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In the oldest commercial wine district of Australia, the Hunter Valley, there is the threat of soil salinization because marine sediments underlie the area. To understand the risk requires information about the spatial distribution of soil properties. Electromagnetic (EM) induction instruments have been used to identify and map the spatial variation of average soil salinity to a certain depth. However, soils vary with depth dependent on soil forming factors. We collected data from a single‐frequency and multiple‐coil DUALEM‐421 along a toposequence. We inverted this data using EM4Soil software and evaluated the resultant 2‐dimensional model of true electrical conductivity (σ – mS/m) with depth against electrical conductivity of saturated soil pastes (ECp – dS/m). Using a fitted linear regression (LR) model calibration approach and by varying the forward model (cumulative function‐CF and full solution‐FS), inversion algorithm (S1 and S2), damping factor (λ) and number of arrays, we determined a suitable electromagnetic conductivity image (EMCI), which was optimal (R2 = 0.82) when using the full solution, S2, λ = 3.6 and all six coil arrays. We conducted an uncertainty analysis of the LR model used to estimate the electrical conductivity of the saturated soil‐paste extract (ECe – dS/m). Our interpretation based on estimates of ECe suggests the approach can identify differences in salinity, how these vary with parent material and how topography influences salt distribution. The results provide information leading to insights into how soil forming factors and agricultural practices influence salinity down a toposequence and how this can guide soil management practices.  相似文献   
土壤水热参数是研究土壤水热传输的基本物理参数。当前热脉冲探针法(HPP)可同步测定土壤水热参数,但该方法仅限于在点尺度下测定。与其具有相同理论基础的加热光纤法(SPHP-DTS),可将测定尺度增大至田间千米尺度,但其测定精度尚未得到有效验证。为了探知SPHP-DTS法的误差,本研究进行了SPHP-DTS法与HPP法测定土壤水热参数的对比试验。结果表明,以HPP为标准,加热光纤法测定热导率的精度RMSE为0.13 W?m-1?℃-1。SPHP-DTS法测定的热导率显著高于HPP法,主要原因在于加热光纤时产生的温度效应。通过热导率法测定土壤含水率时,在热导率测定误差的影响下,SPHP-DTS法的测定精度明显低于HPP法。SPHP-DTS法测定土壤水热参数的其他误差来源包括光纤与土壤之间多个界面的接触热阻、光纤的温度敏感性、噪音干扰以及温度梯度驱动下的水分迁移。本研究可为SPHP-DTS法提升土壤水热参数测定精度提供理论参考。  相似文献   
应用热扩散技术对油松栓皮栎比导率的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年4-10月,应用热扩散技术研究北京西山地区31年生油松栓皮栎混交林标准木的比导率并对13个环境因子的变化规律进行同步观测.结果表明,在野外自然条件下,油松和栓皮栎的比导率在标准日内均呈明显的凸形变化规律,栓皮栎的比导率始终高于油松.影响树木比导率的因素基本上可以分为2类,即生物学结构的遗传特性和环境因素.在林分生长期内的不同时段,环境因子对2个树种比导率的作用各不相同,即使是同一树种,在各个时段内对其比导率产生显著影响的环境因子也不是一成不变的,但一般可用少数几个环境影响因子来比较准确地模拟出比导率的变化.  相似文献   
不同类型小麦品种大、小淀粉粒的分离和特性   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
为给小麦品质育种提供依据,以3个不同类型的小麦品种(济南17号、扬麦12号和扬麦9号)为材料,分离了大、小淀粉粒,并对它们的特性(形状、大小、膨胀势、晶体特性、糊化特性等)进行了测定和分析.结果表明,大、小淀粉粒形状为椭球形或球形,品种间无差别,但其大小和含量在品种间存在很大差异;大淀粉粒的膨胀势大于小淀粉粒.大、小淀粉粒都为A型淀粉晶体,大淀粉粒的相对结晶度差别不大,但小淀粉粒的相对结晶度差别较大,表现为济南17号<扬麦12号<扬麦9号.品种内大淀粉粒的起始温度To、峰值温度Tp值和吸收热焓△H高于小淀粉粒,终止温度Tc值却比小淀粉粒低.  相似文献   
[目的] 黄土高原退耕还林(草)工程驱动的生物结皮发育可显著抑制土壤侵蚀,为探明土壤抗侵蚀性能随生物结皮生长发育的变化特征及其响应机制。[方法] 设置藻结皮、藓结皮和自然演替结皮3个处理,培育176天,系统研究生物结皮不同发育阶段及其类型差异对黄绵土抗侵蚀性能的影响。[结果] (1)生物结皮盖度、厚度、生物量、叶绿素和粗糙度随生长时间均显著增加,培育初期藓结皮较高,培育末期自然演替结皮反而最高。(2)随生物结皮发育,土壤黏结力呈幂函数增强,较初期增加39.8%~60.3%;质量损失率呈指数函数减小,较初期降低45.6%~57.3%;饱和导水率变化趋势较为复杂,但培育末期均最低(0.08~0.12 mm/min)。(3)土壤黏结力随生物结皮盖度、厚度、叶绿素、生物量和表面粗糙度的增加呈幂函数增长,质量损失率随生物结皮盖度、厚度、叶绿素、生物量和表面粗糙度的增加呈指数函数下降。(4)土壤抗侵蚀综合指数(Cser)可表示为盖度(Cov)、厚度(T)和生物量(B)的幂函数(Cser=0.279 Cov0.194 T0.188 B0.119, R2=0.73, p<0.05)。[结论] 黄土高原生物结皮发育可显著提高黄绵土抗侵蚀性能,藓结皮效果最强。  相似文献   
土壤电导率是表征土壤水溶性盐的一个重要指标,可反映土壤盐渍化程度.为了研究高寒草甸退化对土壤电导率的影响,以三江源区未退化高寒草甸和退化高寒草甸为研究对象,系统分析了退化高寒草甸的植被特征和土壤特征与土壤电导率的相互关系.结果表明:高寒草甸退化会对土壤电导率产生显著负影响,且土壤电导率与评价高寒草甸的退化指标植被盖度、...  相似文献   
为了对比分析土地利用方式计算导水率方法适用性,利用盘式吸渗仪在林地、农地、苜蓿地进行了不同盘径和负压下土壤吸渗试验,并利用不同公式计算了土壤导水率。结果表明,有机质含量和容重较大的林地以及人为因素影响较大的农地,采用稳态流方法计算导水率比较合适,而对于土质较为均一的苜蓿地来说,采用瞬态流计算会省时省力,并得到较好的结果。因此,不同的土地利用方式应该采用不同的计算方法。  相似文献   
用水培法对8个中山杉新无性系进行不同质量分数氯化钠液处理,以相对生长量(RG)、盐害指数(SI)和相对电导率(RL)为指标,进行耐盐力评估。经聚类分析和相关性分析,结果表明:在水培条件下,不同无性系的耐盐力达0.30%~0.45%。中山杉118号具有较好的耐盐性,耐盐力为0.4%~0.45%;中山杉136号、1号、146号和149号耐盐力中等,为0.35%~0.40%;而中山杉102号,27号和24号的耐盐性较差,为0.3%~0.35%。RG与RL以及RG与SI两两均呈极显著负相关,RL和SI之间呈极显著正相关。相对生长量、盐害指数和相对电导率均可作为中山杉耐盐能力综合评价指标。  相似文献   
水分胁迫对紫花苜蓿根系吸水与光合特性的影响   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
李文娆  张岁岐  山仑 《草地学报》2007,15(3):206-211
变水条件下(利用PEG-6000模拟水分胁迫48 h,ψs=0.2MPa,之后复水48 h),测定紫花苜蓿(Medicago sattva L,品种阿尔冈金和陇东苜蓿)幼苗根系水力学导度与光合参数变化规律,旨在研究变水条件下紫花苜蓿光合作用的响应机制、植株水分吸收能力的变化规律及地上与地下部可能的相关关系.结果表明:干旱胁迫使得紫花苜蓿根系水力学导度(Lpr)受到显著影响.随着水分胁迫时间的延长,根系吸水能力呈现快速--缓慢下降趋势,即根系水力学导度逐渐下降,气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、净光合速率(Pn)和叶片水势亦随之而显著降低,胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)先随之降低但最终上升而累积.复水后,根系水导呈现缓慢--慢速的恢复趋势,Pn、Gs、Tr、叶片水势随着根系水导速率的增加而逐渐恢复;Ci则随复水时间的延长而逐渐下降.但各参数除Ci外,均没有恢复到胁迫前水平.紫花苜蓿根系水导与光合参数在复水后的恢复程度说明,紫花苜蓿对干旱逆境的抵御与适应能力相对较弱,但陇东苜蓿对水分胁迫的忍耐能力强于阿尔冈金.  相似文献   
The stability of soil organic matter (SOM) as it relates to resistance to microbial degradation has important implications for nutrient cycling, emission of greenhouse gases, and C sequestration. Hence, there is interest in developing new ways to quantify and characterise the labile and stable forms of SOM. Our objective in this study was to evaluate SOM under widely contrasting management regimes to determine whether the variation in chemical composition and resistance to pyrolysis observed for various constituent C fractions could be related to their resistance to decomposition. Samples from the same soil under permanent pasture, an arable cropping rotation, and chemical fallow were physically fractionated (sand: 2000-50 μm; silt: 50-5 μm, and clay: <5 μm). Biodegradability of the SOM in size fractions and whole soils was assessed in a laboratory mineralization study. Thermal stability was determined by analytical pyrolysis using a Rock-Eval pyrolyser, and chemical composition was characterized by X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the C and N K-edges. Relative to the pasture soil, SOM in the arable and fallow soils declined by 30% and 40%, respectively. The mineralization bioassay showed that SOM in whole soil and soil fractions under fallow was less susceptible to biodegradation than that in other management practices. The SOM in the sand fraction was significantly more biodegradable than that in the silt or clay fractions. Analysis by XANES showed a proportional increase in carboxylates and a reduction in amides (protein) and aromatics in the fallow whole soil compared to the pasture and arable soils. Moreover, protein depletion was greatest in the sand fraction of the fallow soil. Sand fractions in fallow and arable soils were, however, relatively enriched in plant-derived phenols, aromatics, and carboxylates compared to the sand fraction of pasture soils. Analytical pyrolysis showed distinct differences in the thermal stability of SOM among the whole soil and their size fractions; it also showed that the loss of SOM generally involved preferential degradation of H-rich compounds. The temperature at which half of the C was pyrolyzed was strongly correlated with mineralizable C, providing good evidence for a link between the biological and thermal stability of SOM.  相似文献   
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