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This study examines the impact of green space health on local flooding based on the analysis of eighty-two watersheds in four Texas metropolitan statistical areas: Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin. The runoff records in October 2007 and October 2012 were selected for the assessment. The study met the methodological challenge posed by comparison by using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) datasets produced based on the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery of the 250-m resolution as a proxy to represent the health of green space. Two linear regression models were employed to explain the variation in mean daily runoff depth in 2007 and 2012, while controlling multiple contextual variables.Results indicate that watersheds containing healthier green spaces were likely to generate lower amounts of runoff in both periods. Standardized coefficients of green space health also show that the NDVI is a powerful and significant predictor to explain variation in runoff. These findings illustrate the important role of urban green spaces in attenuating local flooding and may provide planners and decision-makers with a method to consider, using this kind of objective greenery index in further developing local and regional green infrastructure and land-use plans.  相似文献   
Growth overfishing in the brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus aztecus, fishery in inshore (estuarine) and offshore (Gulf of Mexico) territorial waters of Texas and Louisiana, and adjoining waters of the United States’ (U.S.) Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), and its potentially detrimental economic consequences to the harvesting sector, have not been among major concerns of Federal and State shrimp management agencies. Three possible reasons include (1) environmentally influenced variations in recruitment that cause wide fluctuations in annual landings, which tend to obscure effects of fishing, (2) competition between inshore and offshore components of the harvesting sector, and (3) partitioning of management jurisdiction among a Federal council and two State agencies. Wide variations in landings led to beliefs that high levels of fishing mortality were tolerable and recruitment overfishing was of no major concern. This encouraged somewhat laissez-faire management approaches that allowed fishing effort to increase over the years.Our objectives were to determine whether growth overfishing occurred in this fishery during 1960–2006, and whether and how decreases in size of shrimp within the landings, in response to increases in fishing effort, affected inflation-adjusted annual (calendar year) ex-vessel value of the landings, i.e., their value to the harvesting sector. Growth overfishing occurred in the early 1990s, and then abated as fishing effort declined due to rising fuel costs and competition from imported shrimp. However, inflation-adjusted annual ex-vessel value of the landings peaked in 1985, prior to growth overfishing.Management actions implemented in 2001 for Texas’ territorial waters, and in the EEZ off Texas and Louisiana in 2006, should limit future fleet expansion and increases in fishing effort, thereby reducing the chances of growth overfishing and its potentially detrimental economic impacts on the harvesting sector. Growth overfishing should be included among the guidelines for future management of this brown shrimp fishery.  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of time and temperature on the potential of bovine whole blood (WB) or plasma (PL) to metabolize the ovarian steroids progesterone, estradiol-17β and testosterone. During a radioimmunoassay study (Experiment 1), we observed a temperature and time-dependent reduction (P<0.001) of plasma progesterone concentrations in samples incubated as WB at 5, 15, 25, or 35C for up to 48 hr. Most notable was the observation that 27% of progesterone present in controls was lost when WB was incubated at 5C for 48 hr and a 17% reduction was observed when PL samples were incubated at 35C for 48 hr. Immunoreactive estradiol-17β concentrations (Experiment 2) in PL and WB incubates were not affected by time or temperature. However, immunoreactive testosterone concentrations increased more than 3-fold by 48 hr in WB incubates held at 35C. To examine the latter observation further, 3H-progesteone was incubated with WB at 35C, followed by extraction and thin-layer chromatography (Experiment 3). Results generally supported RIA findings and revealed the presence of significant 17α-hydroxylase, 17–20 lyase and aromatase activity. Heretofore this has not been considered to occur outside major steroid metabolizing organs.  相似文献   
In recent years, Texas has seen a dramatic increase in the number of clinical cases of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (pigeon fever) infection in horses. Equine pigeon fever cases at Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratories (TVMDL) were analyzed with the objectives of investigating the spatiotemporal distribution and seasonal and annual trends of pigeon fever infection in horses in Texas between 2005 and 2011 and identifying high-risk areas and create a risk map for pigeon fever in horses in Texas. The study population consisted of horses culture-positive for C. pseudotuberculosis between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2011 at TVMDL. The Poisson model of scan statistics was fitted to identify disease clusters. Empirical Bayesian smoothing was performed with the crude incidence estimates, followed by the geostatistical method of kriging to delineate high-risk areas. Cases increased 10-fold between 2005 and 2011. The annual cumulative incidence ranged from 9.3 to 99.5 per 100,000 horses at risk. Two seasonal peaks in the number of cases were observed in June and in December. Scan statistics identified a primary cluster in central Texas in 2011 (P < .0001 and relative risk of 9.2). Isopleth risk mapping also delineated a high-risk area in central Texas. High-risk areas were also detected in the panhandle and northern Texas. The epidemiological investigation supported anecdotal reports that pigeon fever is re-emerging in the Texas horse population. This study provides a baseline for future investigations of pigeon fever in the Texas horse population and serves as a reference for the disease distribution for veterinarians and horse owners.  相似文献   
In 2003 the Texas Board of Health approved a modification to the Texas Administrative Code that permitted pet owners to have their dogs (Canis familiaris) and cats (Felis catus) vaccinated against rabies every 3 years, provided a triennial vaccine was used. The change had been opposed by hundreds in the veterinary community, some concerned that its implementation would be followed by a decrease in rabies vaccination rates. To determine if this decrease had occurred, rabies vaccination rates for 4 years before and after migration to the 3-year vaccination interval were examined. Data for dogs and cats, ≥ 4 months of age, were collected from the Texas Department of Health Rabies Incident Report database. Each animal's record included its current rabies vaccination status. The number of animals that were currently vaccinated against rabies was tallied and the percent vaccinated was calculated. From 1999 through 2002, 46% of dogs were vaccinated against rabies. From 2004 through 2007, 56% of dogs were vaccinated against rabies. From 1999 to 2002, 18% of cats were vaccinated against rabies. From 2004 to 2007, 30% of cats were vaccinated against rabies. There has been a significant increase in the numbers of dogs (P < 0.001), and cats (P < 0.001), vaccinated against rabies since the introduction of the triennial vaccination interval. This observational study documents the positive changes in rabies vaccination rates following migration from a 1-year to 3-year vaccination interval.  相似文献   
West Nile Virus (WNV) was first detected in the Texas equine population during June 2002. Infection has since spread rapidly across the state and become endemic in the equine population. Environmental risk factors associated with equine WNV attack rates in Texas counties during the period 2002 to 2004 were investigated. Equine WNV attack rates were smoothed using an empirical Bayesian model, because of the variability among county equine populations (range 46−9,517). Risk factors investigated included hydrological features (lakes, rivers, swamps, canals and river basins), land cover (tree, mosaic, shrub, herbaceous, cultivated and artificial), elevation, climate (rainfall and temperature), and reports of WNV-positive mosquito and wild bird samples. Estimated county equine WNV attack rate was best described by the number of lakes, presence of broadleaf deciduous forest, presence of cultivated areas, location within the Brazos River watershed, WNV-positive mosquito status and average temperature. An understanding of environmental factors that increase equine WNV disease risk can be used to design and target disease control programs.  相似文献   
美国德克萨斯州高地平原区地下水灌溉管理方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
德克萨斯州高地平原区是美国灌溉和旱地作物的生产基地,其灌溉水源主要来源于奥加拉拉(Ogallala)地下水含水层。然而,自从1950年灌溉农业发展以来,由于对奥加拉拉含水层地下水的过度开采,使得区域地下水位严重下降,有些地区地下水位下降超过50 m。为了保护地下水资源和实现地下水可持续利用,2000年以来美国德克萨斯州高平原地区在节水压采方面开展了一系列工作,取得了较好的成效。采取的主要措施包括:用德克萨斯州高地平原蒸腾蒸发网络(The Texas High Plains Evapotranspiration Network, TXHPET)进行灌溉及地下水管理,改变作物品种,改进灌溉技术,改变种植结构,保护性耕作方法,加强降雨管理,将小部分灌溉农田转为旱作农田等。该区域1958年的灌溉面积为183万hm~2,1974年灌溉面积达到峰值,为242万hm~2;1989年灌溉面积降为159万hm~2,由于喷灌技术的推广应用,2000年灌溉面积恢复到187万hm~2。1958年大多数灌区为地面灌溉,仅有11%的灌溉面积为喷灌。1974年之后,灌溉总面积在减少,主要灌溉方式转为喷灌,中心支轴式喷灌面积稳步增长。自1989年之后,喷灌在该区域快速发展,2000年喷灌面积已占该区域灌溉面积的72%。早期的喷灌系统在较高压力下运行,自20世纪80年代,低压喷灌系统已全面使用。我国华北地区长期超量开采地下水与美国德克萨斯州高原区地下水超采情况及问题相似。兹系统介绍了美国德克萨斯州高地平原区在地下水超采情况下采取的综合措施拟为我国地下水超采地区的地下水管理工作提供技术与经验参考。  相似文献   
Long-term (> 100 yr) fire exclusion is associated with numerous ecological consequences in grasslands and savannas, including transitions into shrub- or tree-dominated systems. Several studies have reported differences in woody vegetation after multiple fires among burned and unburned rangelands, but none have reported the impacts of fire exclusion after a period of fire management. We evaluated effects of fire exclusion on herbaceous and woody canopy cover and herbaceous biomass in semiarid savanna of southwest Texas in pastures with known burn histories. Pastures were burned in summer and winter in 1994, 2000, and 2006, followed by 11 yr of fire exclusion. Between 2006 and 2017, woody subcanopy increased (5–21%) in all treatments while overstory canopy remained unchanged. Herbaceous cover decreased (5–18%) in all treatments but remained higher in burned treatments. From 2006 to 2017, herbaceous biomass declined in all treatments by > 650 kg·ha−1 and was not statistically different among treatments. These trends support other research demonstrating the importance of historical mean fire return interval in maintaining grasslands and savannas.  相似文献   
Texas bluegrass has potential as a cool-season perennial pasture grass for the south-central USA. Slow stand establishment in competitive environments is a limitation. Forage production of this grass increases with nitrogen (N), and rhizome growth increases with phosphorus (P). Stand responses by Texas bluegrass from three seed sources to seeding rate and a complete mixed fertilizer were assessed from 1997 through 2005 on a Louisiana Coastal Plain site. A linear response (R2 = 0.39, P ≤ 0.0001) to seeding rate in March 1998 persisted through 2005, even though stands at all seeding rates improved over time. Stands did not differ (P > 0.05) among seed sources. At only the higher seeding rates, rhizome mass increased with fertilization. Soil pH decreased with fertilization, and pH was positively correlated with the final stand rating in 2005. Direct stand responses to fertilization were not detected. Lack of competitive advantage, despite growth responses, and soil acidification with fertilization indicate that increased seeding rates and delayed fertilization may enhance initial establishment of Texas bluegrass in humid environments.  相似文献   
Suppression of fire in the Southern Plains has led to proliferation of woody plants and fuel load accumulation that spurs wildfires. These effects have led to calls for widespread application of prescribed fire to reduce fuel loads, but there is substantial landowner resistance to the use of this land management tool. Here we explore factors that affect perceptions of landowners in the Southern Plains about prescribed fire liability and their willingness to apply this land management tool. This region was selected for the study because of the preponderance of private landholdings and widespread woody plant encroachment. The study used a mail survey of 1 853 landowners in 16 counties in Texas and Oklahoma, resulting in a data set from 680 respondents (37% useable response rate). Logistic regression models were developed to test three hypotheses relating to the likelihood that a landowner will apply prescribed fire. The study corroborated that landowners who perceived higher levels of fire-related legal liability were less likely to apply prescribed fire on their land or assist with its application on other properties. In addition, burn bans were found to inhibit landowner willingness to apply fire during periods that result in higher woody plant mortality. Oklahoma respondents, landowners who believed prescribed fire to be an affordable woody plant management tool, and members of prescribed burning associations (PBAs) were more likely to use prescribed fire. These results have important implications for policies aimed at overcoming resistance to the use of prescribed fire to curb woody plant encroachment and reduce fuel load accumulation. Specifically, language in state statutes pertaining to prescribed fire should be modified to reduce landowner concerns over legal liability; PBAs should be established more widely; and public cost-sharing funds for woody plant management should prioritize prescribed fire.  相似文献   
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