using coefficient of variation (CV) as an index and then to regress ESP on SAR for the three master horizons (A, AC, C) and pooled data for all horizon. Curvilinear, linear, quadratic, and cubic equations were used to examine the relation between ESP and SAR. The significance of the F ratio and correlation coefficient was tested for individual equation. The soil series were then sorted out into saline and nonsaline, sodic and nonsodic, and the ESP was regressed on SAR once again. The equations used for the regression were curvilinear and first‐, second‐, and third‐degree polynomial equations. Then analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to screen any significant difference between the estimated values of ESP (using these equations and USDA salinity laboratory equation) on one hand and the actual (measured) values of ESP. The results revealed that ESP and SAR are highly variable irrespective of depth despite slight decrease with depth. Furthermore, ESP is more variable than SAR in horizons A and AC but less variable in horizon C. The regression equations indicated that ESP might be reasonably estimated from SAR. However, different equations were appropriate for different horizons. Moreover, the result indicated that in most of the cases the relation between ESP and SAR better fits quadratic equations. But for simplicity, linear equations for all horizons could be used to estimate ESP from SAR.  相似文献   
Pedogenic carbonates, found extensively in arid and semiarid regions, are important in revealing regional climatic and environmental changes as well as the carbon cycle. In addition, stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of pedogenic carbonates have been used to rebuild paleoecology (biomass and vegetation) and to estimate paleotemperature and paleoprecipitation during past geological time. By utilizing the stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions (δ13C) and (δ18O) of secondary nodules in Ustic Vertisols, this study looked into the climatic and environmental changes in the dry valleys of the Yuanmou Basin, Yunnan Province, in southwestern China. The results showed that during the early Holocene, a warm-humid or hot-humid climate existed in the Yuanmou Basin, but since then fluctuations in climate have occurred, with a dry climate prevailing. A highly significant correlation (r = 0.92, n = 9) between δ13C and δ18O values of carbonates illustrated that there had been a continual shifting between cold-humid and warm-dry climates in southwestern China including the Yuanmou Basin since the early Holocene.  相似文献   
In Mexico, corn production, part of which is sweet corn, is mainly destined for human consumption. In the present work, the morphological quality of sweet corn ears was assessed in response to four levels of soil moisture tension indicating irrigation start (−5, −30, −55, and −80 kPa) and three levels of phosphate fertilization (60, 80 and 100 kg ha−1) in carstic soils in the south-east of Mexico. A factorial experimental design with three replicates was used. The following variables were determined: fresh weight (SCFWh), dry weight (SCDWh), diameter (SCDh), and length (SCLh) of sweet corn ears, all without husk, as well as number of kernels (NKxE), number of unfilled kernels (NUK), number of rows (NRxE), and dry kernel weight per ear (DKW). Yield of fresh (YFSCh) and dry (YDSCh) sweet corn ears, both without husk, and the harvest index (HI) were also determined. HI did not show significant statistical differences among irrigation or fertilization treatments. Regarding the other variables, the effect of the more humid treatments (−5 and −30 kPa) and the effect of the higher phosphorus doses (80 and 100 kg ha−1) were statistically equal (P ≤ 0.01) with the lowest NUK and the highest values of all other variables; therefore, irrigation start at soil moisture tension of −30 kPa and phosphate fertilization application of 80 kg ha−1 are recommended. At this level of soil moisture, the mean values over the three fertilization levels and all the replicates, obtained for SCFWh, SCDh, SCLh and NKxE were 198.5 g, 4.39 cm, 26.72 cm and 467 grains, respectively. According to the regression models, moisture tensions from −11.8 to −24.0 kPa, and phosphate fertilization doses from 87.7 to 102.2 kg ha−1 minimize NUK and maximize the values of the rest of the variables. The highest irrigation water use efficiency was found in the moisture tension treatment of −30 kPa with an increase of 27 kg ha−1 ears for each millimeter of applied irrigation water.  相似文献   
Vertisol soils of central India are heavy in texture, with high clay content and low organic matter. These soils are prone to degradation and the soil loss is due to poor management practices including excessive tillage. Based on a long-term study conducted for improving the quality of these soils, it was found that management practice such as low tillage (LT) + 4 t ha?1 compost + herbicide (Hb) recorded significantly higher organic carbon (OC) (6.22 g kg?1) and available N (188.5 kg ha?1) compared to conventional tillage (CT) + recommended fertilizer (RF) + off-season tillage (OT) + hand weeding (HW) (OC: 4.71 g kg?1, available nitrogen (N) (159.3 kg ha?1). Among the physical soil quality parameters, mean weight diameter (MWD) was significantly higher under LT + 4 t ha?1 straw + Hb (0.59 mm). The practice of LT + 4 t ha?1 straw + HW recorded significantly higher microbial biomass carbon (MBC) (388.8 μg g?1). The order of key indicators and their contribution towards soil quality was as follows: OC (29%) >, MBC (27%) > available zinc (Zn) (22%) > MWD (9%) > available boron (B) (8%), > dehydrogenase activity (DHA) (5%). The order of the best treatment which maintained soil quality index (SQI) values reasonably good (>1.5) was as follows: LT + 4t ha?1 compost + HW (1.65) > LT + 4 t ha?1 compost +Hb (1.60) > LT + 4t ha?1 straw + HW (1.50). Hence, these treatments could be recommended to the farmers for maintaining higher soil quality in Vertisols under soybean system. Correlation studies revealed stronger relationship between key indicators like OC (R2 = 0.627), MBC (R2 = 0.884), available Zn (R2 = 0.739) and DHA (R2 = 0.604) with Relative Soil Quality Index (RSQI). The results of the present study would be highly useful to the researchers, farmers and land managers.  相似文献   
中国土壤系统分类(二稿),已于1987年3月问世,其中有许多宝贵的信息和进展。根据1979年以来我们对中国变性土和变性的土壤(vertic soils)的广泛调查和研究,谨对二稿中有关变性土的诊断特征,亚纲、土类和亚类的划分标准和依据等提出了见解,可作进一步拟定变性土系统分类的参考,文中还强调了完善中国变性土系统分类有待研究的问题。  相似文献   
The effect of moisture tension and doses of phosphate fertilization on yield components of sweet corn A-7573 (Zea mays L.) hybrid, in a Calcium Vertisol were evaluated. Four levels of soil moisture tension, ranging from −5 to −80 kPa, and three levels of phosphate fertilization: 60, 80, and 100 kg ha−1 were studied. In order to evaluate the effect of the experimental treatments, plant growth, development, and yield were monitored. Treatments were distributed using the randomized complete block design (RCB) for divided plots of experimental units. ANOVA analysis indicated that the effects on more humid treatments (−5 and −30 kPa) were statistically equivalent, however were different from the effect of −55 kPa treatment, which in turn was statistically different from the effect of the driest treatment (p ≤ 0.01). On the other hand, 80 and 100 kg ha−1 phosphate doses were statistically equal among them, but different from the lowest dose in almost all cases (p ≤ 0.01), which suggests that 80 kg ha−1 P2O5 application is sufficient to satisfy the nutritional requirements of the A-7573 hybrid. Both stress caused by the lack of water and the one due to deficiency of phosphorus affect all variables under study, however none of them showed interaction between irrigation and fertilization treatments. Irrigation of sweet corn crop is advisable when soil moisture tension grows to −30 kPa at 0-30 cm depth and to apply a phosphate fertilization dose of 80 kg ha−1 is also recommended; using this management, sweet corn expected average length and fresh weight are 30.8 cm and 298 g, respectively, and their average yield is around 16.5 t ha−1. In accordance with regression equations obtained, the maximum values in the evaluated response variables are obtained for a rank from −14.4 to −22.2 kPa in soil moisture tension. The greater efficiency in the use of irrigation water for sweet corn was of 36 kg ha−1 for every millimetre laminate of watering applied, found in the −30 kPa treatment of soil moisture tension.  相似文献   
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